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ETCanada Interviews Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Adam confirms he's dating someone!


Anonymous said...

He doesn't confirm he's dating *someone*, he just confirms he's in the market playing the game. Huge difference.

Anonymous said...

Who could it be... ?
Srsly could be someone else that I think and hope it is.... And I hope that´s him because I know that blond person in question. He´d be good to Adam and make him very happy <3 I know him.

Anonymous said...

I don´t think it´s like he´s dating L.A...
bet there´s someone particular

Anonymous said...

The question was " r u single ? r u dating ? "
and he answered, " yes, I am dating "
So he´s not single.

Anonymous said...

That is faulty logic, there was no condition stating that dating = !single.

The Dark Side said...

In a recent interview he talked about his special time in Paris with someone. Would think that is Sauli, but guess only time and more pictures will tell...and being in the same part of the world would help.

Anonymous said...

Q : Is he dating or single?

Adam : Ya! I am DATING..ya..ya!!

Officially confirmed from Adam personally...YES!

Anonymous said...

I just hope he's happy.


Unknown said...

He didn.t say he was dating someone in particular he just said he was dating if adam was serious about someone then he would say it

PalomaBR said...

He's dating, people! HELL YES. I really hope he's happy, he deserves it.
And... just a question... Sauli is in Finland, how it come? Ok, mobile sex.

Anonymous said...

ok he's dating...ok dating

Anonymous said...

he is playing in the field! whatever he likes he goes and gets it! It's like eating from a buffet, you have so many choices and you just can't decide on which one. People can date mulitple people and the others wouldn't know.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Cant make up my mind just what he meant,dating some one special? or dating in general? Too ambivilent that answer. Well time will tell,
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He could be dating Kesha! hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

I think Adam dates multiple people at once. He has them scattered out, so the others want know. I think he is sly that way! All men are sneaky!

Anonymous said...

LOVE is a tricky word isn't it? I don't think people know the difference between LUST AND LOVE. you can lust someone, but not be IN love with them. You do have to love yourself, before you can be in love. I don't think people are in love as much as they are in lust. Big difference!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Adam was "dating" drake too.

Anonymous said...

what does "dating" mean anymore? friends with benefits is considered dating for some people.

Anonymous said...

he also said he was dating Kesha last year. I believe that.

Anonymous said...

you can still be single, but date people when you feel the hell like it. Adam is really busy to be chasing anyone around at the moment.

Anonymous said...

is tongue diving considered dating? hahaha

Anonymous said...

I bet he is dating Sauli, Kesha, Drake, and Brad all at once! Adam is a playa!

Anonymous said...

what adventure does he want with Kesha anyway? she is on the road and don't have time for a playboy who has a playtoy.

Urethra_Franklin said...

harriet because he HAS to tell us EVERYTHING. cause he has NO RIGHT to any privacy. cause we are his entitled fandom. Right?


Anonymous said...

just live your life Adam and focus on the prize!!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I saw a sexy pic of him with Danielle Stori. hot girl!

Anonymous said...

BB just wanted to get laid in the city of love. you can't blame him for that!!!;-);-)

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

someone should make a fan montage video of Adam to "Red Light Special" by TLC! just a little naughty post VDAY thought! Hope everyone had a sexilicious VDAY!

LP said...

Have you all forgotten, Sauli is coming back in a few weeks. Had to get his show set up, for the US, it was confirmed. Adam wouldn't say who he was dating because Sauli likes to keep his personal life quiet. Have you ever seen Adam so happy, he loves himself so much, and I think that goes along with how much he loves Sauli. Sauli prolly has to get his visa so he can live here. Adam used to shy away from papps, but since Sauli he beams at them and wants them to see him with Sauli. I sincerely hope the media doesn't screw up his relationship. But he is definitly dating one person, he used to say he was single and ready to mingle, not any more.

Anonymous said...

LP there is a lot of truth in what you are saying and from the outside looking in this could be, he is certainly happy, lets wait and see, time will tell.
Jadan NZ

Anonymous said...

OK so he's just DATING - as in going on dates with different guys. And yes 'dating' can include sex. Not the same as having a boyfriend, he's not in a committed relationship. Not getting married to Sauli. Sauli-Adam shippers need to wake up to reality. It ain't that deep.

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:52 In my best Partridge Family voice, "I think I love you!!"

Unknown said...

5.52 I agree 100 percent adams just having fun that is all

Fan4fun said...

