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Adam Lambert Misses Kesha!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam really likes Ke$sha, doesn't he....hmmmm
Didn't know they had a Parisian adventure???

Anonymous said...

this is OT, but that sicko yesterday that tweeted adam those horrible tweets has been suspended from twitter! yeah

Anonymous said...

Kesha is not very talented IMO at least vocally, but she obviously has a wild crazy personality that appeals to Adam. So whatever. She does look cute with him. Happy that he has such good loyal friends.

I also noticed that guy/gal has been suspended. Apparently that person is a regular nasty jerk.

Anonymous said...

9:22 - Really? That person has been suspended????? YAY!

Anonymous said...

Yep, you can check it out. I had heard he wrote terrible things about everyone. Yeah Twitter!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm not really a fan but I'm trying. They look like siblings. Cute pix

Anonymous said...

OT: a great interview from a year ago to take you back to a nicer time and feeling.

Julia said...

They really like each other ... the other day someone had interview with ADAM and said he had a date with Kesha....i think ADAM was a bit jealous..(he asked "just you two alone???" i felt strange...ADAM never asked something like that before...why he is that curious?? ) does anyone has a "feeling" like i have....may be i am dreaming...i kept telling myself...who know.. one day ADAM and KESHA could become a couple ...then he might find out that he is Bi-sexual , not Bi-curious... Gee...if that day will come then many many female fans will be very angry because they will say "Why not me?? " LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that that person was suspended, but really should be banned. No reason to say hateful things just really upsets me that Adam is sent such messages...what is wrong with people. Adam seems to like Kesha and there is nothing wrong with that...can't help who you are attracted to. I'm attracted to Adam and just love his voice, personality, etc.

Anonymous said...

Don't think Kesha is the one unless she "has a surprise for him under that skirt." Too funny. In RS, he said he likes dick. Kesha has a somewhat masculine look to her, and she has said of herself that she should have been male. There's obviously some chemistry there, but Adam is gay, and it ain't happening. But I know several gay men, and without exception, they have all tried sex with women. I have also known straight men who have tried sex with a man just to see. So I wonder about Adam never ever experimenting with a woman. That part does seem strange. Of course, he doesn't tell us everything, thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

Just looked at those pictures again, and they do look like brother and sister. Maybe they should have a kid. Can you imagine? Almost like incest.

Anonymous said...

Ke$ha starts a tour in Feb. and I bet Adam will catch one of her shows.

Anonymous said...


I agree with what you're saying. I don't know if it's relevant at all but I'm also gay and I've been attracted to girls too in some ocations. But I don't see Adam & Kesha happening anytime soon.. They have their thing going on but nothing too serious in my opinion. Adam can't be the type of partner Ke$ha needs. They do seem to have a good friendship and I don't mind it cause I like Ke$ha too =P

Anonymous said...

Hahah, they do look cute together. I love them both. Ke$ha's really adam's type: wild and a bit crazy. Hope they'll get on stage together one day.

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! Now,they start to look alike to me. I hope Adam has made some real friends in the music industry. Yeah, if Adam start to like girl, keep dreaming that day will come. LoL

Anonymous said...

'I love Ke$ha' . He hurt me when he said that on an interview. But well, i get over it. They're perfect for each other. I love them.


Anonymous said...

Go to Out site and vote for Adam....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IMO, Adam & Kesha look great together!! If they connect w/ LOVE, isn't that all that matters?
Why hasn't she responded? I thought she had a boyfriend.
What I like about Kesha is that she has fun with her music. My 12yr old daughter likes Kesha & Gaga,& Miley, but doesn't care for JustinB.or Jonas bros.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that interview! I must have missed that one. It was very good.


Anonymous said...

We can all fantasize about getting it on with Adam.. No matter what, I don't think most of us run in the same circles. As Adam said,you can think about getting close to Brad Pitt or any other star but it's not going to happen.
So Dream on but that's as close as we're going to get,straight,bi or gay. sigh!

Anonymous said...
vote for Adam

Rebecca said...

they sre too cute together

Anonymous said...

So true @3:55, so true... It is fun to fantasize though, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I think they had a rendevou in Paris. Parisian? he likes her, but keeping it on the down low.

Anonymous said...

She has mads no secret about her attraction to him. She even said she would have his Glambaby. I think they meet in their secret places.

Anonymous said...

she has made no secret about her atttraction to him. She has even said she would have his Glambaby. I do think they meet in their secret places.

Anonymous said...

the Parisian one? Maybe a hook-up after the Glam Nation tour. I think he was in Paris after the Glam Nation tour ended. sly BB!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the 2nd time he fly to Paris to have vacation before came back to US, Kesha was in Paris. But isn't that Finland gay was there too? So confused.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant "guy" for above comment.

Anonymous said...

he juggled time between Kesha and his Findland boytoy. He is playing and having a good time at it.

Anonymous said...

Adam claims he can have more than one soul mate. He probably dates several people at one time. Boredom probably sets in and he is ready for something new. Some people tend to date different people, instead of being conclusive with just one person.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are deluded idiots. They are just frinds. Kesha has a boyfriend named Alex Carapetis.

coloforadam said...

