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Fan Montage: Adam Lambert, I Just Love You

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"I Just Love You" performed by talented singer Adam Lambert.

Video credit: glamstarlight


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful... I ♥ this song‼ I just ♥ u Adam! :) *I don't know Y-I just do*

LP said...

What a lovely montage, and song. Sure beats the ones about his bulge. This is the Adam we love, maybe he will include this in his new album.Lovely to hear him singing it, I keep watching it over and over.Love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

Loved this!
It seems like Adam is getting one award after another these days. I finally found the ad I had seen in the wee hours a bit ago. I thought the show was "the most influential people of 2010" but NO! It is "The Most Influential Americans of the 21st Century ( so far...)" Much BETTER!!
Anyway it will be on Morning Joe on MSNBC on Friday morning. Here is the link:

Also, to my friend glitzylady:
Loved your post about your seating arrangement. So jealous! Also your thoughts about not bothering Adam's family at the time. You are a class act and I am so glad we got to meet this fall. You deserved the seats you was the Universe rewarding your loyalty, dear!

DADT officially repealed today !
Adam continues to amaze us.
Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Agree with LP....the bulge thing, it's cute in a way but slo mo video?...well he deserves way more respect than that...this song..his voice is so perfect!! (as always:)

Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL montage!! Thank you!
That exuberant smile always brings out a smile in me.

Anonymous said...

smoothing to hear and see his charming face indeed.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and soothing too.....

I've already watched it 3 times.

A couple of those photos are new to me, like the "cover" one....beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully put, LP.

The Dark Side said...

Wow, what a great group of pictures. Never heard Adam sing this song before--beautiful. Hope he adds this to new Album. Could always change the gender in the song to suit him. Don't tar and feather me, but also thought the Glambulge a little tacky. Lets show Adam with the right amount of class.

Anonymous said...

Adam singing with piano playing is just Stunning! Love his voice!

Anonymous said...

I'm beautiful.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Loved the word soothing used above. That's precisely how I felt after viewing this. Relaxed and soothed. Such a photogenic man!

Anonymous said...

Love this video.

Simply looking at Adam's face often brings tears to my eyes because it--and he--are just that beautiful. I've never had such an experience before. He is the most beautiful human being I have ever laid eyes on.

P.S. I got to see him very up close in person from 2nd row at Louisville concert. I could see his eyelashes and those extremely pale, gray blue eyes. His gorgeous smokey/blue/magenta eye makeup that night was like a work of art. Even his bare feet were beautiful. He's breathtaking.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kentucky Fan, breathtaking is the word I always choose when I describe Adam! I've seen 7 of the GNTs and also the Wango Tango & Idol Live Tour in L.A. The only time I got somewhat close was at the Wango Tango Meet & Greet ( I didn't know about it in advance so didn't have a ticket) but I was squeezed in line trying to get as close as possible (lots of barriers & security guards etc.). I could see his face and I stopped breathing! Hence the word breathtakingly beautiful!!! I'll never forget that moment! I stood there in awe! So gorgeous and that mega watt smile.....well, he has such a powerful presence about him, you just have to experience it to understand. Then he stood up to leave the area with the security guards and smiled....and I melted.


Anonymous said...

..two times within 3 feet of Adam at the barricades in IndiAdampolis and you just have to see him to really believe he does have an aura....and that comes from somewhat of a cynic :) gorgeous man!

Dinah-mite said...

Yes, breathtaking is right...Some of Adam's most beautiful heart felt singing was done at Upright Cabaret New Years Eve 12-31-08 1-01-09. You can see it on You Tube. Adam's rendition of "I can't make you love me" that night was SO powerful. I feel like he reaches in and tears my heart out. Please check it out. Adam's emotional singing is by far the best I have ever experienced. I'm not sure what it is that Adam possesses, but whatever it is, it was given to him by someone or "something" that vibrates on a very high frequency. Personally I feel like Adam is truly a gift, and I feel very fortunate to be able to experience his extraordinary talent and energy.

Anonymous said...

You said it for me, 1:56 PM. I saw him at meet and greet, up close, and you're right, he's got a radiating force-field that leaves a permanent mark. You can't forget him and you cannot ignore him because he's a master of his art and a fascinating paradox, himself.

Anonymous said...

The montage is really great!!!! thank you!!!
I agree with Kentucky Fan is breathtaking.
I love 0:35 and 2:41 (and lot of more pictures)
I love his smile, his eyes and his hairstyle.


Anonymous said...

This recording was done as a favour to a well known iceskater whos name escapes me at the moment (couldve been Nick some one) saw it on youtube last year sometime. It is truly beautiful.
Also agree with LP and other posters about the glambulge nonsense. Adam does deserve more respect. I dont watch them.

Anonymous said...

I just love beautiful...and I love Adam singing this song...of course I love him and anything he sings

glitzylady said...

This is truly one of my favorite songs covered by Adam Lambert, and of course that is saying a lot! So simple yet so beautiful..For those who may not know, he sang this song for his figure skating friend Nick Laroche to use in a skate routine. And for those who are not aware and haven't quite caught the words, it is about a father singing to his four year old daughter...something I sincerely hope Adam will someday have (or a son, or both...). My son has 2 daughters and when I first played this song for him it literally made him cry. His girls live with their mom and so it has special meaning for him...

@lmb 10:07 Thanks, I am still stunned that I found myself in LA and sitting where I was just unreal! I can't think of a better-er place to be at that moment..except maybe on stage!!! LOL!! I think Adam is onto something with that Universe thing..must be rubbing off on me! Whatever it takes...And I know you and I will cross paths again!