Let me see if I get it, huuuummm...
Sweet Adam is sooo in love with himself and dating, but single. We all are sooooo in love with sweet Adam and 1)single and dating but not sweet Adam, or 2) married and dating other than our husbands or 3) married and soooo in love with our husbands, not dating anyone else, but wishing to be danting sweet Adam or 4) single and not dating but dreaming of a date with sweet Adam. BUT, attention! Some of us DO NOT want to date sweet Adam because we want him single but dating Tommy or Sauli or Ke$ha or Drake or Danielle or Brad, but NOT Perez Hilton. Now, Perez Hilton is soooo in love with himself and single, wishing he was dating sweet Adam. But sweet Adam is soooo in love with his amazing fans that doesn't want to say WHO HE IS DATING in order not to start a GLITZbattle in GlambertLAND.
I myself am single and not dating, just wishing sweet Adam is feeling GOOD and HAPPY. Now, Icon is single but very happy because he is dating Ping Pong, my neighboors' male cat. And discovering that IT «CATS» BETTER.
Well, if my two Icons are happy, I am happy too! As simple as that!
Nice glamdreams everybody, sleep tight this night!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, "I'm SO in love with myself" well, we are so in love with you too Adam!
Wake up people, of course, it's Sauli! Mingling means getting together with different guys. When he was dating Drake, there weren't others he said he was also dating..

Anonymous said...

OT - What kind of personality traits does a cat have to have to get the name Ping Pong? haha

Anonymous said...

so many sexy women in the world of The Glam God! give them a chance BB!!!!!:-)

Anonymous said...

you need to get laid by a lady BB!!!!! she might just rock your world!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

didn't Drake cheat? or was it Adam? they broke up for some reason. Drake had nice eyes!

Anonymous said...

what is it with Kesha that BB finds so appealing? I just don't get it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you ever listen to Adam, He only wants a guy, period. He has said it over and over.He will never have a relationship with a female.
never, never, never. He is gay. only guys interest him. He was drunk when he kissed Ke$ha. yes Drake cheated on him, and he was very crushed

Anonymous said...

Adam is bicurious and he said it out of his own mouth. He is interested in both species. He is attracted to Kesha and has pursued her.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has seen Kesha out of the eyes of the paparazzi. I think he would see women on the down low.

Anonymous said...

there are many gay men that secretly see women. curiosity gets the best of them and they can't help themselves. Women are sexy!

Anonymous said...

Adam told Kesha he wanted an adventure on twitter when Sauli was in town. what is up with that?

Anonymous said...

I think Kesha is like Adam and he finds that very appealing. Freckles and all. I could see him dating her, but only away from the eyes of the prying paparazzi.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I only saw he always hang out with Sauli lately& also...Perez...Oh God,hell naw!LOL!

Anonymous said...

LOL‼ let the speculations begin... it has begun‼ *wondering minds wander away*

Anonymous said...

I am also in love with Adam but happy for him. Of course he is dating with Sauli. He looks so cute when he said it.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert would date Katy Perry if she wasn't with that stupid Russell guy. He says he crushes on women all the time, so I guess he is bicurious.

Anonymous said...

Adam is dating a nun!;-)

Anonymous said...

Adam is dating a nun and a priest!;-)

Anonymous said...

are you dating anyone Adam? Yes, you are dating me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is dating a glittery Alien. ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam reminds me of a reincarnated Liberace! that is a compliment!

Anonymous said...

Drake should date Cheeks and see if Adam gets jealous!

Anonymous said...

Adam should double date with Sauli and Kesha! they would both get a tongue dive!!!!! fun times!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok guys I confess, I am dating Adam‼ :))

Anonymous said...


Everyone should instead be asking him (like they do with any other star) about his next projects, his music, his charities, the last movie he saw, the last book he read, etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a Liberace, Elvis, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie all wrapped up in one! a little mixture of gay, straight and bisexual.

Anonymous said...

Adam is dating a zombie! this is getting real fun!!!! next?

Anonymous said...

Adam said he is sooo in love with himself‼ O_O :))

Anonymous said...

he went to see Black Swan, so he could see Natalie Portman naked? he likes Natalie! she is a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Adam is dating himself!;-)

Anonymous said...

Twitter is used for booty calls! Adam is making booty calls!

Anonymous said...

Ladies please re-read Anon 7:16

I am gay and you are mostly all on the wrong track. Like Adam I knew from early childhood my interests lay in a different direction. My best friends then and now are female but I have no interest in having sex with them.

Bicurious does not mean you desire a woman only that you are you desire a woman? Are you perhaps curious? Do you have any plans to act on this curiousity? Neither do I.

Give up and just love Adam as he is, an attractive, intelligent, witty young man with a good heart. Isn't that enough?

Kudos to Anon 7:16 you sound like a smart cookie.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes the buffet, so he will eat off of it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:22pm .... 'Adam is dating himself' - LOL!!! Well, he said he's in love with himself! I guess that was tongue in cheek. Whose cheek does he have his tongue in? Sauli's for sure when they're together.

This topic is sooooooo funny!!!

I'd like to see him dating Ke$ha (she has an Aussie bf apparently) but Sauli seems to be THE ONE!

