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Random New Photos of the Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 2, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 02, 2010


Shirley said...

Can someone tell me what's going on with the TAYLOR rumors? Who is Taylor and how did the rumors start??

Anonymous said...

I adore picture number 1. He looks so incredibly, honestly and genuinely HAPPY!
Anytime he can grab some "ME" time and recharge, and do fun things for makes me happy, because he so deserves it.

Urethra_Franklin said...

#3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOTS!!!

Some moron who deserves to be shot started that shit on twitter calling him a pedo...I wouldnt be surprised if they are gettin frisky but who gives a shit!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I just read about this. The troll has been tweeting Adam's dad, brother etc and kept saying Adam and Tylor are dating etc etc...and she or he said some very nasty things.

Anonymous said...

Tayler is. one of the dancers

Anonymous said...

That person is probably someone who is himself or herself not too happy in his or her own skin. That person should seek help.

Anonymous said...

Lord in Heaven! First what is a pedo??? And where did the gossip come from. I never hear anything. Some folks are never happy unless they are starting false rumors. The rumor mill they call it.. Waiting for answer on the pedo thing.....

Anonymous said...

That headshot (#3) is exquisite! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

pedo = pedofile. Child molester

Anonymous said...

Urethra: NO ONE deserves to be shot. EVER. For any reason. Hanged? Well let's think about that for a minute.:)

Anonymous said...

That troll is probably the Miami PAPARAZZI!

Anonymous said...

pedophile. Adam doesn't go for younger guys, he is always saying "too young"
I didn't realise that Tommy is a few months older than Adam, he looks so young, he will be 29 next month

Anonymous said...

Off Topic: I just want to say to Fan4Fun and others that couldn´t watch Rolandos/Suz Glam-video, that Suz has updated it on her channel on YT and it´s working. Happy Days! :-)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of fan4fun, where are you gurl? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OMG! That third black & white photo is to die for. Click. Saved. I wonder if I can get that printed life size on a pillow so I can lay it next to me every night. Imagine waking up to find Adam looking over at you like that. Come hither, my BB! Yowwwza!!!

PS: Neal, don't have a stroke. All in fun. LOL

Anonymous said...

Guess we're not going to forget "Neal". Man...he took everything so seriously. He needs to lighten up by following Adam's example.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:46 PM -- What are you talking about? If it's a previous post about a twitter post by Neil, know that Neil is NOT the guy in the photo. Neil is not married (guy has a wedding band) and does not have tattoos like that (at least than we can see :)

Anonymous said...

3rd shot - the black and white - GORGEOUS and sobering! His soul is fierce!! His heart is gentle.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if costumes came with chartered pirate ship....that would be fun!

Anonymous said...

Tsylor is 20, AND he tweets someone whom he refers to as his fiancee. Don't think he was tweeting Adam or doing anything else to him. But if he was, it would only be his business and no one else's.

Anonymous said...

Is Taylor gay?

Anonymous said...

Ive noticed Taylor is always in all the pictures of holiday stuff - Mexico, the beach, the rides, etc. I think he just loves to be part of this gig and always seems happy.

Is there a rumor saying they were together?? I'm not on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Taylor was with Adam in Bali, along with Terence, Jeni, and Neil. Let's start a rumor. Perhaps it was a menage a cinq.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily, I missed you all!!!

I'm back, I'm alive but soooooo tired! Hell's Kitchen has been moved to another floor but the «old one» is also operating (but one of the lifts is out of order and we have to use the stairs) and one of our cooks went to an emergency surgery and I had to replace him at work.... what the hell was that battle some threads behind??? No time to watch it! Who is that Neal (is that his name?)... What the hell does he have against my fantasy? Who won the battle? Oh, never mind, I'll not have time (and don't want) to go back there... too much work tomorrow, 2 weddings and 1 birthday, so much food to be prepared. Let me just keep believing that many years from now, when I must be dead and remembered by some of you as the late Fan4fun, that wet and salted glambert from Azores who LIVED AGAIN after getting old, the one who lived a new life full of happiness and strengh because she dared to hold her fantasy about someone so special and gifted as an artist and a human being... and at that time this Neal (oh, too bad!) WILL BE JUST OLD!

God, before going to bed (It's 1:50AM in Azores) I'm going to light a huge white candle with lots of white sugar around it to sweeten my Diamond Boy's path... When is the first japanese venue? Tomorrow (today, Sunday)? What time there? What time here? What time in 24/7 «Paradise»? Oh God, I have to check it out before going to bed and I'm soooo tired... but wait, I can't go to bed yet, I need some minutes to kiss and «pet» some pictures of my exotic singing bird... Yeah, maybe I'll sleep holding tight some of them.... Oh, sweet and gorgeous fantasy! Only sweet Adam makes me feel and sleep like a princess!

Anonymous said...

Just open Adam Official. You can find there interview with Adam's crew on days off. Taylor is one of Adam's dancers.

Anonymous said...

This may be nothing but fun, between Adam and Taylor, but when they are doing "fever" Taylor shows Adam some tongue action. The videos shows the side of Taylor as he is dancing, and I don't see any reaction from Adam.I have noticed this 3 or 4 times.As I said Taylor is just funning after the Tommy kiss. As Adam says it's all fantasy, and don't take him seriously.

Anonymous said...

Not certain of his age, but Taylor is over l8, which makes him an adult. Wouldn't be the first time you see a relationship/marriage between dancer and star. Kind of legendary showbiz. Doesn't usually work out in the long run. Ask Britney. Think Jlo also?? If it rumor, it will burn out, if not, then it is really no one's business but people involved. Sorta hope it just a rumor. This young man could be in for a big fall. Adam headed into the stratosphere and he's a very attractive guy. A world of competition out there. Just sayin.

