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New Interview with Tommy and Isaac

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 12, 2010

Posted at : Friday, November 12, 2010

Transcript from interview with Isaac Carpenter och TommyJoe Ratliff at Debaser Medis, Stockholm, Sweden at the 9th of november 2010 Glam Nation Tour

How are you enjoying the tour so far?

Tommy Joe: It’s been amazing, it’s been surreal I’ve always wanted to do something like this. I’ve never actually been on a real tour like, you know what I mean, just like kinda slumming it in a van and this is actually like my first big deal so it’s been a lot of fun.
Isaac: Amazing, it’s amazing it’s a really fun group of people and really fun, fun challenging show to play every night and to play drums behind Adam, I’ve never really, it’s pretty amazing to play behind a voice like that.
TJ: Yeah you get kind of spoiled you don’t ever wanna be in a different band with a different singer
I: Yeah, every band I’ve played with has it’s strengths but playing behind Adam’s voice is just super. Extraordinary.

Is that the biggest difference?

I: No, many things kind of differs from what I’ve ever done. It’s really, before I played with them and I went and saw this show I just really liked kinda how dramatic and almost like theatrical it is. It’s kind of like a play or something it’s kinda like a set story that gets told every night and that’s kind of different it’s kind of like there’s a lot of emotion in it but it’s kinda rigid schedule in show you know

When did you decide to go for music, to start focusing on music? At what age and why?

TJ: I was twelve. Well, I’ve always been really into music ever in like my first and second grade I was like Depeche Mode is my favorite group and then I was into like Midnight Oil, remember that band? I loved them, I loved all these tons of bands Metallica. I grew up listening to that, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and everything. And then when I was twelve I used to see my uncle playing guitar and it made me wanna play. And then I just kinda picked up like a cheap 20 dollars guitar was all I could afford one so I had to like wait and you know and yeah it was pretty bad. And then I ended up just like learning Nirvana songs and Jimi Hendrix songs and everything and I started going from there.

So you’re self taught?

TJ: Mhm, I’ve never taken a lesson I’d actually like to now
I: And this is his first band he plays bass in you guys know all about that.
TJ: Yeah, so I’m actually becoming a bass player now it’s cool.

How about you Isaac?

I: Similar story. I really loved music from a young age. I was buying vinyl at like age five or age four and like when I was like eleven. I actually wanted to play music when I was seven but it was just too hard. I tried to learn some Guns and Roses songs and it was too hard but it really took on when I was eleven and actually I started out as a guitar player too and then I moved to drums later. I never had any lessons either I was just lucky enough, my dad is a musician and my brother is a drummer so I was just lucky enough to start out learning by playing with other people.

What instruments do you play?

I: I’m an okay guitar player which makes me an okay bass player and I mainly play drums and percussion.
TJ: I just play guitar and bass.
I: You can play drums too!
TJ: A little bit kinda, I can keep the beat. If I had a drum-set I could get kinda good but I really. I’d love to play the drums, I’m always beating on things.

But no singing?

TJ: Not at all
I: I sang background vocals in a bunch of bands that I’ve played for and I don’t do it very well. I can do a background vocal like in albums and stuff if it’s in just the right range I’m an okay background vocalist.

Do you have any more say in the creative process with Adam than with previous bands?

TJ: We kinda, we like you know, we got hired after the album was done and everything so we never got to put our own twist on the album. And usually if he doesn’t like something he’s like let’s do it this way and it just happens but you know we put our own edge to it and I mean the album obviously sounds a lot different from the live shows and just kinda like, the albums great but we kinda add our own things to it.
I: Yeah, he doesn’t micromanage what so ever. But it seems like we all really trust his instincts. So he kinda leads just by, just by being confident, but he definitely doesn’t micromanage.
TJ:And he definitely has a vision what he wants and gets his point across when your in a soundcheck and stuff like that if he wants something in a certain way he knows.
I: And things slowly. I’ve only been playing in the band for two months or what ever but things slowly take on a life of their own without anybody telling anybody what to do you know.

Sounds great!

I: Yeah.
TJ: Oh yeah! I couldn’t even imagine playing with other people now like that would just be weird.

Could you imagine before this tour started all the fans, fame and support that came with it?

TJ: Yeah I had no idea all the fans would come with this I was just blown away. It was nuts after the first day he put the names up on the internet, like mine, I wasn’t even in any other big bands really so every one was like you know like yeah Monte from Madonna and Lisa from the Pumpkins and LongineuYellowcard, it’s kinda like. And then I signed up on twitter, I never wanted to get a twitter account, I was kinda like I don’t ever wanna you know twitter, come on why, and everyone was like you should so I was kinda like oh, okay.
I: And he became the biggest star of them all… [Laughs]
TJ: Yeah and then next day, I had the email attached to my phone and it was like, I had like 1200 emails the next morning. I was like whoa!

