Adam Lambert Tweets "Sauli", Sauli Trends on Twitter!
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, February 19, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, February 19, 2011
Adam tweeted "Sauli" on twitter. And for some reason, deleted it afterward.

And as expected, "Sauli" is trending on Twitter.

Do you think this is Adam's way of telling everyone he's in a relationship with Sauli? (even though it is pretty obvious by now!)

And as expected, "Sauli" is trending on Twitter.

Do you think this is Adam's way of telling everyone he's in a relationship with Sauli? (even though it is pretty obvious by now!)

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Maybe not a relationship. Just a friendship - and exploring the possibilities.
yep, I think he is getting comfortable telling everyone he is in relationship with Sauli. I am engaged and it took me awhile to say boyfriend instead of friend.
What? I thought they were on vacation together.
I don´t know but it has been hilarious :) Twitter like exploded because of one word :)
If you read eyes, they are in some kind of love... The tropics doesn't hurt this state of mind.
Wish I was looking at crystal clear turquoise water with an umbrella drink in hand.....would improve my state of mind!
does sauli have a twitter account? If he does, i"m sure he just got a lot more followers I'm new to this and just learning, totally bizzare to me. Is this a bad thing that adam only said one word sauli and then deleted it? So confused but I guess it doesn't matter, I have a twitter account but still don't understand how it works! anyone want to enlighten me lol
he wants all his girl fans to know that he is with a man and they have no chance with him. deleted it after that. ?
I think he was just trying to get Sauli trending world wide. I bet they are having fun..
he mispeled it and thought he woud try again latter.
Adam and Sauli were just toying with us! Sitting back and watching the insanity ensue. LOL
Who was Adam sending the tweet to - just tweetworld? I don't really understand how it works.
Maybe he was replying to someone's question which is "what's wrong?" or "what's great?" They keep us guessing don't they? lol
Agree with 4 14 - this shows that we are a part of their lives when they get bored. See, we are important after all!
Twitter still exploding!
they will be married soon...I just know it!
OT Tommy tweeted this video about a half an hour ago "Baby Trashes Bar"!:
If Adam and Sauli marry, than Tommy can be best man. Glamily can be the wedding party.
I laughed at that video!
Sorry, but Neil might want to be best man, and then there are all Sauli's sisters, this is getting so complicated, haha
Better let me plan the whole thing...
That was a swedish video @daydreamin. :)
I think Adam just tweeted Saulis name to show what happens in the crazy twitter world.
I think he hit the wrong button on his phone and that posted by mistake that happens alot
Adam will have one of those weddings where he can marry a man and a woman and have a best man and woman bridesmaids and bridegrooms and pets. make it even more complicated than it already is.
they could have bachelor and bachelorrette parties! lots of games and toys for the boys! so fun for everyone that attends!
Such happy faces make my heart happy.
you sure this isn't a honeymoon pic? it sure in the hell looks like it.
this is so entertaining that it is giving me an ole dodgy tikka.
Happy Adam in love, would like to share his joy with million, now twitter explode. Ha!Ha! Need condom balloons for wedding decoration. He!He1He!
I hope they are having fun exploring this relationship. I think they are so caught up with each other nothing else matters. It takes a while to sift thru all the things they are both interested in. Also how they will handle that little thing called "career" They won't want to be separated while Adam goes off on another WWtour. Sauli is going to have to fit into this wild life style, which I am confident he can. Not sure if his pride will get in the way of working for Adam, he wanted to make his own way.They have a lot to think about. Hope they can work out something, and this is not just a fling on both sides.
"You to me are everything, the sweetest song that I can sing, oh baby.."
Adam makes very few mistakes, especially on mass media. BB is in love, and this is his way of letting his beloved fans know it. SO HAPPY FOR ADAM. Hope your vactation with Sauli is everything you dreamed it would be.
Agree. Adam said life is a game and you need strategy. I think this was a strategic tweet. Intentional.
And lots of fun for his fans.
I think Adam was teasing the world just tweeting 'Sauli' and then deleting it.
Sauli Koskinken has a Twitter page with 42 followers so far. It's probably a fake Twitter page. If I were him, I wouldn't want a Twitter page at all. His life would never be the same, but then it won't ever be the same now he's associated with Adam.
Why are peple rude to one another on a site dedicated to adam? Adam is all about love, respect and just doing your own thing.
honeymoon reservations are being made at Hotel One. they will leave the light on for ya!;-)
I'm laughing so hard that I'm about to blow a gasket. It is very educational to say the least. Learn so much about each other here.
