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Another Picture From “Pirates vs. Ninjas”

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Source: LA Weekly

Also, please vote in the following poll:

Should 24/7 allow 'Anonymous' users posting? Due to the amount of trolls that have come up, we are considering whether we should disable anonymous posting on this site and just allow 'Registered' users to comment on threads. This means that if you have an account with Google, Livejournal, Worldpress, AIM etc, you can comment on this site. That way, we can prevent people from trolling or steal someone else's identity. Please let us know what you think! Thanks!

Should 24/7 allow 'Anonymous' users posting?
Not Sure free polls


Anonymous said...

Uh oh...I was beginning to wonder how long the anonymous tag will stay on 24/7 considering how that troll from that other thread started being such an ass.

I only post using Anonymous so this is a weird situation for me. I don't have other accounts. But I won't vote. I'll wait and see what others say. If need be, I may create an account to post.

Anonymous said...

I post as anonymous here frequently. But, I'll often sign my blog nickname in the context of what I write.

That troll(s) on the other pirate thread was quite obnoxious.

I'm mixed about getting rid of anonymous. I'm not registered anywhere else excepts certain blogs.


Anonymous said...

Ellen retweeted Adam's tweet about his and Ellen's moms at LA's gay pride parade.

Anonymous said...

We can kiss Adam's lead on the AIOTM contest goodbye.James is too close now..I wish we could stop it,but it looks like we can't.If the posts are limited to registered posts only,then I can't post either.

Anonymous said...

As to the topic at hand - wow-ee, that is an eye-full in that picture!!! The guy's (lack of) costume, on the left, is pretty amazing! And boy, is Adam's hair big!! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I will no longer comment if we leave the anonymous status--not that anyone would care lol. This site is unique in that you can write a quick note without logging in or registering. As a result, we get rather diverse opinions and, yes, sometimes disagreements. So what if we get trolls. This is JMO, and I'm sure the site administrator will do what they think best.

Uranus said...

Please don't disable Anonymous.

I read and comment on 24/7 at work (I know, I know, I shouldn't.) because my boss won't allow us to login in to any website using the computers from the company. And it would be hard for me to make a comment if it is disabled.

So yeah, I voted YES. I want this feature. (despite the mean trolls.)

Anonymous said...

I think we need to hear from those users who post here the most often. I'm not going to name any names but I enjoy reading the veterans' comments here. Some of them post using an account but many of them post using Anonymous' name tag. So we'll see.

But ultimately 24/7 should decide.

Anonymous said...

I post a lot under Anonymous and only when I have something nice or interesting to say. I would be too shy to give an identity. We can scroll past the trolls which are easily spotted - don't let them spoil it for the rest of us who want to keep writing in. If a comment if offensive, it can be deleted. The mean comments will surface on twitter or facebook anyway.

Anonymous said...

I post anonymously just out of laziness, not having to log in. I'm registered but it's just easier. Really, I wouldn't say anything that I would be unwilling to put my name on. Anything that would reduce hating would be good with me! VestaRose

Anonymous said...

Who is called a troll? Is that someone who have different opinions from yours?

Anonymous said...

well, Adam's parties seem alot more interesting than any of the parties I go to where everyone is usually in jeans and a nice top haha

LIVA said...

lol I'm torn between 'yes' and 'not sure'. but i voted for yes.

I really don't think a couple of trolls should end the anonymous feature. It wouldn't be fair for us who post using this feature.

I hope the admins decide NOT to disable it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I really believe it's only one person that's the problem and it's a shame that she creates so much negativity causing some long time posters to leave. I understand the pros and cons of posting anon. Many do for legitimate reasons, but I do like getting to know so many really nice men and women that use a tag. I've always used mine and was comfortable doing it, but I also respect the rights of those that don't. Differences of opinion makes the world go round and can enlighten as well as entertain. It doesn't make anyone right or wrong, just an opinion. But this is different. This person has an agenda. Taking someone's identity and fixating on specific individuals in the manner that is so deliberately frequent and repetitive seems pathalogical. I don't know if it's possible to block this one person without a true identity, but that certainly would eliminate the problem. Other infrequent trolls that appeared when Kris Allen/Adam/Idol controversies were going on were annoying, but you have that on all sites from time to time and they don't stay. This has been such a friendly, informative site and the administrators have been so wonderful accommodating us. I really don't know the answer, just that one person should not have the power to take another's identity and persecute them for some sick reason that makes no sense. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ 10:13, I think you very well know what is a troll, in fact I think you're personally very well aquainted. It's obvious.

Anonymous said...

Admin - thank you VERY MUCH for asking! Shows a lot ofconsideration.
As for the answer - hmmm, it's a tough one. The trolls have been making our lives misrable, but some regular users may find logging-in less friendly. I have to think about it a little longer.

In other news - seems like Adam went to a Bruno Mars concert. Someone tweeted:
Trent Vanegas
#BrunoMars is a much better live act than I anticipated
Also, we have better seats at this concert than #AdamLambert & the #KyleXY guy (no, they're not here together but they are behind us).

Hk fan said...

I like the fact that I don't have to register to post a comment. I have no accounts with google, worldpress, live journal etc and don't no how easy it is to make one. Would overeas posters be able to log in that way. I have been trying to register on MJ's for nearly 2 years and haven't been able to,its very frustrating. I would hate to lose the ability to comment here. And its really only one or 2 people that spoil it for others (admittedly the latest one is the worst). If we all just ignored them and didn't reply in any way I'm sure they'd soon get fed up. I would hate for it to become like the Examiner where no one posts anymore. Can't admin just delete the nasty comments?

Maria said...

funbunn40 - I agree with you that the troll is one person. It's really sad that we may lose this function because of that....

In a perfect world, everyone would be able to register and login to comment without no worry but I live in a remote area in Latin America and for some reason, I can't register with any of those options....I like 24/7 because it gives us the ability to speak freely without identification. Although I wish the trolls would move on and not stick around.

