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Adam Lambert's Malaysian gig facing protests, limitations

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010

Adam Lambert is performing a Glam Nation Tour at a Kuala Lampur suburb on Thursday, and with that is apparently coming more political drama than the "American Idol" singer has seen at any point over the course of the tour thus far.

According to USA Today, the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party -- who has a history of going after Western entertainers -- is calling for the event to be canceled due to its "objectionable content." Youth leader Nasrudin Hasan had this to say about the event:

"Adam Lambert's shows ... are outrageous, with lewd dancing and a gay performance that includes kissing male dancers. This is not good for people in our country."

Ultimately, Adam's decision to go forward with a performance is a pretty brave thing, particularly since the government will enforce the same sort of limitations that go along with the performance. Everyone on stage will be forced to dress conservatively, and Adam's direct interaction with the audience will probably also be less than other gigs.

Let's hope that everyone is safe, and that the concert is able to do on as planned for all of his fans.



The Dark Side said...

Very glad he is going ahead with the concert and not disappointing his fans. That said, also hope the security is very good. These extremists have a way of making their point in such radical ways. Fortunately, the Country is mostly Muslim, but many Islamic and have die hard followers. Big shout out to Adam for going forward. Dark Side will not rest until Adam safely in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! This is very serious stuff! You think the protests from what we saw in the US was bad! this is worse and they mean business! They can be very radical and fanatical about their beliefs.
Adam, please, please just make your show very CONSERVATIVE. Better safe than sorry... we just want you to be safe bb.

Anonymous said...

Please be safe Adam and GNT...

Anonymous said...

I have been concerned about this show ever since they announced it since recently there have been violent protests there in the capital. I only hope he does tone down the show since he could be arrested if he offends the wrong ppl. And we all know that all Adam has to do is just stand there and sing! Maybe no dancers either and all of them completely covered. I also read that in his contract that he signed for this venue he will abide by all their rules. Should be interesting but I will be very relieved when he's in the air out of there! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Many europeans voluntarily like to spend their holidays in Malaysia and other Asian countries. I have preferred Middle East. It really makes me laugh how the americans are so jumpy about this.

Anonymous said...

Adam's security better be stellar and TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT!! We do NOT want anything happening to Adam!! His message is one of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING and he is so BRAVE to go forward with this.

He is smart he will follow the rules. He is just a loving soul - we need his guardian angel to protect him during this show and bring him SAFELY out of this area of this country and onto Australia!!


Anonymous said...

I think maybe a "country-appropriate" performance there will go a long way with producers "trusting" him in other situations. Maybe he'll see this as an opportunity. (Hi Adamluv) Ebbtide

nancdruuu2 said...

I pray for Adam and the Glamily. There are a lot of crazies in this world. Please be safe Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be Adam. His true fans expect no less. If they don't like the show, don't go!! No censorship please. That means they win. And for the record, Adam has already shown his bravery and courage many times. What Paula said regarding Adam being the bravest idol participant ever is so true.

Anonymous said...

His fans know what to expect and also what their country demands. Adam will put on an appropriate show and still be himself. This group has tried to ban other artists. Adam and Mgmt had to know that this sort of thing might happen and they accepted Malaysia's invitation to perform. This story all over the news today. What's the old adage, any news is good news.

Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting to see how Adam handles this show...if there are dancers, what they're wearing, how "sexy" the show is, etc.

Ebbtide - you have a very good point that this may be his chance to earn some "trust".

Hope everyone is safe.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

And you peeps love to bash Christians...too funny. We need to watch the behaviour of Muslims in America. Anyone for the mosque at ground zero?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:16 - what"s funny about us having a realistic concern about Adam's well being? Quess you dont read much about what's going on in the world? Welcome Ebbtide to 24/7 and we all know the man is very capable of giving a fabulous show by just standing still or sitting and letting his magnificant voice be the central focus! In fact this might be a great show! But maybe no videos? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

And another point - going as an unknown tourist to a country is certainly different than going as an out gay male performer! Let's not be naive here. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh Hell. more of this crap. If Adam has an understanding of this situation and has ageed to the rules, that is fine with me, just hope his interpretation of their rules are the same.
Just hurry up and get to Australia and NZ Adam we are waiting.You will have a ball. Please keep safe. I bet Mum Lambert will be glad when her two boys are out of there. I would be.
Onthe positive side I agree with Ebbtide,use this experience to show them all.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is "up" on this. We have protests in this country and know what that is about. I DON'T always know what could happen in other countries. I know what happened in China. I would hate to see anyone arrested etc. Surely his people are aware of the possible consequences, right? Be safe Adam!


