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Adam Lambert on Access Hollywood (TV Version)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011

The online version was posted yesterday but this it the one aired on television. But still, this isn't a complete version of a breaking news about Egypt.

Thanks to KI55andTELL!



Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I could not hear this video, but OMG how gorgeous is Adam! I love his hair, his broad chest, his smile - I don't even need sound!
Not really, I miss his beautiful voice and adorable laugh! Love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe they are still bringing up the AMA performance. I like how Adam said it's water under the bridge,time to move on. He handles himself with such dignity and honesty, never gets frazzled. I'm sure he wasn't happy about that topic being brought up again-ugh. Looks like he trimmed his hair and he looked gorgeous and was sweet and articulate as always. Win that Grammy because you deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

geezz...really?...the AMA's?...and he handles it so well! love the hair!

Anonymous said...

Luv the haircut!!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I think: Isn't that the Hollywood access use to be friendly with Adam? Are they trying to pull him down with that AMA ENLARGE IMAGES before Grammy because he is gaining support these few days. It is a shame to all such idiotic misjudgment still exists on National TV. Hollywood access should go and dig the most nominated guy being summoned. Anyone see a clip of those, may be too afraid to be shown the National TV.
Adam, you are so brave and you look beautiful on TV.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of trash. I agree with you anon 9:39....they are trying to remind everyone about the AMA's....can't we just move the hell on?
WoW....what a f***ed up society we live in!

My son says "the media is the devil" and I think I agree with him now.

Anonymous said...

They brought the AMAs up, because now when you think about it, the kiss etc. wasn't such a big deal after all. That's how I understood it. Funny how the Glam Nation theme turns out to be a psychedelic and Jimi Hendrix thing in the US, because North Americans don't know Glam rock.

Anonymous said...

At first I was very annoyed at the AMA topic being brought up, but I think Adam's response, not apologetic, but acknowleging the differences learned between a live TV audience and his many spontaneous live LA club performances will finally put to bed the concerns of those that were offended and haven't followed Adam since that performance. I'n sure it rightfully ticked Adam off to have it brought up again after all of the hard work and major accomplishments. I give him so much credit for being so astute, giving such a smart answer for all of the nervous nellies still out there. I think Billy also was trying to determine if there would be anything offensive on the DVD for those that aren't open to free artistic expression. Adam's answer should finally calm them down. He is such a patient, smart man and still has to put up with the bs. Love that man! It's been such a good, positive week! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ok, Billy Bush I thought I like you, ok now only sometimes... AMA's again‼ Love the new "do" Adam‼

Anonymous said...

I really want to stay positive and not dwell on the negative side of this interview so will refrain from making any comments about the AMA mention, even though it was completely unnecessary at this point. SO long ago. He's proven himself over and over again so it really needs to be forgotten. So, Thank You Access Hollywood for having Adam Lambert on. It's always a pleasure to see his beautiful, smiling face and his articulate, intelligent responses to all questions even if some of those questions are just plain silly. Adam is a class act and deserves all the respect and honor his industry has to give. Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

He looks more and more gorgeous every time I see him! How does he do that? Yes, the haircut is stunning....he is stunning. He is such a professional and handles himself with grace and charm and wit! Sick and tired of him being asked questions about the AMA's from 2009! Good point he made about difference between performing in front of national tv audiences and L.A. clubs that have a much more "spontaneous" vibe to it. I've never heard him explain it that way before and it made a lot of sense to me. Good on you, Adam! You're a very smart man and a mega talented entertainer. I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Yawn! ZZZZZ. Old rehash. But then again, we have to remember we fans have heard all of this over and over and over again. The general public has not. At least I saw Adam's new hair cut. Very nice. That's the most valuable piece of info I got out of this interview.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and notice how hugs are now the new measuring tape? Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

No surprise from Billy Dush (douchey as ever)
But Adam is his usual charming self, I love how people just want to hug or touch him :)

Anonymous said...