Aw c'mon Adam. If you and Sauli are true....just tweet Yes!
Annaberry : )
Most people don't choose their marriage partner after knowing them only a couple of months - sheesh! (I realize there are exceptions..)
But give them a break. It was like my parents always asked, do you think this is the ONE whenever I went on a date with someone (of course, I was getting past child-bearing years and they were getting desperate haha)
anon 7:23 it's called HUMOR! look it up!
I married a monk and knew him only a month! We eloped and my parents literally went ape shit on me! True Story!
Weeeeere waiting..................and I'm not believing one single thing until you say it's true...not one word of it.
OK Adam,this is your last chance to put 1,000,000 people all over the world at ease, are you and Sauli both OK. Thats all we want to know.
Ha! Ha! Love all the" wedding planners" for Adam & Sauli:):):)
Glamfamily has good sense of humor!!!
We're all happy if Adam's happy, his next album will be AWESOME!!!
yes, my guess is that maybe Adam went to do a search on his name and somehow accidentally tweeted it instead.
Anon at 4:10 You only wrote 0 words and you misspelled 2 of them. Hilarious :)))
0 should be 10. haha
@ 6:42 Adam said you need allies not strategy.
i cry everytime i read sth about adam and sauli,cause i dun like sauli.adaaaam you shouldn't play with UR FANS.just say truth.who's your partner? Why U dun say anything? U'R teasing me.tommy chose best nickname for U ''babyboy''.U really are a babyboy.i hope in next interview if some1 ask you about UR love life,you say who's your bf.i luv U.
I hope someone is just having fun unfolding (even more) glambertic madness over the twatworld. No...pun intended. 0:-) :->
Although I said earlier that I wish this couple managed to keep their relationship as private as possible, I can´t wait to see more pics of them. ;) Maybe in a few days, after they return?
The many sides of Sauli:
Who would we want to most date of any celeb?
Adam Lambert is loved… Justin Bieber, not so surprises there...
These are wonderful! Such fond memories of the GNT. (There's more at the links thanks to rw1234rwrw1234rw)
Adam Lambert Unique Moments:
This next one includes a super closeup and super clear vid of the famed fan kiss and the 'ball drop' and Adam's sweet concern for the fan that almost passed out:
Oxford English Dictionary:
trend - a general direction in which something is developing or changing
Yay! At first I was like 'Uh-oh' when I read Adam had tweeted that Sauli is among trends. My mind immediately zoomed to like fashion trends and such which are 'in' for such a short span of time. I really do think Adam and Sauli look happy together, so I hope it lasts...
......Marriage....bleeding hell guys...
....slow down....its just a holiday lol
Glambrit IOW UK
I'm not saying I'm one of the Adam&Sauli quick marriage supporters (relationships take time to develop), but it just came to my mind that even if they wanted to, they couldn't do it in either of their home cities. Stupid homophobic laws...
they could marry in the UK.....
but they won't cause they are just dating.
..anyways Adam sorry mate but you need to get this New Album finished asap!!!..just sayin
Glambrit IOW UK
Sauli Koskinen (s.28.3.1985)
Sauli won the Big Brother in 2007 and has ever since been one of Finland's BB's best-loved stars in history. Sauli worked at prior to entering the house for example. a hamburger and a clothing salesperson and told the dreams of a professional stylist. He planned koneHELSINGILLE jeans and work in a few screenings of the firm's claims as a model. After the house and Sauli Niko received a lot of them were seen juontokeikkoja and circulated throughout Finland except for bar gigs, including festivals, fairs and a variety of children's and youth events juontohommissa. Saulis was one member of the Super Club, a fun bar, floating restaurants, the public, the former inhabitants of the BB to be a summary of the group led by Martina True magazine. Sauli and Niko went a few times hostaamassa also a group of travelers to tourist destinations, and Sauli was a recreation director in language courses. Sevens party cruises, and Sauli Niko entertained travelers and Sauli was mm. consecrated as a priest Seiska playful wedding chapel, and they visited a few times Seiska Talk Show. In 2008, Saulis and Niko received To sub in his own TV program, the fans started a petition campaign to put the wings. The program's name was Saul's Best clips and Nikon, they commented on it viraalivideoita. Today, Sauli makes juontokeikkoja, Katri Utulan with Sanomat Ilta-radar video blogs and works in his father's trading firm, where he has experience dating to before Big Brother.
