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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's Glambert, Gaga and Katy! Glee returns with all-new episodes THU 9/8c NOV 7


Anonymous said...

All right! Something we can hang out hat on. Yes!

Anonymous said...

Adam's being called a Guest.

Anonymous said...

omg Adam swinging on a chandileir...I just cannot wait....

Anonymous said...

Very very exciting!!!

(But guest????!)

Anonymous said...

Yep, secret revealed. Adam is a guest star in Glee:( What was all of this sh...about? Why did Ryan mention Adam's name as member of the cast? Very stupid and unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

WHY would you want Adam to do more than guest starring on Glee? Adam is a singer, a live performer, a songwriter, a producer, and sometimes, just sometimes, a part-time actor. I for one am so happy that he will be on Glee for just one or two episodes. He will make and leave an indelible mark. That's how it should be. Don't linger...always move on to new things.

Anonymous said...


Adam isn't doing shit these days. People were hoping he had a job.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has bad luck. Why it always happens with him? He was excised about LMD as single. And Avicii didn't release it as single. Adam expected to be member of the cast but he got just guest appearance in one show. Why???? He deff needs to find a new label and start to work on new album until it's too late:( Doesn't matter how many talented people like Adamhe still needs good management and new production label

Anonymous said...

Adam has a career of his own, as does Demi, so I guess they would be considered guest for as long as they are on there. Many people start out as guest on many shows then become regulars. Adam probably wants to be known as his own Artist; this way, he can appear on other shows; do shows with Queen; concerts eventually; then appear on Glee now and then if asked. All good the way I see it. Not everyone is even invited to be a guest on Glee. Quite an honor in my opinion. Be happy for him people.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that has already watched it repeatedly so many times I lost count?

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM Adam worked very hard all of these years. Yes he released new album little bit too late. But this is awesome album.He tried to promote it by himself of all this time. Fortunately, he got some awards and noms for Trespassing. We can't blame him even if he doesn't want to work on new album. What's the point? To make another one underrated album?

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM

You may be looking at all these opportunities that have opened up for Adam as bad luck, but I bet he doesn't. I think it was a great opportunity for Adam to be invited by Nile rodgers to co-write and sing on the track LMD. How in the world do you know it's just one appearance on Glee. No one has said how many appearances there will be. I am sure Adam is well aware of his career options. None of us knows what is going on in Adam's career or his personal life at this very minute. I would suggest you stop crying and complaining. I am very happy for all of Adam's opportunities, and pretty sure there will be more to come. Can't wait until November

Anonymous said...

@8:02 well said. I am so excited about Adam on Glee. So sick of these debbie downers on this site. Adam just sang with Queen, he's on avicii's album LMD might be a single eventually. Now Glee plus he is working on a new album. I for one am not worried about Adam ,he is just not telling us every little thing like before. I think it's for the best. I like surprises and one day he will say O.K. guys my album is done and I have a record label!

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM and @8:01 PM

Are you twins. Sounds like neither
one of you have any faith in Adam; unless you are the same Debbie Downer of Negative Nick person.

@7:55 PM - I am on viewing #5, can't
stop looking at Adam twirling from the Chandlier and that voice and how cute he looks in that top hat. So excited; once Adam's in that show, he's gonna have their heart.

Anonymous said...

Lol is a troll!

Anonymous said...

Glee will prob have Adam back as a semi-regular.He will greatly help the ratings.Everybody who has twitter.etc should write and proclaim how much they loved him.BB hanging on the chandelier--I love it!!He sounded great,too!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Adam to come up with these creative ideas on Glee. I love him swinging from the chandelier. Reminds me of Jim Morrison! I think he will add some much needed excitement to the show. And from many of the comments I read on Youtube, lots of Gleeks are really happy and looking forward to this upcoming episode.

Anonymous said...

