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Adam Lambert EP sales rise 2,000% after 'American Idol' Performance

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In the wake of Adam Lambert's performance of Aftermath on last week's American Idol results show, sales of his Acoustic Live! EP skyrocketed, selling more than 3,000 units last week, according to Nielsen SoundScan. That's a 2,132% increase over the EP's previous week's sales and enough to put the EP back into The Billboard 200 chart.

Crystal Bowersox, Farmer's Daughter (4,000 weekly, -24%, 170,000 total) (#142 Billboard 200)
Adam Lambert, Acoustic Live! (3,000, 2,132%, 26,000) (#158 BB200)
Carrie Underwood, Play On (3,000, -11%, 1.968 million)
Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment (2,000, +21%, 805,000)
Daughtry, Daughtry (2,000, -15%, 4.79 million)
Mandisa, Freedom (2,000, +490%, 135,000)
Jason Castro, Who I Am (less than 1,000, -4%, 17,000 total)
The Grand Magnolias, The Grand Magnolias (less than 1,000, -60%,

Source: USAToday


Anonymous said...

Yippee...Adam was awesome on Idol

Anonymous said...

Good for Adam. His Acoustic EP shows what a masterclass of a vocalist he is. It gives me goosebumps. No matter how many times I've heard him perform those songs, let's see, 114 shows, saw several live, many showcase performances from abroad, hmmm, on repeat, geeez, that's a whole lotta Lambert!

New people becoming fans, one person at a time, toward world domination, mwhahahha

Fan4fun and Icon said...

- GOOD! But no surprises here. Everybody knows that Diamond Boy too needs to mark his presence on TV to have this kind of increase in sales! And get more fans and wake up a few sleepy so called glamberts.

- I'm awake, mommy! See? I'm awake and ready for more good news about sweet Adam! Meaw-yay!

Anonymous said...

This is terrific news. We, as his devoted fans, all know what a wonderful vocal talent Adam is. Now he has shown that to the nation with this acoustic version of AFTERMATH. I think the more he appears on tv in various types of shows, the more familiar he will become to an audience who has never seen him perform or perhaps gain back those who were turned off by his AMA performance. By the way, did you see GLEE last night when Blaine and Kurt kiss. I suppose some programming is developing plots that pose real issues facing a lot of teenagers in today's society. And I guess directly Adam Lambert has proclaimed "it gets better" with his support of gay issues by being honest about himself. I did digress a bit, so congrats to Adam for the increase in sales. It seems to get better for him day by day with his music career and the legions of fans he has all around the world.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Adam's acoustic CD is beautiful, showing his pure vocal ability and range. I gave 2 extra copies to friends who had never heard him sing acoustically. They loved it! It would have been a good idea to sell this in stores, but at least his DVD glamnation tour will be in stores. Got an e-mail yesterday that my DVD is on its way. Gonna have a big glamnation party at my house when it arrives.Glitters gonna fly!

Anonymous said...

This is just what we were all hoping for! Giving the masses on AI an opportunity to hear his amazing voice acoustically and dispel the preconceptions about him doing only screaming rock. A whole bunch of new fans appreciating the beauty that is Adam. Great!

Anonymous said...

I wish he could put out another acoustic with the great songs left off this present one. That wouldn't be impossible, he did so many songs with just Monte and Longineau that first trip to studio work Adam necessary, just print 'em and ship 'em.

Oh and choose another Lee Cherry dynamite cover of our dear boy.

My daughter (the ROCKER) watched Adam on Idol at my insistance and called me and said, "Mom, he should be doing Arena Rock"! .... but she admitted for the occasion he was "just right"!
And he was......JAK

Anonymous said...

Where from did they get this numbers? I don't they included amount of sales from Adamoff.
So happy for Adam. He also got a lot of twitter followers during last few days!
Love you, Adam

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I ment "I don't think they included..."
Something wrong with me today

Anonymous said...

I like positive numbers, YEA!! for ADAM!! Congratulations Adam!!
Now if we can just get that wax figure going on!
It seems beiber got his, just saw a glimpse of him looking at his wax figure on showbiz tonight.
Adam would definitely make a better & brighter wax figure, don't ya think?I'd say use the longtailed jacket from his AIs8 tour. Or just a simple but glamorous suit from the grammy's, oh yea! Loved that jacket!
@JAK, love your stories, the older generation are part of history, & I think a lot of youngens could learn something or two. MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

Adam for sure knows how to appeal to the Idol viewers. He went way conservative.

