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Adam Lambert Gives The Best Hugs EVER!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks to @RadarEcho and Barb4Adam!


Anonymous said...

I envy those fans who get to hug him. :(

tess said...

I want one, too. Besides his warmth, I hear he also smells divine.

Anonymous said...

tess - I bet he smells amazing :D I want to breathe the same air as Adam and have him look me in the eyes.

Anonymous said...

ADAM hugs, I have always been impressed with the magic of charm, love, tenderness, warmth, protection, the emotion of the moment, are hugs that come from your heart and touches us all.


Anonymous said...

Such a warm loving beautiful man. What did we do before we all know the heart of Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

oops I meant knew not know.

glitzylady said...

I love those freckled arms..and waiting for the day......

staygold said...

waiting for the day.....but in the meantime,his smile is kinda like a hug.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam here :

Very important ...Just hit the Heart sign. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the name of the scent adam wears? Want to buy for husbands birthday Thanks

LP said...

Luv those freckles, Maybe why Adam Loves Sauli,he has more freckles than Adam LOL

Fam4fun said...

@ ZZ

Hi there, fellow! Tomorrow (April 16) is the «World VOICE Day». Please see my 2 comments in the thread The Cutest Little Glambert. Thanks.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic (but always on topic when it applies to Adam!)

Please be sure to go to the "My Word Music Station Discusses and Plays Adam Lambert Music" thread and go to the newly posted You Tube links for the program..."Soundbath Introduces Adam Lambert, RCA/Sony Recording Artist, to UK Radio" good! The host, Angelina Kalahari, an "operatic soprano" and a fan as well, understands and appreciates that Adam is vocally gifted, and discusses his classically trained voice. and his vocal instrument..well worth your time! Everyone everywhere should listen to this! As we know, Adam is vocally stunning...and here she compares him to the world's greatest tenors..please listen! You'll be glad you did! To make it even easier, here is the direct link to the Soundbath You Tube Channel with the 5 part program, 10 minutes each..

Anonymous said...

Those arms
Those teeth

Anonymous said...

It's been very quiet in Adam land these last few days. Makes me think he went to Las Vegs with Sauli and Katrina. Would be a great opportunity to go to some shows, he might pick up some ideas for his next tour. Then again I wouldn't be surprised if he also went to New York for the same reason, I think he has said he has some family in New York. Of course this wouldn't have anything to do with his separation from Sauli. I love seeing them together, they are both so happy. :)

Anonymous said...

I was alway wishing it were me that was getting those wonderful hugs he would give Ellen when he was on her show. She, in turn, gave extra hugs right back! Adam is all about giving love and affection.

Anonymous said...

This picture is beautiful also... he exudes so much love. I believe it is the way he puts his hands on the back of the person he is hugging, really holding them, that makes his hugs so special.

Yeah I hope he is galavanting around with Sauli and Katri!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

His hugs were one of the many things that made me love him on Idol. I told my husband "he's huggy like our family!" No matter who he was hugging a fellow contestant, a mentor or a fan he seemed to put his ALL into it.

So I agree he is the best hugger EVER!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam's cologne is Dior Homme.

Adamluv said...

@ZZ, thanks for the link - just voted. The heart turns red when you click on it! Cute! Love men who are physically affectionate - all my boyfriends were! My ex husband was not and you notice the "ex" word there. LOL! To be hugged by Adam is a goal of mine! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have met Adam twice. I have hugged and been hugged once by Adam. I have had his arm around me twice for a picture. I have had my arm around his waist twice for a picture. I have touched and talked about his tats with him. I have sniffed his neck. I have looked right into those piercing eyes. I have talked with him, and gotten a laugh and a smirk from him.

I have died and gone to heaven twice.

Anonymous said...

His fragrances are Dior Homme & Guchi by Guchi and probably gets a whole lotta gifted fragrances from designers.

Go to Adamquotedaily's blog and click on Those Arms and you won't be able to do another thing today.



The Dark Side said...

If you have ever spent any time on a Nevada Desert, which is where this pict taken at the Burning Man Festival, I sincerely doubt Adam smells his usual Dior best. It's damn hot there. That said...hugs work for me under any conditions.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gawd. A hot sweaty Adam hug????

Are you freaking kidding me???

I'd pay money for that!!

Anonymous said...

Who cares how he smelled that day ha!ha!ha!

I want a big hug too from that gorgeous loving young man indeed....


Anonymous said...

@anon 2:08! You lucky human! Adam hugged you! I would die if he touched me. Maybe I go and buy his perfume. I've met him only in my dreams. Sanni

Anonymous said...

The Dark Side

Only been out walking around in the desert on 2 vacations, in Arizona--but aren't they generally so dry you don't get sweaty because moisture is wisked away? Can be deceiving--much easier to get dehydrated and feel less hot. Now take one of our positively miserable Kentucky summers which are horribly humid because this state is surrounded by and filled with rivers. Happen to live on the KY River, myself. Not fun.

What I have noticed about Adam is that he generates a lot of heat wherever he performs--body heat in all the people in his audiences! LOL No joke! When he was in the white-wedding cake-gorgeous, recently renovated Brown Theater in Louisville (Louisville's opera venue)last July--which does have all the modern conveniences like air conditioning; it was HOT in there! I had gone to another performance (ballet) only a few months earlier and it wasn't hot at all :). Amazingly, although Adam was sweating, his makeup was perfect. How does he do that?! LOL

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@2:08 you lucky lucky lucky girl.

