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Adam Lambert Featured in New Issue of InTouch Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 27, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 27, 2011



Anonymous said...

I don´t know about you, but eyeliner is not what I notice first.


Anonymous said...

Eva, Eva, took those words right out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

great picture,wish they would have featured Sauli's picture too.I'll deff be looking for that issue of InTouch.

Anonymous said...

WOW love that picture. Gonna buy numerous copies. My teenage daughter just said nothing like a buffed guy riding a jet ski, no neither her nor I noticed the eyeliner either!

Anonymous said...

Sort of a fun little article:


Anonymous said...

In an earlier post, someone said that Sauli was wearing a ring on his necklace now. Please show pic or proof of this statement. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Now that is ALL MAN! Wow.

Anonymous said...

Looking yummy and athletic!

Anonymous said...


Dinah-mite said...

Cool little article, I had to post a comment. (When do I NOT?)

Naturally AFL looks fabulous with or without make up. But I've got to say, lookin' FINE, dude, lookin' REAL good with less clothes on... JS

And when has Adam been hittin' the gym? HELLO SHOULDERS... :) (Oh, he has a face too? WOW) :)

Anonymous said...

WoW!! Super Rock Star Adam on jet ski, who can beat. Very handsome, I like this very much.

LP said...

That particular pic, doesn't really show if he has eyeliner on or not. Hopefully he had sun tan lotion, like #50 or higher.Great picture. Sauli works out, goes to gym. Also has more freckles than Adam. He should be back from Finland in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Don't really think AFL has on eyeliner. He hasn't been wearing it when he's out casually, so pretty stupid article. I guess they have to say something to get attention.

coloforadam said...

ummmm,(gulp),ah ah, ummmmmm,(pant).........


Anonymous said...

Gosh he is so buff! Those arms that handsome face. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Love that pic!

Anonymous said...

does Glam Gods ride jet skis? He is having a splashing good time and looking stylish while doing it!

Anonymous said...

Eyeliner or not the man is stunning!! Can I say, Bond, James Bond in this photo!!

Anonymous said...

he needs to throw a little glitter on his jet ski! you've got to always keep it fashionable.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:01 - you stole my line! I was going to say 'the name is Bond, James Bond'. Adam truly has movie star good looks and the talent to go with it. Sure hope he can make a film someday soon. Love this pic!

Anonymous said...

Adam could be a model for jet skis, resorts, fine jewelry, high fashion, etc. Adam really has no limits to what he can do in a first class way!This picture captures him beautifully. A man for all seasons! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

this is craziness indeed. How much more if Adam is a straight guy, girls will get wild with him.

My goodness heaven I don't know what to say anymore about his physique. Whole package indeed and who ever end up with him is so lucky ha!ha!ha!

Toronto fan base, Canada

Anonymous said...

He sure is a feast for the eyes. I would love to see him in movies. Don't understand Hollywood. They made money on Elvis and Adam is better looking and can sing great as well.

Adam can act too!

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't wearing any makeup. Are my eyes missing something, or is InTouch just stupid? Lol


Anonymous said...

if he gets any sexxxier, what's the women to do?

Unknown said...

@7:28 haha so true!!!

Anonymous said...

to 4:06 pm Sauli is wearing Adam's horseshoe ring necklace if you watch the latest video from Finland with Katri. I think there is a picture of both Adam and then Sauli wearing it a few topics back. Don't know if this is really a ring but still seems something special.

Anonymous said...

This picture is so alpha male. So gorgeous, just strikingly handsome. Adam can model anything. Just a casual picture, and look at him!

I do not notice makeup. Why would he wear makeup on a jet ski? He's been toning it way down lately, and I like it. He's a naturally handsome man. He's not wearing anything but his swim trunks and that vest. Not a ring or necklace in sight. Just pure Adam. UNF

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! Where's the guyliner??? Thanks a lot though to InTouch for featuring Adam's pic. About time!

Anonymous said...

the necklace Sauli is wearing in the last Finland video definitely looks like a ring on a chain, not a horseshoe. You can see it right at the end of the video when he gets up from the table. Not that I'm saying it means anything that he is wearing it...
Love this picture, but why would the magazine put such a stupid, inane comment next to it, why not just say how hot and sexy he's looking, they always seem to have to have a little dig.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

that was a stupid article they wanna say sth and no matter for them what saying cause havn't any new news.oh a big issue:rock star got eyeliner in his vacation.its ridiculous im sorry for that article. (AGirlLikeMe)

Anonymous said...

