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More Photoshopped Adam Lambert as Captain Jack Sparrow

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

Pic photoshopped by @simple_sunshine

Pic photoshopped by @Nutmeg99_

Pic photoshopped by Essell Sari (@essellsari)

Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network!


Anonymous said...

Funny....pic#2....boy Adam has a big head!!!

Anonymous said...

wakakak....funny funny...i like it

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the REAL pics ... I'll bet they are GORgeous and why not ... they're ADAM aren't they? Can you post the originals if they are available?


Rebecca said...

no words

Anonymous said...

when is Jack coming out to play? he is hiding from the world! ARRRR!!!!

Anonymous said...

one should always read the story first!! I didn't read the story and thought those were real pictures of Adam. I'm like WTF!lol lol

Anonymous said...

ha!ha!ha!ha! that's right folks don't judge the book by it's cover. Read it first ha!ha!ha!

Can't wait to see the real one of Adams costume!!

Anonymous said...

Is Adam as Jack Sparrow ever going to be exposed? why hasn't a pic been realeased yet? It must have been really hot for it not to get leaked out! It should be plastered all over the internet by now!

Anonymous said...

these photos must have been secretly snapped when Adam rented that pirate ship. lol