Glam Nation Tour in Tokyo Day 3 (Oct 8)
Filed Under (performances,pictures,tour news,video,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Friday, October 8, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 08, 2010

Broken Open
Whole Lotta Love
Sure Fire Winners
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wow i found a link to download mp3 from tonight and i followed twitter , Adam killed them with a WLL new version , just listen , is sexy like hell and japaness fans asked Adam for more concerts and live in Japan
the nickname for twitter is @mmy9 where you find the link to megaupload for tonight concert
@mmyy9 corect 2m 2y
THAT voice (Broken Open)!!!!
Monty's guitar (marvelous)!!!
Thank you Tokyo fans for LISTENING to this incredible song from beginning to end and allowing us viewers of this vid to appreciate it almost as much as you did.
8:48 AM (I meant that NOTHING beats seeing and hearing Adam live!).
the link for mp3
Adam's hair in 3rd pic is SOOOOOO nice.
The third pic must be old. The back hair is too long, not fashionable now.
awwww the bunny ear picture is sooo cute!
article of Japaness press for Adam
vids coming in - but for now here's a quick easy link for audio on WLL tokyo day #3
and actually - try LISTENING to it first, w/out a visual - JFC, this guy, I can't even...
(but you might not want to listen to it at work unless you're really really good at controlling your facial expressions :)!!)
Thanks for the warning, MGF. You're always on top of things.
Yeah well - tell that to my work load AG... on top of things there, not so much :) ... as Adam Fix likes to say - damn you Adam Lambert ... oh well, you only live once right?!
We should find a way to meet and discuss Adam sometime. I have not one friend or relative who understands.
They "chuckle" but I know they do not get it.
Now, back to work.
WLL was magnificent.. Adam outdid himself again.The beauty of it brought tears to my eyes.
I can't even think clearly enough to post something intelligent about WLL here. I really cannot! It's perfect...hypnotizingly fabulous! Gah! Lucky Tokyo! Thank you for the amazing video too, excellent quality!
God I hope Robert Plant is enjoying the royalties off of Adam's resurgence of WLL.
This version is beyond stellar. I've played it 3 times now, and still can't get enough of his whole lotta .?..?
I woke up sick today, and these two vids have rejuvenated me.
If there ever is a live CD, this would have to be one of the tracks.
Love IT!!!
Nice to see the Glambulge is still there....
Someone on You Tube called it Rose Porn, I call it a whole lotta Fucking incredible.
Around 1:20 love how that back light blows up behind tommy's hair
Love the pic with the bunny ears. I notice that one of Adam's ears has a little "quirk" in it. I wonder if Adam did that on purpose to inject a little of his own personality. Wouldn't surprise me. He's pretty astute and creative.
when I thought I've already heard his best version of WLL Adam outdid it once more.
Is there any song that he can`t improve? I doubt it. He is such talented and it's incredible how sound "the voice" alive.
..........well, that was nice...WLL...okay, I usually refrain from using this term...but....UNF....
That one rivals Fantasy Springs, I have to say...and this time we had a visual...very creative use of the rose....rather like the proverbial "lotus blossom" floating downstream but with a new twist....and a lot less left to the imagination..Seems Adam was feeling just a little bit naughty and there was that rose...and well, there you have it...Phew!!!
Said he was gona slay it, and he did and does night after night. Has the glambulge gone missing? Seems I've notice it from time to time. Ha, like I would notice if it wasn't there, just a little more pronounced in WWL tonight. I guess there is more than one person on glambulge duty each night. Personally, think the whole glambulge thing a little tawdry. Yeh of course I do.! You don't really think I'm going to sign my name to this do you?