Sauli is a familiar sight at Helsinki's nightlife and his kantabaarinsa a nightclub in the DTM. Sauli is also often spotted Jenny Woosta. Fans describe Saul easily approachable, friendly and cheerful man who always have time for their fans. Although Sauli has changed several times in appearance, he is the same old Sauli publicity than before. Sauli and Niko are still best friends and have found each other almost daily contact, even if työkuviot have taken them in different directions.
Sauli has a length of 172 centimeters and weighs about sixty pounds. Sauli to physical activity and says that it maintains fitness jogging around the Töölö Bay. He enjoys sports, watching movies and loves good food. Sauli is a high place of horror, but he dares to appropriate aircraft and loves traveling. Saul's favorite destinations include. Barcelona. Her skin is now adorned with several tattoos, one of which is a birthday gift for fans.
Sauli was born in Hyvinkää, Finland, and lives in Helsinki. Sauli has been dreaming of buying their own home in just a few years, but has not yet been found which meets with the tabernacle, which hopes to renovate, because he wants to personally design the interior. Sauli has mentioned it attaches to your home and putting itself in the exact apartment harmony because you never can know when to be surprise guests!
Sauli has been a Big Brother time after the singles, but he has been linked to the recent American star singer Adam Lambert. Sauli did not comment on their relationship way back to Adam and it was always careful of their privacy. Sauli and Adam met Adam at a gig in Finland in November 2010 and they have been spotted together after mm. Paris and Disneyland in California. Adam's fans seem to like Saul, and he made YouTube videos have been popular since the Sauli and Adam began dating. According to the manager Wille Wilenius Sauli Koskinen in January was the fifth of the world's most wanted man in Google search portal.
This article:
Frist i must say i LOVE my self some Adam Lambert but i hope that they become friends FIRSTif not it will not last at all.if its LUST sad to say Adam will be SINGLE AGAIN
@ Anon 3:33
Google translator? ^_^
LOL at the translation..
Martina Aitolehti = Martina True magazine? xD
I wonder if there are journalists at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport checking out arrivals... ;)
@ Anon. 3:33AM
Your translation is OK, I myself could understand 95% or more. Thank you for your effort and for sharing all these information about Sauli. Welcome to 24/7 «Paradise». If you are not a Glambert yet, you are really starting in the right way.
Adam Lambert IS dating, confirmed at perez helton interview BUT he didn't say who..maybe it's sauli, or another boy hidding!!
This fuss makes me kinda sad.. Come on ppl, stop this nonsense and give Adam and Sauli some privacy !!
It´s not fair to tell everything abt Sauli and post every single detail..
And what comes to sauli, He really IS a sweetheart, and You won´t find anything negative stories abt him.
Yeah, It´s true I also would like to know if Sauli and Adam is dating, but this gossiping is not cool. :(
Finnberts, Grow up and stop acting like a.. NVM..
Love You, Sauli and Adam
do this many people REALLY have THIS much time on their hands to get the bf's name trending on twitter. jeez!
sometimes this fandom is truly an embarrassment.
I agree with Feb.19, 5:01pm.
Stuff like this is why Adam's normal fans are embarrassed of the cray-cray Glamberts.
people just get a grip...... As long as Adam is happy and honest to his fans we don't have to worry. Adam is only human being like us so what if he is dating!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just be safe Adam and take care.........
We can't wait for the next album indeed.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Out of Topic but also ON TOPIC MAYBE: A few weeks back, Adam's choreographer, Brooke (@brookesauce75) sent a one word message to Adam's brother Neil (@negativeneil) that read "WEDDING". Neil then replied to Brooke in capital letters "WHERE/WHEN". Whose wedding is she talking about?????
Thank you for the vid links daydreamin! Those were cool, never saw the WLL endings!
Just wanna say, Adam Lambert is definitely the man with the voice! He just blows my mind! This mornin, I had to go back & listen to Adam's "The Prayer" & "Come To Me, Bend to Me". I know someone mentioned that Adam in the end should be on the big Broadway stage! They are right! That is the ultimate performance for any performer! I enjoy Adam's WLL so much, but I would love so much to hear him on the broadway stage. Adam Lambert is magnificant! I can never say someone else is better, because there is no one else who can sing like this man can. So, is Sauli worthy to hear those beautiful vocals everyday? Yes he is. After realising how much Adam wants this man in his life, Sauli may be the one for him. & I happy for them both! I love you Adam Lambert! You are always a true inspiration to me!
Who are these idiots who think Adam & Sauli are gonna get married now? So effing stupid they need a slap upside the head. Yeah like Adam's gonna suddenly marry some dude he's only been dating a short time and hasn't even called his BF. My eyes are rolling in the back of my head rn.
whooooooooooosh still going over the head! really?
