Interview With The Bassist, Tommy Joe Ratliff
Filed Under (Tommy Ratliff ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, February 22, 2011

by Ashley Willingham (@asherly89)
1) How has this sudden rise to fame been?
It's weird, to call it fame kind of depends on who you ask... Whatever it is, it's been amazing! I've worked hard in bands trying to make it and live as a musician and it wasn't easy at all. I never gave up because I knew it would happen someday. A lot of people close to me picked at me and gave me a lot of shit for not going to college, getting a "real job" and "acting my age". I never let it get to me. If anything, it pushed me harder to prove them wrong. It's a great feeling actually! I am very appreciative for what I have today.
2) If you had to pick 9 people (dead or alive) to have dinner with whom would they be?
Hmmm..... would be Clint Eastwood, Hunter S. Thompson, John Wayne, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jim Morrison, Robert Smith and Samuel Jackson. That would be an odd dinner party, haha.
Read the rest of the interview HERE.
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very down to earth hard working guy that kept pursuing his dream.Nice story.
Tommy is such a sweetheart. He is edgy, goes for it, and a star. Can't wait for Adam's next tour. Hope Tommy on Adam's singles also.
Aw, Tommy is so sweet.
My first reaction was that there were no females on the list for the dinner party! And not Adam either, haha
Thak you for posting this, a great story!
Tommy is an easygoing and has sweet personality, I admire him very much. I am really looking forward to seeing him at live concert with Adam again!
@anon 1;25, I also wondered about no females on the list. Think Tommy not only is a sweet nice guy but gorgeous too! Loved watching he and Adam on stage performing. Hot combination!! Believe this picture was from the first concert they had after Tommys dad passed away. Think it is a gentle kind picture of their "love" and respect for each other.
After reading the interview it might interest Tommy to know that more than half of his dinner guests went to college and had the career they wanted......though John Lennon did get kicked out! Jim Morrison and I went to same college....
small world!
Tommy is a nice looking guy, work hard to make his dream as a musician and I hope he can make something out of it. To be honest, if Adam want to go as a band, Tommy needs to step up his skill. Guitar, keyboard and drummer are very important elements of a very famous band. Hope I can see that in the next tour.
I like Tommy.
I don't agree totally with the career advice in question one, tho, as only about one percent of kids wanting to make it as rock musicians or recording artists actually do. Tommy got lucky and was picked partly for his open attitude and possibly his looks.
I am in the music business, so is my husband and his father and our son. It has not been easy. Often there was not a paycheck for a long time and living conditions weren't great, even though there was a lot of talent and even a few awards and scholarships. Even Adam with all his talent had to ask his dad for rent money from time to time. Who wants that life when they are 40 or 50?
I'm happy that it worked out for Tommy but it really could have gone either way for him, being a fairly average guitar player.
I think young people should be told to pursue their dream but also keep options open for the dry spells that might come. Not meaning to be negative, just realistic from someone who knows a lot of people who have been there. I'll admit that Tommy's positive outlook probably helped make things happen for him but it's still
much more rare than how he talks it up.
OT- Fan4fun, hope you read this and that you are alright. I wish I could fly over there and take care of Icon. I understand since I'd be in the same boat with all my dogs and 1 cat. Keep me posted, OK?
A lot of musicians are out of work these days because people now hire DJ's instead of live bands to save money. Musicians in clubs get very low pay, sometimes less than the cleaning staff and the wages haven't really changed much in 20 yrs. I wouldn't recommend this career to anybody.
Of course, I am a nurse, and wouldn't recommend that to anybody either!
OT...@ Adamluv, Don't want to pry, but am very concerned about Fan4fun, remembering surgery a while ago. Hope she is alright, she's such a big part of our glamily here. She did mention having a roomate at one time, maybe a student? Have to get white light going for her. You're right, this pic was taken just after Tommy's dad's death. He's wearing his dad's sweater. Adam also went to the funeral...Tommy was not a bass guitar player at the audition, but like Monte and learned to play bass, since Adam really liked him and gave him his big break. Monte is a good mentor for him. Playing bass is like being a second banana, not as much opportunity to show your stuff. Monte is the master and Tommy has made a very special place for himself. He's a sweetheart and glad he's with Monte. funbunn40
Tommy is a nice guy, the luckiest thing that happened to him was Adam. He is an average player, but the audience thought he was so great cuz he would kiss Adam. Not exactly a great move, but it amused the audience. This year will be another year of waiting to see if people will still except Adam, I am sure it will be a great year, because he has a huge talent, and even so he had a hard time trying to make it. Most of Tommy's fame is because he is on stage with Adam. What a lucky break!Being a nice guy will not put food on the table. I've got nothing against the guy, but he may be in trouble if for any reason he leaves Adam . He is 30 years old and no plan B.
