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Fan Video: "Sexy Silk"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks to sophadora123!


Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of Adam's naughtiness... heheh Would this make meh a naughty one too?‼... O_O This was short but sweet... thanks :)

Fan4fun said...

Short, but extremely sweet and synchronized. Give me more, it's my breakfast!!!

Rebecca said...

very well done

Anonymous said...


And hey peeps, came across this vid this weekend, from performance at Heaven/London last April... the title is something like FYE Best Performance Ever.. and Holy Hot Hell, that just may be accurate! I'd seen it before, most of us probably have, but why it wasn't on my favorites list I do NOT KNOW... take a second and watch if you have time, so frickin' good:

Love the dancers clothes... and AML's garments, well, I can't even deal... and the voice and the performance are on fire IMO... I LOVE this AML so frickin' much (not that I'm picky ;)!)


Anonymous said...

Ok this just made me cry like a crazy dude...god my eyes are hurtin..

listen to the audio. Adam has to be the most humble person in this world. I sometimes believe that he is a god send.


Anonymous said...

This is what makes the man sexy...a loving, giving heart.

Oh, you all have to listen to this story...

Adam is one huge heart. Read the story and then listen to audio (not the video), the audio link, right below the story.

Our boy...what a beautiful man. And let's all send healing energy to little Jessi. I hope she is doing well.

Anonymous said...

0:53 looks so nasty, but I like it!

Anonymous said...

Don't know who's the woman singing in this video and I don't care to.

Anonymous said...


Yeah. I sometimes think he is a god send too. He is so much more than a singer. He is filled with light.

Adamluv said...

@Fan4fun, so agree with you. That song had to have been sung with Adam in mind!!! It just oozes sexiness and hotness!!!!!! Love the singers voice. Anyone know who she/they are?

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, Jessica Cornish is the singer...


The Dark Side said...

Short, but very sweet.

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - thank you!