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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen at LAX Airport (February 16)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More Pictures HERE


Anonymous said...

Oh, no. Sauli is leaving? I wonder when Sauli will return. Adam will be sad. Sauli was going to be in NY and LA, so maybe Adam will have to take a little trip. :)

Long distance is not easy...but may make for some beautiful songs. Get to work now Adam! :)

Anonymous said...

I think they look gorgeous together.

Anonymous said...

Saw this pic/story earlier today in one of the Finnish tabloids...

Love them both! You couldn't find two sweeter guys anywhere. Waz already a Sauli fan during his Big Brother times in 2007 and have been a loyal Finnbert ever since Adam was on American Idol.

I wanna say a thank you to all the people who've been so open-minded and unprejudiced when it comes to Sauli.

However, some of the comments on this site have really saddened me as of late. To all of you Sauli haters out there - go get a heart, or if that's impossible to do, try not to stick your noses and sharp tongues where they don't belong!

Anonymous said...

They are off on vacation ,before they both go back to work on their careers. I think this match is a lasting one.Just my gut feeling, after watching Sauli videos and seeing them together. They seem like such a good match.

So happy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

This pic shows Sauli arriving in the States today...

LP said...

How can you tell if they are coming or going. Thought Sauli was here for Valentines day. I s Adam taking a few days off to be with Sauli in Finland or somewhere, may be Bali.

Anonymous said...

If there are any Sauli haters out there, they cannot be real Adam fans.. Because Adam is about ,love ,acceptance and positivity.So sorry if anyone has hurt Sauli. Much too good a person to have mean people say unfounded things.I think Saul and Adam are terrific together.

Anonymous said...

That's the article in a Finnish tabloid. Basically it says they've been spotted today first at the airport (when Sauli arrived) and then shopping for magazines and whatnot... And before you ask...Sauli has been in Finland until now. He was harassed by some journalists/paps in a restaurant in Helsinki recently. He didn't reveal anything about his relationship with Adam to them...

Anonymous said...

OMG, Sauli, what the hell are you wearing!? If that's what he was wearing when he left Finland, he must have been freezing! I checked the temperature in the morning before I left for work and it was -2F in Helsinki!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy <3

Ebbtide said...

Anonymous 10:33 - ITA. I don't know how anyone can be opposed to this relationship. You couldn't find a better match as far as both coming into fame quickly from a reality show and used to the public's attention.

From the clips I've seen of Sauli, he seems like he is very "quick", has a good sense of humor and is poised under pressure. Plus, personally, I think he is adorable and HOT. Have fun together guys.

You nay-sayers, think of it this way: we'll probably get some really fun up-beat love songs out of this. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't really know anything about Sauli,(need to do some research) but he looks like a Nice guy and if he makes Adam happy,then i'm happy :)
Glambrit IOW UK

The Dark Side said...

Adam has stated a couple of times that he is currently dating...guess that means relationship. Sure looks like one. This long distance thing might work as Adam has a lot of work ahead of him to get his second album out. Tall, dark & handsome and a blond Finnish hunk--works for me. Awesome couple! The press in US so far are treating this couple with respect.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Glambrit IOW UK . Sauli looks like a great guy. IF Adam like him, I LIKE HIM.

Anonymous said...

If Adam does not dye his hair, they are actually have similar eye color, skin and outfit, easily blend together in every possible way. They are off for happy time. Good for them. From now, we have 2 cute boys to look at. Double entertainment even I prefer them to have some piracy. Love them.

Anonymous said...

I want to feast at the the table of the Glamtabulous one!;-)~

LP said...

Pic doesn't look like either of them are leaving. They usually carry a small carry on to the plane. This is a wild thought, could they be going to meet Sauli's cohost of his show. He said she would be coming over next time he was over here. I am sure they have to make preparations for their show, which is April. You are right, the last few pics show they are wearing clothing for nice weather, not anything for Finland.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if they're coming or going or if Adam is even going anywhere right now. Think he will be getting on with song writing now that he has some inspiration! The best songs are about love! I don't think it's fair to put down Sauli, especially when Adam is the one that values and cares for him. I'm glad that Adam is dating and having some semblance of normalcy. Every one wants love in their life and Adam is in his prime. Fame can be so isolating and lonely. He looks happy and deserves to explore and enjoy a relationship. Finland has one of the best educational systems in the world. I would guess that Sauli is smart, well educated, has good social skills and obviously has a great sense of humour as his tv exposure shows. They have things in common. He's Adam's physical type, so that's what matters. We've had good input from Finnish fans that are familiar with Sauli and are much more knowlegeable about him than we are in the US and other countries. I think Sauli is supposed to come to the US in April for work, which will be so nice for them to continue a relationship. It would be great if we all could be the object of Adam's affection, but we'll just have to be content living vicariously thru' Sauli or anyone else that Adam fancies and drool from afar! Time to play WLL and ravage him from a distance!haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

