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A Change Is Gonna Come (IMPROVED VERSION) Music Box LA

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

This performance is from the penultimate leg of the Glam Nation tour in Los Angeles at the Henry Fonda Music Box on 15/12/10.

Video credit: lambosessed


Anonymous said...

Adam certainly has made it with his message of love, understanding, and acceptance. He is an impressive vocal talent and his music stirs your soul as indicated by this performance. A change has come to the music industry by the name of Adam Lambert who is an awesome performer both musically and visually. The Grammy nomination is the icing on the cake. He deserves to win it and should. His audience connection is pure electricity and his dedicated, passionate fans will follow him to the ends of the earth. Can't wait for the next album/CD from this stylish, charismatic, articulate, talented individual who is well on his way to rock god superstardom.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the passion in his voice during this song was unbelievable. The message is strong and one that resonates around us everyday, a message of acceptance and understanding for our fellow human beings. Perhaps with individuals like Adam Lambert or a show like GLEE with its character Kurt and the "don't ask, don't tell" repeal, a change will come.

Anonymous said...

We all one but we are not the same..........I cried when Adam sung this song ONE of U2. Goosebump people gossebump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then Change is gonna come and it did bec. of Adam Lambert...........

Anonymous said...

Thank Adam for your guts and true grit! Because of you so many will embrace their talent be it on the stage or in other endevors. His friends,his fans who have embraced his talent have helped this society grow and be better. I am so proud to be one of them.All the best Adam in 2011!!

kathy bags said...

ADAM did you hear SAM COOK WHO WROTE A CHANGE IS GOING TO COME .ithink he got shot a few days ago.he will be greatly missed!!!!!!!!!!!!also the singer of STORYVILLE [MUNFORD MILLIGAN ]Has the best verision and voice ever!!!!!!!!!! for this song, [ yet until you ] ihave never heard you sing all the verses Ichallange you to sing a duo with him for SAM COOKS memory, perhaps you could record it.YOUR ARE RIGHT its good for any change

Anonymous said...

@ Kathy @4:42?

What are you talking about?? Are you sure you've got the same Sam Cooke?? He died in 1964
...? What do you mean a few days ago...?

Anonymous said...

Awesome comments, people!

(...except for the one about Sam Cooke getting shot...whut?)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Kathy Bags:

Kathy dear:

Sam Cooke was born in 1931 and was murdered on Dec. 11, 1964 in a motel where his money & other personal belongings 'disappeared'. The motel owner claimed it was in self defense & the police did little or no investigation of the crime because (it is believed) of his race. If you go to and type in Sam Cooke you can read his entire biography ... sad but interesting. I hope this helps clear up your misconception about Sam Cooke. Also ... 'A Change is Gonna Come' was released posthumously as the B side to his recording of "Shake" in 1965 .. a year later.

Anonymous said...

Right down the line and from the heart!
Adam is brilliant!

Adamluv said...

@anon 5:30 - thank you for the info. on Sam Cooke, a very talented singer. Didnt know the tragic facts on his death.