Wow! More more...Yes I've always pictured Adam swinging, flying and even thought he would be lowered into an arena by a helicopter since two years ago. lol! Goodness crystal-balling finally paid off, lol! Okay aside from that, his Marry The Night version is going to kill the original. Yea handsome Elliott swinging and wailing like modern Tarzan. lol! Hey can we have a sneak peek of the acting as well. See, straight away, the whole Glee scenario changes; never saw something so brilliant before this.
As for whether Adam is a guest star or a regular Glee star...what does it matter? He's still on Glee beating out everyone else. As far as I seeming know, there's a kind of system that Ryan Murphy adopts as to whether the guest stars get promoted to being regular or optional. As a fair boss, he has to base these promotions on how well each actor/actress contributes to the success of the show; just like in any organisation. So you can see...Ryan Murphy does not say too much about whether Adam becomes a regular or an optional cast. Well, my gut feel says the ball is in Adam's court, he gets the last say!


Anonymous said...

Adam done plenty! Just read great article about what a great year Adam had. Just finished a great run with Queen got lots of publicity. No one knows how long on Glee. Demi also referred as guest star. Cannot wait he gonna kill it!

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM #1

Why would you care if Adam has a job or not, apparently you are not a fan; has he asked you for any money. What people are wondering if he had a job; speak for yourself. Any sane person knows that Adam is an entertainer and money is probably comming in all the time for his different projects; just like other artists. That is their job, oh smart one.

Adam has said that he is does not have to worry about his finances. So you certainly don't have to worry about them, oand neither do these people you are speaking for. In the future; try to think before you let out your hateful remarks toward this wonderful man.

Wow, the green eyed monsters are out tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm so frickin excited! He looked damn sexy on that chandelier and sounded fantastic! Though it was kind of wierd for me to see him in heavy makeup when he first turned different from his usual appearance lately.

Anonymous said...

Glee is testing the water for how much buzz Adam will create with this one episode. If the rating goes up which is something the network will be looking at then more appearances. Let's take this viewing up to the roof dear Glamberts. Hopefully we will see more of Adam. Let's be positive about everything that comes Adam's way.

Anonymous said...

They can't give adam a real storyline unless he can act. He only had a couple of lines on pretty little liters and he was terrible. So unless he has worked to improve he will just come in and sing a song or two. Just like they did for Jessica Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

whoa all that make-up was shocking but that's TV folks. He did sound rather great. I don't know what terminology they use but it sounds like Adam is certainly going to be on for more than one episode. GLEE was xtra good tonight IMO.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my 8:18 PM

Right On! I called you gifted once; and you seemed surprised, well I am saying it again. Your words express what I feel about the wonderful Mr. Adam M. Lambert, pretty sure you are saying them better then I ever could. Looking forward to more of your beautiful expressions about our man. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

ha,ha it looks like Starchild going overboard trying out for Kurt's band. This will be good.

Anonymous said...

ha,ha it looks like Starchild going overboard trying out for Kurt's band. This will be good.

Anonymous said...

@8:35 PM

How could make-up on an artist in a costume playing a part be shocking? Must not have seen Glam Nation. I think he looked great on Glee, it's call acting in character.

Anonymous said...

People people people...stop looking at glass half empty. RM once sees the amount of buzz on social media, he will convince the network to have Adam on more episode. Let's all get all of our social media outlets such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. ready for Nov. 7th to take Glee ratings to the roof for Adam. IHeart radio move over we Glamberts will break down the social media record for #AdamLambertonGlee on November 7th. NOT ONLY THAT, WE WILL WATCH IT ON OUR TV TOO!



Anonymous said...

Yea the turning, pointing into the swirling sparking chandelier and swings, wailing...that's only the tip of the iceberg to what's to come. He looks so slim swinging on the rope, have always pictured him like that. Marry The Night suits his leggiero. lol! Adam seems very at home with chandeliers...remember the one he exploded. lol!

Thanks again for "gifted"! Well on record, this is the second time, both times by honoured. Perhaps I should believe it then. lwl!


Anonymous said...

8:40 I was referring to the make-up being shocking because I haven't seen him in full stage make-up in a long time. Geesh I rally have to stop commenting on this site.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god that's looks so amazing. He sounds great. What do you think I heart was a not a charity appearance it was a job. It was televised and the tickets were really high for MGM. I heart made plenty off it being televised. Those artist got paid.tonight Glee was good its been flat up to now.

Anonymous said...

I'll watch it on three of my TVs plus shedding joy and excitement for Adam on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Many people on twitter were talking about the heavy makeup. The posters here are just crazy defensive

Anonymous said...

