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Adam Lambert : 'Happy New Years!'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

From FOX Japan

Video credit: mmyy9


Adamluv said...

Even a couple seconds of Adam is worth watching!

Anonymous said...

Anyone find a pic of Capt. Jack Sparrow yet...speaking of Adam of course!

Anonymous said...

hahah, K, soooo exciting... sooooo Fox‼ Hi Adam in turquise hat & scarf‼ :)

anon 12:34 - No, nope, none, nada, seltz, nil...*sigh*

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love what he is wearing. Japan gets it right to use Adam Lambert to advertise American Idol Season 10. He set the bar for everyone following him!

melissa toronto said...

Oh Adam, you such a ROCKSTAR, Japan, you have exquisite taste.