Now that the GNT was a hippie thing, do you think they put the pot smoking in Amsterdam in the dvd? It could affect the sales. At least I wouldn't buy it. I don't like Adam is promoting any drugs.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think the AMAs will haunt Adam his entire life. 30 years from now, when Adam has taken over the planet, some interviewer will say "Adam, remember when you first started your career 30 years ago...there was that performance at the...what do you think about that now? His responses are getting better...loved the explaination about being in the LA nightlife circuit. Helps some to understand the "why" more.

Billy was really into the "crotch thrust" "crotch thrust" "crotch thrust" "crotch thrust". hahahaaa. Wow, Billy, what's that all about? At least Adam had a chance to say that the CD/DVD was not like that.

Love Adam's haircut. He is going to look stunning at the Grammys.

That woman was really smitten with Adam. You could see it on her face. Couldn't wait to say..."I need to see how tall you are". ha. She just wanted a hug.

Anonymous said...

Then you may need to stop watching any TV and Movie that have people smoke stuff.

Anonymous said...


The DVD was shot at the concert in Indianapolis...not Amsterdam. Relax.

Anonymous said...

Hands always wanting to touch the Glam one. He looks good. Hair trim? Get that Grammy!

Rebecca said...

stunning as a;ways

Anonymous said...

Adam probably won't include his smoking pot bit on the DVD because he knows that may cause another scandal and stunt his DVD sales. He is very smart and a shrewd businessman as well. I personally would not mind at all - though I am definitely not pro-drugs - because it was one of the many special shows he gave us all throughout his Glamnation Tour. This was part of what Adam is and does on stage. So I am so glad and grateful it was recorded by fans, posted on Youtube and elsewhere, so we could privately download these memorable for posterity if they are not suitable for commercial purposes.

Anonymous said...

Someone mention that his hair was a little shabby a few days ago......this looks good...just listen to the mother hens here and we will take care of you BB.......can't wait till Emmys.....just to look at him....

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand the remarks about smoking pot. He took a few puffs still don't know for sure what it was, because he was singing purple haze, it could have been a prop. It is legal in Amsterdam anyway. I have heard him mention many times where the DVD material was taken from. I am sure all the people on here must have heard. I also knew at the time of the concert because they advertised it by notices of "you are being filmed" etc.

Anonymous said...

He smoked a little pot in Amsterdam where it is legal for the song purple haze, which is about drugs. Never at any other concerts. Bruno Mars was arrested and pleaded guilty for possession of cocaine and is still able to perform at the grammys. Now that does not make sense, but unfortunately Adam was not asked to perform! Just win the Grammy beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous and has more good natured patience then I could ever have!

Billy Bush has never liked Adam, even before the AMA's. Pity he shows himself to be so judgmental & small minded. Beat that horse Billy Boy, feel better about yourself now?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't make sense to me why he likes to see the same people at every concert. That doesn't make you want go to his concert if you're a newbie. It's like you are not welcome. He really isn't there for the casual fans at all.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the AMA show already. Adam has moved way beyond that performance, takes responsibility for it and has learned from that experience. Even with those references, Adam was still personable, charming and maintained his sense of humor throughout the interview. I liked his explanation of performing differences in LA clubs and then appearing on a tv show(AMA). He is also articulate and intelligent in his answers to silly and irrelevant questions. Glad to hear about the charity water donations finally on a tv program. We can see how appreciative Adam is to his devoted fans for supporting this cause. To me, he has the best voice in the music industry today and hopefully he will be rewarded for that with a Grammy. It's been a good week for Lambert fans having seen him on three or four different shows looking terrific esp. with the shorter hair and just charming everyone who interviewed him.

Anonymous said...

adam looked HANDSOME!!!i loved his clean look :)

Anonymous said...

This is not the whole interview. Interview was in two segments. Watched to whole thing on my t.v. and I wished Billy Bush didn't ask Adam about the AMA. Bush has a very conservative view which I think made Adam a little uncomfortable but glad the lady was so supportive of Adam. It was all good. I think some people have posted the whole interview on YouTube. 24/7 search for it on twitter and post the complete interview.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 12:09- If you are a devoted fan and can afford(timewise and ticket cost) to attend more than one of Adam's concerts, what is wrong with that, seeing some of the same people at every concert. It probably made him feel comfortable knowing they were there and then also to see all the first timers added to the mix of the audience. I am sure each show was a bit different, so you never really quite see Adam the same in these performances. He draws his energy from the audience and gives it right back to them. Just think of all the fans who followed Elvis, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, etc. from place to place because of their passionate devotion to the artist and his/their music. I think that if you go there as a "casual fan", you will become a devoted one as Adam draws you in with his impressive vocal talent and his spectacular musical artistry.

