The NYPost Thinks Adam Lambert Should Win at the Grammy's!
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Thursday, February 3, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, February 03, 2011

The NYPost posted their predictions of the Grammy Awards on their site. They predict Michael Jackson will win. They also commented that "Lambert jipped."
Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
"Haven't Met You Yet" - Michael Buble
"This is It" - Michael Jackson
"Whataya Want From Me" - Adam Lambert
"Just The Way You Are" - Bruno Mars
"Half of My Heart" - John Mayer
"Two words, pity vote. Two more words, Lambert jipped."
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Don't like their prediction...but do love what they said!
Everyone thinks Adam should win. The only people who don't think Adam should win are the people who don't think Adam should win.
Pity vote - got it in one. :(
This could really be so very simple. Just give the grammy to the nominee with the best vocal ability. Everyone knows it is Adam. It's not that deep!
Adam should win. PERIOD. If MJ gets the pity vote? Well that's a real Pity.
I don't get it... this is one of the major categories... why won't it be televised?
Hope that's wrong, and do hope Adam does present...
its nice that Adam is getting all this positive attention from well-known and respected sources re:the grammy nod. I really wish this would persuade the grammy voters. It's the right thing to do...everyone knows he deserves that award.
Besides he was also "jipped" in the Best New Artist category. I just hope this motivates him to make a REALLY kick-ass second album :)
I love that all the press KNOW that Adam's got the best vocals...but I don't like that they think he's got no chance.....
I still think Adam is going to win.
No disrespect meant to MJ (loved him), but he won plenty of awards while he was alive. It's Adam's time now.
Adam Lambert should be up for Best New Artist..
Best Male Artist.and Best Song..Best Album..
And he should be on that stage performing instead
of The Muppets and Paltrow & Cee Lo & that little
thing Bieber again...
I've never seen injustice done before..quite like
what has been done to this Mega Talented Artist.
Something dirty going on here..Adam should be
carrying home lots of Grammys
it makes me feel proud that many people know he has the best vocals. good luck to AFL!! see you on THE TALK next Wednesday. I hope those girls don't ask him one thing about Sauli!! (not)
click on source after the article and read about their other picks and comments.pretty interesting
I look to the day when Adam is performing on award shows and receiving the honors he so deserves. Something is amiss here. I wonder how long it will take to give him the recognition he the very least for his incredibly vocal gymnastics.
I think so many of us know that Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music industry today. He is a dynamic performer both musically and visually. Why he was not nominated in all the categories listed previously is extremely suspect. It seems that he is recognized and appreciated more by audiences internationally than here in the states. He can sing circles around all those listed to perform at the Grammys and yet they choose not to have him on stage. At least have him as a presenter. He would certainly add some class to the inarticulate and vulgar behavior we so often see from performers and those who accept. I will watch the show but only to see Adam on the red carpet and then in the audience. It will be interesting to see who he brings with him(if anyone)to the show. Even if he does win, that portion will not be televised. Go figure!
My anticipation to watch the Grammys has totally evaporated with the news that not only will Adam not be performing, nor presenting, and that his category will not even be televised! What we will be left with is crude rap crap, auto-tuned and/or lip-synched performances, and 10 year olds whipping their hair...oh and let's not forget the Muppets! It is a sad commentary on the state of the music business today. If you read the official Grammy description of Best Male Pop Vocal category, it's a no-brainer that Adam should win. Even the media acknowledges that he should win (and that is gratifying to read). But his uphill battle continues against the Powers The Be in the US music industry who refuse to acknowledge his prowess and reward him for it. I agree that he has more recognition and appreciation in the international market.
Many of the great performers who have had long careers faced obstacles and have emerged victorious and stood the test of time. With every fiber of my being, I believe that this will happen to Adam and he will have a long, illustrious career in many directions (singing, acting, directing, marketing, etc.) Don't Stop Believing!
