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Adam Lambert at Social Media Rock Star Summit (suz526)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, February 12, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, February 12, 2011

From Suz526:

Selected clips of Grammy Nominee, Adam Lambert, participating the Social Media Rock Star Summit held on 2/11/11 in Los Angeles California. Panelists also included Chamillionaire, Ethan Beard (Facebook), Naveen Selvadurai (Foursquare) and Tim Westergran (Pandora). John Norris was the moderator. the entire summit will also be posted.

Thanks suz526!


Anonymous said...

God Bless Suz526!!!!! I had been trying since yesterday to find more info on Adam's part of this Summit discussion and was very frustrated. So THANKS, Suz!!! Absolutely loved hearing Adam's comments and, once again, his great sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

witty is the word that comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam - intelligent, witty, good sense of humor, most of all handsome & real !!!:)

Fan4fun said...

I LOVE YOU, «Master Angel» Suz526!
Thank you sooooo much! Again...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Suz526! I love you!!! What a wonderful surprise for us! Our Adam is so witty, smart, intelligent, and breathtakingly gorgeous...again.....sigh...

Anonymous said...

Pls, could you help me? I understand just a little bit english and I can't understand what they say at min. 5.12(edited video)

adamluv said...

My friend who I commented on before being visible in the Grove taping, was also at the Summit. There was a raffle and she won a laptop, other stuff and 2 tICKETS TO THE GRAMMYS!!!!!!! Fabulous !! No, she's not taking me but rather the woman who invited her to the Summit. Only fair thing to do! She was laid off work 2 weeks ago and if that hadnt have happened she wouldnt have been able to be at so many daytime events this week - The Talk, the Grove, the Summit nor THE GRAMMYS! The lesson here is sometimes the worst things that happen to you end up being the best! Cant imagene a better week in a fans life than this one has been!

Anonymous said...

OT...@ Adamluv, Great news for your friend! It certainly takes the sting out of being laid off, giving her great memories to get her thru' a rough patch that I hope will be temporary. Adam always can lift spirits! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Have to say Adam and Chamillionaire were perfect choices for this summit. They both were knowlegeable and gave informed comments. Adam was the only one on the panel that knew the meaning of twitter's 4th wall. He and Chamillionaire also brought humour and valid personal concerns to the table. Great interviews later and think Adam established serious credibility among panel members, public and media. He was his usual handsome, perfectly attired, groomed,charming self capturing new fans, wherever he goes! Smart move to choose him for the panel! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

With all the powers in the heavens & the universe, may all the success in the world be yours Adam Mitchel Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

For those who have hard time understanding these videos of the summit you can read recap of this summit under twitter account @GrammyU

The Dark Side said...

Suz 526 thank you once again for bringing us Adam unfettered. Truly enjoyed the Summit and learned a lot even if I am not in the 18-35 demographic. Thought Chamomille (Sorry if misspelled) was a great panelist. Also got a clearer insight into the music business as it stands today. Guess a lot of changes will be coming sooner than later. Adam was his usual articulate, gorgeous self, making us all proud.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 12:55 p.m.

He asked Adam whether he ever feels the need to send out at least 2-4 tweets per day and Adam says "no, I don't have a quota" meaning he does not have a minimum or maximum number for daily tweeting, but, in humor, he says some of his fans might like him to have a quota and then Chamillionaire called quota "twoota" - I hope I clarified it for you.


laurieb said...

Thank-you so much Suz526 I really wanted to see the entire show and was frustrated at the 1 and 2 min segments on the Grammy site. I have one question tho, in part 7 about it being an all guy panel, what did the guy say to make the panel laugh? I tried to hear it but couldnt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Suz526 and 24/7 for posting this! I tried to get it to stream yesterday, unsuccessfully. This was a really interesting discussion. I love that Adam was involved and he was smart, witty, articulate and of course handsome. Chamillionare was very impressive as well. Love the idea of the picture of the audience so they could put it on facebook. He's a smart man. I could see Adam's mind working hard during the discussion. He was taking everything in and holding on to key ideas and points. Like he said the other day - Life is a game and you need a strategy. :) I think he was building upon his strategy in his mind during this panel. So many interesting aspects discussed that I was not aware of. I am glad Adam was there. Loved the women questioning that noted that there were no women on the panel. That was priceless. HA!

So, does anyone know what time Adam's name will be called to recieve his Grammy? I think it's before the show is aired.

Anonymous said...

So much great information were mentioned at this summit we have to take notes to even use them for our own personal benefit and also to promote Adam and all these different social medias. What a great thing the grammys did to have Adam at this summit. Educational for CEOs, The Grammys, Artists, and fans. Gotta watch it again!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:34 PM
I posted the info about the Grammy Live Stream pre-telecast on the Lyndsey Parker Interview thread and would move it up here but just on my phone right now so will refer you to at nutshell, the pre-telecast Live Stream at www.grammy/ starts at 1:00 PM Pacific Time on Feb. 13th, with the Red Carpet starting at 12:30 PM. Don't know exact time of Adam's category presentation if that is what you're asking...great question!

Anonymous said...