Maria said...

I also agree with Hk fan that it would be very quiet without the anonymous function. People are too lazy to login, especially when they're not at home (library, work etc.)

So I hope the admins will consider this. Not just the poll results.

HK fan said...

It seems Adam is at /has been at a Bruno mars concert, photo taken back stage

Anonymous said...

I sign my name at the bottom of my comments, but still under the profile of anonymous. I hope someone will explain how to "register". I would hate to lose so many who come here under Anon just because of one, two or even three ridiculous people. This is a tough one.


PRS said...

I get the need (for some at work) for the anonymous tag.
However, I personally feel that if you can't take responsibility for your words, you probably shouldn't be posting them.
There will always be trolls...we as adults can easily chose not to respond to them and feed their habit.

Anonymous said...

I don´t have a computer at home, so I use it at work. As someone said, the rules prohibits me to register as well. It would be such a pity to lose the possibility to tell an opinion once in a while.
It seems to be just ONE person who is making the trouble. Waiting.. R.M.

Anonymous said...

I've been giving both sides a lot of thought and we have so many good anon comments from those at work, long time and foreign posters that I don't want to lose any of them or make it inconvenient for them to be a part of this site. Besides, if I want to be naughty and am concerned that I might creep y'all out by not acting my age and sounding like a cougar, I might choose to be anon! lol I think the offender is very recognizable and we need to just consider the source, scroll on by and not respond at all. We all know that Sanni and others are not mean spirited and if our opinions differ on Adam's hair or other non important silly things as well as our music tastes,etc. that is what keeps it interesting and I've altered my take on some things, thanks to you all. This person posting as someone else is just morally wrong and when she posts beneath her post, agreeing with and complimenting herself, again pretending to be someone else it's very transparent and loses any relevance. I choose from now on, to just ignore and not give this person the power to dictate and alter the good vibe of this very special site. I vote to keep anon and all our family of caring posters. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think this site will lose a good many posters if they can't post anonymously. People may even stop reading this site altogether if they can't post anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, administrators for giving us the opportunity to express our feelings and views. You do your best to keep this site friendly and fair to all that are here, even when we get worked up and get passionate! You do a great job keeping it fair and fun for all. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam´s hair has never been so high! LOL

glitzylady said...

Thanks to admins for trying to figure out the best way to make this work for everyone. Too bad it even has to be discussed.. : ( I don't mind owning my comments but I don't want anyone to have to leave because of a sign in requirement. I also don't mind hearing different opinions and I don't call someone a troll just because they disagree with me, because I respect the right of everyone to have an opinion. However I don't like mean or rude remarks, just for the sake of stirring things up. And I don't like censorship either, but some remarks are just vile and nasty enough that once in awhile it makes sense to just delete those, especially if someone is making someone else's life miserable..Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to vote.....I do not have an account with anyone, don't even know how to get one. Like Sister I need someone to explain to me how to register if it becomes necessary. I'm
a jinx with such things. I joined Adam's fan club and it worked fine for me a couple weeks then I was denied access because my password was wrong??????? wasn't, but they insisted I choose another I did, it worked once, then same message....wrong. I've now been thru 4 passwords and finally gave up. Would this same thing happen to me here? I am very spoiled and enjoy sitting down to chat with all of you.
I already miss Sanni and wonder if Elli gave up because of our problem? I miss her too. I would miss all of you! Differing opinions don't bother me and there is a frequent slam against me from someone who doesn't like me or my politics, but that's okay, they don't jump on other people and it doesn't bother me......not
liking me isn't scary, but this other person is.
I wouldn't know how to begin to solve this problem.....but I hope someone does. At least most of us are aware now and can recognize this person's posts and just ignore them.

Could administration just delete the remarks as glitzylady suggested? They are easy to spot as SHERLOCK has pointed out!......HELP!........JAK

Anonymous said...

I think giving the email address to Admin should be okay; it's not published anyway, but not the password which allows access to one's more personal information. So in the event Admin is suspicious, they have a small lead and do whatever is appropriate. Just a suggestion.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Jak, I too have that same issue with Adam's website unless I sign in with facebook and I am warry about signing in via something else. I think we should have to sign in with an identifier. I think it would calm things down a lot and make us more accountable and not so mean spirited toward one another. I think it would force us to stay more on topic too. Who says we can't still share our varied opinions? It would just make us think twice before saying something potentially hurtful or just plain lame. I say an emphatic 'yes'! I do think that maybe we should not have to sign in via some other site, but you, ADMIN, should sign us up and we give you our email addresses and we can choose our passwords.
Just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 for making it possible to talk about this problem. It´s very frustrating to witness how someone is harassed and stalked and forced to silence. Sanni can´t be on this site because of this person and many others have left.
24/7 is now like a dinner party with a child sitting at the table screaming to get attention. It´s hard to have a conversation and people are dropping off. Wish there was a parent to take the child to the "childrens table", but we have no parent here. We are expected to behave as grown ups and not everyone is capable to do that.
I really wish we could go on like before with no registration and be able to be Anon. I´m Anon but always use a name tag.
I don´t know why it is a problem to register. I can only compare with Adamtopia, where I have registered and it was easy. I don´t have to sign in every day. I´m always logged in, but I can se the problem with logging in at work :).
I don´t know how this site is administrated. I guess Admin has a life of her own and don´t want to be a "parent" to a bunch of crazy children with behavioral issues, but sometimes a moderator is badly needed.
I have really enjoyed it here with you sweet people, but if my time here will be filled with scrolling and ignoring I´m dropping off.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be a good idea to have to log in to post. It might stop some people being patronising.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech and expression are very important folks. Some of the visitors here are beyond rude and not forgiving at all. Those trolls are not educated.

I don't have an account and I'm still hoping that the anon will continue on this site.

Anonymous said...