7:37 AM -- You're absolutely right! I regret my post at 7:23 AM and would this site's moderator to remove it. I for one would not want people to pry on my personal life. From now on, I will only concentrate on Adam's professional life (music, interviews, other projects, etc.)
I went for a morning jog and I could have sworn I saw Adam doing the same? he needs all the energy he can possibly get. snurk snurk
you shouldn't regret saying a damn thing, it's opinions and we all have one. that's what makes America such a wonderful country. Freedom of Speech people!
sar-cas-ims look it up!
I'm not on Twitter and I'd like someone to explain why it's a big thing to get something trending on twitter? I think it's nonsense.
I'm not saying that twitter itself is nonsense, but to make something trending there, deliberately?
@ Anon 5:29 AM
It makes me sad to read your comment. I'm a Finnbert and proud to be one. I haven't once gossiped about Adam and Sauli's relationship, on the contrary, I really don't like it when people do it. They deserve their privacy just like everybody else.
Now I'm pretty sure not all the people who've been hyping about the Sauli&Adam thing are Finns and I really don't get it why you would assume that. For example the post at Feb. 20, 3:33 AM is from someone anonymous. Could be a Finn, could be an American. Could be a someone from Mars for all we know. The article has clearly been translated by Google as it has a lot of outrageously funny mistakes and untranslated words. Why would a Finn leave those in the text?
I'm willing to bet a lot of money that I'm just as big of an Adam Lambert fan as you are. I've had his album since it came out and I've been to his concert in Helsinki. I admit, I only found this fansite as a result of the Sauli&Adam news/gossip in the Finnish papers, but until know I'd truly thought that I was as welcome here as the other Glamberts. Apparently not if I'm to believe you.
Does anyone have a link to the youtube video I heard mentioned where Sauli is speaking English? I think it was from BB.
''ADOMMY FOREVER''.even -if- it -dun be- a- real.
I can't find any youtube clips of Sauli speaking english, but I found a clip where Sauli is wearing Martina Trueleaf's dress (BB2007 Sauli ja Niko Martiinan vaatteissa) and Sauli in jacuzzi (paljussa) :D
I am sure you are welcome here. I must say it has been crazy and sometimes even embarrasing here these last few days, but it is not your fault. The finnish fans are welcome. I think fans from all over the world are welcome. After all, we all love Adam (and Sauli).
I´ve heard him sing in English in a few BB clips but never actually speak. I´m kinda curious about his language skills and even if they weren´t the best, he´s not completely thick, he´ll improve.
(Another Finn here, btw)
Tack, Eva! (You're a Swede, right?)
@ Elli, Please don't let the comment of one person let you believe that you are not welcome here. You certainly are and I for one am happy for the good info from Finnish fans who are more knowledgable about Sauli and what Adam's fans in Finland think. One of the best things about this site is fans all over the world gay straight, older, young,etc. coming here to share news and feelings about Adam. On every site there are a few negative souls and sometimes trolls that just want to push buttons. Sometimes emotions and passion about Adam can also take over.... I also think Sauli is a great guy and Adam just pushed the wrong button by accident. I doubt very much that Adam is giving his fans any thought at all, if he is in paradise somewhere with someone to whom he is attracted. We need to put ourselves in his place. When I was attracted to someone, they were my #1 focus and I would concentrate on quality time with them. I don't think I would spend time playing games with fans if I were famous. Think I would treasure my rare alone time with the object of my affection. I agree with Urethra Franklin, trending Sauli's name on twitter is a bit much. I think Adam just wanted to get away to enjoy this new relationship in privacy, just like a he would if he weren't famous. I think he still views himself as a normal person and wants what it entails, even tho' his life is now forever changed.I'm dying to know where Adam is and see pics,like everone else, but I feel for him and would hate to see him become a recluse and not be able to enjoy basic freedom. Have to admit, my real life has taken a back seat to Adam! lol I'm pretty obsessed. funbunn40
Yes, I think a lot of people have a lot of time on their hands for a variety of personal reasons.
Spending time as a fan is not really different than a guy spending 3 hrs watching a football game on TV and then watching the discussion commentary after. I could never really understand how people idolized sports figures and paid them in the millions but now that Adam has arrived I understand better how people can be a fan of something. It's the first time I have been a fan of anything - now I get it!