I think it's ridiculous that the magazine makes a comment about Adam wearing makeup while jet skiing! They have a very poor sense of humor at Adam's expense and it's not necessary at all. Adam looks amazingly masculine in this picture...anyone, man or woman, cannot deny it.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if this magazine has a page for reader's comments to write to.....we should state our opinion for any subscribers to read next month.

Anonymous said...

I think the author of the article above is envious that Adam looked great without realizing he has no make up on. Anyone know a celebrity looked this good while jet skiing? none that i know of... only Adam can pull it off!! Picture Purrrrfect!

Anonymous said...

I was happy he had this hunky pic taken after all the silly comments that some people say about him.. and this pic is undeniably one of the best imo.

They could have left off the snark and just complimented him because he does look amazing.

Anonymous said...

SMOKIN HOT !! Is he gorgeous or what !!!!!

Anonymous said...

It´s kind of ridiculous with that comment on a pic of Adam without makeup. They know about him so they try to be funny, and exactly like Ms Rivers, it falls flat if you have eyes in your head.


Anonymous said...

SUPERMAN...That is what Adam is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think people who aren't big fans (who could that be:) would say..."That's Adam Lambert?!?" a really great picture for the doubters...looks just gorgeous!

Bing said...

The undeniable gorgeousness is to die for grrrrr!

Anonymous said...

Master of the waves! Gorgeous noble Adam!! With or without makeup. You are the best!

Anonymous said...

Adam is absolutely a better singer than Elvis.

glitzylady said...

The silly eyeliner comment aside, I think for starters this picture should appear in every "People" type magazine in the country (world?), perhaps on the cover...(cover boy Adam!). That just might grab some very positive attention and give a hint to those who wonder why his fans rave about Adam Lambert being the very handsome man that he is...a good start for this year's "Sexiest Man Alive" campaign.....because I think this look definitely qualifies..I'd vote for Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam does look hott out there on them waves!
I think when nonfans or people who just don't get it, gay or straight, this man is gorgeous!!
Adam is more gorgeous than.... hell, I can't even think of his name. You see what Adam does to me, he makes me forget that there is anybody else.
The only sound in this world I hear is Adam's voice!
BTW, I have always thought Adam had great shoulders! Well hell, everything is great about Adam Lambert! MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, what a hunk of a man! Gay , straight, who really gives a shit? He's just a feast for the eyes! And, why the dig about makeup? Why can't they just say that he was looking good?

Homophobia much?

Anonymous said...

He is the best looking hunk of a man ever, ever, ever-bet Paula would say that too!What I would give to be hanging on to him riding on the jet ski . I can dream anyway and the more waves, bump, bump, the better lol.

Anonymous said...

Adam with lots of eyeliner on while riding a jet ski could be sexy! waterproof it!

Anonymous said...

We must understand there are people who don't know that men can wear makeup too nowadays.

Anonymous said...

I don`t see any make up, but I see a very beautiful and sexy man

Anonymous said...

Here in Europe young guys use beauty products, bronzing cream, sometimes foundation, eyeliner and mascara and a lot of hair products. Ordinary young guys can wear dark nailpolish, don't have to be a rock singer to do that. :)

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to bed a man in full face makeup! get it smeared all over my white bedsheets! mmmmmmgood

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Forgive my ignorance but we know Adam is a strawberry blond, so, he had light eyelashes in high school. Obviously he dyes his hair and eyebrows, can you get eyelashes dyed-safely?

Anonymous said...

yes you can have your eyelashed dyed, I did it once.

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture. All the good looking ones are gay or they say. I wish we would see him on TV soon instead of in magazines and the internet. Can't wait for the release of Aftermath and his new album.

Anonymous said...

@Anon February 28, 2011 2:40 PM

I have been thinking for many many months now about how much I would love to see Adam Lambert's make up smeared all over my sheets and my pillow cases.... and my SELF

No Tag This Time ;)

Anonymous said...

now all we need is a pic with no shirt...omfg....would we not just all faint!

The Dark Side said...

Bought the In Touch today, just for the picture. Hey magazine exects, put Adam on the cover or in the magazine and you will sell a lot more copies. Just giving you a heads up. The RS sellout wasn't a fluke. Glamberts have buying power.

Anonymous said...

You are not going to see him without his shirt he has a tummy and doesn't expose it. You've seen him in a lot of photos with a sort of corset on.
Zodiac-Crawl thru Fire, video of For Your Entertainment and various photo shoots.

Does it matter? He was born to be a big man. He's perfect just as he is.....abs aren't everything. I'm thinking of the creepy The Situation! Yuk!............VL

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's fine all over, every inch of him! What a hunk of burning love!!! funbunn40