I have written on several sites and the minute I see a box asking for password or stating, you must be signed in, I leave. So in the event, a newcomer wants to post something here, this might put the potential poster off; which means your membership of this site may stagnate. So even if we choose a new password, it may still deter newcomers because they just feel put-off by having to sign in. Maybe we just start with the email first and make further adjustments if the need arises. I don't mind choosing a new password; I am thinking more of this site. Just personal experience.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I come here almost everyday to comment as Anon and I don't mind to register to log in. But most of the time, I can't sign in my Goole account and this site don't require anything to comment. But lately, it is getting uncomfortable to read all those nastiness. As Adam become more famous, it will get worse. So Admin, please make the sign in process simple to navigate.
Anon from Canada

Anonymous said...

I think the trolls sometimes spice things up on these blogs in that it galvanises us glamberts together even more and sparks off conversations between glamberts!! I don't think we should let trolls stop us - Adam wouldn't!

Anonymous said...

I read this site a lot but rarely post. It seems quite "clicky" at times.

Anonymous said...

@-Lam my
I agree with you. I used to think exactly like you. If a site needs username and password, I didn´t bother joining and that´s why I got stuck here:-). But these last couple of weeks this place has become so ugly and depressing so I went to Adamtopia. I just lurked for weeks but then I signed in to be able to comment. They are a funny bunch of different people and they all seem to know eachother well. That makes me feel a bit left out since I´m new there and I don´t comment much. But it´s a friendly place and no personal attacks are allowed.
I didn´t vote on this poll because it seems like most people want to keep it as it is, and they don´t mind ignoring and scrolling.
Perhaps I´m too sensitive. I am allergic to ignorance and stupidity and being exposed to that so much for two years with Adam, I just hoped to be spared that on an Adam fan site.


Anonymous said...

Not letting people comment with anonymous is discrimination. alot of anonymous post are people with opinions and opinions is freedom of speech. I think alot of the comments/opinions are taking out of context. Alot of the people here are way to deep in their obsession with a man who would probably sit back and shake his head about the whole thing and laugh. It's like an exclusive litte club and I don't want to be a member of any club. I will gladly not post here anymore under any name. I will continue my support for AL elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

The bullying comments made here are hilarious. I don't see any type of bullying taking place. There are people who have opinions and they speak them. I think it's blown way out of proportion. I think alot of people feel intimidated by a person or persons making a statement that they have no control over. I think if a login is needed, than alot of people will gladly go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm a sucker for spice and come here when I want a dose. Login is a brillant idea. go ahead and see how many people will go elsewhere and air out their dirty laundry. If they can't do it on one blog than another one is in their sights. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I think the person that invented the word TROLL needs smacked. It is so agitating. It's like an itch that can't be scratched. The word TROLL is used by people who feel they can't have control over a situation or opinion. The person that uses the word TROLL are insecure and think everyone is out to get them. TROLL is elementary and should be eliminated from all vocabulary. isn't a TROLL a person with a little mind? If that's the case than I got my answer.

Anonymous said...

The so called TROLLS are people with opinions. I think they should be able to speak them freely. There has never been a threat made, so it isn't a serious issue. It is the truth being spoken alot of the time and people can't handle the TRUTH. It gets carried away and it's just snarkiness.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to see how this virtual 'democracy' will work out. :-)

I am lazy but I won't mind registering if necesary. (I won't stop eating in my favourite place just because a dress code might be required... I'll dress for the occasion and that's it!

How interesting to observe all these 'working' people here!... We should ask the bosses to vote also. :-)

I like 'pink' only with a little 'black' so I promise I'll be the on-duty troll on this site if our votes will send all the 'negative ones' away. Anyway, I doubt the Admins will make this an exclusive place 'cause...
We likeey the crowds...Crowds are goodie...Don't they? We love to possible... :-)

Rather bad English speaker, always half joking,
Yours truely,

PS: Profiling Anonymous. For now. :-))

Anonymous said...

Hey Eva, the part you mention about no personal attacks are allowed is good but Admin once said it is difficult to monitor and scathing comments and worse still, the using of another person's name, get published. So can this be programmed or factored in on this site?
Another suggestion: If personal attacks comments get published, they can be reported to Admin by users here and have them immediately deleted instead of allowing them to dominate the whole thread.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I have my own business and can work my own hours from home. I'm fortunate. I come here and want to be entertained. I see alot of discrimination and Adam Lambert would be sad for all of it going on. He would want The Trolls and The Paranoid working in complete harmony. go fight amongst yourself.

Hk fan said...

I'm just worried that if we have to register I won't be able to like on MJ's, and I know from another site that I was not the only one who was unable to ever successfully log on there. I don't want to go back to just being a lurker here now, I like 'chatting' to people and making comments. A year or so ago thjere used to be someone, something mama? that used to come on and comment on bad posts and delete them. What happened to that? Could that just not happen again?

glitzylady said...

I think some have missed the point of why this poll was put up here in the first place. It has nothing to do with having varied opinions and honest opinions on this blog. It has nothing to do with maintaining "cliques" and excluding anyone. It has everything to do with trying to keep people (relatively few thankfully) whose sole purpose is to come here to harass others, accountable and to try keep someone from pretending to be someone else and spreading ill will using that person's good name. Many posters are becoming disgusted with the tone of the blog lately and leaving. Ignoring posts is fine but if this continues, there might be no one left. Everyone has the right to an opinion, but voicing nasty insults based on nothing but hate, and calling people names is not okay with me. You may have the "right" to do so, but it is bullying, plain and simple. This blog is intended to spread the light and love that Adam Lambert himself is all about, not hate and bulls**t. I don't have time to elaborate any further but I just hope people think about the bigger picture here. Whether or not we have a "no anon" blog or have to sign in or just keep things the way they are, I would hope we can get back to talking about Adam in a positive way and stop insulting each other. That is the real point of whats going on here.

