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Adam Lambert: The Grammy Awards Interview (With Lyndsey Parker)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011

From Lyndsey Parker:

Adam Lambert Less than two years ago, Adam Lambert was an unknown competing for a record contract on "American Idol." Now he's competing with the big boys, for the Best Male Pop Vocal Performance Grammy, up against Michael Buble, John Mayer, Bruno Mars, and even Michael Jackson, a legend whom Adam once covered on "Idol's" top 12 night. It's amazing how the man has gone from club kid to reality star to Grammy contender in such a short timespan.

Adam Lambert: Yahoo! Music Grammys 2011 Interview from Yahoo! Music on Vimeo.

Source: Yahoo's Lyndsey Parker


Anonymous said...

OK, why the HELL are the Muppets performing and not him?


Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars...class this the singer who just settled his coke charge in Las Vegas ...just it time for the Grammys...
oh but he didn't kiss his fellow band member...that was the BIG CRIME...sorry had to get that off my chest....


Anonymous said...

I think Lindsay Parker was the one that did such an indepth,smart, backporch interview with Adam a few years ago. I like the sound of her voice and Adam was so cute with the "openly gay" remark. Hopefully from now on he'll be known as the grammy winner or nominee. No more openly gay or Idol runner up. He's more than earned his current status and has come such a long way in such a short time since Idol. Adam always is a class act, not a mean or jealous bone in his body. I really respect him for it and his goodness will come back to him, actually it already has, but a grammy would be frosting on the cake. I also admire his reason for going alone. He realizes the importance and opportunity to schmooze with people in the industry and socialize and network. He has an excellent work ethic and he's smart enough to take advantage of it. He really looked good and was impressive at the summit, responding intelligently. attentively listening and contributing in a very meaningful way. He also was his usual charming, playful self, winning more fans. funbunn40

Fan4fun said...

@ Funbunn40
I so agree with ALL the good adjectives you name to sweet Adam (denying any bad one) that I use to sweetly call him «Diamond Boy».

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much, WW! I KNEW you would come through with the information about when to start looking for Adam on Sunday. I had read that same stuff early on, but could never find specifics again. I would have thanked you on a prior thread, but catching a cold, so I went to bed for a few hrs. (think I need a little cheese with my whine? ;) )


Anonymous said...

Great interview. I love the fact that he listened to the fans and the next record will feature his vocals. Like they say "Give 'em what they want." Next year noms for song, album, artist of the year?


Anonymous said...

I believe I read that the winner for Adam's category will be announced prior to the Grammy show...not during it. Do you know if this information will be released immediately once it is known, or will we have to wait until the show is over?

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants to know what Adam is going to wear on Grammy night!! No pressure, Adam!! Good Lord, let the man surprise and amaze us yet again!!

Interesting comments re the type of song/s he's going to record on album 2. I really hope he mixes it up as he did on FYE - such an incredible album - but the wait and see/hear game has begun!

Anonymous said...

@12:35 AM Seriously, Bruno the cokehead and Chris Brown the woman beater have been deemed more appropriate for TV audiences than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Who was the video photographer.. lighting off and filming Adam from an unflattering angle. Geez I could have done better.
Adam Charming and intelligent.. So hope he wins the Grammy,no one deserves it more for glorious vocals.

Urethra_Franklin said...


Wheres my SS Boardie?? I think you should sign all your comments SS Boardie so I can find you...and figure out who you are...*evil laugh*

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:40 Its lyndsey holding a flip cam. She does amazing interviews so get over it.

Anonymous said...

4:42 Oh well if Lyndsey did it interview with a flip camera then I apologize.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing interview. Adam always knows what to say and he is says it so perfectly. I love his honestly and style and he will reign as king soon, very soon. No one can top him musically or personably!!!Glamnut

Anonymous said...

Great articulate, intelligent, and personable. Since WWFM was my favorite song of 2010, glad to hear the focus of the new album will be in the style and direction of that song. I am sure the vocals will be superb on this second album since he will have more time to write and produce it. Adam seems settled and ready to get to work on it after the success of his GNT. Hope he wins the Grammy; that would be terrific. If not, we will still get the chance to see him on the red carpet, doing interviews, and sitting in the audience. Adam Lambert in my opinion is the best vocal talent in the music industry today and ultimately will be recognized as such.

coloforadam said...

..."up close and right in your face.."" - heh, heh,heh, Yah, Baby!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly has my vote for a GRAMMY win ! And I'm looking forward to his next album that I'm sure will blow us all away . I like WWFM , but my personal fav will always be A LOADED SMILE Sexy sexy

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and I will love his new CD, but am disappointed that he will stay with one genre. I do agree that his vocals should be front and center and am happy he will focus on that for the new CD.
Of course I think every song on FYE is a #1 hit, especially performed live.

