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Adam Lambert Shows Off His Tongue

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 11, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 11, 2010

Adam Lambert - Jingle Ball Philly - 09.12.10



Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! if you got it... FLAUNT it bb‼ :))

Stephanie said...

What a perfect specimen.

Anonymous said...

his tongue has no rules! licky licky!!!

Anonymous said...

He rocked the Jingle Ball in Philly. Monty and Tommy were really into the performance with a lot of head banging and moving around the stage. Loved Adams outfit...gorgeous as usual.

Anonymous said...

Just look at that strut!! He´s just...too much. Now I have stared for an hour.


Anonymous said...

OT Does anyone know if there will be a live stream for tonight's Jingle Ball in Miami?


Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

Slow Saturday news day??? Ah well, the tongue is nice...reaching here.

Anonymous said...

Not quite as good as the giraffe but darn sure inviting :)

Anonymous said...

That look in his eye is what I respond to!!!!Hot! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!ADAM HAHA Yes his tounge has no rules :)katie

Anonymous said...

For God sake ladies, this is absolutely terrible photo! It made me sick. Sorry, Adam , you are gorgeous boy, but I deff don't like your tongue on this picture!
Sorry, gurls, don't get it:(

Anonymous said...

@ delilah5

Trust me baby, in many tongues to come, I mean, in many years to come, when you are my age, YOU'LL GET IT!!!! Lol


Anonymous said...

Fan4fun - very funny, gurl! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Okay, Fan4fun, I will agree with you, sweet heart:) I don't have any idea how to do it but, can anybody send this review from to Matt or somebody else from Examiner! I don't think they read this article! This is one of the best reviews I ever read about Adam! He is becoming LEGEND! Gurls, please do something!

Anonymous said...

OK, if pressed and tortured about it, and had to pick one part of Adam I wasn't enthralled with, it would be the underside of his tongue - HA HA! But look at those eyes...!

Hmmm, wait, have I ever seen the underside of anybody's tongue I thought was sexy? Um, no...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I love this picture but I never thought I'd be saying that, "pink" lipstick looks good on a guy but Adam wears it sooo well!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant picture! So love it! Infact I rate this one as awesome!

Anonymous said...

Oh cheeky, cheeky Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam in the mode. Fantastic.

Anonymous said...

That look and the tongue...uhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

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