Anonymous said...

OK Glamberts, there are trolls on this site and their intention is to ruin things. Please pay no attention and leave it alone. It'll be a great weekend for our Glam God. Let's stay positive and throw positive vibes to the universe for Grammy4Adam. Support Adam for this Grammy weekend by buying his Glam Nation Live CD/DVD. I bought myself the exclusive packet and one CD/DVD. POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND GOOD VIBES SHOULD BE OUR MODE. Lots of love to the Glamberts and our Glam God!

Anonymous said...

Adam put his best foot forward with the hosts on AH ... WON over the lady & bested the guy .. and came out the WINNER!!! Just like he will at the GRAMMYs!! Looking as GORGEOUS as EVER!!


Anonymous said...

I loved her opening comment about how handsome and striking he is in person.
Also, did you notice they called him an Idol "winner".

Anonymous said...

"Belt it...cinch it..."


lovely vocabulary on AML, gaaaah


ps. that female host jumped right the frick up as soon as she could to get her hands on BB... same as it ever was ;)

Anonymous said...

Agree w/ 12:45, ignore the trolls completely if you are able. One can tell the difference between a troll/someone trying to stir up shit and someone just expressing a strong opinions... strong opinions always welcome here, I find... but trolls are quite transparent. We're doing a good job of ignoring them. Give them no credence and no power by responding. JMO.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I don't think the folks wo posted about the pot stuff are trolls, that just seems like legit discussion and discourse to me. The Anon/12:09 crap, seems like a shit stirrer for their own pleasure to me, JS.

Anonymous said... crack me up! And you're so right about the chick.

My thoughts: Hot damn the boy looked slick! I love that hair style.


Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm sorry, I couldn't read all the comments. I got so itchy somewhere on the way... People, NOTHING is 'forgotten'. 'Forgiven' maybe, but not forgotten. The AMA ‘thing’ will be forever part of Adam’s ‘artistic history’. Are you kidding me? These days, everything is stored somewhere on a server. My lame English (matching sometimes my twisted way of thinking :-)) and all your witty comments will remain in the virtual world (like.. until the Skynet will assume control over the global communications :-)), no matter what happens with this blog. Do you know that "every public tweet, ever, since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived digitally at the Library of Congress"? Those stupid tweets about the body functions of all the nobodies in the world will share a server (or whatever) with the greatest (digital) literature? Furthermore, while I do agree that going round and round on this subject was, at some point, just pure lazy journalism, why would you really want to be ‘forgotten’? It brought some very important (still more than actual) topics into public discussion. Moreover, the man learned a lot from that episode. Hopefully! :-) He started from being a ‘club performer’... We want him to be a superstar. I know, I know, he’s our superstar... But not everyone else’s...Yet. He still needs to learn and grow...a lot. History (of a person/family/business/country/world) is important in building identity. It’s important for ‘history’ to be preserved and, once in a while, brought back into attention. Forgetting means repeating... whatever errors or mistakes.

Having said that, I’ll go back and read all your comments... being ready to put ash on my head and chant ‘mea culpa’ (totally out of tune, of course) if I’ll see that I’ve been too harsh for no reason. I’ll save this thread and go back on it whenever I’ll feel the urge to respond to things without reading them carefully in the first place. Do you know what I mean? Learning from experience! Monkeys do it too!


PS: I’ll be fine now...I’m drinking my linden tea. :-)

Anonymous said...