Oh, and I think the mosque on ground zero has been blown out of proportion to the nth degree. The politcians have all had a great time with this. There were two mosques IN THE WOLD TRADE CENTER at the time of the attack. There is a mosque there now...everyone peacefully worshiping there NOW...with all the construction going on. The people who attacked us were radical terrorists... period. They did it in the name of their God, just like radical Christians do. If they truly followed Islam, they would not have killed themselves. Suicide is as serious in that religion as the Christian religion. You guys should read "Religion for Dummies" like I do...ha.

Anonymous said...

The catholics will decide, because wtc was on their property, am I right?

Anonymous said...

I hope he will be safe. I will be relieved when he is on USA soil.

Anonymous said...

Let the games begin, people!

Anonymous said...

lmb - you are the most naive person I have read on this site. The reason suicide is serious in "that" religion is they believe that if in killing yourself you take out "infidels" you will assure yourself and your family a place in heaven. Parents gladly offer up their young children to be suicide bombers for that reason. You are an infidel and I am an infidel because I am not a muslim. I hope you know where you can gently place your 'religion for dummies,' just remember to pull your head out first.

I guarantee the mosque at ground zero will not be built, because no non muslim construction workers in New York will do the work. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

12:16 Americans are "jumpy" and I'm really glad you get a kick out of this. It is because we lost 3000 people to muslim terrorists who used our own airliners to take down the twin towers in New York, hit the Pentagon and try to take out either the congress or the white house. You might call on us sometime in the near future to help you when you are terrorized by these people. Everyone calls on America in a crisis, but offers no help to us. Your sarcasm and crassness don't sit well with people who love their country and will die for its freedom.

Anonymous said...

Confio que Adam y su equipo tomaran las precauciones necesaria para hacer un excelente Show, sin forzar las exigencias de este país.
cumpliendo el objetivo de llevar su arte a todos esos fans que tanto lo quieren.

Anonymous said...

Why was he even booked here? I'm sorry but I am all about Adam's safety. Why did his team book him here? I truly hope love will prevail and he and his fans can enjoy the night and be safe...Eye of Horus do your stuff!

Cheril said...

Respect their religion while you are on their soil and show your beautiful voice. Then get out of there and never go back. It is ridiculous to put Adam and his family in harm's way.

Anonymous said...

I do understand that it is different situation for the americans, because your country is at war with so many nations. I am against that Finland would be a member of Nato, because that would drag us to the oil and drug wars. This year some Nato officials came here and said they need Finland. Well, we don't need Nato :D

Anonymous said...

lmb@1:24 You said it. You don't know what goes on in other countries.

In muslim countries, they kill homosexuals. They dig a hole deep enough so that the person to be stoned can stand in it. Then the stonee is placed in the hole and it is filled up with dirt so their head and neck are not covered. Next the stoners pick up small stones and throw them at the head of the stonee. The small stones (not rocks) are used to inflict as much pain and suffering until the person dies from being hit with the stones. It can take up to a few hours. The stonings are announced well in advance so that there are many stoners and observers. It has become the muslim world's favorite spectator sport!

You really should catch up on world politics. It's a lesson you won't soon forget.

Anonymous said...

Finlandia @ 2:22 NATO is a good thing. NATO stands for North American Treaty Organization and acts as peace keepers for the world. Those countries who belong to NATO offer their assistance when asked. The UN or United Nations is the organization that every country should pull out of and America should tear down the UN building in New York. Finland is a proud member of that organization and for that should hang it's national head in shame. It is nothing but a figurehead for ambassadors from every nation to come, vote to sanction countries for their atrocities against their own people and nothing ever gets accomplished. The UN is a total useless sham and needs to be disbanded.

I am an American of Finnish ancestry
Liisa Heikkenen Walkema

Anonymous said...

I think some of you have the wrong view of KL. Yes its a predominately muslim country, and this PAS group are obviously extremists. But don't tar the whole country with the same brush. KL is a great city, with some great people and there are obviously lots of fans there who want to see Adam, as I think the venue is nearly sold out.
But whatever country he's in he needs to be aware of the rules/customs etc of that place. The customs are not going to be the same as in America. And really the dancing/costumes etc are great, but the voice is what matters, that on its own is enough.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

What don't some people Get about being a guest in another country??? America does not rule the world, and each country has its own customs. Adam knows what he has to do to be a welcomed guest, and he will.

Anonymous said...

BB Please just walk out on stage, sit on a stool, have a big spotlight on you, tone down your outfits and makeup and SELL IT!!!!! could sell out a concert sitting and singing in your the world your talent, respect for other's beliefs, and please stay safe. This is a chance to show just how talented you are....go out and SING!

Anonymous said...