Anonymous said...

I think the "anonymous" feature allows for more honesty. Sure, you will get the bad with the good. But that's the way life is. While you're griping about "trolls", don't forget to count your blessings that we have the freedom to even have places like this website to post opinions. I say grow up and deal with the trolls. I'd rather know that they are out there and what their opinions are than not. In general, I think it's good to know what you're up against. Don't forget - "Knowledge is power." - Abby

Anonymous said...

If Adamtopia can screen off those comments with personal attacks, why can't this site do the same?
Another suggestion: Users of this site can report these scathing comments to Admin who can delete them immediately instead of letting them dominate the whole thread.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Keep the anonymous comments, for all the reasons listed above. But I think it's possible to determine which IP address a poster is using - if so, why not just block the IP addresses of people whose comments are obscene or offensive?

Anonymous said...

I want the anon to continue. Keeps it real. HOWEVER, real trolls are just here to cause trouble and lie and stir up bad feelings. People with legitimate differing opinions are NOT necessarily trolls. Real TROLLS have one intention: to ruin the site with junk and flagrant misinformation or really inflammatory statements. But I think we can handle these real trolls when they occur. We can't let them rile us up. The anon option here is why I'm here so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for trying to explain. It seems like lots of people missed the point. Perhaps they didn´t see what went on here a couple of days ago.
Hopefully it has calmed down now.
How do you "deal with the trolls"? How would you deal with this person (I don´t call her troll)? Is "dealing with trolls" scrolling and ignoring?


Honey said...

It's actually a wonder that the anon commenting has worked as good as it had. You all know how much hate some online news articles receive! I don't know any other Adam fan site that allows anonymous commenting.

But the anon has it's time to go. Trolls, identity thefts and spamming has got to go, otherwise the discussion will eventually degenerate.

It's not even about telling your real identity! I would never comment here using, say, my real life Facebook account. It's about keeping up on who is who, and to make discussions more meaningful when people has to stand behind what they say.

Of course anyone can create a sock puppet account for trolling, but that really takes effort, and we'd still know which one is which.

It's easier to go anon? Sure. But a little effort can take you far. You are too shy to tell who you are? Create an account only for this purpose, then. You don't know how to create an account? ...what were you doing in the internet, again?

Anonymous said...

Hi Admin, I just posted 2 comments on this thread; they appeared for a while but now not here anymore. What happened to them? Thanks.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

"Not letting people comment with anonymous is discrimination. alot of anonymous post are people with opinions and opinions is freedom of speech."

Discrimination? Are you serious? Discrimination against who? Against people who don't have LJ or Gmail accounts? Against people who are too lazy to sing in?

And freedom of speech? ummm... Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right to say whatever you want ANONYMOUSLY. You can, say, criticize the Christian church or Adam Lambert for your heart's will and the freedom of speech gives you the right to do so, but people and organizations can also get accounted for what they say. That's the reason for legitimate online newspapers always requiring you to give your email addy. That way if you write hate speech in their commenting, it's not them that gets prosecuted, it's you.

So, the right of free speech doesn't give the right to speak anonymously, unless you count in the law-protected right of anonymity for journalistic sources.

Anonymous said...

I guess what I meant by "deal" is up to each individual. If someone doesn't want to read the rude comments, skip them and read only the ones one enjoys. Or use your freedom of speech and TELL them how much you didn't like or how out of line you think their comment is. - Abby

Anonymous said...

"And freedom of speech? ummm... Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right to say whatever you want ANONYMOUSLY. You can, say, criticize the Christian church or Adam Lambert for your heart's will and the freedom of speech gives you the right to do so, but people and organizations can also get accounted for what they say. That's the reason for legitimate online newspapers always requiring you to give your email addy. That way if you write hate speech in their commenting, it's not them that gets prosecuted, it's you."

Didn't look at it that way. In light of that explanation,if this site is worried about legal consequences from any comments, then, by all means, it would be reasonable for them to require email sign in. - Abby

Anonymous said...

To all:

You can´t call people as an identity thief, if someone has the same FIRST NAME as You do. get Your terms straight.
sometimes people can have even similar last name and they´re NOT identity thiefs. :D

I would call those people as Identity thiefs who are posing for example as celebrity on facebook or twitter.
They have celebrity´s photo´s on their profile and their birthday is the same as celebrities do have.

IMHO, those are the REAL bullies who claims that someone stole their identity in case of someone has the same _FIRST NAME_ as they do. Those bullies call other with rude and impolite names and are forcing people to leave. none wants to be called as a troll/fake/stalker/imposter if they have same _FIRST NAME_.

just delete this comment section for good. 99 % of these comments are pointless. No comment section - no bullying.
That´s my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Geez !! Some people are just being delusional and hysterical. they´re making this subject to look much worst that it really is. I would call those as a troll.
IMHO You´re NOT that unique in this world that there Never would be another human being that is having the same FIRST NAME like You do. LOL !!!!

to admin: if you delete the comments from those who have the same first name, you´re restricting freedom of speech.
Don´t let these bullies fool You. They call others such terms as troll/imposter/fake/venom etc, (when someone has same first name..) and after it they will email You and want to make others look like the bad guy here..

What a sick people here, indeed !

Anonymous said...

If we simply IGNORE the trolls, they will go away. It's like behavior modification, praise the good and ignore the bad.

Anonymous said...

@9:41 Agree. Behavior mod!

As I have read through these comments I wonder if there can just be a report abuse button to click to notify the admin that there are nasty, inflammatory comments. Then admin can determine if the posts need to be removed. It should be the responsiblity of the admin to check the content of the site and maintain some sense of order. That way we could keep the Anon feature and yet inflammatory comments could be flagged for review...and possible deletion. This doesn't mean flagging or deleting comments that disagree. We all can disagree with respect. It means removing those posts that are just plain nasty and are a personal attack...and I think we all could easily identify which ones those would be.

