The 20 Most Awesome Men of 2010
Filed Under (news,video ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010

18. Adam Lambert
Why’s this guy on the list of men we love in 2010? It’s not ‘cause we all covet his smoky eye look and pray he’ll give us tutorials. It’s not ‘cause he loves to shock audiences. It’s because of his heartfelt message that was included in the It Gets Better Project to bullied teens -straight and GLBT. This guy is a true American Idol.
For those who have never seen Adam's IT GETS BETTER video, here it is:
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Fellow Glamberts, Happy Holidays! Check out this SEXY picture of Adam...You won't regret it!!!
OMG! I can't move my eye away from the first picture
I can't move my eyes and ears away from this amazing young man!
Hell yeah‼ ADAM is the most awesome man in the whole world... period‼ ***♥♥♥ mind ♫ beauty ♫ soul ♥♥♥***
Rayos de Gloria recaen sobre ADAM. Su Mensaje
justo y sincero, ayudo a quienes lo vieron
y alerto para hacer justicia, respetar los derechos y hacerlos valederos.ADAM por este gran mensaje y por tantos otros te queremos.
HH, you are so right. Not long ago I read a message from a woman who wrote about how Adam had changed her life. I guess this is true, just by listening to him talking about how hard it has been to get where he is now, is just inspiring. Makes you think that you can also make it if you believe and work for your dreams and that it's just a matter of time to see all come true. At the end it will be worth the effort.
HH's 5:48PM
«Rays of Glory fall on ADAM. His fair and sincere Message helped the ones who saw him and (he) has alerted (us) to be fair, to respect the rights and turn them into true. ADAM for this great message and so many others we love you. HH»
by Fan4fun
It gives me so much joy that his IT GETS BETTER message earned him a spot in THE 20 MOST AWESOME MEN OF 2010! Any type of recognition for Adam is free publicity for him so this is all good. But most of all i know in my heart that his profound message of hope and empowerment will certainly resonate with the target audience. I can see a lot of those young ones struggling with their identities benefiting from his words of encouragement. Congratulations again Adam!
Fan4fun thank you so much for the translation of HH's beautiful post. And i just want you to know that reading your comments is really entertaining too. FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSPERO AñO NUEVO a los dos ;-)
Amor a traves de Adam,
Un saludo y abrazo cordial para Fan4fun y Bing
Y mis deseos de una FELIZ NAVIDAD y un PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO!!!!!!!!
HI, gurls! Did anybody try to open profile to vote for Adam on IT Awards in Australia? I love Adam, but I don't think I want to give them my address, cell or home phone#, etc. It was so many questions, wondering if they need to know my SS and credit card # to open this profile! It is not make me very happy because I can't vote for Adam.
But all of these recognitions and awards Adam got just in few days, make me so exciting! Happy Christmas, gurls
Hi Glamily,
On another site I asked about Adam being on TV Friday. I don't know if anyone replied..I forget which site it was so haven't checked for a reply...another "glitter moment" (Sounds so much better than senior moment.) I saw an ad about "The Most Influential People of 2010" really late one night.... I saw it again tonight! It is Morning Joe on MSNBC Friday at 7am. They flash a pic of our this has been done before for ratings IMO, but I will be getting up early Friday to see what they have to say! :)
Adam is shining brighter everyday!
Yes he is!! Adam is definately a great role model for teens and young adults (and older adults) to be true to themselves, stay sweet, keep it real, and go for the gusto!!
Adam should have been higher on the list. He has done more for all humans in his manner of love not hate. Excepting all people, no matter of age, race, religion or who you sleep with. Not be to narrow minded and be more tolerant of all people. I admire Adams soul and spirit not to mention the best voice in the music industry today. Happy Holidays!
So nice to see Adam recognized because of his contributions toward peace instead of his "antics"
Anon 4:55 PM - that picture, OMG! Thanks for the warning! :)
Bing - beatifully said, as usual. :)
The top picture of this post...STUNNING! Where's that picture been my whole life??
Glad people recognized Adam's awesomeness, although I agree he should have been higher on the list...but I tend to be a little biased. Ha, ha!
- Adam Fix
Dec. 21 9:00PM
The site does require that you give the details they request but not your SS and credit card #. I've voted on PopRepublic numerous times before and had no hassles with it whatsoever.
PLEASE VOTE FOR ADAM FOR THE PopRepublic "IT" AWARDS HE'S NOMINATED FOR. This is an IMPORTANT POLL and it is VERY IMPORTANT for Adam to gain a lot more recognition in Australia, and anyone from around the world can vote.
Here's the link:
he is truly an angel
Inner beauty always shines though!
lmb, thanks, I saw that in your previous post. I don't have cable, so please let me know what was said! Thanks!
RE: the Poprepublictv poll ... I logged on with my FaceBook info over which I have total privacy ... no problem ... have been voting ever since whenever I want .. doesn't seem to be a limit.
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