Hey lighten up on lmb! They deserve their own opinion! Be respectful for goodness sake! There are plenty of very knowledgable people who agree with her.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:32, why do you even bring up "America does not rule the world"? Duh! What does that have to do with this thread? I get so annoyed when I hear that! All we try to do is keep peace in the world and this is the payback we get. Wherever you are, fine, don't come running to us when you need us. You are on your own. That's more of our own courageous men and women soldiers, sons and daughters and grandchildren etc we can keep safely home and not fighting your battles for you. Our concerns for Adam are valid.

Sorry to rant, but you bring up a sore subject! I won't do it again.

Anonymous said...

Can we look at Adam for his music please. He is a performer. Everything is theatrical! For fun! Please lets not make this about religion and attack the good people who are of differant religions please..then we are no better than those nut cases that protested in the USA or the PSA group that spew hatred. Adam and his people will handle it..for the sake of the loyal fans who do love him. I am sure they out number the crazies 10-1

Anonymous said...

I think what @4.32 means is that all countries are different, and being American you shouldn't expect all countries to have the same rules,laws/customs/beliefs/morals etc as the States.
Just because the Malaysian Government want Adam and crew to cover up, and tone down some of the antics doesn't make them wrong, or the country wrong. Afterall they are 'liberal' enough to want Adam performing there in the first place.
The PAS are are a different kettle of fish, but sound like a small minority, and very much like your own Westboro Baptists.
Hopefully he understands the cultural differences of Malaysia, and will put on a great show highlighting his amazing voice.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Very well said HK fan.


Anonymous said...

Adam is brave, respectful and also smart as many on this site are. This isn't a political forum and I'm disappointed that some of you feel the need to bash any religion or country. There are extremists all over the world that are envious of the US and want to inflict their will on a free nation. We also have radical Christians in the US that want to inflict their will on those that disagree. We also have devout Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. that quietly practice their religion with loving hearts. Rather than find fault with one another lets follow Adam's lead and accept our differences with respect and enjoy the common bond that unites us all, which is Adam. I believe in respecting and honoring every countries customs, whether I agree or not. It is after all not my country and I am but a visitor. Adam is a considerate, intelligent man that doesn't want to offend. If he wants to push the envelope in his own country that's his right, but I think he's respectful and intelligent enough to realize he's also an ambassador of the US and wouldn't want his conduct to reflect poorly. Peace and love, people.. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Just checked this site. I am fully aware this is an Adam site and so I apologize for writing about Islamic extremists, but I need to respond to the offensive comments in regard to my comment earlier. First of all, I stand by my assertion that the Qur’an does not condone suicide for any reason. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t extreme factions of Islam that use religion as an excuse for their actions. All three of the major religions do this. If you are a Christian, do you think that Fred Phelps of the Westboro Church (God hates f…) represents you or Christianity? How about “ good” Christians that kill doctors that work at abortion clinics? Do they represent all Christians? How about the priests who are pedophiles…does that mean that being a pedophile is part of Catholicism? I have heard all of the arguments about jihad, killing the infidels etc. Take a look at Deuteronomy. It gives reasons for stoning. And then there is Lot who sleeps with his own daughters...does that mean Christians accept incest as part of their doctrine? I am acutely aware that homosexuality is an abomination in the Islamic faith, and that people are often killed..Homosexuality is considered an abomination in Judaism and the point that children kill themselves. Only factions of those religions are gradually changing minds. The only Muslims I know are my neighbors. We work together on neighborhood projects. They don’t scare me at all. Intolerance and ignorance does. Now I think I understand why Adam says he is Jew-ish. I also understand why I appreciate John Lennon‘s song, Imagine…as in “ Imagine there’s no religion. That would be nice. To the person who told me where to stick the “Religion for Dummies” book…you sound like a bully I knew in seventh grade. And if you still think the controversy over the mosque two blocks from ground zero isn’t politically motivated…you’re naive.


Anonymous said...

11:30 Aetheists have done more wrong in this great country of ours than Radical Christians. No "Under God" in the pledge of alliegence, the removal of nativity scenes from the fronts of churches, In God We Trust to be removed from our money? Soon to be called Winter Holiday instead of Christmas. What garbage.

If you have EVER said anything negative about a Christian and you give your children and others presents on December 25, you, my friend(s), are the biggest of hippocrates. YOU are celebrating the birth of Christ while mocking others that do the same.

And to be fair to all, Columbus Day (Yesterday) has been changed to Fair Day. Why?

Obama did not acknowledge the National Day of Prayer but did invite imams and other followers of Islam to the white house for the beginning of Ramadan.

Political correctness is going to be the ruin of this country.

Anonymous said...

Michael, Are you still here?

Anonymous said...

Oh 10/12 11:25am - what people do and say in the name of religion... you included???? Or not?