And I also think we, as active posters on this site, need to learn to ignore the ridiculous, and sometimes intentionally inflammatory comments, as hard as that may be at times. I know doesn't solve the problem of people intentionally using other poster's names, but it might solve some of these issues. It's like responding to a small child who is doing something wrong, the child continues those behavious, in order to receive the attention. No attention and the bad behavior subsides. Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Okay. I often post anon, but it doesn't really matter one way or the other. On this site, there are some who will accuse you of being a "troll" or a "hater" if you don't have the same opinion as theirs or if you happen to say you don't like a certain picture of Adam, or if you disagree with something Adam has said, etc. etc. etc. My guess is if you drop the Anon category, the same accusations will keep happening anyway, except they will become personal. Exactly WHAT constitutes being a Troll? And who exactly decides that a comment has entered the Trolldom category? I have seen people eviscerated simply for having an opposing opinion. Just keep in mind that a person can be a huge Adam fan and not worship every single word he utters, behavior he exhibits, or song he sings. We should be able to discuss Adam without being made to feel unwelcome. We all know what constitutes homophobic slurs and what doesn't. We all know what hate speech is, and it ISN'T commenting on a bad hair do, etc. All hate speech should be dealt with immediately. Anything else is simply an opposing opinion. This should NOT be a site of Groupthink.


Anonymous said...

I'm an Adam fan and don't worship his lover, house, car, BFF, new hairstyle, fashion sense, his best friends, his twitter account, his pet snake etc... obsession can get out of hand.

Anonymous said...

EVA, You have been very mean to me and calling me like an "imposter." don´t try to make yourself look like an angel, because You´re not. You´re mature woman and You should NOT call others with such terms !
You´re trying so hard to make me leave this site, but FYI, I don´t give a F*** anymore if You call me troll/fake or imposter !!! Your opinions are meaningless to me from this day on.
It was my mom who gave me this name I have, but seems like You have nerve to ask me to change it ! I am who I am, and If You don´t like it, it´s not my problem :D

Anonymous said...

InCoGnItO is the OnLy way these days.

Admin said...

Thank you everyone for your opinions.

10:08 - It seems obvious that you're the one that has been leaving mean comments on my site for the past week. Can you please email me at ?

I just want to talk to you personally for a minute. Thanks....

Anonymous said...

Thank you Admin for so efficiently restoring my comments which literally disappeared. This is strange; talking about disappearing comments and mine were the first to go! ...You get back what you give away...Lol! Thanks, confidence restored. :)
-Lam my

LIVA said...

Admin - Will you be implementing the sign-up process?

Admin said...

Liam my - I'm so sorry about your comments! has a habit of marking many comments as 'spam'. But I check it everyday to see what comments are marked as spammed and restore them if they are real comments.

So if you or anyone else comment on something and it doesn't appear, it will be restored when I see it. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on the Idol of the Month poll! The thought of JD winning this makes be nauseous.

Admin said...

LIVA - we are still thinking of a solution to the problem! I'll let you all know when we decide. The only way is to have the person agree to not comment in that way again because it's really insulting and bothersome to a lot of readers of this site.

Anonymous said...

Hello you Sanni WITHOUT a cat called Ida! Of course you have a right to use your name which your mom gave to you. The original problem was these two same names. So the other Sanni WITH a cat called Ida solved the dilemma by adding her cat's name after her name. Everything should have been ok now. But what happened: the Sanni WITHOUT a cat called Ida continued to write comments, but used name #surprise surprise# SANNI+Ida! You know what happens if Sanni WITH a cat called Ida changes her name to Tiina+dog!!

Anonymous said...

24/7 Admin, please do not disable this function.

I'm an avid reader of this site. I don't comment a lot but I notice a lot of amazing commentators that use a name tag (while being anonymous). I think it would be hard to NOT read those commentators again because they make my day. You know who you are! And those who usually post links to the latest news etc etc.

Anyway, I'm just one of the people who voted YES because I really want to keep this freedom.

As for the trolls, I think we can just report to your email. I'm sure we can wait to have them deleted like usual. I noticed you already deleted a few troll comments in this topic alone. Thx!

Anonymous said...

This is what I love about this site, no registering, look what happened with the examiner- no one comments anymore. I hate the idea, who cares about a few trolls- ignore it. sometimes I sign my name, sometimes I don't. i think people are more inclined to say thier true feelings if they don't have to put a name to it. The majority are here for our love of adam. i come here ever day, and I don't really see a problem with trolls at all. I also have yahoo as my home page and don't really understand how to sign up with another whole web-site- not computer savy- sorry. If someone can explains that signing up with google will not affect my other stuff, I'll do it but I'm not happy about it.


Anonymous said...

FYI, I havent told my first name here anymore. But it still makes me feel angry coz You´re bullying me just for fun.
and, it wasn´t me who was trying to pose as that one person, but somehow I liked to watch it !! :D

Anonymous said...

It's kind of hard to have this dialogue when the person we are discussing has joined in. I wish she would try to join in and enjoy talking with us instead of being so angry, we truly don't mind people having differing opinions......just make your point without attacking. You must have come here originally because you admire Adam, well, we all do. Over time many of us have come to admire each other, I'd hate to lose that.
Won't you call a truce and try to enjoy yourself in our company?.....................JAK

Anonymous said...

I absolutely HATE signing into any blog or web-site. I read the comments and then leave. There are so many places I used to sign up for and cannot remember the damn pass-words. please don't do this, this is the one place you can come without a hassel. Thanks

Anonymous said...

NO comment section - no bullying. the best solution ever !

Anonymous said...

I love Adam Lambert and 24/7 and visit the site several times a day. I also enjoy reading the comments (most of them) and pass over those that I don't. Rarely do I post a comment unless something really moves me, but I do appreciate the opportunity to do so. Admin., you do a great job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Admin for doing what you can to manage this situation. I guess in reality, although I voted for a sign in process, I would really just prefer it to be the way it is - WITHOUT a sign in, now that I hear of other's challenge with logging in.