They are young, wild, fun, talented and glittery gorgeous - hope they get togther on a song or two and wouldn't it be ********'n to see them perform on the stage - their music has similar ketchy theme - sexxxxxy, fun, clubby, dancin'!! Some of the best vids of Adam are to Ke$sha songs!! LOVE THEM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam wants a date to Grammy awards. Alex and Kesha have been over.

Anonymous said...

he probably told Kesha to meet him in Paris and they could explore the city together!

Anonymous said...

they probably hook-up when it is convenient for both of them. wink wink

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that Adam would inform the world of an ongoing private "relationship" with Kesha through his twitter. He knows his tweets go around the world twice and back in 10 seconds after he's posted them and will trigger mad chatter. He likes her and there is obviously an attraction at some level,but this is just having fun with her, and with us. We can rest assured he is not making us privy to his personal affairs. Nor should he.
This said...really, Adam, Paris with another girl? That hurts. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@Lolo at 1:52, I have a friend named Lolo who moved from Kiawah Island in SC (USA) to New Zealand. Is that you?

@anon at 7:04, Adam has said more than once that he wants a monogamous relationship, even though he is "mingling" these days.

I'm glad he had a friend to have fun with in Paris. I can just imagine them both having a fabulous time there!


Anonymous said...

Adam is a STAR. I bet he don't even remember the names of the guys he met on his tour and least someone from Finland :DDD OK, let's move on, Kesha must be nice, but I don't listen to her music. :)

Anonymous said...

He says he has nothing to hide. He is making known his attraction to Kesha. He is wanting an adventure in Hollywood with her. maybe Grammy awards?

Anonymous said...

he has called Kesha "his girl". that is pretty obvious he is attracted to her. I think they have secretly met many times.

Anonymous said...

If it would ever be any thing physical, they won't tell about it. It will be kept private, because Kesha doesn't want to deal with his admirers.

Anonymous said...

As usual, people here are talking about his sex life. And why are some of his fans so bent on having him hook up with a woman? Just let him be gay. I'm sick of discussion about his sexuality. I've followed some openly gay artists and Adam's fanbase is the only one I've seen that has a tendency to discuss about artist's sex life.

Anonymous said...

I think he was smitten when he first met her. He talked about her in interviews and to the press. He makes no secret he is attracted to women. He is older and maybe wanting a new adventure. Only he knows his true feelings, so it is hard to tell where all of this will lead. He talks about being gay, and that he would have sex with a woman. His fans should be able to talk about it as well.

Anonymous said...

People is afraid of sexuality. Adam should be able to discuss his appeal on men and women. I think he fantasizes about both. He makes his opinion known on both sexes when asked. If he took her as a Grammy date, everyone would be wagging their tongue about it. I think he should spend time with anyone who makes him feel loved or cared about. I think she cares about him.

Anonymous said...

I am a straight female and have enjoyed the company of bisexual men. Sexuality is scary for many people. I think it is all on how people treat you and how you treat them. It goes beyond the bedroom. Passion is a very complex thing.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting discussion. Sometimes it's more about us than about Adam, so any way to vent feelings and thoughts in a civil way should be acceptable. Agree with 9:16, it is complicated. Ultimately sexualty is tired to friendship to be enduring.

And thank you 11:16 for your insightful comments. Bet they have a blast when they're together, and there probably is a mutual attraction. As you say, it's a friendship, and that's always nice.

Anonymous said...

>January 27, 2011 8:58 AM

You don't see Adam talking about his experiences with men. When he appeared on Virgin Radio, DJ asked him whether he kissed a date, he refused to answer and said "none of your business". With guys, if he's going out on a legitimate date with a guy, he's not going to talk abut it publicly because it was an actual date. There is probably feelings involved and he doesn't want his personal life being talked about. However his experiences with women don't mean anything to him. He has no problem saying he made out with Kesha because it was just some fun and it ISN'T really anything that deep.

Anonymous said...

Aww! I don't know what to make of this cuz I NEVER like to make any assumptions especially on situations like this‼ We can write an entire book out of this 2 liner tweet & could still have it wrong... LOL *2cistobelieve*

Dear Twitter, I follow Adam and how come I don't get a notice on tweets like this? Sincerely, Meh :)

Anonymous said...

Once that twitter button is pressed the world is going to talk about them. Adam is our sex rock God and Kesha must be very nice to him. I remember she is the only one that mention him at this year's AMA press. I think they share same level of intelligence and vibe.

Anonymous said...

Adam said Kesha was his girl!!!Wow!!!!!!I'm so jealous. (He said that to me in my dreams!)

Anonymous said...

they took their tongue wrestling to the City of love? I bet they have some steamy makeout sessions. sizzle sizzle burn burn!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam has gave her a hicky? hehehehe

Anonymous said...

the Glam tongue working its magic...

Anonymous said...

I wonder what he misses? hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

such interesting comments. I love reading comments! fun! Kesha can't sing!

Anonymous said...

I could care less where she sticks her tongue, but she can't carry a tune in a bucket! Lambert needs to offer voice lessons.