I'll watch the Red Carpet to catch a glimpse of our Glam God and then likely tune this travesty of an awards show off!
Aquarian Glitz
Me too Aquarian Glitz. We are hurt by all this,but I wonder how Adam feels. Do you think he really cares? His comment that he "unfortunately" is not performing spoke volumes to me. Hate to say this but I believe he is still (and always will be) snubbed.
Just look what the American public made Idol do by having Stephen Tyler apologize for a joke. I can't figure out what is wrong with some of the people when they offended by a harmless statement. I guarantee their sons and daughters have heard and speak these words all the time.
I really wouldn't be surprised to see Adam move to Europe or at least have a second residence over there where he can feel more liberated. I know he loves his home and friends, but I'm thinking part of him has to feel stiffled.
These links show what the voting process and nomination guide are.
Could explain why Adam is not nominated in some of the other categories?
MJ is the greatest
MJ was great, key word,was. No one would take that away from him. I'm sure Adam is honored to be nominated in his company. His time for awards IMHO should remain in the past. To take that honor away from living artists isn't fair. They could have given MJ a separate lifetime achievement or iconic entertainer award, which would honor MJ but not take away from current artists. funbunn40
I agree with NYP's prediction even though I don't like it. But the chances that Adam will win over MJ are too low... unfortunately.
Would MJ have been nominated this year if he hadn't died such a tragic way? Nothing against MJ but I think Adam deserves to win. One just has to listen to his album FYE and know what a great singer he is. Listen to his acoustic album and watch youtube videos of his GNT and see what a dynamic performer is Adam Lambert.
What surprises me is that the NYP doesn't know that the word is "gypped", not "jipped". Maybe the writer was "Hooked on Phonics"!
@ Anon. 3:15AM
None of these 2 words come in my dictionary. But I get the point, NYP's and yours.
"Jipped" sounds (or looks) less racist than "gypped."
Same goes for "Indian giver," which I don't hear much anymore. Remember the Amsterdam concert, where Adam quickly changed "Indian Giver" to "Native American Giver?" Still a racist stereotype, but a bit less offensive, and a nice recovery for Adam (He is quick on his feet).
correction MJ was the greatest. Adam is the new face of our generation and he is the big deal right now................
wow nice post
Anon @ 7:08 Don't know if anything dirty is going on, but I DO agree with your list.
*Adam's album was excellent... great songs, awesome voice, incredible delivery (AND a few of the producers got nominated for songs ON that album...go figure!) Maybe it sounded to electronic and overproduced?? I still thought it was better than some of the ones nominated.
Anon @ 1:59 Loved MJ but agreed... WOULD that song have even been noticed if it wasn't for his unfortunate death?
Anon @ 3:15... BINGO! I noticed too... in my career as a person, lol that's always the way it was spelled (referencing it's origin)
@ 4:05---very good! 'politically-socially correct' and delicate manner to describe. ...but I HAD always seen it as 'gyp'... you think maybe the writer did that on purpose?
@ 10:57 Thanks for the links. Sure it has helped any who haven't seen. I was happy to learn that RCA DID submit Adam in about 5 or 6 categories. (I had really hoped for 'Time For Miracles f/songwriter... in my perfect world Adam would have performed THAT and blown the house down...)
I'm so thrilled for ADAM that he DID receive a nomination in the BEST possible category... recognizing his VOICE and TALENT. Just can't believe it won't be televised?
Adam Lambert should win this Grammy. No entertainer better than Adam in today´s music market.
I still am holding out HOPE that ADAM will WIN the GRAMMY!! Been talking to the Universe as well as my GOD plus a few others ... doesn't hurt to cover all your bases. I remenber ELVIS wore both a crucifix AND the Star of David along with other good luck charms that he carried in his pocket & when he was asked why that was the answer he gave. I think it's pretty good advice so I'm doing the same thing. I'm an OPTIMIST & have survived 74 years with a lot of adversity so why not something as simple as an award? To my way of thinking ... NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE!! DON'T STOP BELIEVING Glamberts!!!
