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"Acoustic Aftermath" STILL Trending on Twitter!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 04, 2011

It started trending after Adam tweeted about the wonderful news. It hasn't stopped trending as of now! Looks like a lot of people are anticipating and excited for this performance! How excited are you?

Enjoy a few of the "Aftermath" Acoustic Version LIVE PERFORMANCES from the Glam Nation Tour!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited. I love the third performance.

Maria said...

I'm more excited to see his outfit....hehe.

Anonymous said...

OMG so gorgeous! What a golden voice, what an inspiring message and what a beautiful man. There's just no one else like Adam! How lucky we all are to see him next week performing this wonderful song on AI. I'm so very excited and happy for Adam! America's gotta love him!

Anonymous said...

So great

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are one in million years!

Anonymous said...

Great song, inspiring message of love and understanding. Can't wait to see him perform this song on AI next week. The contestants will have the opportunity close up to see a truly talented individual, one who exudes charisma, self-confidence and stage presence. Adam Lambert is a magnificent performer both musically and visually.

glitzylady said...

This just truly shows what a strong and passionate fan base Adam has! We may not be huge yet, but we have the POWER! Love it! I really think this is the turning point for Adam..the Grammy nomination clinched it and he is on his way to superstardom at a much faster pace now!!! Love that he will be singing on Idol next week. Such a powerful and beautiful anthem.

The Dark Side said...

This news certainly woke me up this morning. WOW!! what more can anyone say. I will be watching AI next Thursday. Should be a fun and exciting show.

Anonymous said...

Jumping for joy that Adam will sing Aftermath acoustically on AI next week. Great exposure for him and the DVD. There are a lot of good voices this season but no one can match Adam's charisma and connection with his audience. That to me is what is missing from idol, but there is only one Adam Lambert in this world!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! and ratings will go through the roof next week!

Anonymous said...

There was a show where Adam sang Aftermath and at the end Monte gave him a peck on the cheek
I thought it was so sweet....does anyone know which GNT that was???

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for March 10....miss BB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love 'Aftermath" but how do you know that Adam is gonna perform the acoustic version of this song on AI? He said it will be remixed version of the "Aftermath" which gonna be great dancing song.
However, these acoustic versions of this song which we have above don't sound as a dancing song for me. I think Adam made some changes before "Aftermath" was remixed

Anonymous said...

He twittered that it would be the acoustic version and the remix will be avail that day on


adam luv said...

Adam should go on all the daytime/nitetime shows and sing this. Or any of the fab. songs from the CD.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam sing this on a lot of shows, but he does need to keep working on his next album. So maybe just a couple big ones like Ellen and Jay Leno.

Anonymous said...

How excited am I! my comment on announcement page. This time my OTT reaction even made me roll my eyes at this addiction.

Thanks to getting "a little help from my friends" now I even know what trending means!

Becoming more educated CAN teach an old dog new tricks!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:29pm When I read these kind of comments, I understand why Adam asked his fans stay away from his personal life.
Even if you think that you can qualify working on his album as business, but for Adam this is very personal work. Adam knows better than anybody else when and where he will perform. And more performing for him means to get more fans and possibility to sell new album with much better results than FYE.
I know each of us can have own opinion, but we still have to remember about that Adam doesn't have to work 8 hours 5 days per week. Sometimes he works 18 hours per day, sometimes 2 hours. This is his personal business

Anonymous said...

Sorry delilah5. I too love Adam so much and have never commented on his personal life. Maybe what I said came off wrong. He does know what is best for himself and I do agree with your opinion. I come on here a lot and see your posts and I know we both are huge supporters of Adam and want him to be very successful with his next album. No hard feelings.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing beautiful person, singer, performer, they don't come better than him. Just love the acoustic version of this song. Oh who am I kidding I love everything and anything Adam sings. Love all his pre-idol, idol and post idol performances. I agree with Randy that Adam can sing the phone book and I would be in heaven.

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:34pm No hard feelings at all, dear. And if you read my comments you know I had big problems many times:) Cause I can be to pushy, sarcastic and opiniated in the same time.Somebody even called me troll:) Also, few times I forgot about golden rule- don't write after you have few glasses of wine:)LOL
I know that we love Adam and this is the reason why are here in this blog.
Anyway, can't wait to see Adam next Thursday.
Don't call me names:) but I wish Adam would sing "Sure Fire Winners" It is just me. It is my favorite song after "Soaked" and I think SFW sounds like new version of "We Will Rock You" and AI deff needs this song now!

Anonymous said...

So excited!! Adam will light up that Idol stage again, fabulous exposure for Aftermath & then the missing him in the aftermath.

Wonderfully talented kids in this group & some unfortunate losses. I'm mad as hell about Robbie!! For me, (as Randy would say) with some vocal work, he has star power that IT thing-geeze he's only in the 11th grade.