And SO glad the DADT was repealed...Slowly but surely..things are happening...And thanks for the heads up about the MSNBC link..I have to think Adam will have great influence in years to come...just by being himself and not listening to those who told him he couldn't succeed. LIsten to the intro of Suz526 vid of the encores at the Music Box show "A Change is Gonna Come"/"20th Century Boy" He uncharacteristically, before just launching into the song, stops to talk about his journey, overcoming the attitudes of those who said he wouldn't make it in the music biz without changing himself into something he is not, and allowing himself to say "hey I've got a Grammy nomination" so there! (He said it with a little more "emphasis" but I'll just let him say it!!!! He has every right to be proud of what he has accomplished in this short period of time, and we are only at the beginning!

Anonymous said...


Yes, I had the same experience. I was looking up at Adam (only a few feet away from me) who was looking up at the balcony (during Voodoo/Rabbit Hole) and my heart stopped. I literally forgot to breathe.

I was so grateful for indybeck's videos, because I simply could not take my eyes off Adam the entire concert. He's riveting. Through the videos I could then appreciate his fabulous musicians and dancers, the costuming, amazing backdrops and thus relive this stunning show that Adam had put together. (I wish there were a special Tony Award for this kind of show.)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

OMG my heart is full of joy hearing the song i would like to sing to Adam each time i'd imagine his beautiful face as i squeeze my pillow to put myself to sleep. Totally agree with Kentucky Fan & CT that Adam is simply overwhelming. I will forever be in awe.

There is something in Adam that is so pleasurable which i only experienced as my boys were growing up. I just couldn't get him off my mind and i've never been affected this way by anyone other than my two sons. Most of the time just the thought of him gives me goosebumps.

This montage touched me deep inside and brought me to tears towards the end seeing his pics with children. And i couldn't take my eyes off that collage. Adam Mitchel Lambert what have you done to me? I've never ever been this way to anyone and i'm not complaining. It's just that i couldn't believe that you are that irresistible ;-)

24/7 thanks so much for this fan montage!


Anonymous said...

I love the pic at 2.41, its in my top 3 of favourite Adam pics. Love this song, have only heard it a couple of times, once when I watched the ice skating a long time ago. As I was listening to it, I thought he should release iot as a single, it almost has a slight country feel to it at times, which I think would fit well with the US audience.

HK fan

laurieb said...

That was just beautiful! I agree with everyone that Adam has that special something about him. I have never seen him live, yet I feel the power of his being. He moves me in a way I cant quite express. I am glad to have been here, at this time to witness the journey of this extraordinary man.

Anonymous said...

Oh I so agree with all of the posters above. Adam does it for me. Can't get his magnetism out of my mind for the past 2 years!

Happy Holidays everyone! I am off for two weeks YAY! More sleep!! Or is it more time for Adam surfin?!


Anonymous said...

En todas las imágenes proyectadas hay un denominador común " BELLEZA" y unida a su hermosa voz. Este vídeo se convierte en algo fascinante.
GRACIAS por su bello montaje!!!

Anonymous said...

wow...his voice always makes me comefortable!!
I love this song!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, glamstarlight, for this amazing video - his voice (of course!), but the pictures truly capture his beauty (especially his EYES!). I completely agree with all the above comments. He is mesmerizing, life-changing, exquisite ... and simply amazing. I will keep this beautiful video to look at over and over. What a man and amazing life-changing beautiful human being!

Anonymous said...

HH's 6:09PM

«In all projected images there is a common denominator «BEAUTY» and added to his beautiful voice this video becomes something fascinanting. THANKS for your lovely editing. HH»

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

As I read all of the above comments I think: That's the way I feel too. Wish I could express my feelings so eloquently. Maybe there is another universe just for Adam, his loved ones, and all his fans. Thanks glamstarlight for this lovely video.


Anonymous said...

This is truly one of the most beautiful songs Adam has ever sung. I found it back during AI on youtube also. This montage just depicts the Adam I absolutely love - it show's his beauty inside and out. And, to my surprise, I was actually there when he had his pic taken with one of the kids near the end. It was such an honor meeting him and getting to know him just a little bit. He's such a class act and has brought me so much joy these last 2 years with his heart and his music! Thanks for posting this beautiful video.

Virginia Fan

Anonymous said...

It's been all so heartfelt said by all of you above. Just love this man so much, for all that he is and all that he will be... Also love every posts by each of you, sseing him at the LA concert, his family, friends, etc.all of the links to videos and all that is Adam. I really appreciate all that is here on 24/7. This song stops me in my tracks, The world stops turning when I hear his beautiful voice. Happy Holidays, Everyone!

Anonymous said...

It´s the same song as in that video with lip licking and endless thank yous that I posted long ago (one of my many Adam fixes).
It is so nice to hear you talk about that "special thing" about Adam. Sometimes I doubt my sanity, but hearing you give words to my feelings exactly is comforting. I just wonder, are we, who feel this way, extra sencitive to his vibes? There are people who hates him, think he´s ugly, disgusting and can´t sing. How come they don´t feel the magic? If they met him in person, would they feel it or would that gay thing put upp a wall of protection against that vibrating energy that surrounds him? Oh, here I go again, rambling away! Love you all! :)


coloforadam said...

...the sweet side, how lovely. All the many moods of his voice are pure magic.

Anonymous said...

if you like this song then you also need to listen to Can't let you go-- it was only released on the for your entertainment cd in the uk I ordered in online the second I heard this song--it still makes me cry everytime.