I used to write comments without a tag name, but I have found that it is so much more fun to connect with others who do sign their comments. It also holds me accountable for what I write. I always think twice. How do I want myself to be in this world? How do I want other to perceive me in this world? I do write with passion regarding a specific topic on occasion, but I try never to point that at any one individual and, hopefully, with my comments respect and consideration for others feelings. There are SO MANY others here who do the same. It is just a few who bring anger and namecalling to the table.

Again, thanks Admin for trying to deal with this situation in the best possible way for everyone. I would hate to lose those who can't log in from work or who live in other countries. The diversity on this site is what makes it so wonderful.

Admin, your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Simply news with photos only, so No comment section will be fine with me too.

Anonymous said...

Just came from Twitterland! Adam listens to his fans and chose a couple of tweets to his site. Twitter makes him so "alive" and close. Now you all. You and you! Let's focuse on Adam instead of each other! Adam is the reason we gather here after all! Life is too short for this kind rally we have here right now. There is room for everyone. Let's have some fun! I'm throwing the "glamlove ball" first to @Eva, who can RT it forward. Catch Eva! Ronnie:)

Anonymous said...

Since this site is all about adam, I wonder what adam would think about this situation? To sign or not to sign?

Anonymous said...

True Diana. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Anon is good to keep. The trolls win if we do away with it. Let's keep trying to make it work. BTW, I just voted on Idol of the Month. James is ahead, ick, and he may win. Adam should be long past being on these stupid polls. What I really hate, though, is the COMMENT section on these polls! So hateful! So mean! So pointless! Just voting is enough. Commenting just to rile up spite is just useless. I never comment on a poll.

Anonymous said...

There are trolls everywhere actually. If we ignore them, they go away.

Does anyone remember Kristy? That Kris Allen fan that trolled this site for a few weeks? She disappeared...Then Another came up a year later....and now this one.

They get tired and leave. We just have to give it time.

Anonymous said...

Big Mama Here:

Big Papa and I love Adam Lambert. We love this place cause we can come here and do not have to give out private information about ourselfs. Living long as we have we don't want no more freedoms taken away. Used to be fun to go to Utube and watch videos. Can't do that no more cause we don't want an account. We don't tweet or facebook. Don't want a google or yahoo account. This here should stay a place where you can be hidden or sign your name as you please. That is what is so good about it.

Those that sign their name have become friends and that is a good thing. Should the ones that do not sign their names ask 24/7 to stop the private writing back and forth cause they might not like it? I sure hope not.

As for hurt feelings: Big Papa and I have 3 BIG sons. I got thick skin when they was teenagers. I had to or I would not make it tryin to tend to 4 big men. Seems to me some on here got real paper thin skin and get hurt feelings about real petty stuff. Might need to grow some spine.

I come to write something here when Big Papa and I think we should. Just stop the bickering and fighting within yourselfs. It don't do any one good. If someone says a bad thing and you think it is about you just laugh it off cause you'll be the better person. Don't cry and go runnin to 24/7 to fix it for you. Grow some spine.

If someone says something bad about Adam Lambert just remember he has had that all his life. What does he do about it, he just keeps on keepin on. He lives his life as he wants.

I have said about trolls in the past IGNORE THEM AND THEY GO AWAY. You swat at them like a bee and they'll be buzzin away here a long time. IGNORE THEM they ain't worth your time.

We had our say and we hope 24/7 stays like it is now. Live and let live.

Big Mama and Big Papa

Anonymous said...

erasing TROLLS comments isn't ignoring them. it feeds the fire. It makes them want more and they will come back for more. They are hungry and need fed.

Anonymous said...

Adam would sign in and leave sarcastic comments like alot of us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Big Mama and Big Papa! *wave*


Anonymous said...

So you play glam ball you little devil :D
Catch and RT forward to @Sister who just like me thinks it so much more fun to talk to people with name tags. And it doesn´t have to be your birth name (my guess is that Sister isn´t her real name). Adam is the reason we are here and he was in a chatty mood today.
BTW, is it just me or is he getting more adorable each day?


Anonymous said...


*caught the glam ball* and am passing it off to..... @JAK...for all her wonderful stories and poems !!!

This passing of glam balls reminds me of Chapter... oh, @Ronnie!'s all your fault! Now, how am I going to concentrate on my work today! You devil you.

And @Eva...your are right...not my given name. My "chosen" name. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys and Admim. I hope to keep our anon comments section to, like others signing in is a bit of a hassle, tho I will still come here if that happens.
I cant beleive all the nonsense, it aint that deep people, ignore the trouble makers, just reply or comment to those you connect to, like our regulars.I think by now we know who is who, but I have always said as I think some one earlier said even with a nickname it makes you more accountable for your words.
It does always amaze me tho how much time people will waste on a fansite they are not a fan of, strange.
Love and hapiness to all.

Anonymous said...


Caught the "glam ball" but I just want to say
I'm not quite sure I know how to play
Ronnie, is this a Finnish game
I'll give it a try, just the same
Now that the exercise has begun sporty
I'm passing the "glam ball" to funbunn40 !!!!

^o^ JAK

Anonymous said...

Please don't disable "Anonymous." I am on here all the time in that capacity, because I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress or any other social networking site. Can't you just delete the trolls? I would be so sad if I couldn't share in the Adam love. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm only accountable to my maker for my actions! NO ONE ELSE!

Anonymous said...

You all should quit fighting and give peace a chance. AML <3

Anonymous said...

Now that admin has been online, You all are so polite.. but what happens when she´s not around ?
You start bullying that one who made a mistake and told her name here.
You´re so hypocrite. Hope admin will find those comments, how specific people attacked and were bullying one person.