I was glad they talked about the water charity.
But they need to do their homework - how about questions like "Tell us all of the places you went on the international tour, we heard they were mostly sold-out" etc. Tell us all the countries where your album has gone platinum.
And I hear your song won the MMusic award for best video. Any new love interests in the picture" etc
Really, I think they should get me to do these interviews, lol
Rehashing the AMA is like (and I am being a bit mean here) asking Michael Jackson, were he alive for an interview, about his child pornography charges, court battles, drug addictions, etc. No one would do that. And Adam didn't even do anything wrong..
And enough of Idol. We don't care about Jennifer Lopez. Why not stay current and focus on the accomplishments of the guest?
After all, that's why he is a Grammy nominee!
However, Adam was as stunning and articulate as ever.

Anonymous said...

Although it did give Adam a chance to further comment on his side of things, I found it rather rude to post a huge picture of the "faux pas" as if to remind everyone why we might not like Adam.
Too late anyway, the votes are in!

Anonymous said...

The ever!!!!!!!!! As always, Adam is adorable.

Anonymous said...

The woman was totaly entranced by Adam, as I'm sure I would be. She could baely control herself through the interview.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 10:22

Yeah, she did jump right up, didn't she? I am 5' even. I KNOW I am 5', but I would probably say the same thing to get a hug!! "Let me see just how far up that chest I could rest my head, please!" lol

About the DVD, he said they knew that concert was being taped, does this mean no Tommy kiss? That would be a shame. *sigh* March seems so far away.


Anonymous said...

@Glb 3:12pm I agree with every word, every comment you wrote. Thank you. I think if English wouldn't be my second language, I write same comment as you made.
Love you, Adam. Nobody can compete with you, dear<3

Anonymous said...

I guess as time goes by there will be less references to the AMA performance and AI although Adam does credit it for an incredible platform and opportunities. He was so charming, personable and excited about his music career and the Grammy nomination. Kudos to Adam and his devoted fans for the charity water donations. Interesting to learn about the difference between the LA audience approach for live shows and the AMA performance for tv. Overall, Adam comes across as an intelligent, articulate, confident person. Hope he takes home that Grammy. That would be the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

OK, I could not STAND these two interviewers (whatever their names were - I don't watch the show)! What a couple of self-centered, cocky know-it-alls...both of them! Sorry - I'm all steamed up. It's people like this that drive me insand...they are so "commercial" and slick, they are not genuine. They won't shut up and let the person being intervied finish a sentance because they just want to hear the sound of their own voice...GRRRR!

When Adam did manage to finish a sentance, or get a word in edgewise, he sounded GREAT - as always. But man-on-man, did he look AWESOME!!! Absolutely beautiful.

Adam is a smart, charming and articulate man. If you're going to interview him, give him the chance to speak, damn it! He has GREAT stuff to say!


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they showed the whole interview here because the abbreviated one sucked!! :-( Billy Bush needs some interviewing skills big time! I wished they'd discussed Adam's international tour and how brilliantly they were received. However, Adam was as wonderful as ever, he's very adaptable and handles interviews so well. Loving his hair! :-)

If you go to one of Adam's concerts as a casual fan, you're bound to emerge from it an Adam fan for life!! Further, if you're a casual fan going to your 1st concert, how are you to know that there are others there who've attended his concerts umpteen times. Just go with the flow and enjoy the Lambert ride; you'll be a much better person for it! :-)

Fan4fun said...

@ GLb

PS: never too late for such an informative comment...

adamluv said...

HELP! I watched the entire Access Hollywood show last nite - the 11th= and there was nothing on about Adam? When did his show come on? Was so disappointed!

coloforadam said...

Gotta hand it to her - she remained calm, asked questions intelligibly and giggled very little. It always seems that close up, women are so stunned at how handsome he is and some...never recover. I know I wouldn't!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is just so popular right now. It seems everyone wants him for everything... a clothing line, a possible movie role, the Broadway stage, maybe even GLEE. Obviously music is his focus and working on his second album is at the forefront. Nice to read and hear that his association with the charity water project brought in such a generous amount of money from his devoted fans. Winning the Grammy would be proof positive for a job well done in the vocal performance category. Overall an interesting interview with Adam as articulate, intelligent, charming and witty as always(even though some of the questions were ridiculous and irrelevant at this point in time.)