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Video of Adam Lambert Meeting Voice of Holland Contestants

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Anonymous said...

Must have missed something? Are these contestants on a show? Thought the guys voice was beautiful. And both men were very attractive! Go Holland! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Very nice. way talented kids.

Anonymous said...

So, Adam worked with a cosmetics line and a clothing line, no wonder he's sooo GLAM‼ And yes Adam, to wear make up and look as gorgeous as you is another form of art, cuz you have to apply it perfectly & blend your colors well as well‼ So there, whoever is critical about your make up should know how much efforts one has to put into it... not that easy‼ Try it, you might like it‼ :)

Anonymous said...

loved the guys voice on the end on the right

Anonymous said...

i saw it yesterday, i was so excided for the show!!

Anonymous said...

The guy's voice at the end on the righthand side was great, and the song sounded beautiful when they sang it altogether. Such a popular song to sing these days. I think Adam was impressed but still .... no one sings WWFM more beautifully than Adam. :)