Anonymous said...

the performance got him new fans. That is a wonderful !

Anonymous said...

The wax figure is on hold til they find more wax to account for the GB, oops, I mean height..

Fan4fun said...

Now, sweet Adam, if you excuse me,

Where are you, fellow? Please, talk to me!

Thank you so much, sweet Adam, you are a gentleman.

Fan4fun said...

And, again, Diamond Boy: CONGRATULATIONS!
BTW, have you seen Adamluv lately, sweet Adam? C'mon, she's your Los Glamgeles' neighbour!

Anonymous said...

Didn't 21 million people watch? and only 3000 more get the cd, open your ears people!
Still, good to see the rise in sales...

Anonymous said...

I agree this is a nice place to make friends, but if it becomes too much like just the "pals", I think general posters might be less interested in the site, especially if it seems like all the pals are mostly senior ladies by the comments they write and the way they write them.
Nice to keep the site fresh with a variety of people of different ages and backgrounds saying they love Adam. Not everyone wants to hear from a cat, c'mon..

Anonymous said...

I read this morning that the Acoustic EP sales were up 3,000%. And I read the other day on Amazon that its sales of FYE were up 58% since Adam's appearance on A.I.

And yes, I saw Blaine's and Kurt's kiss on Glee last night and realized we've had some MONUMENTAL changes since AMFL stole our hearts (and opened some of our minds too) two years ago. It made me teary and my heart about to burst.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear the great news about the rise in sales for the Acoustic EP (and FYE)! I, personally, thought the acoustic songs were spectacular! I'll listen to Adam sing anything, any way he wants though.. Adam's so smart and he knew just what he was doing for his performance on AI, nice and conservative. That voice, that charm, those drop dead gorgeous good looks, how could anyone not love our guy???


Anonymous said...

@anon 10:49am Deff have to stop open this blog at work. Can't stop to LAUGH!!!
@anon 11:25 am Don't like your comment. If you have some problems reading our posts, just don't visit this blog. Also, if you complain about somebodies age, which is innappropriate, when you talk about women, don't share this info with us. How do you know how old I am?
P.S. And it was very wrooooooooong comment about Icon. Don't touch cats on this blog!!!

The Dark Side said...

Adam is becoming very savvy about Adam. He knows his audience. Bring it down for Idol, and gear it up for the Skingraft fashion show for his fans. Work it Adam. I am still voting on MTV. He is moving slowly, but he is moving. Was just over at Amazon and I loved that FYE was called a Popsicle for the ears. I hope the new album is a chocolate sundae.

Anonymous said...

I love the good news for Adam. I was hoping that Jay Leno would have him on to be with Ricky Minor again...they did make great music together. Are you managers listening???

judys dancin said...

Way to go Adam!! I know of 3 people who are not fans of Adam, but said he really sounded great on AI!! Woo Hoo! He looked so gorgeous too!! I agree with 11:43, don't mess with Icon!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam!
You kiss someone, they hate you. You strip down, they love you. Nuts!

Glee will take you over the top, & you'll sing with the Muppets on the Grammys.
Hosting Saturday Night Live & the Media will go insane.
Wake up Adams RCA managers & get this kid in front of the cameras and the skys the limit!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:18pm.....Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto!!!

Icon said...

@ Anon. 11:25AM

Listen, you and new posters are very welcome on board of our Club Weird, where I'm the Honorary Vice President, but if you call again my mommy Fan4fun and my aunts and uncles in 24/7 «Paradise» OLD, I'll show off my gamberCAt claws to you, and if you say to me NO, NO, NO, NO... I'll follow sweet Adam's advice and say to you FU...

(-ICON!!!! Watch your mouth!!!
Just say thank you to your aunt delilah5 and your aunt Judys Dancin and leave crab people alone!)

Hummmm...@@ Anon.11:25AM, you've just been saved by my mommy! Crabby people, crabby people!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:18. YESSSS

So, Glee has an unnamed person guest-starring as a school psychologist in a few weeks. Wouldn't this be something our boy could do?