I got to tell you Glee needs Adam more than Adam need Glee. Yes he needs the exposure. But they need him.Demi l. So far doing little for ratings. Tonight were probably good because of Cory but heard ratings not great . I think Adam be a boost. That little bit sounded fantastic boy can that man sing.

Anonymous said...

Was the other guy in make up auditioning for the band also? Adam wasn't the only guy in this promo in makeup. Why are you guys bothered by it? I'm sure the demographic of the show isn't bothered by it.

Anonymous said...

I am getting a feel for his character already a flamboyant OTT pushy type of guy that Kurt finds very annoying. Don't worry I will have millions of these theories before the show.C'mon ( said like in LMD) let's enjoy all this.

Anonymous said...

I do not think Adam was terrible on PalL at all. He was in old fashion vampire costume it was not brain surgery it was suppose to be campy. His singing scenes were great. Their rating were best ever for H show.

Anonymous said...

Hope the top hat and eyeliner go away quickly and this is just for his character. I love the way he looks now - natural.
I am not impressed with the promo pic of him. He is so good looking in every other pic. GG and KP songs - not exactly favorites. Starchild? Do not get that either. His stint on iHeartRadio was the Adam I love and the best thing this yr.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see the liner again. But better than a full drag queen stint. That would have been much worse of course.

Anonymous said...

@7:52pm. Adam certainly doing better than tons of starving entertainers. It's most entertainers dream to get to where Adam is right now. If you want him to make it all the way to the top as the number one entertainer in the world then if you are his fan you'll do anything for him to get there. Not whine all the time. Sounds like you are a fan of somebody else and you want Adam to get to where he can support the person you are fan of. You are what it's called, delusional!

Anonymous said...

Adam does what the director and producers tell him to do just like any other job.He might have some good ideas here and there but they run the show.

Anonymous said...

Good lord people 7.52 is the infamous lol toll been here for months. Every other sites barred this creep. Why give it the time of day! Who care what it says. It's not true.

Anonymous said...

Chris seems to be getting my attention as well; perhaps in anticipation of he and Adam portraying their nemesis. Even the way he says: We're not naming the band the Apocalyptics, quite typical and funny. lol! Yes Chris and Adam are the ones to focus on. Now, there is a standout star on the show. Adam while contributing a lot of ideas, is also honing his performance skills in an intense way.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I loved it! glee is over the top. Does not mean he gonna wear make up are do it this way always. It's a GaGa type performance and Madonna cover band thing. You think it's gonna be tame, hell know its Glee! I was very impressed.

Anonymous said...

I think Kurt said the Apocalipsticks which is even funnier.

Anonymous said...

By the way Lance Bass said Adam was good on PLL. On radio show.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I love it! He looks and sounds out of this world. Glee will be crazy not to have him for more than one episode. It's freaking Adam Lambert folks. He'll blow up the television fuses.

Anonymous said...

I think it' in Apocalypse. :)


Anonymous said...

The tone to Adams voice is so pleasing. Cannot wait. Got to say Marry the night sounds better than GAGA's version.

Anonymous said...

Number one posts on this thread is @Lam-my comments. Love your crystal ball girl.

Anonymous said...


I would like to apologize; I understand; didnot mean to sound snarky. Had just got thru reading a couple crazies. I understand that that you were being honest. Sorry I misunderstood you. Carry on. I need a rest.

Anonymous said...

10:10 that's alright have a good rest!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! So much fun seeing Adam swinging and wailing and chandeliers flying. lol! Yes Adam must be portrayed over-the-top...that's him alright; playful...Glee his playground now. lwl!


Anonymous said...

OMG adam put his stamp on in GLEE! This adam that i check,thetrical performance check,over the top costume check,gaga song check...ah..sweet elliot swinging on a rope.why no wreching ball?

Anonymous said...

@9:17 PM & @9:20 PM

Does everyone understand that this is a character that Adam is portraying. Sometimes actors use a lot of makeup for parts. Remember Bat man. Remember the joker; Mary Poppinse, etc.; all characters. This is not a reality show; not Adam's real life. He will be in character; He is a singer/actor.

When he is on talk shows and out of the acting roles, then, he will be himself, and wear whatever he chooses; with or without makeup; and looking fine either way.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam either way but mostly OTT with makeup like the featured picture. I love all facets of this amazing gift from heave as Dr.Brian May said it at one of his iHeart MF press interview. Can't wait until 11/7.