Anonymous said...

Please, let me change the subject for the sec.
I never voted for AI except season 8:):):)
But this year I voted for Pia Toscano.
Ladies, please, vote for her! She is AMAZING! I saw few girls were very upset and started to cry after her performance! Because she was queen of the show on Wednesday!
Please, vote for Pia if you have chance!
Hopefully Adam will have chance to see her on the stage. I know he will love her.

Anonymous said...

Delilah5 @7:38 Thanks for responding. You are a sweetheart. We are all so excited to watch Adam next Thursday. When I saw the post this morning it just made my day so happy. You know what, my husband and I just sat for the last hour on the computer watching all Adams AI live performances. We both still get blown away. I do really like Pia Toscano and plan on voting for her.

Anonymous said...

YEAaaahhhhh BABY!!!!!

Well, I WANTED him to be on this season of AI and to sing a song from the DVD about to be released--suggesting SLEEPWALKER to promote the dvd and a possible single...

Well, he IS on AI promoting a beautiful and shall we say definitely more personal and meaningful song as he co-wrote it, has a personal, wonderful, inspiring message, and proceeds will be donated for a great cause...

Guess I can't complain... =) Matter of fact I'm thrilled! OMG OMG OMG he's gonna be on AI!!! LIVE PRIME TIME TV!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!

The very first time I experienced Adam performing live-- I was SOOOOOO amazed, impressed and in a DAZE at the awesome vocal power, delivery and presence of this incredible awe of how incredibly BEAUTIFUL and rich his voice sounds live...BETTER than any recording, tv performance or cd (WOW!)...and that was in an old wooden ballroom with NO acoustics, and I was blown away.
Beyond that, though Soaked and Broken open made me totally sob... what stuck with me from that concert was THIS song...done acoustically. It was only the 2nd time he'd done it, we'd never heard it sung this way. It was SO emotional and personal and inspiring. It became one of my special personal little favorites.

I got a few of the ACOUSTIC EPs as bonus Christmas gifts for special people, sent a little note describing "Aftermath" as one of my personal favorite GEMS...

So indeed, I guess I AM pretty overjoyed in wild anticipation of this LIVE on TV performance.. WOOHOOOO!!!

Another thought...? Since the info leaked about the Blonds creating something for Adam "for something special" and it was obviously NOT the Oscars... could it be? ? ?
Since this song embraces and celebrates individuality, be proud of yourself...embrace who you are... (and part of who Adam is loves Awesome fashion...) hmm...

Iiii'll be watching!!! =D =D and probably checking here soon after!
Can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

JAK - ha, ha, ha! You go, "old dog"!

Cindy - have I told you lately that I love your comments and can always spot them, before I get down to your tag, because they are so exuberant? :) Keep up the enthusiasm, my friend.

To answer the question: how excited are you? Well, I don't think I should honestly answer that because it would probably scare all of you. Let's just say I'm about as excited about this as spotting the GB in aisle 7 of Whole Foods (HA HA)!!!!! That means - extremely excited!!!!!!!!!!

- Adam Fix

ladiesfirst said...

I'm looking forward to his performance although I'm not crazy about the acoustic version, I Love the CD version when the band interjects the chorus line of "in the aftermath" it’s booming and rocks but in the acoustic version Adam seems to rush that part in, it has always seemed out of place. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Anytime I read anything about Adam on this site it doesn't seem real, everyone's on cloud nine. We all love Adam but lets be real, if there is something you’re not crazy about, let's hear it, he won't mind!

Anonymous said...

I too love the rock sound of the album Aftermath. Aftermath has more potential as a single than Sleepwalker and I'm not talking about #acoustic aftermath.

Anonymous said...

You know it's funny we can all agree on Adam and yet so frequently disagree on his clothes, hair and songs.

First, let me say I enjoy a good disagreement and I never get angry.....sooooooooooo

On first hearing the album Aftermath and Music Again were my least favorites. Too noisy. Didn't seem to leave room for his voice. Finally came around to like M.A. (I am a rock old one_. But I didn't like Aftermath till I heard it on tour, just Adam and Monte. Then I "got it".....the message)

Let's cheerfully agree to disagree.....JAK

HK fan said...

@ladiesfirst (don't recognise your tag, so welcome if you are a new poster),
I will put my hand up and admit I love the album version of aftermath. don't get why so many people don't seem to like it. my least favourite (and thats not to say i don't like it, I do, just not as much as others) is sure fire winners.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I will never forget Alisan & Adam singing their Aftermath song at the Music Box that full circle nite of Glam Nation. That might have been the nite (after A Change Is Gonna Come) that Monte kissed Adam on the cheek.

Box a Kleenex Show