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Ioion Product Endorsement by Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 7, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 07, 2011

And here is a picture of an ad in Dubai at the Virgin Megastore. Picture credit goes to Its_Afra


Thanks to ZZ for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Love this product, and what a cool image of Adam sans eye makeup.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, Adam looks very good without make up. I'm always amazed when Adam has to put on make up. I mean, I love the way he looks with makeup but Adam is a natural beauty. So he doesnt' really need it.

Didn't Adam say something like his next record, he may not put on make up for the promo pics, videos etc? Or was I dreaming this quote up?

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! it's about time Adam is endorsing something‼ :) I would love to see Adam endorsing makeup stuff, nail polish, perfume, shoes/boots, clothes, jewelries/bling, even hair color... oh my the list can just go on & on‼ :) I know, his music first... but, but this can be his sideline... right Adam? :)

The Dark Side said...

Like him any and every way. Not familiar with this product? Probably the only one who is.

Anonymous said...

Adam has some eye makeup but very subtle.
I'm glad that Adam is finally endorsing products.Endorsing=$$$$.
I would love to see him with milk moustaches. :-)

kathybags said...


Anonymous said...

How come he is not selling this in US? Anyone know? Or we have to order anything from his online?

Anonymous said...

Oh, there's a smidge of mascara and smudged eyeliner there. But, you can see the freckled lips. Yummy! So great to him doing endorsements.

Milk mustache? I don't think so. It would get misinterpreted as something else ( sorry to go into the gutter and smut ), and turn into something in terms of PR that Adam doesn't need. Sorry, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Virgin Mobil IS sold in the US. It's one of those pay as you go cell phone services like trac phone (here in California anyways).)


LP said...

Adam always has some make up on. Even if it just concealer.

Anonymous said...

Would love to see this ad and other ads on different products on U.S. billboards. Come on USA, Dubai is more acceptance of Adam.

Adam definitely looks stunning with natural look. IMO, Sutton turns him to a drag and takes all his natural beauty away. When he does his own eyes, he does a much better job.

Anonymous said...

Must be nice to look better sans make up than with make up.

melissa toronto said...

Annon 5:43
Sutan is a fantastic makeup artist, what he did for Adam is stage/theatrical makeup. Nobody turns Adam into a drag, just appreciate their artistry. Adam has many beautiful looks for sure, with or without makeup. Love & Peace!

Adam will have his own line of products in the near future, just give him time. But it is so good to see him endorsing other products righ now.

LP said...

He is advertising a silicon rubber watch, they come in several colors. He is so beautiful, I didn't even look at the watches, even though he is holding up his arm to show them. LOL

Anonymous said...

OOPS! My dumb! This is what lack of sleep does for ya! Here I thought this was a Virgin Mobile ad! I am cracking up at myself! Here is what I found out about these watches from their facebook page:

"IO?ION! watches are treated with Tourmaline, a semi-precious stone well-known for its natural electric charge and ionic properties that contributes to both health and the environment."


Anonymous said...

thanks for looking that up daydreamin, I didn't know anything about it either. Now I do.Now I want

Anonymous said...

Always like to see Adam's pictures without makeup. He is very beautiful and sexy boy. And I don't think he wears makeup on this pictures because that's what airbrush for:)
I didn't know anything these watches before. May because this is Italian product and they didn't make any commercials in US yet. Really like them and gonna buy some, they aren't very expensive and I found them on ebay.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my mistake:) Adam deff has eyeliner and mascara on this picture, just little bit.
Don't know what is going on with me today, but I can't stop myself to post the comments. May be because I am so happy for Adam. He got more than 1,000 votes siince 2:00 pm:)LOL

Anonymous said...

Advertisers in the US are missing out because when you see him on a have to stop and look at him! His image is magnetic fan or no fan he draws you in.

The fact that he is on a poster in Dubai considering their rules on same sex realtionships (illegal) pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

P agree on above post about Adam' makeup. He doesn't need much, he looks very handsome in that picture, and don't hate me for agreeing about Sutan's makeup skills but I liked Adam' makeup during Idol, very small amount brings out his beatifull eyes but Sutan goed too far with it and It covers up Adam's natural beatiful yet handsome features.

Anonymous said...

Wow i will have to email friends and relatives there to convince them to buy the product hahaha if not for them then for me LOL! My in-laws will definitely have a blast and remember me when they see this ;-)

This is just great 24/7. Congrats Adam!


Anonymous said...

LOVE that Adam is modeling a SPORTS watch! You go, Big Guy!!