Hej Elli! Yes I´m a swedish, so we are neigbours and I feel for you. Vi ses i Finnkampen!! :-)
@Elli Nobody care about these kind of comments on this blog, dear. Don't worry.
How it is possible that this 3:33am person knows so many details about Sauli life? This is mean that this person belongs to group of people who hate Sauli. Because only big fans and big enemies know (or think that they know) some many details of celebrity life.
However, may be this person Sauli's big fan. And he/she became jealous when Sauli started to date Adam!
We love Adam and Sauli. And like Eva said, all fans from over the world are welcome:)
@Elli 8:20 AM
IMO you are so very welcome here and I would suggest you ignore negative comments..Those of us who have frequented this site for awhile have probably each been the subject of the occasional negative comment or two, myself included. (Ouch..) You will find that most here are respectful of other commenters, and appreciate the perspective of posters from every part of the world, because we are all here to "talk Adam". Posters from Finland are in the unique position of knowing much more about Sauli the man and celeb than anyone else and I appreciate your enlightening perspective. Adam's happiness and well-being is something we all care about. I certainly don't need to know intimate details of their relationship (and don't want to know), whatever that "relationship" currently is, but its nice to know that they are enjoying each others company, and its fun to speculate where they are right now. No harm in that. I also enjoy seeing the occasional picture of them while out and about on the street, in public places, but would not want them to be interrupted while having dinner, etc., during their private times. Not cool.. Nor do they have to tell anyone anything that they don't want to share. I also enjoyed reading the translation of the article at 3:33 AM. Funny how not everything translates quite right! I have the feeling that we may all be learning a little bit of the Finnish language as time goes on! I also enjoy the fact that Finland is so excited that Sauli is apparently dating Adam. It gives validation to the fact that Adam is indeed a world wide superstar.
Re the Twitter trending thing:
Calling it nonsense might be a bit harsh, but in some cases is absolutely true! "Trending" on twitter simply means that a topic, word, person, phrase, etc., is appearing at a higher rate than other things, and if nothing else, can be fun, as in the case of "Sauli" trending...Again, where's the harm? Many times the Trends are serious things happening in the news, and they can be either "local" trends, or "Worldwide". Very often they are referring to something happening in the world as important news. For instance, when Nelson Mandela was recently ill and in the hospital, his name "trended" and I clicked on it to see what was happening with him. I thought perhaps he had died, and was relieved to see he had not. ( I have the ultimate respect and admiration for the man.) And in the case of "UNFBERT" , Grammy4Adam, GrammyBert, or in this case "Sauli", it is just loyal fans keeping Adam's name out there in the twitterverse, and also a way of letting him know we're there for him. Silly maybe, but fun, and "not that deep"..
...And, re the "Sauli" tweet from Adam that he quickly deleted; I strongly suspect it was originally a DM, or "Direct Message' attempt, which Adam quickly realized was public, and went "OOOPS", but it was seen before he could delete. I have personally done that a couple of times myself, and once accidentally sent out some mildly personal info re someone in Adam's "Glamily" (to one of that person's family that I know..) , that while, not a big deal, should probably not have been broadcast to the world (it just involved some travel plans and a destination) ...A friend of mine tweeted me and told me I had done that...and I deleted it immediately but still felt stupid and embarrassed. It can happen to anyone, but when Adam "speaks", everyone listens, and in that case sort of rejoiced! LOL!!! He certainly has "The Power" doesn't he???
Oh my some hot stuff here...truthfully only if you are in the fandoms would you see the stuff about the trending and the other stuff....until Adam & Sauli appear in the tabloids like Enquirer, US Weekly, Star, People Magazine, TMZ, E!, ExTRA! etc. on a monthly basis no one knows about this but the fan sites.
I always find it quite funny when fans talk about other fan when only a less than a 100 comments pop up for one post on these fan sites. It's not significant in the big picture.
And really one fan trying to chastise another when the entire fan group is stalking his every move. Talking about other fans when they are looking for every picture, every comment and every outing but want to call out other fans for doing the same because so how they are better.
"Pot" meet "Kettle" is the old saying. It's not the Finnberts spreading Adam.Sauli rumors it's all the "...berts" period and that's apparent due to the Google translations. "...berts" meaning all glamberts, unfberts, lamberts, and all other Lambert fans with "bert" in the name of not.
I am an American and really who more than us like to dig into other people lives as well as other countries more than us. Any time Adam is thought to be involved with anyone there are entire fansites built around them (ie. Brad, Drake, Tommy).
So really don't blame the Finnberts! My suggestion take a look at yourself before pointing @ other "...berts"!