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but those sales fiagures after AI should have been bigger. I am a MAJOR Adam fan. Love him to death. But I was hoping for a better response and more BUYERS. That AI show was not the be-all and end-all of his career, but still. I agree, 12:18. Adam should be marketed on SNL, Glee, etc. He's edgy and fun and smart. He would break the mold. It's time his management lines up these kinds of gigs. The general public (not US) has a short memory. Adam is more than a singer. He has potential as an actor, a comic performer, and an overall entertainer/personality. Singing is only one of his many talents. He needs managers who help him capitalize on all of them.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised about this! His star is rising!
The other good news I had is that my friend's son returned safely this afternoon from Japan.
Fan4fun- Now let's send out some hugs and rainbows to Adamluv. I miss her too. I met her in Puyallup and so I have emailed her...but no response.
Adamluv...the Glamily here misses you sweetie! Please be ok!


Anonymous said...

I have a funny feeling the 3,000 more EP's sold were because of people going to the wrong place to buy the Aftermath for Trevor. It's not like they gave people good advice on air. They were more concerned with the Dougie.

If Adam made some sales of the EP because of this, OKAY. But, it's not huge numbers people.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the cat comment was a bit mean-spirited. (even tho I am very allergic to cats)

But I also agree that each site morphs into it's own group or club. The two other sites I visit, Adamtopia and AdamOfficialUnofficial are the same, in that they have their regular posters. Adamtopia can sometimes be an entire page with a conversation just between 2 or 3 people. Still, I always manage to glean new tidbits of information from all of these.
I am sure that Adam loves the older crowd, of which I am proud to be one, but it's important to keep the interest among younger people as well. The kids in their 20's have an entirely new and interesting perspective on the latest bands, fashion trends, etc. that I know nothing about.
I'm wondering if there a site that the young people follow more. My daughter doesn't go on this site probably because I am on it. She does like Adam tho and has some pretty current viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

Please! Love and peace to everybody. We all love Adam. Let us be nice to each other as well. Young and old. Sanni =)

Anonymous said...

Su Majestad ADAM!
sus dones:

-Su Corona resplandeciente, no de oro, ni de piedras preciosas, pero sí de Amor,inteligencia,
creatividad y de genial talento.

- Su Capa que flota éterea, impregnada de humanidad, honestidad, carisma, poderosos elementos, ella se eleva y deja a ADAM libre, independiente como el viento y a su vez lo arropa protegiendo su preciado mundo interno.

-Su Cetro bastión de justicia, fortaleza, responsabilidad y sabios aciertos.

-Lo más importante de este hermoso Rey y no es cuento, su Corazón lleno de Amor sublime,
traspasando el tiempo con su luz divina irradia todo, afuera y por dentro.

-Así pudiera por mucho tiempo, continuar escribiendo de las virtudes que adornan,
al protagonista de tan Prodigiosa Historia, que ha surgido para nuestro bien, en estos tiempos,
alegrando la existencia, el alma de felices pueblos.

-Posdata: Perdonen pero olvide algo, que no es un misterio, su Majestad ADAM posee una extraordinaria Belleza, más algo, llamado Glamour y Sexy, que cautiva y embelesa a las féminas de estos extensos Reinos, que lo veneran y lo siguen en sus correrías de Triunfos y de Amor por el mundo entero.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see new fans joined in, 3000 is not a big number when compare to 20 millions. One reason I think Adam CD is only for digital download. If it sell in store, it will be a different story. Hope those new fans stay for the long run, when Adam takes us for another ride next time, they need to keep their belt tight.

Anonymous said...

Thank you HH! Understood a word there and there. Beautiful Spanish words about our Adam-love! Sanni

Anonymous said...

I wrote a comment and lost it, has happened to anyone else? I'll try again.

I want Adam to be the "cream of the crop" so to speak. I know it will take time, so I am very happy FYE is still selling. I hope they gather all info to see how well Aftermath does for the Treavor Project.
I don't see how any exposure would hurt his career. It is not like he hid who he is, he was very open and either you except him or not. I love him just the way he is. The US is getting better at not being so judgemental, still has a way to go.
Would like to add "Age is a state of mind" and if Adam excepts all ages, so should we.
Our cat "Icon" is our friend also. Most of us here love to hear what he thinks. This site has a lot of interesting people. and we all LOVE ADAM.
Changing P.S. to...............................

