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Adam Lambert Most Influential Tweeter For Haiti in 2010

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 9, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 09, 2011

A new study has found that Adam Lambert was the most influential tweet in the topic of Haiti! The new study also found that tweets from celebrities like Adam Lambert, Conan O'Brian, sometimes beat out news organizations and reigned as Twitter's top influencers on big news stories.

"For the topic of Haiti, however, singer Adam Lambert was the most influential tweeter. For the Chilean miner rescue topic, comedian Conan O'Brian was the most influential, and singer Ricky Martin was number two."

Choudhary added that when a celeb tweets regularly about specific events, his or her opinions become more popular than news stories and can even influence them.

"Adam Lambert tweeted for earthquake relief. Top influencers are very heavily dependent on the topic they are tweeting about and the area of the topic," said Choudhary, who created the website, which analyzes data from Twitter in realtime.



Anonymous said...

Anyone else distracted by that photo? It's like "we don't want this to be indecent, please cover that Hugh bulge."

Anonymous said...

I've never seen this photo and I'm saving it to my album. I'm surprised and saddened that Haiti is still struggling after that earthquake. I applied Adam for tweeting about it and also Sean Penn for being there. Never liked Sean as a person but do think he is a great actor. He has changed for the better now that he is older.

Adamluv said...

Never seen this photo before but . . . . yikes, those legs go on forever! Very sumptious!!!!! Now what was the post about?

Anonymous said...

glad Adam's tweets made a difference in that huge diaster.Articles like this will bring continued awareness of that the photo.

Ra said...

Can someone tell me where that photo came from?

Anonymous said...
Adam in Lebanom top 100 25010

Anonymous said...
here you find just more photo from Adam for VMAN

Anonymous said...

The genuine concern in Adam's heart is what makes him so special to me. The way he is wisely utilizing the power of technology for humanitarian reasons says a lot about Adam that endears him more to his fans. I'm just glad that he topped the list because of his effort to help victims of a calamity. God bless you more Adam!


Anonymous said...

Interesting article by Kerry Kolsch


Anonymous said...

If u don't know this photo u weren't a fan from the begging of American idol tell now .. =\

This photoshoot he took it for a commercial or something it was a long time ago before the AMA performance i think ..

Back to the topic
For a 16 years old girl like me i don't listen to the world news a lot so sometimes celebrity make me know about these stuff and make me care :)


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised people don't know where this photo came from.


Anonymous said...

anon 2:30pm, LMAO... I know!

Anonymous said...

this photo is from a photoshoot for V MAN Magazine
a magazine for gay people from Toronto , i just post the link up there in spring when Adam has a promo tour in Canada on radiostations
you have the ling , just page down is somwehere to the second half

Anonymous said...

link sorry

Adamluv said...

@Eva, is this the article where they point out the similarities between Elvis/Adam at the beginning of their careers? If so, it's so worth reading. Elvis' fans initially were only teen girls, their momS and grandmothers. Sound familiar? It took a while before male fans came aboard. If this isnt that article, you can easily find it there.

Anonymous said...

don't forget to give Adam points in this contest. votes have been slowing down. the top 5 winnres get mega exposure on Youtube.thanks!kitula1000

Anonymous said...

@kitula1000 4:10pm Do you know when is last day to vote? I am very confuse about the date.

Anonymous said...

K, more astonishing news‼ :) *wonderful*

Anonymous said...

Haiti? It must've been Voodoo....

Anonymous said...

@Eva thanks so much for the link to that great article, very interesting and informative one!


Anonymous said...

Errr... What was sweet Adam saying at the time this pic was shot? «Stop right there, stay out, this one is mi-mine!» (?????)