Anonymous said...

If admin can´t stop these bullies, this forum needs to be deleted for good.

Anonymous said...

Damn I come home from work and this site has gone crazy......I'm a Anon and just like to blog...never really say anything bad...sometimes a negative I don't like the shaved head...this makes me a troll???....what I really care about is Adam's singing the pics and other things are just icing on the cake!!!!! please keep anon....THANKS.......LOVE AND LIGHT

Anonymous said...

i have a lj account & a google account so i would be able to post, I voted no but after reading comments...
Can the administrator block the troll ip address?

Trolls are everywhere but they due tend to be worst when they post to anon forums.

@4:16pm admin is not the problem the trolls are the problem & some blogs have been deleted b/c of trolls, so thank you Admin for considering this option over deletion.

Anonymous said...

If "anon" goes - then I go. I just don't have the time nor inclination to get involved with signing in, signing out, user names, passwords, etc. etc. I'm here every day to read the news and the comments. I just ignore the bad stuff. I'll gladly use a "name tag" if that would help the doubters. I do enjoy reading comments of certain posters because they are interesting. (JAK, Ronnie, you know who you are.) I try to only make good, positive comments, as per Adam's belief - if you can't say something good, don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

No one is complaining about negative remarks or differing opinions, everyone is entitled to like or dislike anything they want and say so. Disagreeing does not make someone a troll,
we are talking about attacks on specific people and repetitive ranting, the same thing over and over on thread after thread.

We have tried ignoring this person and they simply take over the thread and talk to themselves. What next?

Anonymous said...

Adam is really a superstar now indeed... People are getting crazier here.... To all true Glamberts please stay. You know who you are and we continue the fun and respect to one another folks!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

How do you register or sign in? I think I have a Google account.

Anonymous said...

Mom from Toronto

Welcome home...................JAK

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:32 PM
Yes, exactly right, that IS the problem, the attacks on one or several specific people. I don't give a damn about what people say about me (whatever...), but I do care that one person in particular has been driven away by one or two attackers. And that everyone who has said anything at all to that person gets verbally abused as well. I can ignore just about anything, and usually do (I'm not all that thin skinned or and I'm definitely not naive..), but this focused abuse of one person is just NOT okay. And that's what this whole conversation should have been about. Its about bullying, not trolls. You remember what s*** Adam has gone through in his life, and does now as well. I'm sure he does a huge amount of "ignoring" but it has to take its toll on him sometimes..I don't think anyone here should have to put up with it either. Not even one person. It is NOT about who disagrees with who, its about who is making someone miserable, to the point that she cannot be here without being verbally abused: Bullied.

I don't define trolls as someone who disagrees with me. Everyone has a right to an opinion, and that's fine..and I REALLY don't care, and makes for interesting conversation. I have a life beyond this blog, and I'm sure everyone else does too. What I DO like to do is to connect with the people here and talk about what my favorite singer, "Mr. Sexypants" (oh yes, those white ones...) Adam Lambert is up to. And I like to know what some of the other people are up to as well. But I don't come here to read comments that are rude, nasty, and hateful. My definition of a "troll" is someone who disses Adam for no good reason, tells lies about him, says he's fat, can't sing, etc.etc.: (All BS..) THAT is a troll. We can all discuss his hair, his clothing, his music, his beautiful and charming boyfriend, what he eats, his make-up, (...his pants...) and have our own opinions, and agree to disagree: that isn't trolling, that's just talking about Adam..The other type of troll, in my opinion, is someone who comes here just to get everyone all stirred up, says incredibly nasty things about someone here, with no good reason, and apparently thinks its the thing to do, and most likely gets a big charge out of it. .

As for the "anon" function, no one was suggesting that we all give our "real" names. I would NEVER do that or ask anyone else to do so. I am an "anon" but I do have a nickname "glitzylady": that keeps me anon, and only those who know me personally know much about me. I don't care if people have a nickname or not, but I do like knowing who says what. Its just fun I think. I have gotten verbally bashed myself and got over it.. I also "own" my comments, but as far as I'm concerned, do whatever you feel comfortable with. I don't think I've ever posted as "anon" here, ever (although maybe I should with this might be wise), and I don't anywhere else either. But to each his own.

I appreciate that Admins are working to find the best solution, whatever that is, and I feel badly that they have to deal with this. So bottom line, I'll go with whatever their decision is. I would just like to see an end to this bullying crap. Sad : (

Anonymous said...

I think the rants here have been harmless fun and ruffling the feathers. It is working! The people/trolls are wise and know how to push buttons. Their appetites are being fed. good luck with this one!:-)

Anonymous said...

I would leave the comment box for open discussions. People should voice opinions on anything and everything. It doesn't have to be about a singer but it can be political as well.

Anonymous said...

Music and Politics go hand in hand. that would make for a great discussion. I am always up for a great debate.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't see the effectiveness of using the attack strategy to illicit information or reaction. When someone gets attacked, the most natural reaction would be to defend oneself and then counter attack and so the rally goes on and on. In the end both sides don't really accept what the other is trying to get across...lose/lose situation. Just state one's stand or opinion crisply, politely and the message gets through quicker, more efficiently and joyfully...from personal experiences. Admin is doing a good job! Thumbs up!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady has said it so well, as she always does.

I think sometimes we come here and may not be in a good mood, and we can be a little snarky with remarks, than feel bad if we offended someone. I know I have up and down days. Mostly I try to be nice.


Anonymous said...

@8:13 PM

I don't think adding politics to our discussions would be a good idea. There's nothing I'd like better.......I LOVE a rousing debate about politics but I've already been slammed for saying I'm a liberal so I would be in "hot water"
all the time!!!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

May I make a suggestion? Could we continue this discussion on the relatively short Sasha thread?
Since we are off topic anyway and scrolling all the way down here is wearing me out!!!! :-) JAK

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, when you say you are a liberal, what does that mean? And why are you slammed for saying that?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

You don´t have to scroll. Hit the "End" key on your keyboard when you want to get to the bottom of the page and "Home" to the top of the page.
Again, you are fabolous. So well explained and I agree with you 100%


Anonymous said...