Anonymous said...

.........Thank You..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:25 am

OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH.....Well at least we were called ....................SENIOR LADIES!

I will take your advice and "freshin up this comment.".....

I LOVE ADAM I LOVE ADAM I LOVE ADAM I LOVE ADAM.....Was that exciting enough?.....JAK

P.S. You're in BIG trouble no one messes with that cat!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just wait til Adam's GNT dvd comes out in the stores! NUMBERS, NUMEROS, #s!!!!=$$$$$$$
I just want to make sure Adam never has to pay rent again!
As for Adam's new album, I just wonder if he will have a "thank you" on it for Sauli. Adam had a sweet lil "thank you" for Drake on FYE. HMMM...

Anonymous said...

I agree Adam needs more TV time. Management Team get on the ball !!

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker is number three in our main radio channel poll in Finland! Sanni

Anonymous said...

I'm 40 and act 20 and look 30 so I'm good! I think Adam appeals to all age groups and that is a great thing. My mom is 62 and loves his music and says he is a hottie like Elvis.

Anonymous said...

Arena Rock? Definitely!

Anonymous said...

DON'T Mess with the cat!! Sending Love 2 icon!


Want 2 c Adam's sales kepp going up. GLEE is the place 2 c Adam

Anonymous said...

I saw the numbers RCA posted on AO and after some calculation, Adam sold over 19,000 of Aftermath. This is great.

HK fan said...

I posted a comment and lost it too...
Just wanted to say that I agree these EP numbers still seem low, imagine what they could be if the damn thing was available in stores for people to just walk in and buy! now thats a novel concept. I still don;t have a copy, have tried to order on AO, and apart from the cost, which triples with shipping charges, have yet to manage to successfully order. Once I put my card details in there doesn't seem to be anywhere to go to confirm order, maybe its just much harder when you're overseas.......or I am just particularly thick!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam. It really shows that your charisma hits everyone who looks and listen to your unbelievable voice indeed.

You are flying on the top my dear just take your time and enjoy the moment.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I just hope next time every adam album available in stores everywhere no matter what country coz I can't buy anything that is online and I hope that label can make a bigger promo for him coz I don't think a lot of people in Indonesia know him coz if we don't have cable we can't watch idol here and all network tv here just play local music from Indonesian artist and it make me very frustated to not be able to watch him or his music video on tv.


HH (The Venezuelan Poet) 1:04PM said...

«His Majesty ADAM!
His gifts:

- His splendor's crown insn't gold, either precious gems, but made of Love, intelligence, creativity and genius' talent.
-His cloak lifts up ethereal, impregnated of humanity, honesty, charisma, powerful elements and floats in the air and let ADAM free, as independent as the wind, which by its time wraps him up, protecting his valuable inner world.
- His scepter is stick (staff) of justice, strength, responsability and wise accuracy.
- The most important of this gorgeous King, and it's not a [fairy] tale: his full of sublime love heart... that cross the time with his divine light that radiates all, outside and inside.

I could go [forever], keep writing about the virtues that adorn him, this protagonist of such a prodigious story, who has come to our good in these times [our timelives], giving joy to [our] existence, to the soul of happy people.

PS: Forgive me but I forgot something that isn't a mistery: His Majesty ADAM owns an extraordinary beauty, plus something called glamour and sexyness, that captivate and make beautiful the females from these extensive kingdons, who [the females] revere and follow him in his races for triumph and love, for the whole world. HH»

translated (with such a pleasure)
by Fun4fun

glitzylady said...

@ HK fan
I have had trouble lately with Adam Official too. I have been trying to buy the pendant set that is currently featured but have had no luck getting the payment info to go through..I use PayPal, and it just keeps going in a info, goes to PayPal, then back to the same page to select type of payment... I doesn't say anything is wrong, it just doesn't complete the order. Another friend has been having trouble too...

I have had that trouble losing a comment, after clicking on Post Comment. I always check to see if it posted BEFORE leaving the page..always scroll back down to see the status of the comment.. Was it "published" or is it still sitting there in the "Post a Comment" box..If it is still sitting in there, unpublished, just click on Post Comment again, it always works the second time for me! Nothing more frustrating than thinking you said something important that others can see and its gonna be

Anonymous said...