The Dark Side said...

Lordy, Uretha, who are you hanging? Just tuned in. What fun. Hasn't there been tons of movies made about headliners falling for chorus girls/boys. Think Fred Astair played in most of them. Google it. Is there a scandal brewing, or just a little publicity? I think that Taylor of age, or he wouldn't be traveling with this show. Adam seems to take everyone who wants to go with him on vacation. I think it was Taylor who pulled Adam off Pap guy. If it will help, I'll volunteer to go on his next vacation, and damn the talk. Personally things pretty dull lately, we could use an infusion of sex and intrigue--it's all Rock & Roll.

The deep dark side said...

P.S. If I want dull, I can just hang around my house, nothing going on here.

Anonymous said...

This should be tweeted to RCA/Sony/19 Entertainment about Adam's new single:

Thx 24/7 (I am using your website for this; do not have twitter, but can read other people's tweets).

Anonymous said...

god I love this web-side, I hope it doesn't go all twitter on us! Lot's of us don't twitter at all, sorry!

Anonymous said...

Photo #3 stopped me in my tracks (what a pout!)...but what about photo #2?? I think that is a great shot...his eyes look gorgeous.

Fan4fun - see, when people aren't giving you a hard time, they are missing you!! :-D Because you're a hot little fireball! Sorry to hear work is so can catch up on 24/7 later...get some sleep now!

If you want to see what a turn off Neal found all the old hags ;) on this site to be, who think Adam is sexy, check out "Adam Lambert will sing some NEW songs at Hong Kong concert - 9/30/10". Neal's comment is up near the top.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun,, sooo glad to see you are back. I've been looking for you for several days. Like Adam Fix said, get some rest. Hopefully work will start running smoother soon. GLAD YOU ARE BACK!!!

Addi said...

I think our boy is a lil toasted in the first pic....but he looks awfully happy to be that way!!! He's such a doll.

Anonymous said...

oooooh my life,that 3rd pouty picture is beautiful...very VERY pleasing to my eyes...glorious medicine after reading daft opinions on that past "crazy" thread.. i feel better now..

serious glamnation withdrawal has set in...yippee today is sunday, lets hope for some videos later..please...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@Fan4Fun, Was wondering where you were! Neal on other thread isn't fond of over 50 old women that fantasize over Adam and thinks them pitiful. Of course it created an uproar with some very strong opinions,mostly disagreeing with Neal with hopes of enlightenment! Good points from all sides. Glad We'll have our glamgod back with new videos! Adam withdrawal was getting ugly! Also tragic news of young gay teen suicides that saddened and upset us all. Pace yourself in Hells kitchen! Adam's concert tonight! All will be well! Love the glamily pic!! Others of Adam goes without saying! Thud!!Funbunn40

Urethra_Franklin said...

Dark Side...not hanging, shooting. some hateful ignorant bastard on twitter. fuck the haters.


Anonymous said...

Glambert militia? Tell me is Cheeks part of it.

Anonymous said...

Taylor is 21 and how does this have anything to do with anything???

Anonymous said...

In Japan live

The Dark Side said...

With you on this one Uretha. Got to cut the head off of ugliness before it grows more heads. WTF cares how old Taylor is. If he's old enough to dance, he old enough to dance. This is all a load of crap. I am not on twitter and now, I am less motivated than ever to be. There is no story here, we all need to move on.

Anonymous said...

Terrence and Brooke look so beautiful in glamily pic. Taylor is 21 and the twitterer that posted garbage is mentally afflicted and warped. Needs to go to twitter jail! Adam's back and happy days are here again! The world got a little ugly while he was gone. Japan will be good for Adam and lift all of us up. funbunn40

The Dark Side said...

funbunn40 what would we do without our Adamloving cheer leaders. Have a feeling the entire world will treat our boy better than the good old USA does. Didn't know there was a twitter jail? If being warped was a felony, we would probably all be doing hard time. I use to be normal, relatively speaking, then AL came singing into my life and turned me into a computer crazed zombie that has to have a daily fix of glam even before my coffee. Oh well, I could go back to be bored off my ass.

Anonymous said...

Pic #3 -- drop dead gorgeous!! Black'n'White pics of Adam just intensifies everything about him. I don't think Adam can take a bad picture. To date, my fav's have been his Lee Cherry photoshoots.

fan4fun -- try not to work too hard. I know what it is like too to feel like you are burning the candle at both ends, lack of sleep, workaholic. Try to not let it get the best of ya!

funbunn40 - I know what you mean about Adam came "singing into your life". My passion all my life was music. I sang solo's in school musicals, played piano, etc. Yep, I am also one of those over 50 "hags" that Neal insulted. Somewhere along the way the musical passion I had died.

No artist could ignite it. Then I heard Adam sing and I could not explain how happy I began overnight.

Music is soo powerful. Adam makes it magical !! Such an incredible gift he is sharing now with the world.

My husband saw this immediately in me too. I am even thinking about buying a piano again. Crazy!! But all good!

So yes, I am one of Adam's FANS for LIFE and will continue to follow Adam's career and successes and pray it will last into infinity!

Hell -- being normal is highly over-rated! My mission in life is to just have FUN and be as crazy as I want to be!


Anonymous said...

@ tThe Dark Side and Heart Adam Forever, I don't think there is such a thing as "normal."It's all relative IMHO.I think Adam ignited a spark in all of us,reminding us of the power of music. Think he's started a raging bonfire with his hotness! The intense heat is also known to warp! As for anyone that maligns our Adam with blatant untruths,twitter jail [in my imagination lol] is where I would send them to be tweeted to virtual death! Maybe the same tweet,"Adam is the King of all music," throughout eternity! haha funbunn40