@funbunn40 agree with everything you said. There really isn't anyone out there like Adam. He is unique.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say, loved the interview, Lyndsey Parker's interviews with Adam are the best, she's always interesting and asks smart and funny questions about him and his music.

Anonymous said...

Oh BB you weren't serious about lookin forward to the Muffets I hope. I suspect you were just being your usually kind self, never sayin bad things about anyone.

Anonymous said...

does he have blue in his hair??

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't wanna make out with this Hunk???


Anonymous said...

I too hope that he doesn't stay with one genre
after all FYE did great and the producers are up for an award....
I like that he mixed it up...if he does a concert on next album and it's one genre....that's going to be boring
love the GNT because it was fun and entertaining

Anonymous said...

Thanks ZZ for the link, I've watched this show a couple of times, didn't see this one though.

Anonymous said...

Was just wondering where that Parker girl was, she always gave the best interviews! & This was a good one too!
I know Parker loves Adam as we all do, but these other people who don't know him as well, they have to realise they are in the same room with a man who holds the key to the world of music! Adam is the man with the most beautiful & most powerful voice in the world! It's a fact! & people don't realise it!
The more I hear Adam talk about his grammy nom, the more I understand that it's the nom that's important, yea the award in his hands would be the frosting, but it's that nomination that got him up there. especially with MJ.
I will plead my case for Adam Lambert of why he should win, because HE DESERVES IT!!!!Adam has worked for it!!He holds a special gift, with the word GRAMMY all over it! May the universe be with Adam tomorrow! God bless you Adam! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

This is a general Thank You to all of you who do the commenting on this site.

Since I am the ONLY Adam fan in my family as you can imagine I get teased a lot. So when I click on 24/7 I am in the midst of BELIEVERS!

Adam is a rare find and we all share in the joy of his success and bask in the sunshine of his sweet smile. (Okay I know that is incredibly corny-but true-don't deny that you occasionally smile back at your computer screen)


Anonymous said...

Too funny, JAK! I absolutely DO smile back at my computer ... AND the TV ... just being happy for Adam. Which, in turn, makes me happy. I too am the only Adam fan in my family. So, I try to explain that his voice, his goodness, and oh-so-many things just make me smile. I call it "Adam Therapy"!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful man! Total respect and admiration for everything ADAM.....! The Grammys will be at a huge loss not having ADAM, the most talented entertainer on the entire planet perform! That Grammy is ADAMS because he so deserves to win..
he owns it hands down!......ADAM will outshine everyone regardless!....SUPERSTAR!

Anonymous said...

ADAM and MJ, that is awesome!

Anonymous said...

We love you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam truly gives us so much ; being him wonderful self he brings smiles to our faces and gives us hope to believe good things to come <3

Love You so much sweet Adam <3

Rebecca said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

Terrific interview!! Love that he said songs would not be over processed. He did listen. He looks so relaxed and has reconciled himself to the strong possibility he won't win. I also like Bruno Mars. Know he has fallen personally and hope he overcomes these issues and continues to make beautiful music. He is a major talent along with Adam. MJ--sorry MJ fans--was not at his peak with this nominated song. He had his glory days, and unless this is pure tribute, that song and that presentation doesn't deserve to win.

Fan4fun said...


You'd better stop complaining about no Glamberts in your family... I DO NOT HAVE A FAMILY to turn into Glamberts! Isn't it worse? Hahaha!
Well, I have my 10 months old cat ICON who was raised watching all those GNT performances, crazy for «Soaked» and thinking that sweet Adam is his daddy. Perhaps because he has seen me uncountless times not only smiling back to my laptop but also kissing it, not to mention the fact I pet the screen all the time I'm not using my fingers to type: one hand on my laptop, the other hand on my cat Icon. Or should I say I pet TWO ICONS at the same time? Lol

It's a pleasure to have you on board loving sweet Adam with us! Welcome to 24/ «Paradise».

Anonymous said...

JAK, forgive the typo, I meant «countless».

Anonymous said...

That was a great interview especially talking more about his next album. So glad he said it won't be overproduced and focus on those beautiful vocals of his.So many singers now have so much production in the background that overpower their voice. Many need that but certainly not Adam. Pure and powerful, sure it will be amazing. Hope he gets the Grammy,but love how he puts everything into perspective in a positive way.

glitzylady said...

@anon 3:28
Adam's category will be awarded at the pre-telecast show, which will be live streamed on the GRAMMY website, at 1:00pm Pacific Time Sunday Feb. 13th, with the Red Carpet also Live Streamed beginning at 12:30pm Pac Time...I'm sure we will know right away if Adam has won once it is announced...Twitter will be talking about it, and I'm sure there will be news here too, long before the actual telecast of the Grammys! And Adam will be sent back out to the Red Carpet after his pre-telecast segment and hopefully he will be announced as "Grammy Winner Adam Lambert"! : ) Either way, he will look stunning I'm sure!