Anonymous said...

Once he's in, he is going to own everybodys heart. Because he is here for our entertainment!

HK fan said...

Just wanted to point out that GUEST star does not necessarily mean one episode.....
Demi L is a guest star in 6 episodes
Kate Hudson and SJP were guest stars also but in quite a few episodes.

Don't like that screen cap in the top hat, but love the rest of the promo, looks great swining on that rope and chandelier, and sounds amazing on MTN, only a few more weeks and we'll be able to buy it on itunes!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked divine in his Pretty Little Liars outfit and he hardly said anything so it's wrong to judge his acting ability on his brief appearance on that show. His acting in his "Better Than I Know Myself" video clip is fantastic.

Loving what I'm hearing of Adam's version of "Marry The Night".

Anonymous said...

So many people here (plus trolls) who are never happy and satisfied, not for a second! And always making stupid assumptions and jumping to even more stupid conclusions based on a few seconds vid clip... Will you nevah learn!!!??

Adam will be Adam and he will allways surprise you - and boy, am I thanking him for that!

Anonymous said...

when I seen adam in the make up said yes adam is back glamnation again

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear! My Rock God is swinging!!!:)

Loving it baby!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@9:17pm i know u like rockish adam than flamboyant which i love.i love him during FYE era with campy,glliter over the top .That is his trademark.but dont shit in your pants,he just acting with crazy character.Either u hate it or love it.I dont like adam to be potrayed as a guy next door,not exciting.

Anonymous said...

Adam IS NOT the guy next door, however nice and awesome he is! Please get it through your heads FINALLY!!!

Anonymous said...

Get it through your head that others are entitled to their opinion. Stop bullying others.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Not worried about the guest star thing. Sounds as though Adam doesn't exactly have a big storyline like Demi but that could change. We all need to watch and to get our firends to as well. The more positive online chitchat the better.

This is great. LMD is great. Queenbert is great. We get a bit of info, dream in technicolour and end up not enjoying a good thing because life doesn't match the dream.

Anonymous said...

It is not boring for Adam to be portrayed as the boy next door. And it is not boring for him to play it straight. I hate the word flamboyant. Top hat and makeup was my least fav thing of GN tour. Gimmicky and not necessary. Quit bulleying people when they differ from your stupid opinions.

Anonymous said...

I am loving these promo pix and the vid! Adam looks like he's having a ball. I truly believe that he will be on more than just one episode. Hope the ratings really SPIKE for his first episode. Every Glambert on the planet should be watching. Glee is broadcast internationally, right? I don't think those ratings count in the U.S. but I hope the international fans give great feedback for Adam, too.

DRG (LOVE the top hat)

Anonymous said...

@Anon October 11, 2013 at 7:03 AM

I don't think that other poster/commentor was trying to bully you. I think they were sincerely trying to make you understand that Club Kid Adam is a huge huge part of Adam. I am using "Club Kid" as a term very loosely, it's probably dumb of me to do so, I just think that it is indeed high time, imho, for some fans to realize that Adam Lambert is very very left of center and very non-traditional. To some that may seem ridiculous that I am point that out... others are probably thinking, well duh!!!!... but it seems that some of you want to cleave to this notion of Adam as this very moderate, traditional guy, and I don't know the dude, but from what he has put "out there" for all of us to absorb, he is NOT that moderate traditional guy that so many of you insist on cleaving to. I am sure I will get grief, whatever, have at it. I am just saying that when someone like Anon poster October 11, 2013 at 3:28 AM chimes in, I can't blame them. I understand the frustration fully. I am not smarter or better or more insightful than anyone else here, but it seems quite safe to say that Adam Lambert has put a lot of himself "out there", and certainly enough for all of us to ascertain that he is NOT what many of you seem to want him to be. I am only going by YOUR comments, what YOU put in print!!!!

Anonymous said...

