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Celebs Weigh in on Gay Marriage

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 20, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stars including Golden Globe winner Jane Lynch and "American Idol" alum Adam Lambert gathered at a Beverly Hills mansion for an Elton John concert benefiting supporters of gay marriage. (Jan. 20) Adam's part starts at 1:18.


The Dark Side said...

Adam looks amazing--love it when he does the sophisticated rocker look--loving his longer hair. He is very quick on his feet when being interviewed.

Anonymous said...

God, I love that man! He's always so articulate and eloquent, especially when expressing himself on this issue. I explain to friends and family who question my obsession with Adam, that it's not just his amazing voice (which touches my soul), charisma, stage presence, etc. BUT, it is also his passion for love, equality, tolerance and all the things that would make this world a better place. Truly an amazing soul.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam is smart, beautiful and said the best. Love him in all ways.

Anonymous said...

@Anon January 20, 2011 12:47 PM who said "I explain to friends and family..." Yes, me too, and let us keep doing that, shall we?!!! Good for you, and so worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

i have no clue what he just said but I'm sure it's something very beautiful and intelligent. lol im a young fan but i love him so much anyways!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And Adam can be sooo politically correct too‼ Separate Church & shit & state... Oh! Adam, you never cease to AMAZE meh... you always make me smile = HAPPY‼ :)
So true, Church & State MUST be two separate entities or there will never be a never ending CONFLICTS. *sanctity of constitution*

Anonymous said...

Let´s face it, the man is amazing in every possible way. He always gives us a reason to keep on loving him. Love you Adam. I couldn't agree more. People someday will understand that having a family is a right not a privilege and that family can take many forms not just the traditional we all are used to.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I know we all say this over and over - but really - I did not think it was possible to adore AML any more than I already do... as a HUGE and fierce seperation of church and state person, I'm so diggin' this man right now it hurts. It is indeed a civil rights issue, plain and simple. AML doesn't have to be a poster boy at all, totally admire that he doesn't want to be for the most part - he just keeps on keepin on, it's just right. Nobody is perfect, nobody, but this dude moves the most perfect ways.

Anonymous said...

Perfect answer! Got key US Constitutional issues like a pro AND he did not make it about him but about fairness.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:34 PM - Thank you for your clear and beautifully written post! Someday soon...

GGD Gal, here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

OK, I admit ignorance. LGBT I get, but what is Q? I missed this somewhere. Guess I Google it.

Anonymous said...

Well I found it easily. It apparently means "questioning." I'm very supportive, but we get it. We don't need another category!!! I loved Jason Mraz's comments. He is so amazingly talented, my favorite after Adam. He wants to add S for straight. Oh, we need T for sort of thinking about it, and F for fruit flies or fag hag.

Anonymous said...

For not wanting to be political he sure knows his stuff. I've seen it over and over with him. I know Neil and Eber are quite political, so I guess that smart cookie Adam, naturally just sort of absorbed it all into his amazingingly sexy brain as MGF would say! Yes, I agree with everyone here. He is so articulate. He really amazes me.


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59 Q is Queer

Anonymous said...

adam for pres

Anonymous said...

@MGF You said a mouthful, totally agree with everything you just said. I keep scratching my head that these issues keep going round and round when it is a simple civil rights issue and someone needs to tell the church to stay out of it. I just don't understand how California allowed people to vote against another persons civil rights, it is unconstitutional.
Adam is so intelligent, articulate and interesting, I enjoy listening to him speak as much as listening to him sing.

Bing said...

Yes Adam you said it perfectly and your political views are spot on. I was just reminded of Ricky Gervais' last statement at the Golden Globe, sorry can't get it out of my head now that you've reiterated the separation of Church & State. God I love you more now Adam! It is the way you live your life and the spirituality that matters.

@Anon 12:47PM, 1:34PM & @MGF thank you so much for your wonderful posts ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Jason Mraz and Adam Lambert in the same video! Again Wow!

I was so "obsessed" with Jason before Adam appeared on our planet.

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:11; are you sure about that Q thing? I thought that wasn't a term much used anymore except by the biased. It always had connotations of something evil and nasty (at least in my little corner of the world) and therefore considered as unacceptable as the "n" word. Oh well, live and learn I guess. Great comments by all of them. I can't believe that CA as a state voted the way they did about this issue. I would have thought they would be the front-runner for acceptance.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 PM Yes! Gervais' closing statement at Golden Globes--LOVED it. Love any push back to self-entitled church people.