If Sauli makes Adam happy then that is all matters to me. They look very compatible and gorgious together. I am happy for Adam, like Adam said "everybody deserves love"..........indigo

Anonymous said...

I am an Adam fan. As a matter of fact, I will probably always follow his career from here on out. If I could, I'd pre-order all future albums right here and now. But I've made a decision to stop following his private life. I've realized it all seems so intrusive, since I don't know him personally.(or his various boyfriends and (kissing only)girlfriends. I wish him happiness, but that's as far as I go from now on.

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin that Adam's lovin.

Sauli seems like a nice guy. I hope they can find a way to make it work. "Everyone deserves love." I really hope this is the time for Adam and Sauli. *sigh* They look good together and seem to have some commonalities that can bond.

Good luck in love boys!

Anonymous said...

Now, obviously I don´t know Sauli, I´ve never met him, but he seems to be very likeable and gets along with people and treats them with respect (that´s the impression I got in 2007 and afterwards). And I have a gut feeling that Adam appreciates that. Hope they make eachother happy!

Anonymous said...

Loved what you said, funbunn40. All of it. :-)

But IS ADAM COMING OR GOING? Damn, I must know. The suspense is too much to bear. I read somewhere they were flying on vacation to the South Pacific. WHA??? No, no, no, Adam, you do NOT go that far away from us. We must get a glimpse of you ev-ery-day and God knows if there are skilled enough paparazzi over there. Plus think! Your hair is going to be a mess, your roots will show, your freckles will multiply in the sun, you're gonna wear those shapeless green beach shorts again and that old woman's straw hat, God knows what type of foreign food they'll serve you to eat, you'll get pimples, and is the humidity good for your vocal chords? Oh I SO worry for you. STAY HOME, I beg you! Plus, don't they have cyclones and tsunamis there? That's all we need, reading in the news that Adam Lambert was swept away by fierce waves! DON'T GO!

Just playing around. We need a little cheering in mid-week. especially if our guy is ...ABANDONING US!

Have fun, Adam, in Bora Bora, in Helsinki or on the grounds of LAX airport if you just like to hang around there. Just don't pick Paris -again- because though Sauli is as cute as can be, and I have nothing against him (well...not much) this is MY territory.

(PS: this was NOT drunk posting!)

Anonymous said...

@ Parisiangirl

LMFAO!!! You're too funny...

But, uhm, why would U not want Adam to go to Paris if that's where you live? Craaazy.... I so wouldn't even joke about something like that if I were you because, you know, you might jinx it. Now he might never go to Paris again! LoL. Kiddin'...

Anonymous said...

Happy that Adam has found someone to love. It is the perfect timing. What fun is it if you get so much wealth but have no one to share it with? (singing, If I Had You right now) :).

Anonymous said...

it looks like a hot fling between an American and his foreign boytoy. it will pass! where is Drake?

Anonymous said...

what's for dinner? I am getting hungry like a wolf!!!

Anonymous said...

Drake ??? Who??? come on Sauli is the one

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam was having another adventure with Kesha soon? what happened? She must know he is a playa!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much money Adam is spending on all these rendevous? it better be good for all the dough!:-)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1:05

It would seem that today's special is smoking hot Glambert served in tiny bite-sized nibbles along with a side dish of 'Scandinavian Treat' ^_^

Anonymous said...

WoW! Georges couple together, want both of them myself . See spark in their eyes, WLL love in the air. Remember Adam wrote Voodoo on the plane, he may come up something for Sauli to sing this time. LoL!

Anonymous said...

where's dinner? still not served!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Sauli fan, but I remember listening to Pet Shop Boys Paninaro '95 and voting for Sauli in the BB2007 finals. xD

Anonymous said...

doesn't Drake date women now? He dumped Adam for a woman. right?