I: Yeah similar thing, it’s funny because I didn’t really have a twitter account either but my brother’s wife is an Adam Lambert fanatic before any of this happened that’s actually how I heard his album. She told me you gotta get a twitter his band is active on twitter you should go on twitter. The next morning I woke up I had like 3000 followers. So the main thing is just like how positive and Adam seems to breathe this positive energy and this vibe and his fans so it’s the coolest group of people because I replaced LP that is an incredible drummer and so I was kinda oh man, like these people might kinda like revolt against me, people don’t like change, but people were nice to me and sweet and encouraging and you know, he doesn’t know it but showing up on the tour when they’ve already been on tour for months it was intimidating to like join this new group of people that seemed to be really be connected but the band and the fans and everyone made it pretty painless for me and I thank them.

TJ: I remember you was worried that first night.
I: I was worried for like a week, I didn’t eat.
TJ: We went to dinner me and him. And I was like dude trust me Adam is a real good judge of character so if you know. You can kinda like I’ve made so many friends over this passed year like you know like people that I’m gonna be really good friends with for a really long time and it’s really awesome.

Do you feel like you’ve made friends for life in the group?

TJ: Totally, yeah I can never imagine not having them in my life it’s weird. They are all like brothers and sisters it’s nuts. Like they know every little thing about me I can like open up and like be my goofy self around everybody and you know say weird dirty jokes to each other and you know what I mean we can say what ever we want. Nobody judges you that’s why it’s a good group to be around
I: Yeah I think Adam surrounds himself with really sweet people and it’s a really interesting great group of people.
TJ: Even people that aren’t on the tour with us, like his friends back home that I just met through him and I’m good friends with them too they are like great people you just wanna talk to all the time it’s really cool.

What are you looking forward to with your future in the band?

I: I just started playing with them and a friend of mine, actually I gotten her to play drums, since I was in a band called Loudermilk and basically since then, for a few years I was like just being a musician for hire, and I played this only for a handful of people like that, but one of the first guys I played with who ended up becoming a really good friend of mine his name is Jeremy Fischer he’s a Canadian artist, but he told me. This is long… He told me Isaac you need to do what’s best for you cause I’m always gonna do what’s best for me. When I play drums so I just started playing with Adam and I’m just happy to be here now and I don’t know what his next album is gonna be like what type of drummer he’ll need but. I would love to play with Adam.
TJ: I wouldn’t go anywhere unless he just slap me across the face and tell me to get out of his life, but otherwise no.
I: Until he hits me, when he hits me I leave.

We wanna thank Isaac Carpenter and TommyJoe Ratliff for making the interview and making us so totally at ease.

And Lane and Nina for making it possible!!!

The ones asking the questions were:
Emelie Lundqvist, Amelie Ogard-Franzén & Marie Bergström.

All credits goes to


Mo said...

Adam Lambert Tour Edition is for sale in Australia. It is a DVD/CD combo. It has a stripped DVD this includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Is it on sale worldwide or just selected countries? HAS ANYONE ELSE GOT A COPY?

LP said...

Loved the interview. Got good answers from the guys, I don't think English and vocabulary was Tommy's best subject in school lol. But he is a sweet guy and both are loved by the fans.I guess I am spoiled by Adams interviews, he is so articulate, which probably comes from his singing background, and vocal teaching. Adam also comes across as being quite intelligent. In the new year maybe Tommy will get those lessons he has been wanting, now that he is earning a steady wage.It would polish his already good bass playing. Love those guys, and hope they are what Adam wants for the long run.

Anonymous said...

This interview, and their answers speaks VOLUMES!!

There should never again be any doubt about Adam, his personality, his behavior, his intentions or his business acumen.

Anonymous said...

Love that they will both stay until Adam hits them, which we know will never actually happen!

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Isaac so cute and obviously devoted to Adam for this incredible opportunity they now have to become stars in their own right. Because of the tour,thyre being introduced the whole world!I know they're having the time of their lives right now ! It's also time to start preparing for the future . Tommy's so popular already and Isaac is gettin there fast! He could help Tommy a lot with vocabulary and interview skills . Luv them both !!

Lolita said...

So cute and like sweet, ya know? Just makes me wanna slap 'em around a little and squeeze 'em to my boobs like hard!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lolita you are the best.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the interview skills need some work, but they both seem like nice young men. I think some shyness might affect the responses as well. It was really wonderful to hear that they both respect Adam, as not only a tremendous singer, but also a great human being. I wish them both the best on their life journey.

Anonymous said...

@Eva - I know I said this already on the other thread where you posted the heads up on this interview - but thanks again! As 9:28 said upthread - it does speak volumes indeed

The Dark Side said...