Here is the Link for that website: It also has a small window on the lower right side of the site with the schedule of events.

glitzylady said...

Oh, BTW, you can also just go to the website and look for "GRAMMY Live" in the menu at the top of the will take you to whatever is being live streamed at the moment...Yesterday's Social Media Summit had excellent HD wide screen picture quality so not too bad to watch on the computer screen, although would prefer the 50 inch plasma!

@V 3:00 AM You are welcome..I am just so excited to see what happens! The suspense is killing me! LOL!! E

glitzylady said...

Sorry, one more the schedule shown on the GRAMMY Live website of events (see the link above)...the schedule is all listed in Eastern Standard Time, so you have to convert the times to your time zone..wouldn't want anyone to miss out..I have one friend who did..and was very sad to have missed the Social Media Summit. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun;

Of COURSE you have a family...US!!! Ok, maybe we aren't related, but we have parties, attend concerts together, talk to each other most days, and absolutely have things in common (lots of so-called "real" families don't). And we all look Great in glitter, lol. Well, maybe Icon wouldn't be much for glitter, but he obviously has good taste!

@Glitzy; A 50 inch plasma screen?!?! I think it would only take me about 7-8 hrs to get there from So Oregon, lol! Thanks for all of the info about tomorrow.

@JAK; Welcome aboard!


Anonymous said...

Mary, howe do you do it? All this information and up to the minute. applause..............

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a standup adorable guy.He is so sweet and honest.He always gives a top notch intelligent interview.I am also alone in my love for Adam among my family and friends.I just want to scream look what your missing.I don't know how anyone would not want to listen to his album or not want to see a concert.It's beyond me.Thank God for the Glamberts and all interested people.But it would be nice to share my feelings for Adam with a live person who also shares my views.

Anonymous said...

Everybody said just about everything... so there's only 2 things are left to add...

That does look like a weird angle. How the hell do you make Adam's beautiful broad shoulders look narrow, and his face look too big? Well... You use a flipcam WHILE you're interviewing, so if that's the case... damn that girl did a GREAT job holding it so still! (maybe she has a mini-tripod?)

Loving all the exposure Adam has gotten this week..and WILD about the haircut and the way he looks. Can't WAIT to see him on the red carpet...=D (He'll be making a grand entrance--backwards? lol, since he'll coming from INside?)

Just all jittery- glittery -excited, counting down the seconds until they announce... "and already a GRAMMY AWARD WINNER earlier today for best Male Pop Performance... ADAM LAMBERT! YYYYEEEEEAAAyyayayayayayAAAHHHOOOOOOO!!!!
BUST out the glitter!!! =D

coloforadam said...

Yah, 6:48am, I love Loaded Smile too...I hope it doesn't go off into obscurity. There are still some days that I just have to listen to that song. It is the most real, hits an experiential note in everyone .... that tender confusion of feelings for someone but not knowing if you are ready for commitment. Ooooo - just give me chills to talk about it. Has anyone ever seen him perform it?

Anonymous said...


=) Yes he DID do "A Loaded Smile" during a single concert date in Canada last year at the Red Robinson theater... Here's a link, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

@coloforadam, WAIT!!!!!!
Here's a much better one from River Rock (Canada also)

MUCH better video and sound... you can really see his face... =) Nice outfit too...

I think these 2 shows were the only times he's ever done 'A Loaded Smile'

Adam Lambert A Loaded Smile River Rock 040910.m4v


Anonymous said...

Bello Hombre, te mereces más que un GRAMMY
te mereces todo lo mejor del Mundo de la Música.
Que siempre te acompañe tu talento, tu mirada,
tu sonrisa y tu alma buena y generosa.

HH by Fan4fun said...

HH's above

«Beautiful Man, you deserve more than one GRAMMY
you deserve the best of the World of Music.
May always follow you your talent, your look,
your smile and your kind and generous soul.» HH

by Fan4fun

Fan4fun said...

@ HH
Thank you for your kind words in the last message you left to me. I'm not sure to be deserving of them once I am the one grateful to have met you in «Paradise 24/7». Lucky sweet Adam, who has fans like us breaking language barriers to love him better!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's best vocal, so far, is Can't Let You Go, which was featured on the UK album. Hope he includes it as a bonus on new new album--that could be a sure Grammy winner!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Cant Let You Go would be a
GRAMMY winner. Compelling and dramatic!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... ok correction.... pre telecast and actual telecast are in different places.... Adam
WILL be arriving like everyone else on the Red Carpet... sorry, wrong info. Earlier got the wrong info he would be 'sent back out'...

Annyyywaaay... GO ADAM!!!!! Get that