In an attempt to be fresh and young, I will relinquish the I.D. JAK and henceforth be known as Buffy the 22 year old graduate student who works parttime at a Hooters franchise called TITS.

I live with my 32 year old boyfriend in his parent's basement. He is also a student and now has 5 degrees and intends to move out soon and be "on his own".

We are dedicated Adam Lambert fans and took off
last Fall's semester from school, maxed out our credit cards and followed Adam through Europe.
What a blast!.......WE LOVE ADAM!.....Buffy

Fan4fun said...

@ Navika
Good point! I have the same problem here in Azores (portuguese island~in the middle of Atlantic). Most people here don't have cable TV, much less a computer or credit cards!!!! It socks to introduce sweet Adam to this people, most of them... the majority has NO IDEA who Adam Lambert is! The 4 radio stations plays only traditional or a little pop portuguese music. Some stations from continental Portugal plays sweet Adam 2 or 3 times a day (WWFM and IIHY) and that's it! Once (only a miserable once) I heard «FEVER» on an azorian radio station, but now I'm pretty sure it was a mistake of some new DJ. We don't have famous artists HERE and the poor azorian gays do have to make their own world to live in because they can't deal with the traditional (and so catholic) azorian society (but this is another matter, let's skip it for now). Keep posting and giving us information. Welcome on board!

glitzylady said...

Re my post at 5:10 PM

OOOPS!!! well, THAT was very helpful, trying to give advice and then not finishing the statement! Very impressive I'm sure...Got interrupted and clicked on Post Comment and there it was! That was one time it might have actually have been HELPFUL to have the comment not post the first time! LOL!! Oh well..sometimes glitches have their uses!

What I think I MEANT to say is: ...and its gonna be posted, and then you go back later, and What The Heck! It isn't there! After all that hard work too! as I say, not as I do!!! In other words, double check!

Anonymous said...


Hi! You probably got some flack for taking that tour, but taking that trip into the glitter is what life should be about!! Right on!!


Anonymous said...

JAK (aka Buffy)

You're crazy in the nicest way.....sometimes you really make my day.....and so for now I'd like to say.....right now you make me feel quite GAY (?) JM

Anonymous said...

Dear Buffy, I have two "children" in their 20's and I feel your comment was quite insulting to that age group. They are intelligent and have good jobs and also give back to the community as do their friends.

People insist on not stereotyping the older fans, well, please give the same respect to the younger fans.

I'm sure someone will say it was all done in the name of humor, but so is a lot of insulting, and it doesn't make it right.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested, here is a link to Lee Cherry's story of the 'close-call' birth of little Riff-Adam's God-son with the most adorable amazing pic of little Rif you will probably see:


Anonymous said...

Yay, numbers are up...
Welll aint it amazing what a little VISIBILITY- like putting the AMAZING Adam Lambert ON tv... & a little thing called PROMOTION will do?? Geee... what a novel idea... RCA oughta try it more often.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:32 pm

Yes Buffy was an attempt at humor..I assure you I in no way wish to "put down" young adults......
I have one of my own. A grandson who goes to college full time, works full time and works with terminally ill children in his "spare" time.

How can I not respect these young people.........
however my fictional Buffy was loosely based on an actual couple who have no forseeable plans to ever grow up..................JAK
Buffy has left the building!

Anonymous said...

What performer do we know that can grab an audienc of all ages teens poeple in ther 20s, 30s, 40s 50s, even 60s men and women of all ages the more fans is better right at least I think thats what Adam wants more is better.I would love to see Adam on SNL. I think he would play a good part as a drug addict oh what the hell he probably play just about any charactor.If his managers play their cards right Adam is a gold mine.His options are endless.

Anonymous said...

Drug addict? no thanks
Maybe a steamy love scene..
I agree his management needs to realize what a gold mine they have on their hands and let's get him out there in the public eye!

Icon said...

