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Adam Lambert's Ex 'Cheeks' singing "Fever"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thanks Daydreamin for the tip!


Anonymous said...

The first song was Madonnas Express your self sung against Lady Gagas new one, I think he is slinging off that it sounds like amny other song. I think what would I know. What to you guys think?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

singing Fever?It's late I better get to bed.

judys dancin said...

I really like Cheeks voice! He is really creative too!

Anonymous said...

Cheeks got good voice and style of singing,got stage presence and good looks BUT my heart belongs to Adam Lamber!!!!!!!!.indigo

Anonymous said...

Cheeks has a very expressive face...very cute but no comparison to Adam LOL!

Anonymous said...

Don't get why this video is posted here. I'm so over cheeks and especially if he cheated on Adam. Adam is forgiving but I'm not. Go way cheeks and all the cheaters of the world!

Anonymous said...

cheeks is interesting and demonstrative, a handsome guy too. too bad he is not with adam anymore.

Anonymous said...

The Gaga fans follow Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks is so creative and funny and YES very good looking. I can see that he would have been a great match for Adam (past tense) I love checking out CheeksTV on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks was too perfect.

Rebecca said...

cheeks is too adorable for words

Anonymous said...

@10:48 PM
Who said anything about cheating?

Anonymous said...

Cheeks is the Sparkle Master. He needs to be on a t.v. sitcom.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks is cute and talented! I always liked him and still like him MOST among other boy friends of Adam.

Someday Adam will realize who is he really missing!

Anonymous said...

He's very cute, but sorry cannot sing- unless that was a joke?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA, I love you Cheeks, that was flippin hilarious. Thank you for expressing what they're all do it soooo well. Of course seriously, Gaga is just honouring Madonna. She's not hiding anything in that song. Even dancing the same way. It's an homage to Madonna the same way that Madonna paid hommage to Marilyn Monroe with her dress and style for a while, the same way Adam pays hommage to the 70 with his Glam Rock style on stage. Anyone who doesn't get that, well.....all I can say's theatrical art people. Love it hate...rate it : )

Luv U Cheeks,

Anonymous said...

cheeks is attention seeker, can't stand him. he looks not healthy. better stay away from adam lambert. and not that creative..handsome? plzz no way, LOL

Anonymous said...

Cheeks is a riot. I don't know about not healthy?--(He could definitely put on a few lbs.)

**He's certainly expressing what I'm thinking... "Born This Way" certainly sounds a LOT like Madonna's "Express Yourself" I said that the first time I heard it. He proved it by fitting it perfectly into her music in the background. It worked. He did a great job and threw in a few more to boot!

So... IS this a tribute to Madonna? Obviously inspired by... or is it a rip-off? According to the Gaga's visit on Leno, Madonna via email didn't mind... ?? Well like it or not, think it's a rip-off or not... it's already a hit...

(Oh stop all this Adam stuff... that's in the past.. It is amazing how he stays close with his exes though...)

The Dark Side said...

Suppose they are still friends, but don't get all the can't get past Cheeks vibe. Adam is moving on, so should everyone else. Usually individuals only have one or two people trying to control their lives. Poor Adam, the count is very large.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, have you all forgotten that Adam and Cheeks are still friends. Cheeks was in Adam's If I Had You music video remember? I don't think he'd appreciate people cutting down his friend in any way, shape or form.
With any luck, they'll soon magically appear in a short interview together. I think that would be so cool...

Anonymous said...

I like Cheeks and think he's very creative, fun and I can see what Adam saw in him. He reminds me of a mischievious imp. He has such an expressive face, beutiful teeth and puppy dog eyes. Cheeks is still close to Adam's family. He was with Eber at Adam's last GNT LA concert and he and Neil tweet back and forth. No one really knows what goes on between two people, but Adam and Cheeks have a friendly relationship and it's not my place to judge or imply anything. Drake and Adam also separated on good terms. He and his sister were at Adam's GNT in New Orleans. I read that Drake was uncomfortable with papps following and Adam was going on tour and wouldn't be there for a relationship. There are always rumours and assumptions that someone had to cheat, etc. but really no one knows but the parties involved and if they've moved on with no hard feelings, good for them. Life goes on and it should only matter to them. Go Cheeks Go! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Who said Cheeks can´t sing? I think he has a very nice voice. Surprisingly good. I bet he won´t need autotuning.


Anonymous said...

I thought adam had said once that Brad cheated on him, it seems to be very well known.

Anonymous said...

@ the universe... lol

How the HELL could ANYONE cheat on ADAM???????
W T F?? Sweet, gorgeous, WONDERFUL human being, kind, thoughtful, generous and um... have we NOT all seen, about the SEXIEST friggin man on the planet>>> He can kiss like nobody's business--- the man ought to give lessons!... and goood loord it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the sensual factor... well built and um... does it LOOK like he might be pretty good at the other stuff???
Holy glams#!t this man is a walking romantic/sexual fantasy...

OT, but I'm amazed when I see posters inflecting their OWN thought so firmly that Adam is a 'playa" ? WTF>>?? Isn't Sauli the guy he kissed in the audience during one of his concerts?... And he's still seeing him??? Looks pretty monogamous to me...

Anonymous said...

Cheeks still seems to need Adam. Drake is probably stronger. I don't think it's good to hang on to old relationships too long.

Anonymous said...

@4:37AM, I don't know if Adam had said that Cheeks cheated or a fan started the rumour. So much can be stated on the internet that can be someone's opinion and be repeated as fact that sometimes it's hard to differentiate. You could very well be correct. I just personally never heard Adam mention Cheeks by name as had been cheating on him. Even if he had said a lover in the past that he really cared about had cheated, it doesn't necessarily mean it was Cheeks, even tho' he's the one most publicly known. Just my thoughts with info that's crossed my path,or hasn't. Doesn't mean in any way that I'm correct. Hard to believe anyone could follow Adam's act! He definitely looks like he knows what to do in the love/lust dept! lol I personally think that at this stage in Adam's life he would prefer a monagamous relationship, if the lyrics to Soaked are any indication. Think he's "been there, done that" with the one night stands and he's looking for something more real to build upon. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It's not my place to decide who Adam loves or dates but I think Cheeks is adorable and would look much better on Adams arm then Sulie.Those beautiful big brown eyes that darling smile.He is just so cute.Im just sayin.I love Adam whom ever he's with