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More Videos of Adam Lambert at the Grove

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, February 09, 2011


laurieb said...

how do we get to see the interview?

Anonymous said...

what is SEXY? A man that can sing! that does it for me!

Anonymous said...

loving the boots and that small patch of brown hair....

Anonymous said...

I thought Mario Lopez was interviewing him for Extra, or is that something different or did it change?

Anonymous said...

This is for Extra to be shown tonight after Jimmy Kimmel.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it will be shown Thursday on EXTRA


Anonymous said...

It would have been more interesting if Mario Lopez had interviewed Adam. I hope they have nothing against each other.

Anonymous said...

I'm really stretching my memory here - but I think Lopez did a nice interview w/ AML before the summer tour, or sometime just after the AI8 tour. I've only seen Mario do "The Grove" segments before, always a good job, but looking forward to any AML interview on one of the more well known entertainment news outlets!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the 24/7 admins will have it posted in it's own thread shortly, but for now, here's the YT link from MJ'sBB for Adam's appearance on Ellen today


Anonymous said...

This was kind of a new presentation: The "Pick U Up" singer. (from mjsbigblog)

"With his hair slicked back while clad in a dark-toned vest/t-shirt/trouser combo, the “Pick U Up” singer made the TV appearance after visiting CBS’s “Talk Today” earlier in the morning".


Anonymous said...

Adam is raising the bar high in fashion and in music. He will be a trendsetter. He seems to be enjoying himself more than ever. Confidence is very sexy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mario is in NY with Donald Trump so wouldn't be available to interview BB.

adamluv said...

A friend of mine that was there at the Grove said it was full of fans. She said she was right next to the stage behind the interviewer and was so packed in she feared she would fall over onto the stage. Said she had to keep leaning backward and telling those behind her to move back. And that it was hot! But close enuf to see Mr. Cutie Pie so it was all worth it!!!!!

adamluv said...

to clarify - the weather was hot!

Anonymous said...

That metallic nail polish is to die for. Can't wait for the show tonight.