Anonymous said...

"a side dish of Nordic Treat" because Sauli is Finnish, and Finland isn't part of Scandinavia... Sorry to be a dull nitpicker, but here in North we are a bit fastidious about that. :)

Everytime I meet Swedish or Norwegian people they are like:
- So do you think you are also Scandinavian or what?
- No I don't.
- Because Finland isn't part of Scandinavia, you know...
- Yes, I know.
- Well, why do other people allways think so? Finland isn't part of Scandinavia!
- I don't know but I can assure you that Finnish people aren't to blaim. We know we're not Scandinavians! Chill!

So it's veeeery strict which countries belong to Scandinavia but then we have this BIG love between all the Northern countries, and then we all cold countries in the Northern Europe are included! Jei! :D

Now, carry on!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1:53

Sorry, I might have been sloppy in my usage of the term 'Scandinavian', but in common English usage, Finland is included in Scandinavia (however inaccurate as that might be). Still, perhaps I might be allowed to change 'Scandinavian Treat' to 'Fennoscandinavian Treat' instead.

Fellow Scandinavian...uh, I mean Fennoscandinavian (yes, another Finn) :)

Anonymous said...

Just my point of view. As a woman Sauli does not appeal to me at all - he is not my type. HOWEVER, he IS ADAM'S TYPE, and that's what is important. Adam needs to be happy and fulfilled to be creative - and that's what we all want. So, when Adam's happy - I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:12 Well hello fellow Fennoscandinavian!:D

Yeah, I know!:) It's so hard with this whole who is really a Scandinavian and who isn't. Even Scandinavians have their two versions about who really are Scandinavians. Sometimes they wellcome Denmark into the party and sometimes only people who can directly enjoy the beauty of the Scandinavian mountains are wellcomed. And in that case it would be byebye for Denmark.

And using Fennoscandian... yeah it would be totally correct according to all the definitions and every nitpicker would be all happy and joy joy. Maybe it really should be used more often? It would bring us closer to eachother:)

But maybe, just maybe we could also invent another definition for just us Finns and Danish? We could also include Icelanders. You know, all the outsiders in North.. But what could we call us, hmmm?

Anonymous said...

as a woman, Sauli wouldn't be my type. Adam is more my type. Sexy ASS eyes!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:07

Well, I guess it's not all that important to list all the definitions that fit us Finns. I think it's a bit of a case of 'You say potato, I say potahto' (rakkaalla lapsella on monta nimeä, eikös?) It all works for me; Scandinavian, Nordic, Fennoscandinavian, European, etc. The most important here to me would be that I'm a Finnbert :D

Anonymous said...

@ funny... i don't won't to add more worries on your sweet shoulders...but Experts reckon .....that volcano you know the one begins with E ....that delayed the planes and STOPPED and delayed Adam arriving in the UK last year .....well there's another nearby which is bigger and ready to Blow its stack big time...shit i'm even scaring myself now lol
.....but guys its true...
Parisiangirl please don't have nightmares or anyone else either.
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:15 PM

You've got my vote. Adam is exactly my type!!
Adam is drop dead gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

anon 3:57 thanks babe.

Anonymous said...

furt furt furt furt...

Anonymous said...

Danish with coffee? what?

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam. He just wants what everyone else wants. To be loved and to be happy. He is not hiding this relationship so it must be for real. I am excited for the both of them. Don't be snarky a few of you. I thought fans SUPPORTED their favorite artist no tear them down. Be happy now; and let's get real what choice or say do we really have in the matter? Chill out!

Anonymous said...

I wanna be the Glam mama!

Anonymous said...

Adam is lucky he has so many gullible female fans who don't understand how PR works, or the dating life of gay stars. This is how it goes when an Out celebrity is sleeping with a closeted one. The beard is the guy they trot out for the paps in public. The real lover hides in the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Adam could have many lovers. who in the hell really knows what goes down in the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:42, oh do tell us more about the gay stars world. I don't want to be gullible anymore. Do you know who Adam is REALLY dating then? I promise it will stay between you, I and this page.

Anonymous said...

Beauty and beauty! WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:33, True true, wise words!:)

Anonymous said...