Anonymous said...

some gay guys act on their bicuriosity. He said in an interview he would have sex with a woman. is he lying?

Anonymous said...

Adam should stick his tongue in a female cheek! maybe a few vodkas could put him in the mood! heck yeah!

Anonymous said...

The women will never give up on Adam Lambert. He will have to get use to the advances being made at him. He should have never said he is bicurious. He feeds the fire!

Anonymous said...

Adam in a warm drawn bubble bath! that just came to mind for a moment! where is my mind going? In the gutter where it belongs!

Anonymous said...

a little Adam tongue in the cheek won't hurt anybody! right?

Anonymous said...

the women are like prying wolves when it comes to the Glamtastic one! he better run for cover, before he gets eaten up!!! rawwrrrrrrr!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes women from afar and loves men up close and personal.

Adam is such an alpha male - yum - of course women are going to love and lust after him.

I don't think he should go 'round saying he's in love with himself - that sounds so vain even if it's true - and the media may have a field day with it.

What's a 'booty call'?

Anonymous said...

a buffett has many choices, and Adam has many choices in the male and female department. He wanted a man and woman to kiss him at the same time in Sydney. He loves being desired!

Anonymous said...

women might make Adam a little nervous. All that sexiness can be very intimidating. Makes him a little shy and it is hard to put his guard down. he will get use to it and come out and play with us girls.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:55 are you a male? you giddy for Mr L?;-)

Anonymous said...

Us girls won't bite! well maybe!

Unknown said...

I think some part of adam does desire women thats just my opinion

Anonymous said...

I agree harriett!

Unknown said...

At 8:05 thanks for agreeing!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Wasn't expecting these kind of comments on Adams comment about "dating" What the hell is going on here? Leave the poor man alone, he is entititled to date who ever he wants too. I think he finds women very sexy; he loves and respects women; he just doesn't want to date them. Do I need to spell it out for some of you?
Can we talk about his music and not this fake idea we are going to make him straight. He was born this way;can we not just respect that?

Anonymous said...

Adam lost his virginity to a man, but he can explore other waters. so many beautiful waters out there.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:08 welcome!;-)

Anonymous said...

Adam makes great music and can sing like no other artist out there. He is brillant on a stage! I don't think the media should ask personal questions about his love life or lack there of. He is concentrating on making a spectacular sophomore album and probably planning a mega tour to go with it. I hope he doesn't let all the nonsense sidetrack him. I love his artistry.

Anonymous said...

comments are made for fun and shouldn't be taken personal! alot of these are funny! Adam has great fans both male and female and always want the best for him! It is fun reading what people have to say on here!

Anonymous said...

I give up ladies you just don't understand. Gay is gay, it's not a game we play.

Can you only love him if you delude yourselves?

Rave on, have fun, but you do know you are not respecting him don't you?

Anonymous said...

I think it's his mothers fault. she stifles him, and he couldn't imagine anyone having sex with her, that why he turns to men.It's a deep seated problem, that a shrink would have to unravel. She said she went to all his shows on AI because if he was kicked off, she would be there to pick up the pieces. He is a grown man, does he need his mother to pick up the pieces. He also moved her from San Fransico to live closer to him. May be she is lesbian, she lives with somone called Jackie. Now this should get all your panties in a bunch.

Anonymous said...

Adam adores his mom and probably doesn't look at women in a sexual way because of it. who really knows? Adam knows what turns him on and that is what really matters.

Anonymous said...

Leila is lesbian? what? she is good-looking woman, so men and women probably find her attractive. Leila loves Adam and protects her baby boy. Adam probably looks at women like a mother figure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my head is hurtin today but this cheered me up...!/photo.php?pid=166537&id=126123507457386&fbid=126421860760884


Anonymous said...

Adam knows the raging hormones of his female following! He hears all the cat calls being made and panties and thongs and bras being thrown at his feet and sometimes his face. He eats it up or he would say STOP! This is only the beginning!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes the black lacey bras the best!;-) more black and lace with some leather thrown in!

Anonymous said...

There are some strange posts on here not the usual crowd. A lot of posts about what Adam said. It would be nice to get a reference as to where he said these thing. It is easy to "quote" somebody without proving where you got it etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he is bicurious in Rolling Stone.

Anonymous said...

Amen @ 8:23 pm!

Anonymous said...

LMAO to all these comments. The best out of all is Fan4Fun comment. Adam likes pretty blond girls and I don't think he will be interested to date them. He likes boys. Question was are you dating someone or are you single? He said yes I am dating. He wasn't to specific but definitely he is dating Sauli.

Anonymous said...

there's newbies on here with opinions like everyone else. I think this is fun!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:43 I love u!:-)

Anonymous said...

