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Official Kobalt Press Release

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, January 26, 2011


LOS ANGELES, CA (January 24, 2011) − Grammy-nominated superstar Adam Lambert has signed a worldwide administration deal with Kobalt Music Group.

Lambert, who was the runner up on American Idol's 8th season, has emerged as a global star.His debut album reached No. 3 on The Billboard 200 albums chart and has sold more than 750,000 copies in the U.S. with the hit singles "Whataya Want From Me,"' "For Your Entertainment" and "If I Had You." The album has sold over 1.2 million units worldwide and also went Top 10 in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Greece and Finland plus reached No. 16 in Germany. In the U.S. Lambert has sold nearly 3 million digital single downloads. All singles tracks combined from the album have sold 4.2 million units worldwide.

As a songwriter, Adam co-wrote a number of songs on his current album including "Pick You Up" and "Broken Open" (both co-written with Kobalt writer/producer Greg Wells), and "Aftermath," which was produced by Howard Benson. He also penned songs that have been released in various international formats.

Commented Willard Ahdritz, CEO and Founder of Kobalt Music Group: "We are thrilled to be working globally with Adam Lambert and 19 Entertainment. Adam has become a global star with a bright and long future ahead as both an artist and a songwriter."

Lambert, who was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best Male Pop Vocal Performance category for "Whataya Want From Me," is currently working on his next album.



Anonymous said...

"Grammy nominated superstar Adam Lambert"

We all KNEW that was going to happen...didn't we Glamberts!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Worldwide superstar....4.2 million single downloads, 1.2 million sold of FYE.

Um. Excuse me. Congratulations Big Time Darling!!

LP said...

ha ha you left out global. I sure wish they would release the last few people who will perform at the grammys. What a great write up and title for Adam.

Anonymous said...

That’s more like it!
Hello Adam F. GLOBAL STAR Lambert and CONGRATS on your new deal!
So honoured to be your fan!

Hi 24/7 and all Adam loving regulars, so tough being away from ”everything Adam”… What’s the most important news I’ve missed since last Thursday??
So many threads to go through…AGAIN!

GGD Gal, back from my travels

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam! You definitely earned all those accolades. HURRAY!!!!!!!! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Adam has to stay with Sony/RCA/19 or is this a separate contract that protects him no matter what label HE opts to work under (i.e. his own, Universal)?

Does this cover all of Adam's song writing (and song writing collaborations), i.e. older material like Crawl Through Fire? songs published by that other record label Adam was upset about in summer 2009?

Kobalt seems impressive and exclusive (I read they have under 1000 clients.). Sounds like they do not just watchdog/collect song writing royalties, but also make sure the artist gets digital earnings and performance earnings coming to them. It also seems innovative in that the artist apparently has transparent tracking of their monies/business dealings they can see or access at any time as well as interactive hands on decision making capabilities re: their business dealings with Kobalt.

Somewhere in Adam's fantabulous fanbase I suspect we have experts who can answer these questions. Following Adam is an education unto itself.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Wow‼ that's quite a press release from Kobalt‼ They sure know what calibre Adam Lambert is, to acknowledge it on their press release like that... this is so FANTASTIC‼ *validation*
Adam can sang, dance, write songs, act, gorgeous, humanitarian, savvy business man & can be a very sexxxy Dude too... what a package‼ :) *a sizzling hot one*

Anonymous said...

GGD Gal - I think you should check out Adam at the Rupaul Drag premiere! Adam looked hot there!

Anonymous said...

Just love hearing news like this about our Adam. Way to go Adam, can't wait to see you at the Grammys. You wonderful GRAMMY NOMINATED GLOBAL SUPERSTAR "I Just Love You"

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for Adam. Could it be that maybe Adam won The Grammy since they are part of the big picture of music industry? They are the only ones that used the title "Grammy Nominated Superstar" for Adam. I hope my instincts become a true reality and Adam wins it cause nobody is more deserving than him.

Anonymous said...

Kobalt should feel very LUCKY! they finally got it right, with Adam Lambert!!
Congratulations Adam!!! I am so happy for you & very proud to be your fan! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift with us!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam selling millions and I am so thrilled for his achievement. That Kobalt probably sweep through Adam's fansites to research how he want to be named by his fan. Super!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:54 PM - Thanks for the advice and url. Will definitely check that one and other related vids!
Hastily skimmed through the latest headlines, too tired to tackle the long, serious looking threads tonight, will have to come back to them later...

GGD Gal, missing AFL smile, laughter...

Anonymous said...

It is SO incredibly awesome for all Adam's fans to finally see the industry's endorsement of his exceptional talent! So, so happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Some background on Kobalt:

Kobalt is a leading independent music publisher offering unparalleled online global administration of copyrights, pipeline advances and creative services to songwriters and publishers. Our unique, transparent systems were designed to better service the rights owner. Kobalt takes the guesswork out of complex global royalty collections and reporting, and enables clients to get more money more quickly, as well as access to flexible and accurate information.

This explains what an “admin” deal is:

An administrative agreement takes place between a songwriter/publisher and an independent administrator, or between a writer/publisher and another music publisher. In an “admin deal,” the songwriter self-publishes and merely licenses songs to the music publisher for a term of years and for an agreed royalty split. Under this agreement, the music publisher simply administers and exploits the copyrights for another publisher/copyright owner. Only the most popular song writers can even consider asking for an admin deal. Under this coveted arrangement, ownership of the copyright is usually not transferred to the administrator. Instead, the music publisher gets 10-20% of the gross royalties received from administering and exploiting the songs for a certain period of time and for a certain territory.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

congrat Adam , that's why i'm your fan
no go to work
let;s vote for Adam
he needs our help

Anonymous said...

now , excuse me

Anonymous said...

Amelie. Thank you for your vote and follow links voting !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 6:39 that sure explains everything very clearly & elaborately. So that's how it works. Wow, the business side of music biz can be a bit complicated.

Fan4fun said...

@ Kentucky Fan
@ Anon.6:39PM

Good questions and good answers! Now, anyone please have mercy and enlighten this confused glamdumb & castway over here:
Will this Kobalt participate of some «Fucking Sony Conspiracy» and BLOCK sweet Adam's videos, audios and interviews in Azores or other regions of our planet??????

PS: Congratulations, Diamond Boy!!! God bless this deal!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! Good question! We are all castaways if we don´t live in the old US. Perhaps now there is another blocker we have to deal with. Sony, VEVO and Kobalt. Good thing we are so patient and easy going people :))


The Dark Side said...

Totally stoked. This is one of those ah ha moments in Adam's career. I would think in this current music atmosphere where everyone gets what they want for nothing, a little insurance a good thing. Perhaps Kolbalt is one of the things that might keep the music biz from imploding.