'No more singles' and 'New album out by the spring or summer'
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Friday, October 15, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 15, 2010

When asked if he's going to release any more singles off his debut album "For Your Entertainment," Adam Lambert says he doesn't think so, because his producers want to "have a new album out by the spring or summer."
Glambert touches on all sorts of topics -- Lady Gaga comparisons ("I'm hoping to get to that level at some point"), his fashion ("New Orleans voodoo mixed with Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison") and if he'd ever play Freddie Mercury ("I would be really flattered but I don't think I would want to step into Freddie Mercury's shoes. I wouldn't want to be compared because he's amazing").
Source: zap2it
To watch the video of this interview, CLICK HERE
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The producers should think about Adam's long term career (not only their own pockets). Getting an album out in the spring means that everybody will be RUSHED. I thought that Adam wanted to write most of the songs on his second CD. Unless he already has some of these songs written, he will feel rushed to write just to please the producers who will want him in the studio ASAP.
Getting Sleepwalker on the radio in November or early December would be awesome for Adam's return to the US. He could then do talk shows to talk about his successful Glam Nation Tour AND talk about his most recent radio song. And this would provide the necessary time to write and produce a second CD that would be OUT OF THIS WORLD!
I don't really know why we need more singles. If you have the album so why the need of a single. I guess the Glamberts will just have to buy the "album" then you won't miss out on anything... right?... js
Awww! love that look... that look again! It's like he just came out of the shower... my hooootness!!!
More singles = More Music Videos and more promotions....
hi everyone, i know this is a different topic but i would like to share you an article from the malaysian newspaper that certain groups support for adam against the PAS.
please visit: www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asap?file=/2010/10/16/nation/7235569&sec=nation
I think he should definatly have another single come out. There are so many good songs on this cd that could make big hits. It seems like kind of a waste! :(
Most of Adam's songs on this album should be released as a single... no doubt about that. But if you guys can recall, Adam did mention of an Acoustic EP to be release soon! Maybe they don't want to release another single and just focus on this Acoustic EP...
Next summer is a long time away - it's only October! Another single playing on the radio over the winter would be good - we want to keep him in everyone's mind.
Ellen is doing several segments on anti-bullying.
Time to have Adam back on! Anyone know how we can make this request?
I love Time for Miracles and the video from which the above pic comes. For me that video shows Adam's ability to act and react for the camera like none of the other three videos did. I own all four of the videos and love all the songs, but Time for Miracles just does it for me. Adam dirty faced, hair messy, little makeup = SUPERIOR YUM
No piling on please, I did say "for me."
Sleepwalker should be released as a single. The more his versatility is showcased, the more people will realize his amazing talent. An album in the spring is ridiculous. Too soon to really get the attention to detail it deserves. RCA/Sony is trying to use him up because they want to strike while he's hot. Don't they realize that his talent isn't going to disappear?
The picture above is not from TFM. It's from AI.
They videotaped one of the GN concerts. When is that going to be released?
Isn´t the pic from AI Satisfaction?
@ Eva
I'm sure it's not from AI-8' Satisfaction, from neither one of the 2 times; I know it because on the 1th, and specially on the 2nd time (when he got the best 12), it was when he grabbed my soul for ever... and ever since, I can't get no satisfaction... I want more and more and more+, every day, at least 3 times a day, like medicine!
Hard to please the older fans so thats why no single? They want the acoustic EP.
I had an expletive at the ready for you anon 9:55am, and think you're rather transparent, but allow me to be civil and instead ask you to give any sort of factual, or even intelligent speculation, as to why you would say such a thing? I think you're statement is crap persoanlly (have you been to a live GNT concert, plenty of varying ages and types enjoying some serious rock edge stuff).
oooops - 9:55am. The love of loud, ragin', hot, racey, screaming Rock Music is not a unique phenomenon of the last couple of years, darlin'. I will chuckle the first time someone younger than you rolls their eyes at you and quips that "you just don't get it" and why don't you just step aside and forget what was born in your soul at 16.
I'm anon 9:55 and I'm almost 50 myself. I hope the acoustic EP sells well, but I don't think I'm gonna buy it. :)
I don't mean Adam should scream like Steven Tyler for gods sake.
I'm just trying to find out is there a group of fans that want the acoustic EP no matter what. Can Adam release a single in addition to that, I don't know.
Alright then - point well taken, oh so Anonymous 9:55am! But, you know that that attitude exists and I'm sure I was guilty of it when I was 16-25. Just don't want to see Adam put something out there to please "the older fans" cuz as an older fan, I won't change one note, kiss, hair style, performance to date and I hope he just does more of the same. I can hardly look and listen to the old American Idol performances because he is so drop-dead perfect as he is NOW!! It's hard to even recognize him in those school boy performances. Now we see the man and he is unforgiveably addicting!! Why would we want to go back to emo hymns and that gorgeous body just sitting there and not moving as only Adam can??????