@ JAK,

Thanks and I miss you all.... My computer is always giving me a hard time these few weeks that's why I stop for a while but I always check once in a while to see your comments.....

Continue the fun guys!!!!! We rock with Adam!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I truly love a debate about anything. I'm a Scorpio and we debate like no tommorrow. Open discussion is always the best discussion. Opinions are made to be disagreed upon. It has the pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

Eva........thank you. I'm not shy or ashamed to admit I know very little about the computor. My first meeting with DELL-A was like coming in contact with an alien being. It still feels that way sometimes, most of what I've learned has been from the nice guys on this site. I offered to pay my grandson to spend Spring Break with me to teach me......but he was already booked with friends to fly to Disneyland!!!!They are all nuts.....they work at Disneyworld in Florida and go to Disneyland in California on vacation. His explanation...."Grandma I feel the need to return to the land from whence my people came...return to the birthplace of the Great Mouse himself!" It's my fault he's goofy ,I was his sitter as he was growing up! A lot of Grandma rubbed off on him.

Actually he almost was GOOFY, passed the Disney audition but failed the costume fitting...his size 16 feet were too big for GOOFY's costume.

I've made a lot of computor mistakes....My son in law was horrified when he recently found out I was letting people use my computor at my church. I would take it with me and since I'm the youngest of the group I was showing them how to use it.....HAH! Several posted comments on this site, I feel mean not letting them do it anymore but son in law explained that computor didn't know that these comments didn't come from you will find several people missing,
CL....NOSY....RM....and others whose aliases I didn't know!!!!!!! See, I was really dumb!

Fortunately they were all extremely nice people who didn't do any mischief, I hope! If we hear from them again it will be because they bought their own computors!......Foolish Me!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Lam my

To answer your question about what being a liberal means would stir up a hornet's nest of conservatives and fire breathing controversy would take over the site...I don't want my head in a noose at my present age!.............JAK
We are already having problems here!

Anonymous said...

Eva- Thanks for the info on the end key and home key- I never knew that.

Anonymous said...

I vote to keep Anon. This website is so easy to access and chat. There are just too many passwords to remember.

glitzylady said...

Just a note on the password issue: if you don't log out, your computer will usually just open it automatiically when you go to sites with passwords, not that I'm advocating for a sign in for this site one way or the other. That's what I do with password accessed sites, such as Adam Lambert Fans, etc...not only that, I often use the same password for many things like that, if security is not an issue..makes it easier to remember. Its not as complicated as it sounds. : )

Anonymous said...

i am not a troll and i would never say anything bad about adam. i think not letting anonymous people comment is not totally right sort of bias. i have no accounts signed up so that is why i am anonymous. this site doesn't belong to me so people can do whatever they want and have whoever they want commenting. i just don't think it is fair to those of us who comment with love.

Urethra_Franklin said...

i put a name on my comments but its not connected to any "account"

but I think anons need to go! just type a freakin name to your posts people...its not that complicated!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Anon...if I start reading something I don't like I skip it...IGNORE IT ..IT WILL GO AWAY.........I don't always agree with the comments..who cares it's a blog....IT'S NOT THAT DEEP!....Adam gets his share of you hear him he thinks POSITIVE.....JUST KEEP BLOGGING

Hk fan said...

I have no accounts to sign up with on here, but to post your name at the top of your post (or nickname) you just click on select profile as normal then click on name/url and put in your name in the name box, leave url blank, instead of clicking on anon...then post comment as normal

Anonymous said...

really what difference does a name can type in any name and then changhe it

I'm more interested in Adam.....don't care about all this "stuff"

Anonymous said...

Where is diamond boy...I need that smile....

Anonymous said...

I understand the Admins don't usually intervene in bullying, because it can be very difficult to handle. It is easier to get rid of the trolls, who eventually get bored and leave sooner or later anyway. I left this and one other site before, because I like to comment as anon. On that other site (not a fansite and in another country) some of the regular posters also strongly opposed the anons. I only like to leave a comment about the current theme and I don't care to follow any unwritten rules whatever they may be, e.g. you cannot say anything negative about Gaga etc. I know it can be a problem, but I'm not searching for friends either and besides this is AL fansite. Don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings and I even voted No in this poll. To support the regular posters.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scorpio 6:27, we may be sharing the same penchant...argue till blue in the face; have to be careful though...does at times degenerate into a serious brawl. No attacks is the best mode, I'd say. I'm Pisces, very close to Adam who is Aquarius...both, water sign, I think.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Being a Scorpio, I love a good debate. I am a lover and fighter, so it balances itself out. I love to love and fight for what I believe in. I've had my brawls and the ex husband took the licks! hehehe This woman is a survivor.;-)

Anonymous said...

anon sign in is still a great idea. You can comment on any subject and not have anyone personally attack you for it. Anonymous has no personal attachments.

Anonymous said...

I love coming and reading comments for the entertainment. octasquidd*

JAK said...


I am trying your instructions, hope I did it right!

Hooray for me! I learn something new each day.
Many many thanks!

Hk fan said...

well done!!

Anonymous said...

@ Eva, thanks for the tip. fingers were worn to nubs scrolling down this site! Thanks to HK too! Will try your tip tomorrow! @ JAK, just caught Ronnie's glam ball. Missed the pitch! Will pass it tomorrow! It's 4:30AM! This is insane! My days & nights are mixed up and planted a few flowers in the dark by moonlight because at 11AM it was blistering hot and had to wait for temp to cool. Adam has turned me into a vampire and being a lady of leisure with no set schedule leaves too much lurking time. Have to reset my circadium rythm! funbunn40

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