Adam's private life is just that - PRIVATE. No one should be commenting on Sauli at all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, must be nice to have rich boyfriend. I read Sauli made 19,000 euros last year. Not enough to be able to fly back and forth. I think after a while the novelty will wear off. He is very different to Adams usual types. You know European, etc etc.
Adam's career is going to skyrocket and he will have to find someone just as successful and especially financially an equal.
I never liked Brad Bell (Cheeks) because of his cheating and breaking Adams heart. However, after listening to him on YouTube I realize how bright this guys mind is. I can understand why Adam was so crazy for him. I don't think you would ever get bored with him.

Anonymous said...

Thank God I´m European, sometimes it feels like all you Americans can think of is money or appearance.. everything is measured on that scale.. how boring, sad and so so superficial.. No wonder Adam was looking for something else.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 5:10 "He is very different to Adams usual types. You know European, etc etc. Adam's career is going to skyrocket and he will have to find someone just as successful and especially financially an equal."

Really now? I didn't know that celebrities are some kind of a special breed who are not allowed to date anybody else than people as rich and famous as they self are. Maybe he should go out with Clay Aiken who’s famous because of AI too? He should definitely be good enough and famous enough and rich enough for Adam, right? I mean it doesn’t really matter with whom Adam self wants to be. The person just needs to be rich; otherwise it’s just plain WRONG… Hurrah for class divisions!!!

Ei hellurei...

Anonymous said...

@2011 5:43 PM
Of all crazy crap you can find here, this was perhaps the most hilarious. I guess you are one of the Adommy crays who can´t accept that he´s straight. He hides in the closet while Adam has a fake boyfriend. "That´s the life of gay stars"! Does Sauli get payed for this or how does it work?


Anonymous said...

5:10 AM

Wow, it would be awful to be a rich person if everybody would think like you do. Those poor famous people and their limited dating possibilities...

Anonymous said...

Thank God my parent sent me to Australia for schooling , sent my brother to UK, my niece is in Greece right now studying as an exchange student.
This is only to Anon 5:10 Your saying is exactly like one of my family member living in US.."this bottle cost....,I bring you to the most expensive restaurant....blah..blah.... Dear, at least you can write assay that I can understand and good for you. A lot of your fellows here are very nice in this blog, take notes from them. Now pack you backpack and go to school.

Anonymous said...

If Adam didn't please those overcontrolling fans so much he'd be richer..

Anonymous said...

You don´t give up, do you? It´s all about the Glamberts.


Anonymous said...

About the recorded earnings of Sauli, that was in 2009 I believe. He had just had a very busy year in 2008 after winning Big Brother in 2007 (travelling around Finland entertaining people, having a tv show for a while etc.). So maybe he was just figuring out what he wants to do next. He is only 25 (26 in March). I think Adam was 26, when he auditioned on Idol. I'm not saying they are equal, when it comes to talent, but people still shouldn't call Sauli a toyboy or a gold digger without knowing anything about him. I know Sauli probably doesn't care. He seems to be the kind of person, who is going to live his life the way he wants to, not caring about what other people think. But still. :( And let's remember that it was Adam, who approached Sauli. Put his hands over Sauli's ears and said you are just so damn adorable, according to the bystanders that were there the night they first met in Helsinki.

Anonymous said...

@ Eva

Let it go, fellow! Stay «our» course and focus only the POSITIVE!
In a near future, when sweet Adam may call himself a «rich» man, I really hope he buys a private jet airplane to scape to wherever and with whoever he wants. Or maybe just sent it to bring to his ex-boyfriends a few of his «so called fans» from wherever, and let them enjoy each other once they certainly wouldn't get bored...
Sweet Adam has a very good and peculiar sense of humor, he can take fun out of ANYTHING! Ha!

Anonymous said...

who cares about where Adam is sticking it!

Anonymous said...

@Eva 6:22 Nope, it's not Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Parisian girl, you crack me up! GIOW/UK, I'm depending on you as last time to keep us abreast of any volcano rumblings! No clue where our rockgod really is, but you always give us good info! Glad you're with us again! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

does Tommy like younger women? I bet he has alot of girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

Did Cheeks make a rude remark about Sauli? If so, what did he say? Adam has remained friends with Brad Bell (cheeks) so I will be sad to learn if he has bad mouthed Sauli. I doubt it, but would like verification.