@October 11, 2013 at 7:03 AM
I bet all my Adam memorabilia that Adam would be quite fine with being labeled as flamboyant. If you disliked his GNT top hat etc. persona from GNT so much, you might want to consider just adoring his music only, and moving along otherwise. I don't mean to be snarky, I am being quite thoughtful and trying to be courteous. My goodness fellow fan, the "top hat persona" was present for the Trespassing era mini-tour, it is present on Glee promo... I would venture to guess we will see it over and over and over... perhaps it is integral to who he is... and for that I say, cool! There is much to love and admire about Adam Lambert the musician, perhaps you should stick to enjoying and reveling in that side of him. Gimmicky you say... I bet he'd be more insulted by that than being called Flamboyant. just my POV

Anonymous said...

Well said October 11 5:06 AM

Anonymous said...

@7:21 AM

BRAVO! I totally agree with you. Thank you for explaining it so well. Adam is true to himself; and definitely not a cookie cutter person or entertainer; and that is what I love about him. So honest and such a good, honest and humble person at heart. Can't wait to see this lovely man continue to evolve, and surprise and wow us. and knock us off our collective feet!

Anonymous said...

love this promo !! Everyone I know will be watching this episode.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure is pulling me into Glee, had never watched it, until I heard he would be on; just to get an idea of what is like. Will be there now on November 7th; and any other time Adam Lambert is appearing.

Anonymous said...

I guess I think the top hat, heavy makeup actually shows that adam isn't very creative because we have seen this look from him long before idol and certainly continuously in the years afterwards. It's just boring to me. Adam portraying a boy next door or a drag queen would have been different. For me it's certainly not about wanting him to be more conservative or less flamboyant. It is about wanting him to stretch and grow a bit. To actually act and not portray himself. I do accept that he is who he is. I just realize who he is isn't interesting to me anymore.

Anonymous said...

@7:48 AM Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Please don't jump to too far gone assumptions and conclusions what's going to be ahead based on 30 sec teaser! Let's wait and see first! Cause it's a wrap already and there's nothing we can do to change anything...

Let the man surprise and entertain you!!!

Anonymous said...

If Adam were the boy next door ... I'm a afaird I'd have to pack my cloths and move next door.... Can't wait for Glee ..., makeup makeup ....I episode ... more than one...I don't give a rip....Adam's gonn be on my TV in all his glam glory and I'm SUPER EXCUITED!!!!...rose petal

Anonymous said...

A few of you are acting like he's going to where that top hat all the time now just because he is wearing it briefly in that one song. Good grief. The top hat is probably a mere minute of the whole set. It doesn't symbolize anything. Personally, I think he looks very cute in the hat. I've seen him wear one pre-Idol, too, like many of us have. He wears it because he knows he looks good in it. And he uses it as a prop, too. I wouldn't cry if he never wore it again, but I sure am not bothered by it. Same with the make-up. It's just one performance. I wouldn't get so upset about it. Here's to a great first episode for Adam on Glee!


Anonymous said...

We're all hearing Kurt differently. I thought he said The Apocalypse Six !

I hate top hats on anybody - but @ DRG - I luv u !

Anonymous said...

I hate top hats on anyone, too. But they serve a purpose to make a statement. This really does not make my list of things to be concerned about.

Anonymous said...

@October 11, 2013 at 7:48 AM

This is 7:21 here. Just checking in after work. I can appreciate your well expressed feelings in your comment @ 7:48. Thanks for sharing, I certainly can absorb what you are saying. Having said that, as others have interjected here, it is only a quick promo and we truly have no idea what is going to transpire with his character, so give it a chance fellow fan. Let us all see what enfolds, the ride certainly is uninteresting. Take Care. Peace.

Anonymous said...

let us see what Unfolds

the ride certainly isN'T uninteresting

:), sorry for typos

Anonymous said...

I hear Apoco lipsticks

Anonymous said...

Maybe A - pucker - lips?
A - pock - a - lip - schtick?
My hearing aid is wonky! : )

Anonymous said...

1:13, I think it's what you said.

HK fan said...

You do realise that 'starchild, in the top hat and makeup' is the stage persona of the character, and that its Ryan Murphys vision. They obviously chose Adam because he fit the brief that they had for the character. His off stage day to day to persona could very well be the 'boy next door, geeky kind of guy. Why don't you watch for more than 10 seconds to find out....

Even if it is based on Adam himself, it doesn't matter. Has never done Hugh Grant any damage of always basically playing himself in movies.

