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Twas the Night Before Christmas as told by Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas as told by Adam Lambert and others.

Skip to around 1:10 for Adam's part.


Anonymous said...

Very cute. Of course Adam was the best :)

Anonymous said...

Actually he WAS the best. You can tell he has actor skills. The others (those who could read) just read the text, not feeling it.


Anonymous said...

Yeh he put the most feeling into it, ..and the only one not to read was 'the child'..

HK fan

Anonymous said...

lovely voice indeed

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam got one of the longer parts. (Donder?)
The best speaker for sure.

Anonymous said...

More please... daddy Adam‼ :) No doubt, he's a great reader too‼ Adam knows when to pause, when to change the tone of his voice & when to glance at his audience... He got it... ALL‼ :)

Rebecca said...

i love that story

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna put his audio in my Hallmark Christmas card ...yay

"creepiest stalker"


The Dark Side said...

Yes, Adam has the acting chops and gave it a theatrical tilt, the others were fun to watch as well. Not knocking Bieber, but keep asking is anyone getting this kid an education???

Anonymous said...

You see? There we have AN ACTOR!!!
Sweet Adam doesn't read only...HE PLAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

@Dark Side, I agree re:Beiber.....

anon 4:41pm...indeed you are creepy..LMFAO

Anonymous said...

so i looked it up and apparently donner is also called donder. i knew adam didn't make a mistake. :)

Anonymous said...

"DASHaway...!" GREAT reader with emotion, yes an actor. I think no contest he was the best reader. I would SERIOUSLY love to hear Adam read the whole story.

@6:04, Yes I've heard/seen the 'der' spelling, thanks for looking it up too.

The "child" chuckles ...didn't want to read the children's book..? Probably thought they were picking on him. Did he not realize everybody else read this most famous and traditional Christmas rhyme? Oh Well

GREAT Job Adam... I want MORE! =)

Anonymous said...

poor Beiber, I see what the radio DJ's are trying to prove. They are testing Beiber's intelligence. I remember some DJ's makin fun of his knowledge, some DJ overseas asked him in an interview and Beiber didn't understand the question, I think it was something about German and Beiber didn't know what "German" is and I think they are trying to bring that back. But they don;t want to act like idiots y putting Beibs in the spot, so they are asking all the celebrities to read the book. But I believe this was initially intended to test Beiber....

Anonymous said...

Here is the Beiber video...

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, did Beiber graduate the school? I mean Junior High! Don't think so. And it wasn't test Justin's intelligence, it was test his ability to read. I don't think he can read very good!
Adam was the best. Sure he was, he is the great actor. Adam was on the stage since forever. And if Adam would have children , I am sure he can be a great Dad.
Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Future terrific dad, our Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Watching it again, it sounds like an original version of the story, so Donder was probably right, I always read this story to my kids on xmas eve, and our version has a few differences, more updated I think.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

definitely Adam was best! Much more feeling and eye contact! His diction is perfect! (of course, everything about him is perfect).


Anonymous said...

Donder is how it is written in many versions of book

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam - you are so great!!!!!!!!!!All your fans could just listen to you all day long. Big difference between the "boy" and yummy MANNNNNNNN!
Forever Fan,