Brooke, Sasha, Taylor and Terrance Getting Their NoH8 Photo Shoots!
Filed Under (Glamtroupe,Others ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, March 08, 2011
According to Adamaddiction62 on livejournal, Brooke, Sasha, Taylor and Terrance will all be at the NOH8 studio of the fabulous Adam Bouska today getting their NOH8 pictures done. For those who didn't know, Tommy Joe Ratliff did a NoH8 Photo Shoot late last year and Sutan did it a few months ago.

From Adamaddiction62:
"I'm pleased to announce that Brooke, Sasha, Taylor and Terrance will all be at the NOH8 studio of the fabulous Adam Bouska today getting their NOH8 pics done!! So excited about this as I've been working on this for a while now. As you guys know, I do a lot of volunteering for the campaign and kind of made it a campaign myself to get them all in!! Well, stars have aligned. I will let you guys know how it goes when all is said and done and hopefully I have some pics to share!! A big thanks to Sasha, Taylor, Terrance and especially to Brooke for helping me w/ the organization of this and to all for taking the time out of extremely busy schedules for this!! #NOH8 #BEHEARD #EQUALITY Please add these hashtags to your tweets today in support for equality for all!! xoxoxoxo
These will be some gorgeous pics people!! PS. If you are in the Ft. Lauderdale area this coming weekend, so will NOH8 for an Open Shoot!! Go to their FB page or for more info!! (shameless plug, sorry mods, you are soooo pretty!!!)"
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Tommy did his shooting on 10/12/06 ;)
and btw even Sutan did a NOH8 pic - already months ago.
but Allison and David Immerman had their shootings earlier this year... ;)
phew! Tommy's picture to die for....thud
Nice pix!!A very good cause.Please vote for Adam here;
WOW! Got to see the shoot live streamed thanks to Taylor tweet. These dancers are so damn BEAUTIFUL!!
Really made my day... Luvin the Glamily. #NOH8
Kind ironic how Sutan had no make-up on and Tommy was full on glammed out!
So excited to see those photos! Speaking of Sutan, has anyone else been watching RuPauls Drace Race? So sad when Delta left and Sutan was crying.
@JakeL - where you been all this time. We started wishing you a Happy Birthday back on March 2nd on the Hungarian Music award thread!!!! Hope you were celebrating for a couple weeks and your special day on Friday was magical. Adamluv
the photo session was fun to watch
Awww really!? I know, I hav'nt been on here in a while! Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, you guys seriously rock, and I love ya!
I absolutely cringe at "sleeve" tatoos.
All that beautiful smooth skin I don't find it artistic I find it savage and looks seriously dreadful when that smooth young skin gets old, wrinkled and weathered.
Please Adam, be content with the two modest ones you already have..............JM
And.....Whatever possessed Tommy to get Nosferatu?
It'll scare his kids someday!
my grandfather is in his 80's and has a partial sleeve he got when in Navy in ww2. It doesn't look that bad except words are faded. he loves it still.
I agree about the tatoos.Please,Adam,the two you already have are ok,but please,no more.Be different,& DON'T get any more.Your muscular arms are beautiful just the way they are.Your freckles are,too.I love them.
I'll join in on the group against the sleeve tattoos. I don't really like Tommy's choice of design but I guess it's none of my business..
Yes, Adam, get a sleeve tattoo!! So sexy, if done well!
Don't love Tommy's choice of tattoo's, but hey, that's his business.
- Adam Fix
Okay, so I'm in Adam Fix's "camp" long as Adam doesn't get a Nosferatu tatoo, I'm okay...sounds like he wants to do a sleeve, if he hasn't already, so might as well enjoy whatever he decides to do. So far his choices have been very meaningful for him, so actually kind of curious what he might choose.. I have a feeling we'll end up loving and embracing whatever he comes up with!
@ JakeL
> Welcome back, baby!
- I wished you a Happy Birthday too, uncle JakeL!
> Oh, that was Icon, he missed you... We all missed you. Stay here please, JakeL, keep posting in our 24/7 «Paradise».
- Hey, uncle JakeL, you don't know? My boyfriend Ping Pong has been kidinaped, but we are gonna rescue him soon!
> But you KNOW that sweet Adam will be, March 10th, on live American Idol (direct TV), don't you? Now, you didn't know that Diamond Boy has decided to do this just because of your and tess4Adam's birthday, did you?!!! Lol... but you both would sure deserve it from him.
OT...@ jake L. Welcome back1 I've also been watching Ru paul's DR and felt sorry for Sutan. Delta really looked good glammed up. I've always loved Ru Paul's makeup and theatricality. Sutan is bulit the same long, lean way. Hope he wins! Again, Happy B-day! funbunn40
Sorry to miss this NOH8 shoot. Would love to see the dancers and all involved. It kills me since I was in that area from Sept.-mid Jan.Tommy's pic is really beautiful, as was Adam's.
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