Anonymous said...

they were probably both in Paris, but couldn't hook up because of schedules. He wants to make up for lost time. He misses her.

Anonymous said...

He wants a wild ass time!

Anonymous said...

@sweeties at 8:32
No, i guess not. I never moved to anywhere. Btw, Lolo's just my nickname. My family & friends started calling me that when i was 7 and i still don't understand why!!


Anonymous said...

but does she miss him?

Adamluv said...

IMO, the same one person (anon.) keeps making one line comments that are so silly. Dont even warrant a rebuttal.

Anonymous said...

@Lolo, where do you live? (not specific, just general)

I'm curious now about why they called you that as a've never asked?

By the way, I only found out the real reason why my mother picked my very unusual first name when I was 30!

You're only the second person I've ever even heard of named Lolo!


Anonymous said...

Mr Lambert wants a romantic pash with his Tik Tok princess. I bet they will hook up before her sleazy tour.

Anonymous said...

the one liners are really funny! People takes things soooo serious. Adam lambert can kiss whomever or sleep with whomever his heart desires. I think this site is fun and should be taken less serious. Lighten up!

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with being silly? People need to lighten the hell up! Comments are made, because everyone has opinions. Opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. Adam is a grown ass man and can stick his tongue wherever he sees fit. If Kesha is on the receiving end, so be it. The one liners are hysterical and done with a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

11:22 Don't even warrant a rebuttal.

Anonymous said...

don't warrant a rebuttal for 11:22.

Anonymous said...

Kesha is really a man, but recently came out as a woman. Isn't she a bisexual? I really don't see the attraction Adam has for her anyway.

Anonymous said...

I bet she show up at his house for his birthday with a big Birthday surprise!!!!!! mmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

what's a rebuttal? I'm illiterate?

Anonymous said...

sorry folks but Adam has a girlfriend and she has been kept under wraps for quite a while. Her name is "Tommy"

Anonymous said...

I don't give a damn with whom Adam parties or sleeps with and without any proof he's not sleeping with anybody. But we can still joke about it. Of course, there are nosy fans, who know Adams every move, but they're not here, they're on twitter.

Anonymous said...

When they pash, it's called tongue of fire.

Anonymous said...

when Tik Tok comes on the radio, my volume button goes down real low for some reason?!!! hahahahahahehehehehahehahe

Anonymous said...

doesn't Tommy date women? he talks about girls alot.

Anonymous said...

what is a rebuttal? I am feeling illiterate! funny ass stuff! Comments are made for the fun of it, not to be taken out of context.

Anonymous said...

what do get when you cross Kesha with a burned out microphone? SILENCE*** hehawhehawhehawheehawhe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam was in Paris for a week after the GNT. He may have seen Kesha during that time, but what surprises me is that the papparazzi never got a photo and posted it. Adam can't go anywhere without cameras flashing. While in Paris, Adam did interviews, a photo shoot, and lots of shopping. He was a busy boy.

Anonymous said...

what do you get when you cross a hare with a donkey? HAREYASS! nexxxt...

Anonymous said...

he might have canoodled in a corner with the Cannibal herself and did a little tongue wrestling out of sight of the paps. They definitely spent time in a club or a private room somewhere. the glam one has his way of doing things.

Anonymous said...

booty calls being made over twitter?

Anonymous said...

paps don't go behind club doors. they can get in a corner and do really nasty things and no one would really care or say anything.

Anonymous said...

Soon we will see pics of him with the lucky girl who hes dating, with articles proclaiming, "Glambert Does It With a Girl and Likes It!" and tag lines saying, "Gosh, I love having sex with women, but I'm still gay, everybody!".

Fan4fun said...

@ Sweetie
@ Lolo

The great and INCREDIBLY SEXY&BEAUTIFUL italian actress GINA LOLOBRIGDA was sweetly called «LOLO» by her countless fans around the world (including myself). But it happened a long, long time ago, in the 60's and 70's, last century. Probably you weren't on Earth yet. LOL (almost «LOLO»... Ha!!) Oh, Lord! Sometimes I feel quite a pleasure being «old», ask @Funbunn40, she is «older»!) More LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Fan4fun! OT...We're a wealth of ancient trivia! When I was a kid visiting my grandmother in Michigan, another kid asked me if I knew Al Capone because I lived in Chicago! Fortunately he actually was way before my time! Getting back to Kesha, I think Adam feels a little protective towards her because she has also been bashed in the media and I think he just enjoys her free spirit. I think he just like kissing,especially after a few drinks and he's affectionate and very tactile.I don't read anything into it. He enjoys and lives his life and does what gives him pleasure. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned in an interview Ke$ha had in Australia that she has an Australian boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

He needs to quit telling Kesha he misses her and going off with his boyfriend. Mixed signals.

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Kesha have similiar face features. maybe that is why he attracted to both of them.

Anonymous said...

I think he is really into her and wants her attention. He wants her around.

Anonymous said...

He's Gay get it rightt okayy Their just Friends !!! And to be spreading rumors likk that is just F**ked up for who ever says it

Anonymous said...

Kesha is the future Lambert girlfriend. I just feel it!

Anonymous said...

fangirlies get jealous of glam god.