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53 Social Media Summit - Adam Lambert - Couch Room

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011

Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

Check out twitter account @GrammyU to get more information about the Social Media Summit. It was a such informative program and I am so happy that Adam could be a part of it and Chamillionaire was a fabulous speaker as well. I learned a lot about the other social medias, Pandora and FourSquare.

glitzylady said...

Great interview, where he talks about Charity Water, The Glam Nation DVD, his new music, and mentions his "special friend" in Paris...the twitter world has been all a-twitter re those two words. Certainly not the main focus of the interview of course. Really enjoyed Chamillionaire as well on the panel..and a new "twitter" word was coined by Chamillionaire: "Twota" in twitter quota...very cute! They were both asked if they would consider a collaboration on a song and and they both thought the other ones fans might think that was a little strange..Both great guys...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful close-ups!
Yes, that Summit was very interesting. So glad I watched it. Made me want to change my career and focus on this social media phenomenon. Way more fascinating!
As for the news that Adam was in Paris with a special friend, as I said earlier just before the thread changed, I bet Adam threw in this little bit of information just to play with us and test once again the power of that very social media they were just talking about. He sprinkles a few flakes in the wind and soon enough the snowball starts rolling. Frantic buzz all over the Net. Funny thing is that it went right over the interviewers' head. THEY could not care less. HA HA HA.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, there are so much going on I can't keep up anymore between Adam and real life... lol And the doctor told me I can't afford to loose anymore weight... O_O but there's so much to do Doc‼ Like following Adam's ♫ every breath you take, every move you make, every step you take I'll be watchin' you ♫

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^ 12:47 AM
Me Too! Haha
Could he get any cuter <3
He´s devilishly(ha) sexy and cute at the same time, never met anyone like him <3
( never met him either but y´know :-)

So he was at Paris with a special friend and it was romantic..hmm. Good for him <3

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's first album because it had so many different songs....most albums kind of have one sound throughout....gets boring...
Adam you and your producers have been nominated for work on FYE...don't stray too far on next....Keep up the good work and nice seeing you out and about...

Anonymous said...

last media

Anonymous said...

9:45 PM
That´s prolly just what he´s doin
And it works, Twitter went nuts already :-)

But I think he has informed media about how he feels about them digging too deep in his personal life.
That was the amount of info he wanted to give about his ´special friend´ and they left it there.
That was respect to Adam from interviewers part.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous interview! Really good interviewers - wanted to hear what ADAM had to say - and of course he was as wonderful as always.

Paris must've been BLISS!! :D

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like Elvis in the 2nd photo.

Anonymous said...

So I guess Sauli's not his boyfriend after all. He hasn't even said they're dating. Maybe special friends is a polite way of saying f**k buddies lol.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but Chamillionaire kind of reminds of me of how my Grampa used to look at family gatherings; distant and slightly confused, a little grumpy. Adam listened intently to everything going on, looking from speaker to speaker. I'm not dissing on Cham, he just doesn't look as invested. Maybe I need to go to youtube and check out HIS backstage interview.

And I love "twota"! New watchword for sure!


Anonymous said...

Oh, something I haven't seen mentioned on a post since the Summit was the Music is Life is Music app. The first host(ess) talked about this and said they had various artists and their musical journeys, including Adam. I got the impression that it's a phone app, but am probably wrong. (too much nyquil in the system :o ). Anyway, one of the tech-smart people here could get more information. This is the second time today I have thrown out a nugget and bailed, leaving someone else to deal with my mess! lol Sorry. Gotta get back to bed.


Anonymous said...

Very nice interview, always love him talk and he is so good at it. Good to hear that he has a friend to celebrate his first nomination moment. He!He!

Anonymous said...

I see he went with a little more eye him a touch of that rock god look.....also his nails are looking great...glad he found a method to keep them from chipping (remember the days he had to do his own nails)Wondering about those toes...probably won't see them till his next concerts....Overall...he looked and sounded great...

Anonymous said...

serving up a full course meal with dessert at the end! gotta love that!;-)

Anonymous said...

We all have witnessed for past couple years how the power of Social Media can change governments and leaders. From Obama's election to Iran election to Tunasia to Egypt. Who knows where this mega power can bring about change.

We as Adam fans can mobilize during quiet times until his 2nd album comes out with use of social media to promote one of his songs on FYE on the radio. Say Sleepwalker or Aftermath or Fever. Screw the guys in suit. We raised $290K for Charity:Water just by passing around words on twitter, facebooks, blogs, etc. I think we can totally ignore the guys in suit and make one of FYE songs as another hit single. What do you think?

Rebecca said...

he nailed anpther interview how wonderful

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to let you know that even tho these pics don't show it, Chamillionaire was very interesting, knowledgable, and contributed a lot to the panel..he is really into the ways Social Media can help him with his career...and he is very witty as well. He just looks bored here!

glitzylady said...

Just realized you saw the whole thing too so I'm not telling you anything new! Sorry! I realize now you were just commenting on the pictures above! Chamillionaire DOES look bored in them thats for sure!!!

LP said...

Adam can have a special friend, without people being rude about it. I am sure Adam and his special friend are just testing the water right now. Also it is all aranged that Sauli is coming back to the USA, for work. Adam might have steared him in the right direction to talk to the people who could possibly get his show started over here. Adam has hundreds of friends in the industry. But ultimately it will be how Sauli and his cohost present themselves to an american audience. Anyway they will start their show in April, and Sauli said he might come over before that. It will be hard to keep their private life from the media. Sauli needs to be very busy working if he continues to be Adams special friend, because Adam is going to be very busy also this year.

Anonymous said...

to 3:25 am - how do you get from this that they are not dating? He looked so excited and said it was very romantic - this looks like dating to me! Special friend means more than friend or buddy, sheesh! He just didn't want to tell any more details.

Anonymous said...

Why all the twitter comments about Adam's special friend. We, his fans, have known for quite awhile now, that he spent time in Paris with a special person. This is not news.

adamluv said...

So pleased that these interviewers didnt follow up on the "special friend" comment. Very professional of them. There's a video out there of these two discussing Adams category and both believe that MJ will win, but the woman says something about competing will someone who has passed away that certainly sounded like she thought it was unfair. I have always thought that!

Anonymous said...

I understood that Sauli and Katri will be doing their road show from the US to their Finnish audience, just like they have been doing so far and their employer is a Finnish tabloid.

Anonymous said...

"I understood that Sauli and Katri will be doing their road show from the US to their Finnish audience, just like they have been doing so far and their employer is a Finnish tabloid."

You are right. Still, I hope they get a warm welcome! We love Adam here in Finland. :)

coloforadam said...

Awww shucks - I'm gonna miss the chipped nails - there were so adorable. Remember the Details photo shoot - it was ragin' and sexy and smooth and cool - and then there were these cute little messy nails. Just like that one, rellious strand of hair above.... Something so endearing about it. Movie Quote: ".....nothing has any business being absolutely perfect...."

coloforadam said...

Jeeeez - I can't too many vodka and Red Bulls tonight. The word is "rebellious" and in the first line, the comment is THEY were so adorable.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What I am appreciating in terms of Adam and some of his comments is the fact that he is paying attention to what the audience wants, specifically the avoidance of overprocessing his voice and going for music that is reflective and melodious such as WWFM. I think that is very thoughtful and considerate. So many artists think they have the right to impose their taste on their fans. Glad Adam thinks otherwise. Of course, at the same time I think it is good for him to challenge people with different options.