@ adamluv
Thanks a lot but please don't worry. I've got a flu, «Hell's Kitchen» boss sent me to the hospital and because I live alone the doctor said it would be better for me to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, but I'm home taking care of myself, and doing OK. «Hell's Kitchen» gave me a 3 days break not because they care about me but because they don't want me there to contaminate the food or the 2 pregnant ladies that work with me (haha!). Fan4fun
@ aunt adamluv
I'm OK too, just a bit scared with mommy's sneezes and cough. She got sick because sweet Adam and Sauli squirted too much cold water all over her when playing jetski, in Bora Bora... Icon
@ funbunn40
Thank you so much but no candle is needed now for me. Better you save it for those ill people who give shit to our sweet Tommy Joe (God bless him!). You are right, I had a new zealander student working with our whales the whole summer, living in my house; but she's back home, maybe will come over next June. Fan4fun
@ aunt funbunn40
I miss Miranda a lot. She gave me a pink teddy bear to sleep with until she's back to play with me again. Sometimes a sleep in her bed with my pink teddy bear but Ping Pong get jealous. Icon
Aww... good luck to Tommy... he seems like such a sweetie. Glad he got his break and Adam was able to help, and he has Monte to learn from.
@ Fan4fun
Jeez, sorry to hear you're under the weather =/
When I read Adamluv's post I was going to ask
what was going on (and who's Icon? ..I imagine a beloved pet... I'm so out of the loop)
and viola, here you are to explain.
Well glad you're able to take a few days off AND still check in at 24/7. Hope you're feeling better soon =)
"Icon's" comment made me lol... You are a riot.
Get better!
It seems Adam gave him the big break he always wanted. Fate works in such strange ways. We are put in places when we least expect it and it might be for a reason that will change us forever. Tommy seems very sweet and talented. I think he will be in the Glambert band for a very long time. Great interview!
Friends are hard to come by these days and the ones you do have you best hold on tight to them. Tommy got very lucky when Adam chose to be a friend. It's great they got each others back. Two great talents sharing their dream together. I think they are forever the best of friends. very sweet indeed!
Just like Adam & Monte, Adam & Tommy have great musical chemistry, & Monte & Tommy, they were meant to be. All three of them are a great trio, but I also very much believed LP had a great repoire with the guys, that's why I cried when LP left to go to the Yellowcard? band.I guess that is where LP wanted to be. LP could be making more money & having more fame with Adam, IMO.
To all you Christ Church, New Zeeland fans: Hope you and loved ones are ok after yesterday's devastating earthquake. Please know that you are being prayed for by fans in the US.
I would love to see Adam work with great talent musicians to make a master piece sometimes, somewhere. Dreaming his band with a orchestra background of orchestra performing live for his music.
First things first!! Hoping you are feeling much better and glad you were able to get some good care. It seems like everyone I know has the flu right now! Get lots of rest, listen to some Adam music, watch a few Glam Nation vids and that should fix you right up! And just tell @Icon that he can sleep with whomever he wants! LOL!!
Re Tommy:
He is a real sweetheart from what I have seen, and enjoyed reading this interview..He is so quiet and rather shy in person, in general, that its nice to hear from him, and that he shared a little about himself. About his comment re not going to college: It is true that it is always a good idea to have "something to fall back on", I can think of another artist who didn't go the college route either (hmmm..oh, yes, Adam...) in favor of getting the on-the-job learning experience. Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn't, but I'm so happy for both of them that it looking good so far. Adam has good instincts about those he surrounds himself with and Tommy is fortunate to have become part of Adams Glamily. I do think Tommy is very talented, and perhaps we just haven't had the opportunity to see the full extent of his skills, since we have seen him almost exclusively as a bass player (other than when Monte took time off to go home for the birth of his twins..). I think it would be fabulous to hear what he really can do with that guitar! And I certainly hope his place in Adam's band is secure for many years to come, because it is clear that they all love each other very much. So sweet and telling too that he said one of his favorite places on the tour was Hawaii because he got to spend time with his family.
@Fan4fun - glad to hear from you. That worried me when you posted on another thread about being told to stay in the hospital. Here in the states you're shoved out the door asap! I know that Icon loves it when you're home sick - lots of Mommy time. LOL!
Hey Fan4fan fellows, my mommy is doing alright, taking a deserved rest from «Hell's Kitchen» and playing «Soaked» for me many times a day. She also let me lick pretty kitt Tommy Joe on her laptop (Ping Pong is not here to see it).
@ aunt Cindy
Is it true that you are the «soon to be» mommy's new boss, and will accept the position for sweet Adam's Marketing Director? May I be the mascot of your team? Let me, let me!
@ aunt Glitzylady
Thank you for your message. You just reminded me that «I am so much more than whom I sleep with».