ADAM!!! For the WIN!!! Love 'n Light ..
The grammy executives need to have hearing tests if AL does not win!
All night I've been feeling sad for Adam. Not only have we invaded his privacy with the assistance of the paps, but we have judged him, his looks,etc..I feel horrible!
& now the grammys. A man with a voice, so beautiful, singing at the top of his lungs, & yet no one hears him. Our world is being destroyed & yet no one is saving it.
I wish I wasn't reading all of these posts, they just make me cry inside.
True magic cannot be seen, felt, heard, or loved unless you are magical. And that is why we are all here, we can see, feel, hear, & love Adam's magic. Right now I just want to give Adam a big hug! I feel lost & lonely for him.
I don't know who or what will make things right in this world, but I do know ,Adam M. Lambert deserves his recognition,whether it's an award or just something very special falling out of the sky.
I only listen to Adam's FYE cd, & he is the only true star out there in the universe!
I hope Adam wins it! But if he doesn't and if MJ wins it I believe Adam and also all the other nominees in his category are true winners. It means all of them are fantastic vocalist since MJ is dead and we won't hear any live music from MJ anymore. So all its good for Adam.
Tess4ADAM, Thanks for your beautiful commentary very moving and positive!!
@ Tess4ADAM
That's as simple as this: if sweet Adam doesn't win THIS Grammy he will win next Grammys... and so many other awards!!! HE CAN'T LOSE! People who don't know him, people who don't recognize his worth and/or people who get moved by «pity awards» are the losers, not him, not us! Do I have to make a drawing?... oh, what the hell, never mind, they wouldn't SEE it!
But let it be. «Been talking to the Universe as well as OUR God plus a few others»... hi there! both of us have been in quite a pretty good company! Aren't we?
How is it that both of Will Smith's kids are performing? They aren't up for anything, are they? As for Michael Jackson, he was given an award posthumously last year. Now it's time for him to rest in peace and leave the music business to others.
I guess the kids are in the preferred age bracket?
(I wanted to say something else but thought I would take the high road. - grrrrrrrrrrrrr) nancdruuu2
Well, it doesn't matter who wins if Adam doesn't, there is not a single one of his fans who will not have think he got jipped! period. But he also got jipped on Best new artist and album. After the AMA's my daughter told me to stop worrying because you cannot stop anyone with that kind of talent. And Adam will not be stopped,slowed down a bit, but never stopped. Lots of positive articles supporting our boy out this week.
Glad to see there are a number of positive articles out in the print media about Adam this week. He should win the Grammy for best vocal performance, but we all know there are other factors that figure into the win. I would also like to see him on tv doing some personal appearances such as ELLEN, JAY LENO or OPRAH again. I know he will be on THE TALK on Feb. 9, but who really watches that show in the middle of the afternoon. I will be on that day b/c I heard he would be on it. I certainly hope that they don't rehash the AMA performance; let's get past that. Focus on the present, the Grammy nomination and future plans including. the new album. If Adam does win the Grammy, all of his fans will be celebrating this dynamic performer.
cupcakes - man that was deep.
Positive comments? So, why somebody put this photo of Adam on this blog? This tears are not tears of winner. These tears of man who lost something and never can get it back, like first love.
I realize that all of us as passionate Adam fans would like him to win that Grammy. It was great for him just to be nominated so early in his career with a single from his first CD. If he wins the award, it would be well deserved for the best male vocal performance. If not, I know there will be many times in the future for other nominations and awards for this very talented singer. Remember there were many fine actors/actresses who achieved great success in their careers and never won an Oscar. Yet through the support of their fans who went to see their movies, they continued to have thriving careers for decades. Adam Lambert will be recognized eventually for the consummate performer that he is.
Don't like their prediction...but do love what they said!
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