Ann-Atlanta,GA USA
@ funnbunn40
Thanks for being so welcoming and nice. I understand it was just one individual and that's why I addressed my post to him/her. I just can't stand it when people generalize and consider a whole bunch of people idiots because of comments from one or two individuals. It just rubs me the wrong way, you know? My RL too has taken a backseat to my two obsessions in life. 1) Adam 2) reading and writing fanfiction. My ex girlfriend used to nag at me for always being sat in front of my computer ^_^ Oh, and btw, I never read/write fanfiction about real people. Just Snarry, Mirandy, etc. I'm not picky about gender as long as it's slash ;p
@ Eva
Tyvärr är jag inte en idrottsfan. Men jag har tänkt åka till Stockholm nästa sommar. Kanske vi kunde ha en kopp kaffe tillsammans? Ursäkta mig...min svenska är inte så bra...
@ delilah5
Thanks for being so welcoming. And I agree, it could be someone jealous... I think there's a fine line between giving like general info on Sauli's character and life to other Glamberts and being gossipy. TMI in this case, is my opinion. Sauli's kinda protective of his private life, you know...
@ glitzylady
I agree in that not everybody can always see eye to eye and therefore negative comments are to be expected from time to time.
I'm not sure the Finnberts have any more knowledge at this point than the rest of the world. It seems to me that everything there is to know about Sauli has been said already. Naturally if there are more Finnish articles, somebody will always link/translate it here. Personally, I think sometimes the media does go a little overboard but I guess that's what happens when we're talking about celebrities.
LoL, you might be right in that you'll be learning Finnish as time goes on. Anything special you wanna know, just ask me :)
Well said, Ann!
Adam is eating a bagel in San Francisco. whistle whistle wink wink
anon 7:37 that hurt!
don't play games with the ones that can play sooo much better. dig!
That's so very true, that Finland knows no more than the rest of the world about whatever is happening re Adam and Sauli, but at least they have had the good fortune to be more acquainted with Sauli because of his time on Big Brother Finland, so it is nice to hear (most..) Finnberts being supportive of Sauli, and sharing what they do know about him, especially that he is a genuinely nice human being, all that is really important to me as a fan of Adam. It's unfortunate that some fans seem to be jealous of ANYONE being associated with Adam, no matter who it is! And yes, the media gets rather crazy and over the top sometimes. Seems to be the way it is anymore, one media (gossip) outlet trying to "out scoop" the other, much to the detriment of factual reporting, and often showing no respect for the people they are talking about. Keeps selling those magazines, gossip shows,etc. I often feel sorry for celebs. Some openly welcome the unlimited publicity, and in fact encourage it, but I would guess most would like to keep their public and private lives separate. But then again, we all like to see and hear all the latest about Adam, so I suppose I AM part of the problem! Definitely a fine line between "need to know", for instance his music and next public appearances, and "don't really need or want to know" including the intimate details of his private life. He has been an "open book' up to now, really, out of his need be honest and open about his life up to the time of Idol, but I respect his desire and need for privacy from now on, and I admire him for that.
And thanks for the offer to translate Finnish as needed! We have our resident Spanish/Portuguese language translator @Fan4Fun, so its good to have a reliable one for Finnish! And looks like we have a Swedish language translator as well, @Eva...thanks to all. I am an American sadly lacking in any fluency in any other language, a smattering of French and Spanish perhaps, but not nearly enough! Embarrassing...but true..
@ glitzylady
I agree with pretty much everything you said. I too like to see and hear all the latest on Adam. But I think that on the relationship topic we just gotta wait and see if either of the guys tell anything to the media. It's nice to see photos of them together of course, but the speculation that's been going around lately is sometimes too gossipy for my liking. But yeah, I can't wait to see what will become of their relationship if anything.
Elli the translator ;D
7:37 I LOVE YOU!!!!! MY SISTAH!!
Elli, din svenska är perfekt:))
@Urethra_Franklin 1:32 PM
Gotta totally agree with you one this one!
Ooops! ...."on" this one...
Glitzy, I know its a rarity right? LOL
Aww, thanks Eva ^_^
@Urethra_Franklin 2:13 PM
We probably have more in common than you might think.. LOL!!!!!
I know the words, trust me.. : ) And I know how to use them..!!! LOL!!!
3:42 BAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Glitzy I think Im starting to like you!
Awwww.... : )
But not sure why your comment was deleted??!! everyone is going to wonder WHAT those words were...our little secret I guess :/
Maybe he meant to send DM and that way deleted it
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