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Adam Lambert's Charity Campaign Surpasses $100,000!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is really amazing!



Anonymous said...

This is amazing! Now let's hit $290,000!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just phenomenal! Adam has to feel good knowing that his message was heard and he has inspired so many to donate to a charity that many knew nothing about until now. Keep peeling back the many layers of Adam. There's so much to him that many people don't understand but of course we Glamberts knew all along!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

WOW! very nice to see how many people have donated to such a great cause in honor of Adam's golden birthday‼ :) A show of ♥♥♥... LOVE all around. :) * all we need is ♥ *

Anonymous said...

This excites me to no end! Just to think that his original goal was approx. $30K...and look at him go! Adam, you are changing the world. People need to wake up and take notice of not just your talent, but your humbleness and your goodwill towards others. Whatta man!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

What an honor for Adam! This is just fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Just six more days until Adam's 29th B-day. Hope it will go up to $129,000 by the 29th and continue on to reach $290,000! People have really stepped up for not only to celebrate Adam, but to help those that need clean water just to survive. Even one or two dollars have been donated by those that have little themselves. Can you imagine if all on twitter could donate how quickly the goal would be reached. Many, including myself have donated more than once. Just imagine having no water for just one day! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

That is what I love about Adam; he always gives back. KLM

Anonymous said...

Oh, you all have to listen to this story...

Adam is one huge heart. Read the story and then listen to audio (not the video), the audio link, right below the story.

Our boy...what a beautiful man. And let's all send healing energy to little Jessi. I hope she is doing well.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:24 AM
I just wanted to mention I watched the video first actually, and it is so worth it as well...Many beautiful children, and you see the little girl Jessi that the story is about, whizzing around in her motorized chair and singing IIHU with her sister's help. Beautiful... Of course it has now been posted in its own new thread but just wanted to mention that!

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are so generous and kind. You give to others with no thought of yourself. Your charities have enabled others to give who may not have thought of it themselves. I hope you remember, during times of difficulty, how much you are loved and how many people have your back.
Please continue to be yourself. I believe you will continue to inspire others, even your detractors, by your shining example. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else tried to donate from overseas? I just tried but don't know what they mean by CV2 on the card details part, any ideas?
And I don't have a state or postal code, what should I put there?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

CV2 means secret code, the last three digits on the back of your card(signature blank) ex)844.
I had same problems, so I put city name again on state line and made up potal code and It worked.

Anonymous said...

Very generous of Adam's fans to donate to this charity that provides clean water to developing nations. I think Adam Lambert could ask for just about anything from his fans and they would come through for him. What a great birthday present from him through his fans. One person can make a difference and Adam has proved that with this birthday initiative.