And I'm with rosepetal, imagine having Adam living next hat and all:)))

Anonymous said...

What I gather about the use of the top-hat is the sequence of the act in the clip. He chucks the top hat; I think he loves doing that theatric, and twirls the chandelier and swings. His message perhaps is forget about top-hats, he's going to give you more than that. Precisely what he's trying to say...away with the old things, now he's going to swing like modern Tarzan! lol! One must understand Adam, underneath, to get what goes on in his mind. He likes sequencing, connectivity. So it would be clearer to view the clip as a whole rather than just the top-hat by itself or the swinging as a separate entity. Adam is a theatre geek and tells his story via sequences and actions when on stage. Now you know why he said he didn't do anything wrong in that specific debacle; he was performing a sexual song. And those who jumped on it, did not appreciate the performance as a whole/gestalt. My instincts saw that and never budged till this day.


Anonymous said...

Thank you O Wise Counselor , how lucky we are to have you since you are the one fan who can understand Adam underneath. fortunately you are able to explain to us lowly peasants what goes on in Adam's mind.

As far as the wonderful that your instincts are so keen and unbudgable. Lammy, you're full of ***t.

Anonymous said...

Oh jealousy kicks in from within
She who says Adam is not creative
Is the one that feels the pinch
The teeny-weeny mind lies therein
Wake up! self-consumed
It's not the by-all nor the end
Get out of that dark tunnel to feel the zen
And discard unnecessary, melancholy rants
It was just my opinion
No need for scare or intimidation
If you disagree, it's for you to knock it!
Rather than decreed it as unfit
I guess you aren't able to do that
And that's why you have to fret like an ill-mannered brat!


Anonymous said...

Hear hear @Lammy! No one could have said it better about the psychotic troll than what you wrote. The condescending troll thinks that he/she/it is superior than everybody else. She is a delusional fan of other.

Anonymous said...

9:15.....Thank you!! :)
I'd rather use a poetic form because I have no interest whatsoever in acknowledging her baited quarrel; at least poetry camouflages the boredom and bait.


Anonymous said...

@lam-my. She definitely has psychological issues cause she uses a lot of psychological terms that I have to google to find the meaning of them. Wished Admin. could just delete her IP Address. She was on twitter and finally twitter deleted her IP address. She was causing problems in other fan sites and she got banned from those sites too. Why can't this fan site do the same just to delete her? Hope she end up in a mental hospital for her own good.

Anonymous said...

An Anon recently identified her as LaurieLovesAdam and then changed to she finally latches onto this site. And she says in her above comment, Adam doesn't interest her anymore. My 2-year-long stalker is MFG, pretty close to the initials MiamiGlamGirl / MGG...a likely scenario. Yes this stalking of me started about 2 years ago, around the same time Adam blocked her tweets. Whatever the circumstance, I have no interest in what she does or says. Sometimes though, I need to put her in her place when she directs her venom directly at me. But I've ignored her for the most part.


Anonymous said...

And yet Lam-my, you did acknowledge her baited quarrel, as you always do.
You always have to have the last word every single time.

Anonymous said...

It's my prerogative to have the last word or not!! If you don't like that, don't start it in the first place!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my you pretentious ignoramus. MFG stands for Mother frickin glamster. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Anonymous said...

MFG my 2-year persistent stalker has a multiple-personality disorder. By the way, I stumbled on the fact that MFG is an elderly woman! her own words! And no "frickin glamster" nor spring-chicken as the name deludes!! Also, you have no fresh vocabulary of your own; always picking up my words and use them back on me like..."pretentious", "ignoramous". I've used them on you a long time ago! Go read up; yes that's better than trying to fight me all the time! So indirectly, you have admitted you are LaurieLovesAdam because you didn't refute that while you are refuting the other name's connotation. Indeed, you're the one thrown out by Adam! Well it tallies, since you commented above, Adam doesn't interest you anymore. Digging your own grave again and again. Why don't you finish the job...jump in!! Hey, I find you one helluva boring grave-digger, dishing out same sentences, no new ideas and repeating them 100 times in your comments and responding to your own comments...sooo boring. I don't read them anymore nor respond and perhaps that's why you have to spew your venom at me directly because I swipe away your attention-seeking addiction...ADHD.