Having talked to Tommy at the fairgrounds at Puyallup before the show and seeing him up close interact with lots of females at Molly Malones, he seems to be a rather shy, introverted soul. I saw no ego/diva behavior in the least. He will always have a place in my heart as I truly believe he, like Adam, is one of the good guys. Oh, that reminds me that is exactly what Ryan Seacrest said about Adam! Does anyone remember when it was said? American Idol last year when Adam performed?
My ex-husband was an extremely talented musician who worked with many of the top players, toured with political leaders, was invited to play in Paris at an international event, etc, when he was in his 20's. Then we married, had children, and his career "dried up", mostly as an earlier poster said, because people stopped valueing live music. People wouldn't dream of serving hot dogs at their weddings or buying a dress for $15, but they will not pay for live music, which sets the ambience much more than anyone realizes.
This is definitely not a career choice without a backup plan! I'm just ranting because he has not earned one cent since and I have had to pay for everything with my job. Famous musicians are not willing to be seen pumping gas or working at fast food after the glamour ends.
I wish Tommy the best of luck. However, I know
neighbourhood kids who play the bass as well.
Adam did not hire him for his playing skills. This doesn't mean it was not the right choice.
Some people do enjoy live music, specially when having dinner in good company. But the ignorance and language barriers sometimes are the winners.
I remember when I came to live Azores I worked some months for a restaurant which at that time used to present good live music 4 days a week. One day, in the morning, a couple of tourists came in and asked the manager:
- «Do you have live music here?»
and I could hear from the kitchen the idiot answering:
- «No, sorry, we don't. Only Portuguese music.»
Anon 2:46 thank you for your realistic perspective. It's nice to have those with actual music backgrounds here to share with all of us.
Fan4fun, HAHA! I loved your 'live music' story! I hope you get well soon, but while you are mending, try to enjoy some quiet time away from Hells Kitchen! I know Icon will be by your side and keep you company as our pets always do for us.
Anon 5:48 I was very enlightened by your story. Thanks for sharing.
As far as Tommy, from everything I have heard and read, he is nothing but a sweetheart. I don't blame Adam for going after those trolling on Tommy yesterday. I hope he does well in his life and his career.
Tommy plays lead guitar. Since that position was taken by Monte, Adam gave him a chance at going home and learning the base and coming back and reauditioning. He did that. Sounds like a fast learner to me. He also plays the drums and the keyboard. So, he essentially can play all of the instruments. When Monte was out once, Tommy stepped in and played the lead guitar. Don't sell his talent short. Tommy is a nice, gorgeous guy AND a talented musician.
@funbunn40- sorry, I read your post after I posted. Basically we said the same thing. Tommy is very talented, and a really nice person. Adam is a great judge of character. (which means Sauli must be a pretty great guy too)
@ Icon
Just read where ur Mommy isn't feelig well, awhhh so sorry 4 that! Now U hop 2 it and take care of her. Sending U lots of scratches 2 help U.
Aunt Dana
Take care fan4fun. so enjoy ur posts. Put ur feet up and dream of our sweet boy, Adam!!!!!!
Tommy is... and Monte should know..
Tommy's response to NOH8 question got picked up by Flecking Records
Tommy is Tommy and theres no one quite like him . Hes doing well playing some gigs with Monte Pittman ( they were at Molly Malones in LA mon nite ) and hes doing a show mar 23 with Isaac Carpenter and Ravi . Tommy is beautiful sexy and has lots of very devoted fans who love and support him . Thanks for the interview !
Thank you Cheril of your words! Tommy is talented and equal part of the bandfamily. All that dressing up and kissing is great show to see along with stunning music. Do doubt Adam LOVES Tommy and the rest of the band. The picture above is gorgeous! Full of love and respect. Keep on shining Tommy!! We love you!!!
All I know is Adam and his band sound great. I tried the trumpet when I was young, it gave me a headache. Tommy will be fine in the music world, I believe since he has Monte to guide him, and Adam as his friend.
Fan4Fun & Icon: So sorry to hear you are ill. I know about being ill, but won't go into that. I am glad to see Icon will post, everybody loves Icon. I love animals. Is ping pong a dog or cat? My dog and cat sleep together. I am also sorry for messing up your profile name the other day.
Praying for all the NZ folks. There seems to be alot of earthquakes lately. Scarey!
Oops! There is a mistake in my writing up there 11:46. Should read: NO doubt Adam LOVES...!!!! Sorry! And all in the New Zealand, you are in my mind too.
Sanni =)
Yeah, I totally agree they all sound great together if they stick to Pop and that's where all the $$ are. Rock? Need some serious professional level players. Even he stays in Pop, I hope he can bring some great people for his tour to show appreciation to those real musician. He knows it all. This is only my opinion. I still love him as a great talented vocalist, and the entertainment he brings along.