Said it before and will say it again. Tommy the next Keith Richards--and articulation isn't what either are about, it's the music and their persona. This is rock and roll and Tommy Joe is becoming a much loved musician due to his personality and willingness to go for it. Issac sounds more R&R to me. Like this sound. Hope they get to be a big part of the sophomore album. Adam's fans would not be happy to not have Tommy close to him. Not looking for any face slapping anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love Tommy Joe what a cool dude he is just so... perfect!

Lolita said...

Thank you, Eva. *blushes*

Anonymous said...

Thank you MGF for the compliment (upthread).
Forgot to tag myself. Sometimes you just get typing so fast, and have so much to do you forget.

Anonymous said...

Just love these guys. I love that it would require Adam to slap them and tell them to go away to get rid of them. Adam has such terrific people in his band (That goes for his dancers, as well.).

My selfish wish is that they write his next album together and that these are the musicians that play on the album (vs. some producer's notions or hires). I so wish Adam had his OWN label with total creative control, and owned his OWN stuff, and could do his OWN hiring. Since Cam is experimenting with that, maybe she's got Adam thinking about this at least.

It strikes me that most of the very best vocal artists (i.e. Mick Jagger, Johnny Cash, Jim Morrison of the Doors, the Beatles, Freddie Mercury)who wrote did so in collaboration with their OWN bands. Tommy has said that he loves blues and would like to start a blues band some day. Well, Adam is one of the best blues singers around. And, Monte. Wow, what a terrific musician he is! And, he, too, seems to adore Adam. They all seem to have such great chemistry. They actually look like they are having fun! They certainly know each other so well that they can improvise like nobody's business. Per Cam's interview, she seems to love backing Adam as well. (I wonder if Lisa Harriman (sp?)regrets leaving Adam--& real music--behind for Keisha.) While Cam is great, I always thought Zack was especially terrific at keys(if Zack was the one at Fantasy Springs & at the acoustic NYC performances). Oh well, a girl can dream.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

LOL, something tells me that Adam is never going to slap Tommy Joe across the face unless it's with his tongue... how cute is that, though.

Anonymous said...

I find myself kinda' wishing Tommy was gay..
oh, how f**king hot that would be. Or just to be BI. Anyway, he is one hell of a guy to just flow with this show. He has given us all many pleasures all in the name of Rock and Roll!! . Love you Tommy Joe. The very best to
you forever... :)

Anonymous said...

Isaac is SO cute! Of course, we already know TJ is SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Aww such cuties <3

glitzylady said...

I think I posted a while back that I met both Tommy and Isaac at the Puyallup..both very sweet and nice. Tommy was very quiet in general but also took the time to tell me how beautiful my 11 yr. old family member is...and "to keep an eye on her in a couple of she is going to be "really something.."! There was more to that story which made it especially nice for him to say.... And Isaac was quite new to the band at that time, and had nothing but the absolute nicest things to say about his new gig with Adam, how Adam is just the most talented singer and wonderful person....and he was so excited and honored to be playing with Adam and the band!!! A real "fanboy"!! And now he has become in integral part of the Glamily, and fits in so well..So glad Adam is surrounded by people who love and respect him, and who are also worthy of our admiration...

Anonymous said...

Lolita - ROFLMFAO!! You are a treasure. Priceless! Please post a comment on every thread, ok?? I am SO laughing out loud!

I agree with all comments here - these guys are sweethearts. They are geniune. Who cares what their grammar is like, they speak from the heart. A very touchng interview. Loved it.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I don't think these boys are going anywhere. Both TJ and Isaac are adorable too. Sounds like they are really having the best times of their lives playing for Adam. Great interview and thanks for this Eva, MGF & 24/7.

@Adam Fix - you, Lolita and the rest of guys with excellent sense of humor are fantastic. Agree more than 100% that Lolita and you as well should put a comment on every thread. You both are hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Emelie Lundqvist, Amelie Ogard-Franzén & Marie Bergström --- Thanks for this great interview! They are both adorable, sweet, loyal people. So happy Adam is surrounded by cool interesting people :)

Anonymous said...

I remember that story, but i'm sure I read it over at Mj's, it was quite touching, do you post there? if so any clues on how to sign up, have been trying for a long time.

HK fan

glitzylady said...

@HK fan 4:15pm

I only post here...and just a bit on one other, but not Mj's, so if you read it there, that would be interesting....I posted it here on the Puyallup Thread in Sept..or close to it!! And it was a little longer with more explanation...but I think I used up all of my posting space for awhile, on another thread here today, so kept it very brief on this one!!

Anonymous said...

Have to go back and find your Sept. thread, GL I missed it. What a great compliment from Tommy to your family member! They are super nice guys. Haven't met Isaac yet, but did meet Tommy, Monte, LP and Taylor. All sweet as can be and all loving Adam. funbun40

Anonymous said...

probably just me mixing up where I saw it, it was quite a while ago, so I certainly can't be sure.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

well said and for sure the next album will be more exciting. I can't wait to line up again people!!!!!!!!!!Love yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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