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New 'Fever' Videos From Suz526's Channel (HD and Improved)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Fever" Bethlehem 8/13/10

"Fever" Upper Darby 8/12/10

"Fever" Erie 8/10/10

"Fever" Las Vegas 7/31/10

To see more Suz526's excellent videos, head over to her channel HERE!


Anonymous said...

I guess Fever is Suz526's favourite song. She always uploaded Fever first, or maybe it was the kiss?

Rebecca said...

haha we all know what;s hot when it comes to these two

Anonymous said...

Suz526 uploaded Fever first because she knew that's what the fans were waiting for. She was so right, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Amelie Thanks for your link to vote for ADAM
Let us vote!


Anonymous said...

YES! Just got my dose of FEVER for today... will be needing more dosage later... heheh *thx suz*

I wonder when is RCA going to have the GNT dvd ready for purchase yet? hhhm, Hello ED, are you still workin' on it?! Keep workin' at it then, don't come out 'till it's done... js :))

Anonymous said...

I just saw on Twitter feed something about RCA promo of Adam being offensive. Anyone know anything about that??????

Anonymous said...

Now I had to go and check the RCA site for the first time ever, but I found nothing offensive. Didn't know Alicia Keys, Dido and Pitbull are also RCA artists. Don't think that Adam would collaborate with Pitbull, but he makes great dance music. :D

Anonymous said...'s me 11:51

The comment on twitter said the RCA promo was offensive...then the comment said RCA should check Urban I guess maybe they used a term that is considered offensive? I don't know. I just thought someone knew something. I can't imagine they knowingly would be offensive...

Thanks for looking around. I figure if it was true Twitter and this site would be in a frenzy. :)

glitzylady said...

This is apparently what is being discussed re: the "offensive" remark by RCA

RCA Promo Dept,


I have no idea why this would be considered offensive ....since its been trending for 2 days on twitter everywhere...Guessing someone wants to make something out of nothing...sheesh! And thats all there is to that!!! Of course we know what "UNF" maybe someone thought it was offensive for RCA to promote that know "....what about the children!!!???" sort of thing...heck, I only recently learned what it meant...!!! Pretty sure that was what all the "fuss" was about...

glitzylady said...

Oh...and re the "Fever" postings from Suz526....In order to help us get through the wasteland that is currently facing us of no new Adam Lambert concerts or performances, she does a "Saturday Night Fever" party on Twitter for us poor sad deprived Adam fans who need some sort of sustenance until the next performance/album/concert tour...She knows we are in need....LOL!!! Thank you Suz!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady! I can sleep well tonight. :)

Anonymous said...

Fever is my very favorite song!!! Thanks SUZ. I would love to have all these in one folder. The
Fever Folder. I have it started and just added these to it. :)