OMG>>> are they KIDDING.?? RELEASE A FREAKKIN' SINGLE already!!! WHO do we have to write, email, tweet to??? How do I get tis job, Who's in charge? That GREAT debut album is done, and perfect & just sitting there. WHILE he's working on the NEW album at least THREE more tracks could be released to keep him ON the radio, ON the charts and on people's minds, AND sell the album! How many singles has Katy Perry, Kesha, Bruno Mars etc released (or holy hell that B*b*r brat who doesn't have HALF the voice or talent??) and so many more? Not to mention how hard Adam has worked to overcome all the negativity -- and now got left out of TWO award shows he should have been on, and WON at least 1 category at each. He's done fabulously well headlining his own pretty much sold out tour and is now on the international leg, slaying them overseas, even with protests and restraints. The man is an incredible entertainer. Release 1 single now, in time to be in the top 10 when he returns. Every time I read something that says he hasn't sold a million yet, or sales haven't been what was expected I want to to SCREAM! He HAS sold over a million in way less time overseas, but not in his own country. PROMOTE HIM damnit. Right NOW is a PERFECT time for another release, --> while "If I Had You" is still on the charts and radio. *Release "SLEEPWALKER" now, that WILL be another HIT, maybe the biggest one yet! The fans already know it and would request it like crazy.. those who DON'T know it will love it. Jay Leno loved it when Adam did a ripping rendition of it on his show this past March.? Jay predicted it would be a big hit. He's right. Adam's performance is so emotional and passionate, his vocals and delivery are unmatched.
Releasing that song with performances on live tv will give him another hit. More new people would hear it & would boost the album OVER the mill mark...and the execs would make more $$. WHAT the HELL are they thinking?? Every time I hear some of the other singers mentioned on the radio as "keeps the hits coming", or new "hit-maker", UGH! Well damnit Adam would be too, -->if the hits were released. EVERYthing comes down to sales and chart position. How is that going to happen if there's not a song released?? NOW!! --> Release another single, get a buzz going, get him noticed, perform it LIVE as only HE can. It wil be another HIT.
My preference would actually BE a live performance of "Sleepwalker" from his tour... it's incredible. Anyone heard his amazing performance on "Can't Let You Go"? It's heart-wrenching with soaring notes only Adam could reach. They've got the greatest singer/artist alive with hits in their back pocket...treat HIM and the con$umers right and release more, NOW..!
Cindy, you go girl!!!! Agree! Anon 10:31, I so agree with you as well! I think the TFM video with the scruffy dirty face Adam is one of the hottest looks of his. dELICIOUS!!!!!! Adamluv
Excellent comments...couldn't agree with you more! As an "older" fan I love every track from FYE and think that another single from the album would definitely keep Adam in the forefront and make believers out of many who don't quite appreciate Adam as we all do although how anyone can deny his incredible talent is beyond me. He out sings, out shines any perfomer on the charts right now. In fact, Katy Perry's lyrics and videos are as suggestive if not more so than anything Adam has done and she appeals to a very young audience. Bought the calendar, the Glam Box, fan club member and going to see him in LA for second time. Loving every minute of being one of his devoted fans!
Sometimes on succeeding albums, songs appear that were on earlier ones. Maybe the second album could be called "Sleepwalker", the song redone with Monte on guitar (god, did you hear that screamin' bridge he did in Japan ?) and the genre more rock-synth. "Can't Let You Go" would fit right in and we're all drooling for that one!! Oh, I love to dream ..... have a feeling he will come up with things we can't even imagine but we will again be searching for words to express the joy. Faith
I'm one of the 'older' fans being 45...and I want at least 3 more singles, an acoustic EP, a live CD, a dvd of the GNT and as many music videos as possible, which are then put on a dvd so I can watch them again and again without them being blocked in my country, plus of course constant tv appearances....so please don't say the older fans don't want it, because by god we do.
HK fan
i believe the momentum of Adams CD should keep going while he is on tour. I think Sleepwalker,Sure Fire Winners, and Feaver should all be released as well as Broken Open or After Math. All these songs are potential winners. GAGA did it why not Adam? I do not get the politics of this situation. Can someone PLEASE explain it to me. I can see all the above songs playing on the radio and Adam having new found fans. Many times I listen to songs and say I wonder who that was> to find out it was someone I thought I didn't like and it changed my mind. MOMEMTUM let's keep it going! Ihate it when people say people hate Adam. That really bothers me!
@ Cindy
I really think that sweet Adam should hire you RIGHT NOW as his commercial manager, baby! If not...ohoh, Diamond Boy... big mistake!
Wow! You go, girl!!!
I don't particularly care about an acoustic ep release. Please release another single from the cd. . . either Aftermath or Sleepwalker. Why rush another album out when there are so many great singles on the current one? It will just make it seem like his first album failed, when it didn't.
I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "Hard to please the older fans so that's why no single? They want the acoustic EP"...
As an "older" fan, I can honestly say that I love to listen to ALL of Adam's music on the CD and if it were up to me, there would be several more, at least, of the songs on the"For Your Entertainment"CD, released as singles, the more the merrier!!!!!....I would be happy to have the acoustic EP as well, whatever I can get, I'll take it...an "Adam fan" is an "Adam fan" and I don't quite get the reference to "older fans" not wanting any more singles..
.I would hope that management might revisit that decision (not to release another single) but I guess I will have to respect whatever decision they might make...because I have no choice...Maybe they know something we don't, who knows..
And on a positive note, was out to dinner tonight in a family style restaurant and what song should I hear on the music system but IIHY...nice!!!!
I was in Target tonight and looked for FYE ... could not find in the artist's index section was feeling discouraged until I rounded a corner and it was PROMINENTLY displayed on an end cap under a sign that said "Biggest Hits" .... with Perry and Gaga and Bieber and lots of other big stars. I kid you not - I did a little dance!!
I wonder if they are not confident that the single they picked would be a success and that would look worse if it wasn't. This doesn't seem likely but I can't think of any other reason they wouldn't try it.
Is the decision based on money? I don't get the
politics of the situation either (6 40) Is any of it
Adam's decision?
Totally agree with Cindy 12 39.
Glitzlady and coloforadam, I love hearing this kind of news! It gives me hope! Adamluv
@coloforadam October 16 9:24PM -
LOVE IT!! Thanks for posting that.
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