So great to see Adam as a member of this panel. He is so articulate, intelligent and charming. He also looked terrific. Adam has the insight and knowledge of the music industry and the social media today and is able to use it to his advantage as he focuses on the next stage of his career. The aspects discussed at this summit were very informative and I learned a lot I did not know or was aware of. Hope he wins that Grammy award, but if not, I am sure there will be one in his future because Adam Lambert has established himself as a dynamic performer both musically and visually.

Anonymous said...

This was extraordinary. Thank you so much Suz526 for posting the entire panel experience on this fabulous website.

I am so in awe of Adam's business savy the more I learn about the music industry. He is simply brilliant. I, too, loved watching human sponge Adam take in every drop of information from that extraordinary gathering of digital movers & shakers. I truly believe Adam will go down in music history--not just for his glorious talent and performance abilities--but for changing how music gets to us or is sold. Adam is way ahead of all of us in his thinking. Anyone on that panel or in that audience who was blowing him off (or his fans) before he opened his mouth (or his fans opened theirs), I can guarantee you, aren't blowing Adam (or his fans) off any more.

I especially LOVED the brief discussion re: the role of WOMEN in making all of their ideas and products take off like a rocket. Am so sick of the dismissive attitude toward women by the "real people", men (especially DJs, media owners)--who tend to think their own opinions are the ones that REALLY count. Loved how, when the discussion leader started making fun of Adam's (female) fans, Adam stood his ground, did not go there with him, and declared that his fans are "amazing". I also loved toward the end--when Adam's fans started asking questions--how the panelists seemed surprised at how intelligent and well-informed the women were (Adam knew.). They even got embarassed, realizing that their entire panel was comprised of men.

One more thing: I LOVED Adam's comment re: how he believed people looking through a camera (i.e. to video) his performances were depriving themselves of the DIRECT, and thus more spiritual (age old), experience between audience and performer.

Kentucky Fan

The major record labels may all be doomed as we know them. I feel very assured that Adam is on top of all of this and way ahead of us in his thinking. He has done and is doing everything "perfectly" re: his business decisions. I, too, loved watching human sponge Adam take in all of that information from that extraordinary gathering of incredible movers & shakers in their social networking fields. What a remarkable opportunity! Actually, this may have been the most important event for Adam to participate in (for the future of his career) than anything else afforded him by this year's Grammys (with exception of winning a Grammy), even over performing on the CBS show itself.

Something else that came out, and I loved watching everyone on the panel wince but Adam (because he ALREADY enjoys and appreciates females of all ages), was how critical WOMEN are to all of their ideas taking off like a rocket! Even early on in the discussion, Adam's fans (always, always us women) were being ridiculed and taken less seriously by the "real people": Men. I LOVED how Adam stood ground, didn't go where the guy was leading, & declared his fans to be amazing. I think panel members were also astounded at how bright and aware Adam Lambert's fans are.

I believe male record label owners, male DJs, male media owners (TV and radio)pick & choose by THEIR tastes and totally discount the views of women. BIG mistake. We women will find a way around them to get what we want.

Kentucky Fan

glitzylady said...

Wow! Big space!! /\ !!!

Happy to say a friend of mine was the woman who posed the question re Women and Social Media...Was so happy she was there to bring up that question..(She is the admin of another Adam website.."Adam Lambert Official Unofficial") It was very interesting that every single panel member was a man...hmmm.....and the conversation continued after the panel discussion was over! Yay Carol!!!

And I was happy that Adam stood up for and gave kudos to his fans...its all been said many times, but Adam's fans ARE very smart and know what an amazing talent he is, and have been the ones to defend, support , and promote him as well. We couldn't let him drift off into the void just because others were't "getting" him...Hoping this is the beginning of a new "era" for him, one in which he is respected for his talent and his courage to be himself, and of course the wonderful human being that he is. I have faith that it will.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Giant space and 2nd part from Kentucky Fan were not supposed to get posted! LOL. First attempt was too long, so rewrote whole thing, resulting in 1st posted comment. So something got goofed up. Hopefully not just my doing--but could be! First comment will do just fine. Sorry.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky Fan You are pardoned! :-)
@ Anon. Febr.12, 3:51pm Indeed
@Anon. Febr.12, 3:34pm Yup, the panel geeks pushed his mind wheels and they were spinning like crazy (taking from his intense look at the people talking). It was sweet. He did well and I hope he’ll stay in touch with that 'nerdy' rapper who was the highlight of the summit (at least for me).

The fact that the summit was of “Rock Stars” is funny, but whatever... The lady..Berts in the audience were the salt and paper on a special dish. They gave flavor.. to the point of asking oneself whether it’s not too much... Even if, at some points, their reactions seemed to surprise the speakers, I think they showed the (most important) essence of the Glamberts: the love for articulate and intelligent people who have something relevant to say. Even better if those people are beautiful men! LOL. I wish Lambert could fully realize the power he has in his hands with the mass of the ..Berts. They are like his own pollen. Some of it remains on whatever he touches or comes close to. (I liked the lady who said she will follow Chamillionaire too from now on). He could use Glamberts to glam-pollenize the world. Until now, the ..Berts did that in his name...without any consideration for people’s ‘allergies’.

I’m grateful to Suz for these videos. She spares a lot of my time as I was myself preparing to put back to back the dozens of Grammy clips.

I’d say there’s my two cents, but small change is all I have these days... Don't mind throwing it around... And I’m not even as polite as MGF. :-))