And especially LOVED Adam's statement reminding us all that in this country we have "separation of church and shit and state". No one could have said it any betterer.

Love you, Adam

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Adam is certainly very intelligent and knows how to express himself! Wow! I'm really impressed!


Anonymous said...

So spot on, MGF and all above, agreeing on separation of church and state. It should be so cut and dry, as stated so clearly in our constitution, for very good reason. I remember a time when the church pulpit was not used as a political platform or as a means to judge others. Guess those days are long gone, not in every case, but those that do should lose their tax exempt status. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam did a good job answering the question. Now I completely adore the man--but you all, let's keep this a little in perspective. Almost any self-respecting gay person could give a reasonable answer to the question about gay marriage. It's not amazing that he can do that because the reality is that many of us have, over the years, had to explain over and over to people why we have a reason to exist. It's not rocket science. I am glad that he continues to speak openly. Oh -glad you asked regarding the Q in LGBTQ- sometimes folks use to Q's for Queer and Questioning. Many of us have reclaimed the formerly pejorative label queer as a more inclusive way to describe ourselves and, at least for me, a way to celebrate being just a "little" different. Some folks also add I - which is for intersex. I know that it can seem comical that we have such a long acronym, but it's evolved as the importance for visibility for all of us has been embraced. Big "mwah" to Jason Mraz for his support.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Adam, just beautiful! OMG things have to change to make this world a better place so everyone can have equality!

Anonymous said...

What makes some people in power think they can dictate to others about who they can marry!
Love you ADAM!

Anonymous said...

@idahophoenix Jan 21 12:01AM - Thanks so much for your post and your perspective, I really enjoyed it, good food for thought for sure! I guess for me it's not so much that AML "can" answer reasonably, it's more that he "DID"! 'Ya know what I mean? In an industry where so many stive to be vanilla so that they appeal the widest array of people in the interest of sales/popularity,etc. - AML puts on, puts out, very little bullshit (some maybe, he's a smart business man too and I don't begrudge him some PR/spin, especially in arenas less lofty and "fluffier" than this important one)... so yeah, I guess to me it's not "amazing" and "rocket science" that AML is CAPABLE of answering intelligently (for reasons which you wrote about in the first half of your post, which again, I really enjoyed), it's just encouraging that he DOES answer "self-respectingly".

I guess you could say to me - well, wouldn't you stand up for something that was possibly central and relevant to your very existence, would that really be so special or would it be expected... - and I guess my answser would be - of course I would... (but I'm not on the world stage launching a career driven by appealing to the masses) so I guess it could be seen as not so big a surprise that AML would speak out, intelligently :), in this way... I guess I get that, thank you for pointing that out, interesting, I think I get it, but I'm still just thinkin' it's cool he DID. And I'm totally open to being schooled better, informed better as to the perspective of someone living it, and I thank you again for your post. I hope you post with your tag more.


Rebecca said...

thanks for the video and Jane Lynch was too funny i adore her

The Dark Side said...

There has always been a huge debate about prayer in schools, thus the separation of church and state. Perhaps it is now time to add the gay marriage question as well into this debate. Adam's high profile speaks loudly for the Gay Community even when he is silent.

Anonymous said...

Jane Lynch, Adam Lambert, Jason Mraz at Elton John's concert for Gay Marriage

Anonymous said...

MGF and The Dark Side - both very profound. Adam lives the truth which speaks volumes. The fact that he made his comments, so articulate as always, only drives home the point even in the face of continuing controversy. What a man!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the separation of church and state debate: rememer it's about freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

Adam is truly a fantastic person and so is Jason Mraz whom I've always admired greatly.

Anonymous said...

correction @ 5:49: rememBer

Adamluv said...

@5;49, it's freedom OF and FROM religion.

coloforadam said...

This was the BEST thread on 24/7 that I have ever read - Right On, beautiful Adam fans. Tonight was true, intelligent, appreciation and love for this astounding young man. His comments were passionate and honest and challenging and so were ALL of yours. We are the luckiest beings on Earth to have been star struck to the core - FOREVER!!! I wonder if Adam will ever get the credit he deserves for the doors he has opened and the hearts he has touched for human rights - probably not, but..........we know!!

Anonymous said...

I agree that the church and state should be separate, but I don't want the New Age religion to take the place and be the only option. That would be like totalitarianism.

Anonymous said...

Good point actually anon 6:30PM, it is a matter of also being free FROM having to observe any religion at all, being free to abstain entirely, from organized religion and otherwise.