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Adam's Glamily

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 23, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 23, 2010

suz526's new video!


Anonymous said...

Love It...

Urethra_Franklin said...

Gotta give props!

Anonymous said...

Suz is at it again! Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Glamtastic, Suz. Thx for this and all the other glamazing GNT videos you've created for us. Happy Halloween, everyone.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everybody, specially to you, «Master Angel» Suz526! We are Glamily too and we love you in a special way! Thanks for your beautiful works, the best moments of our great 2010 summer!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Happy Halloween

Anonymous said...

that was great!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!

The Dark Side said...

That was...Fun, Fun, Fun.

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again SUZ526

Anonymous said...

I think our vampire..Adam... will be bloody happy with this....

Anonymous said...

Love this video! Thanks Suz526! Happy Halloween Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

Just BRILLIANT !!! Thank you Suz. Happy Halloween to everyone.

judys dancin said...

Great video! Love how everything was in time with the music!!

Anonymous said...

Suz526, one can tell you put hours and hours into the brilliant piece of work. Many thanks for the Halloween surprise!!! Keep it up, we are always on the look out for your work. I wish we could pass the tin cup and send you to all the UK shows. sounds like a good idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it ..Love it.. Love it .

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Suz!!!HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Suz you are amazing! I ♥ it! Love the wordings too!

How fitting! Adam's Glamily... hahah

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! Thanks Suz!

Anonymous said...

love it, the speeded up parts made me chuckle out loud..

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was great! Very clever!!!! Thanks, Suz!

Anonymous said...

Suz you are so creative! What a kick to watch.
Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Suz for all the video's you have posted for all the world to enjoy all summer long and now into fall. We are so thankful you are able to make it to so many performances and bring Rolando along with you! Happy Halloween to you and all the Glamily here and the Adam Glamily of course! You are a treasure.


Anonymous said...

Now this made my day. Suz thanks for your dedication and creativity. You have given us so much and hope that in our simple ways we can give back the love to you.


Anonymous said...

Can we call it Happy Glamoween?!! Great vid Suz!! It had me entertained!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Glamoween! I like that! Super video! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Suz, very creative and amusing! Thanks for all you do for us!

Anonymous said...

Still smiling suz!!

Anonymous said...

That was so creative and fun. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...