Mommy Fan4fun said it would be polite from me to thank all the support I've got here from our Glamily. So, here you go:
@ aunt or uncle(?) Anon. 1:01PM (sweet Adam is allergic to cats too, do you sing?), @ uncle KW (he's back in another thread and said he HAS CONNECTIONS in Washington DC, so be aware crabby people!), @ grandma JAK (I love you grandma, love all your stories!), @ aunt P.A.S. (ex aunt P.S.; hey aunt, in another thread aunt The Phantom also changed her tag to her name: now she's aunt Nancy)) and @ aunt Dana (and he-R's the place 4 me 2 C U!!! Gotcha!)

Our Glamily in 24/7 «Paradise» ROCKS!!!!! Meaw-haaaaaa!

Anonymous said...

Does Adam have a dog? Saw a pic where he was walking with one.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will do things differant with his 2nd CD. His first CD has hit a peak so to speak. It has done well but let us not forget the negative feed back from the AMA's? Sure it is in the past however so is the hype from his first release too. People are waiting to see what is next. I think we cannot expect at this point big sales for FYE at this point. I would however love to see it go platium for sure. I keep buying them as gifts etc. How many can I buy for real? I am moving on with the future sophmore CD in my mind. Even though Adam has a great diverse fan base he has to appeal to radio etc. I still question why RCA did not promote and release more singles in the states. I think that was just plain bad judgement period. I think of all the hits released off of Katy Perry's CD and GAGA etc and I ask with all the great music on this CD; why not Adam? I will be scrathing my head for a long time on that one! I think as fans we have to speak up in a polite way and ask RCA to promote our boy better next time. Timing is everything. That AMA(let's be truthful now) did put a big hick-up on that CD. So sad ;and damage control has pretty much soften the hearts of the masses. I think his next CD will do better. He seems very excited thus far on the work he is doing and people in general do reconize his amazing vocal ability. I thinks he can sing anything and I really do not know how he would pick which direction he wants to go. What ever direction he goes we will follow!

Anonymous said...

Adam's first album is the gift that just keeps giving. It's doing GREAT,It's almost two years old and look what Adam has done with its songs,CD, almost sold out World tour,acoustic cd,top selling singles,now a DVD of GNT.He's a genius at marketing!!!

The sales numbers we keep getting are only in the United States.. His album has sold way over a million ,I think it's 1.2 million world wide.. He is a world wide super star. Let's keep in mind,that a great many people have down loaded his album for free.. big problem for singers.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting excitedly to see Adam singing in the American Idols 2011!!! We are not in that point yet in Finland TV. Sigh!!

Anonymous said...


You are in for a treat. It was a lovely though rather rushed performance . I'm wondering in Finland are people as nosy (overly interested) in Sauli's love life as we are in Adams? Are the news photographers as pushy and often rude?

I never visited your country much to my sorrow.
Through films I've enjoyed the architecture.
The closest I ever got was The Netherlands and then health reasons ended my wandering days.

We here in the USA send you our love....JAK

Anonymous said...

Sanni I am delighted that you have read my comment in Spanish. Regards!

Anonymous said...

Hello JAK!

I can´t wait to see Adam on TV!!!

Gossip papers, or actually one "Seiska" have written 3 articles about Adam and Sauli. Sauli do not talk anything about Adam. Not a word. The papers do not get any stories from him. The stories happen, when Sauli goes/arrives to US. I think Sauli was not every womans daydream. He was just a boy when he lived in the BigBrother house. Cute, sweet boy. When he met Adam he became a MAN. He looks like a man. Now we are interested in his love life. Not before Adam. Funny actually... And it is not because Adam is famous either. Actually we are more interested in Adam´s love life. And Sauli just happend to be the one. I have seen Sauli many times in Helsinki night life. He is really nice. Some paps disturb him, luckily not many.

So it is Adam I love and adore!! And respect his love life and Sauli.

Every morning with a cup of coffee I join you all wonderful people, JAK, HH and so on. It is so nice to read your thoughts about Adam and life. A big hug to all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Our Finnish radio stations play Adam every day, because of his singles. Aftermath and Sleepwalker. It would be so import to release those singles (as 4:51 said) in various countries, US of course!! And EVERY DAY our main station NRJ have a poll of the 10 most popular singles. Adam´s Sleepwalker is there within 1-4 best. So every evening they play the runner ups and I hear Adam singing while driving home from work!! I love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Sanni - thanks so much for those wonderful and interesting posts/comments, I really enjoyed them, thanks for sharing.