I want his damn boots! Seriously, the ones that he wears for the second half of the show. I've been lusting after them from the first time I saw them. I wonder if you can purchase them from somewhere or are they a one-of-a-kind made just for him.
ha ha ha i read the comments before watching the vids, and saw "rose porn" the mind boggled....very funny WOW!!!! Adams voice is incredible WLL was amazing such a treat as i'd really began to miss it....
well peeps...i can't believe how lucky i am...I HAVE A MEET AND GREET TICKET FOR MANCHESTER!!!!..more tickets were released so i waited without a breath for 9pm...refreshed my laptop page and there it was..a glowing yellow ticket..i must have been staring at it for about 5 seconds till i thought click on it you daft moo... my heart was racing as i was going through to checkout...i still didn't think i stood a chance...i even got through to paypal and i still couldn't believe it...until i had a receipt to print off...OMG!!! my stomach has been flipping ever since and i haven't slept for 2 nights...i still have 7 weeks to go, i'll be a wreck's a lot of money, but i'll worry about that later :D sooooo excited...
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
Yay, that is so fabulous!!! Now you don't have to line up hours ahead with the rest of fans..a plus right there!! To the head of the line with you!!!!! Very exciting news!!! Money well spent, in my book!!! And it will be here before you know it!!! Congrats!
Well just sitting back enjoying Day 3 vids, and kinda noticed something. Is Adam wearing the X-large cod piece this evening? Don't think I've seen that one since his last trip overseas. Hey a rose is a rose, even a porn rose, but that cod piece is priceless. It's like a giant sign saying look at me!! HaHa!, Well you know it's the truth. Blush, Blush!! So I'm just sitting here looking and blushing. What a day! Gotta stay anon awhile longer. Who knows what other videos might be put up.
OMG...another historical WLL.
@chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx -
Wow, that is so great, so so great, good for you, I'm psyched for you...make sure you share details when the time comes :).
Hey Glitz and Sparkles & glitzylady - when is your show in HI?... maybe another WLL there?? I'm having a good feeling about that possibility all of a sudden :).
ps. @Anon October 8, 2010 1:24 PM - I roared at your comment about the bunny ears - and your mention of the "quirk"... and for some reason it made me think of his comment on The View to the effect of "My dreidel spins the other way..." Yep, like you said, he's very astute, that's a perfect word for AL. Damn I love his brains!
does anybody else find it hilarious that here and there in these vids the camera keeps drifting UP... usually the camera drifting (and lingering) in the other direction is the issue... ;)
@MGF @5:58pm
I did notice the camera drifting up, for instance during WLL, and I kept saying "I really don't care about the projections in the background above his head...I kinda want to see Adam" although I can't really complain (much..)...because when I tried to video him at my last concert I failed completely...I would suspect the person filming just sort of lost concentration for the filming and just focused on Adam..either that or there was near-swooning involved...
The show(s) in Honolulu are on Oct. 25th and 26th, just over two weeks away!!!! Counting the days now....
And I did love Adam's comment about his "dreidel spinning the other way" funny...and I still remember, since you brought up the The View, how everyone was sure Elisabeth Hasselback was going to rake him over the coals, but she ended up being a totally giddy fan-girl...that man can charm just about anyone..I think he could bring about World Peace if they would just give him a chance!!!
World peace! Ha think we have all just teetered over the edge, Say What? This post is full of prime timer sayings. Rose Bud, dreidel spinning the other way (What's a dreidel), glambudge, and now world peace. Anyone else feel like we are in a beauty pageant? And the winner is Adam Lambert, for beauty, wit, charm, looks damn good in those leathers, and probably a little too much sex appeal for the average sane person to handle.
MGF for the first time in my life I am at a loss for words over WLL with no visual. THUD
Chezza-sherbert so totally happy for you! Yes, money WELL spent! Wish I could meet him some day!
OMG, feeling quite spent and satisfied after watching that WLL! Adam, the glittery black panther, prowls the stage again! That was epic!!!
Chezza - OMG, so, so, so excited for you (and insanely jealous)!!!! How are you ever going to survive your M&G though?? That's an experience I don't think I could live through.
- Adam Fix
Also - loving the bunny-ears picture and the look on Adam's face! Classic. :)
- Adam Fix
@ Chezza-Sherbert
God bless you, sistah! I'm sooooo happy for you!
Now, don't you forget to tell sweet Adam that he is Fan4fun's Diamond Boy, my sweet exotic singing bird, ok??? Lol... I doubt you'll be able to even open your mouth, except for a big smile! Show us your picture with him, promise?
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