Brilliant interview loved it as did my son
Though Tommy was ornamental and an adequate bass player, I worried that the fake romance that was part of the SHOW might be detrimental to both of their careers.
Many moderate fans who "forgave" Adam the OTT performance at AMAs were lost when they saw the repeated kissing during tour...too in your face gay...sort of a defiant "I can do whatever I want like it or not!"
Many of my acquaintances bailed out and said "no thanks".
I wondered if this kissing would brand Tommy and make it difficult for him to get jobs after tour was far as I know he's only working with fellow GNT musicians.
We'll have to wait and a mom I wish he had gone to college. Good Luck Tommy
Anon 3:48 a.m.
I agree about Adam, POP is where the money is, but I think ROCK would give him greater and more lasting fame and more respect.
Lots of singers can make POP cds which are popular for a year or so, but Adam is one of the few singers today who can rock.
Those guys LAST! Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, Slash, etc. etc. Even Ozzy is still going!
ROCK would be the best road to being an ICON.
But WHATEVER he sings, I'll buy and enjoy!
I am not worry about Adam's career as long as he remember what he is famous for. He is smart and a year has gone by, he did what he want to do, showed us the message and I see that is important and relates to him as who he is. Now, he has more time to look back what work and what didn't. A lot of music lovers are waiting for his next CD which I hope he has more control. Front and Up to your face vocal from Adam is hard to resist if he meant that for his 2nd CD.
For Tommy, I wish him good luck as well. He seems a very nice guy.
to JAK - I always agree with your comments! thank you for posting
Some of these posts bother me. Give credit where credit is due! As I recall, Monte commented in an interview something to the effect that Tommy was a better guitar player than he was, only he was claiming lead due to prior experience with Adam. Just sayin...
@Anon 8:25
Thank you I always admire people that agree with me......but I'll admit a good verbal fight gets my adrenalin pumping!
Being able to vent on this site has saved my marriage, if not my very life! My chatter about Adam had brought my husband to a point just short of total eruption,sooooooo we made a deal. I can tell him ONE thing a day about Adam and then I keep my trap shut!
But here, among fellow fanatics, I feel safe!
I've heard of people putting photos of saints or gurus around their bed when sick....the high vibration they give off helps them heal.
Put LOTS of photos of Adam's happiest smiles ALL AROUND you!
Feel Better Friend!!!
Much love and good, good, good wishes to you and sweet Icon!
I agree with 9:02 AM fully. Tommy is talented or he would not have been hired, why does everyone have to drag him down. Also his response to Question 1, doesn't mean he thinks everyone shouldn't go to college, it is what he did. Why twist it to be his advice to everyone!?!? To learn a musical instrument and play it well, takes alot of hard work and dedication to what you love. Tommy has survived 29 years, playing music and working jobs, I'm certain he will continue to work hard to ensure he is successfully at what he loves to do, make music and I wish him well, and hope to see his career grow..
It is so true to what you said. But it is also difficult for him go Rock in US, the radio won't play him and the market is small. I have a feeling he will stay in Pop for a while at the same time try to input new elements/sound to suit his ability and I think he is doing fine at the moment. His 2nd CD is important and as well as the next world tour because he is considered more of a live singer. If Adam stay focus, channel his energy into his music together with the best musicians he can find for his tour, I believe he will have a massive come back. I am a big fan but also a music lover. Getting the best musicians in his band will ensure his credibility being a true singer/rocker as a band and believe it or not, a lot of people are watching him.
my tag above. Anon 3:48am
To 12:01 good post.
However, sometimes young people look for role models and think if Tommy does it, it must be cool. (ie. not going to school)
(I loved it when all the great hockey players on our team did a segment in the paper on the importance of reading.)
Tommy looks like a kind, genuine, nice guy so I guess that can be a role model in itself.
Adam is certainly being a great one!
OT...@Fan4fun, So glad you're at home with Icon under his watchful eye and out of Hell's kitchen for a few days.It pays to get a flu shot!I got a little concerned after seeing Adamluv's post and was so glad you checked in with us to let us know you were at home, getting better. My RX for you is plenty of liquids, rest with dreams of Adam, videos of Adam every hour, Fever, WLL and of course plenty of Soaked for Icon! funbunn40
@Icon, OT,,, Give Ping Pong a big dose of catnip and a few licks on his ear and he'll be so happy he won't even notice your pink teddy bear! Take good care of Diamond mommy! auntie funbunn
@ auntie funbunn
I tryed to follow your advice but when I was gonna start licking Ping Pong ears, he's not used to it, got scared, jumped high and by mistake (I guess) hit my nose with his big tail and now I have my little mouth full of his «carriot red color» flurs...aaaaargh, yeeek, cough!
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