Adam likes blonde girls? what about brunette?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:45 so you're in love with yourself and that's why you love 8:43. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Prepare to smile and have some fun here...Adam's EX-"Cheeks" singing...hold on till the end where he sings some of Adam's "Fever"!!

JAK, I also can't understand why Adam never sang Pick U Up anyway

Enjoy as I did!

Anonymous said...

was Kesha brunette before going blonde? she isn't a real blonde.

Anonymous said...

I posted a pic a few days ago of Adam and Sauli at the Clive Davis pre-party, but don't think many saw it. Here are more of Adam and Sauli TODAY!


Anonymous said...

anon 8:49 Hell YEAH BABY!

Anonymous said...

the first anon 8:49 Hell Yeah Baby, because I love the first 8:43 for having my back! I cleared it up!

Anonymous said...

Adam's shirt from GNT up for bid on ebay. Current bid: $2,025!!


Anonymous said...

Random pic:


Anonymous said...


Thanks..I love Cheeks, he's so clever, cute and smart. I can understand why he and Adam were a couple and why Adam sort of crashed when they broke up.

I'm ashamed to admit that I'm curious as to what happened in that relationship. They have stayed friends. That's nice to see...and I was relieved that Cheeks had the loyalty to not
sell gossip to the press. Integrity-so rare!


Anonymous said...

I just heard Adam on his Perez 2 interview say that he was dating. He also said when asked that he was dating just one person.

judys dancin said...

I'm confused daydreamin! I thought Sauli went back to Finland a couple of weeks ago, but they said this pic was from today!

Anonymous said...

Check out the Perez interview part 2: Adam says that he is dating, and that it's a one person. So, the question is solved about is he just dating around.

HK fan said...

Just watched the interview with Perez Hilton part 2, and he confirms he's dating, and only one person....then pictures of him out and about with Sauli appear, so I guess 2 and 2 really do make 4...
I really like Sauli from the little I've seen of him, very cute, and seems like a very nice guy. Not that Adam cares whether I approve or!

Anonymous said...

sorry, same info, @9.33 must have posted while I was typing.

Anonymous said...

Judys Dancin:

Sauli flew back to States a couple of days ago. He got a gig in USA from the entertainment magazine he works for. He has said that he might now stay a longer time.

Anonymous said...

Aww, finally official :) Sauli <3

Anonymous said...

Sauli also said he may be staying for awhile when he returns to the US for his tv show and I'm sure 'someone' helped cement that decision!

JAK, I too have been curious as to why Cheeks broke up with Adam. What- is he crazy-LOL! Well, yes, at least they remain good friends and he apparently likes Adam's music too! Cheeks seems like a very fun and friendly guy!
Adam seems to choose guys who are fiercely loyal to him- they don't kiss and tell. Sauli seems like a kindred spirit too. I also think Adam may have thrown off the media by making those comments about wanting to hang out with Kesha when he tweeted that awhile back. That's just my opinion-for whatever it's worth. I hope Adam is happy for a very long time. He so richly deserves it. Sauli seems very easy going which is what Adam needs and probably vice-versa. Good for them!
As much as I love seeing pictures of Adam on a regular basis, I hope he and Sauli get the privacy they deserve. I can't even imagine what it's like to have camera's taking your picture everywhere you go. That would be a crazy life.


Anonymous said...

@daydreamin and JAK
apparently Cheeks cheated on Adam

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:29 cause "apparently" speculation = truth...

Anonymous said...

once they cheat can never trust them again. I think Adam was touring with Wicked at the time. I bet Adam was behaving himself and I mean that in a good way.

Anonymous said...

February 15 8:00 PM

No, I'm not a male 'giddy for Mr L'. lol

I think Adam says things like 'you never know' when he's spoken in interviews about dating women, because he likes to keep his female fans guessing and romanticising about being with him ... and he succeeds!!

If Adam were straight, he'd need a whole army of bodyguards!!

I still don't know what a 'booty call' is.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why Adam and Drake broke up? Not that it's any of our business.

Anonymous said...

5:40 Not our business but being woman we want to know. Anybody got the scoop?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:56 Right ON..... Adam likes to be DESIRED by male and female. He soooo IS!

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:22
'Adam is dating himself'
Yeah, if he do that, it'll be great. You know that no one love and care about you more than yourself. I'm in love with myself too. This V-day, i bought myself lots of chocolate. I stayed at home and enjoyed it all by myself. Some of you guys could think that i'm crazy but it really feels good!
PS: But i will change that if i can date


Anonymous said...

Go to Perez Hilton's interview with ADAM ... ADAM talks quite a bit with Perez about dating & Perez tells ADAM who he would like to date ... ADAM said he'll put in a good word for Perez... watch the FULL interview Pt.1 & Pt.2 .... quite interesting .... ADAM's biz only ... JMO
