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Jill Marie Thomas and Rancour Perform 'If I Had You'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

One Moment of Glory winner, Jill-Marie Thomas, rocks out with Rancour, winner of Suria's Anugerah Band 08, on a cover of Adam Lambert's If I Had You at t Celebrate 2011 on Dec 31.

Video credit: theurbanwire


Anonymous said...

Is there an Adam Lambert Festival going on on New Years Eve in Singapore? Was it not here that runner up from Idol performed a medley of Adams songs?


Adamluv said...

Eva, was this in Singapore? Was wondering where "a moment of glory" was from? Actually enjoyed this - especially the woman singer. But the audience was rather sedate when should have been rocking out! She kept trying to get them moving but not much luck. Has to be irritating for the performers.

Anonymous said...

Good singers in Singapore, if this was from there, and Philippines.

Anonymous said...

from Singapore people. Well I hope the haters in U.S. will realize how much people around the world love Adam so much ha!ha!ha!ha! Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will rock your head.....

Anonymous said...

Not bad... pretty good‼

Anonymous said...

Great tribute to Adam!! I have to disagree with @11:39, I noticed the audience jumping and having a great time!!

Anonymous said...

Not my most favorite Adam Lambert song, but after watching these asians performing it in this fun way, I might change my mind about the song...

Anonymous said...

At least the Asian singers try, all you need is to have fun and love and have a party . Good on them. The few front centre audiences must be Glambert.

The Dark Side said...

They pretty much nailed the spirit of the song. Very nice!!! This is a great party song. Singapore rocks HNY Singapore!

Anonymous said...

I kept waiting to hear Adam say NOW JUMP! Nice try, just not the same as our BB.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, did not like this at all, but am glad they chose to sing one of Adams song. No one will ever be able to sing this better then him!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:27, what do you think about the introductions during IIHY? Perhaps Adam should have introduced the band and dancers during Strut and Music again.

Anonymous said...

We think alike 2:43. I was saying the same thing while watching.."now jump" ha ha. I guess I will whenever this song is done live.

melissa toronto said...

It was quite good, such a happy song. I also was waiting for the "NOW JUMP" too, Ha.
Yes, spread the love of Adam, Singapore.

Anonymous said...

We actually did not know what songs the singers were going to sing so it was a plesant surprise when we heard so many covers of Adam Lambert songs in just 1 night haha Jill won the One moment of Glory (OMG: as it is called) competition which is something like American's got Talent. :D I agree our singers are not as good as Adam Lambert, still they are among our best in our 4million population. Sylvester Sim can sing both english & chinese song easily which is tough for others. Jill has sang MJ songs during the contest.
Love, fellow Singaporean

Anonymous said...

Jill did a pretty good job covering IIHY, i like it ;-) And i have to congratulate her for her excellent song choice!

@Anon Jan 2 at 11:56AM - thanks a lot for mentioning that the Philippines has good singers. Most of the households have their own karaoke units and singing is definitely a past time here teehee. Several Filipino singers have covered WWFM & TFM in 2009 and they all did a great job. Thanks again!

@Anon Jan. 2 at 12:44PM - i agree with everything you said. Eat your heart out naysayers because our GLOBAL STAR IS UNSTOPPABLE!

@Anon Jan. 3 at 12:55AM - i'm so glad you all had a blast with your own talents covering Adam's songs, awesome! We all know that nobody can hold a candle to our Global Star but i really get sooo excited each time his songs are covered. Thank you so much for your post ;-)


Anonymous said...

What no lasers, jumps and tongue diving?