I have noticed, if you are a friend of his, you get the bear hugs, Kris, Allison, Ellen, and many more. He is not afraid to show affection, which is good. You get back what you give away.

I would love to see him hug Sauli.


Anonymous said...

Just a side note on sweat, my husband use to sweat when he was working in heat, but never smelled.
I live in Vegas and the heat is hot, but most people don't have sweat running off them, as they did in NY summers.

Anonymous said...

After listening to Soundbath, which is marvelous,
you realize just how little his own country appreciates the quality of that voice and how gifted he is. He needs a very well made documentary or biography or a movie starring Adam to showcase this phenomenon we have in our own backyard. It almost distresses me that he has to give in to this pop culture, hit or miss mentality of the music moguls and the public in order to bring attention to a real genius.

He is in a League of His Own and if in his new album he will be true to himself, his music will endure & that voice will be appreciated and cherished as one of the greatest in this century!


Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:35AM
People mag (world's most beautiful issue) quotes Adam: "I wear this spicy,earthy, vanilla scent by Loree Rodkin. I also olike Dior Homme".

Anonymous said...

I tried so hard to catch his scent when I met him at M&G but didn't work for me. Of course, I'm always stuffed up and couldn't smell. A blessing sometimes :) He seemed much smaller in height (in flip flops) and structure when I met him. It's amazing that when he hits that stage, he takes it over. His presense on that stage is immense, but he's just a regular guy. Sometimes as I watched several of his concerts, it was difficult to reconcile. He makes such awesome eye contact with his audience. I know he's ready for the huge venues, but I hate to lose that intimate feeling. I remember him being very sweet and considerate and extremely intelligent. I'm not sure that intelligence gets recognized enough. Da boy gets everything. He's very quick. He absorbs it and immediately puts out a witty knowledgable answer.

I didn't get a hug because--stupid me--didn't ask for one, but several did, and he was happy to oblidge. He is a touchy person. When he puts his arm around you for the pic, he give you a little back rub. OK, I admit it, I haven't yet washed that shirt. And haven't worn it again either :))) I call it my Adam shirt.

Rebecca said...

i am totally gamed for a hug a war with Adam

Adamluv said...

Isnt Burning Man held in the Mojave Desert here in Calif. rather than Nevada? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Burning Man is held in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of any greater pleasure than spending 5 minutes with Adam chatting, laughing, and, if lucky, hugging. I also can't think of any way to get that done. Maybe if I say my prayers real hard.......

Cheril said...

A man with a warm heart that really just wants to love and be loved. Yummy

Anonymous said...

Every second of my two meet and greets was worth it. I still am counting my lucky stars.

He pulls you in, he touches you, he looks in your eyes, he laughs, he smiles, he engages you. And, he touches you, he strokes his hand across your back and shoulders while posing.

I asked for a hug, I sniffed, I don't know what he was wearing, I just know he smelled fan-fucking-tastic.

Sometimes, I just sit back, and I can smell him and feel his arms around me...

Anonymous said...


Adam's in the wrong decade. He belongs in the 40's and 50's when studios were making musicals.
When I heard him on Idol and immediately "investigated" and found his performance in Brigadoon....I would lie in bed and imagine him in all the great films and stage plays. South Pacific-West Side Story-Oklahoma-Carousel-7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Kiss Me Kate, etc.

He could have competed for those rolls against Howard Keel, Gordon MacRae, John Raitt.

Musical films are rarely box office money makers now. It's another era. To sing the way his voice was trained to sing he'd have to go back to stage plays....only now he'd be known and tremendously successful.....but he's not ready to do that again............JAK

Anonymous said...

can you adam hug mee too? :) i have birthday today!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam and Scarlett couldn't imagine when they were cavorting at Burning Man that one day she'd have a baby boy and Adam would be his godfather!.....................JAK

Anonymous said...

Certainly, they don't make as many musicals as they used to and they are in a different style, but you know about Burlesque and Dream Girls and
Chicago, they are making a Freddie Mercury and Rock of Ages now, so he just needs the right one to come his way.

Anonymous said...

Howard Keel was my man. He had a wonderful voice. I could listen to him all day. Good looking guy too. I always thought Dean Martin had a good voice. He had a lot of melody in his voice, he didn't need instruments. This is back in the day when there wasn't autotune. You are correct, Adam would have been very busy in that era. I do believe he is an old soul.

I wrote at the end of one thread about Universal is going to make a film of "Wicked".
Adam knows the whole show, and would be great on the big screen. He did say one time, he may have something in the works. Maybe it is this.
It was in April 10,2011 Sunday's Parade the question section.


Anonymous said...

Wish I had met him. No hugs for me yet! One day one day ....


Anonymous said...

I did get a shoulder squeeze, gigantic smile,incredible eye contact and a "You're so sweet" from Adam at the Fl. Jingle Ball. I kick myself for not asking to hug him, but it was so fast and photographer hustled everyone along and I was in a state of blissful shock.He towered over me and I'm 5'6. He had on high heeled boots and he is 6'1. He looked very lean, wearing silver and black spandex pants and black blazer with leather lapels. His smile is blindingly beautiful and contageous. His foundation makeup was very thick and mask like, but with stage lighting in large theatre guess it needs to be. He is like nothing I have ever seen or experienced Thud!! @ 8:09PM To be that close 2x had to be heaven and to be hugged and sniffed his scent would have put me over the edge! He is without a doubt the sexiest man I have ever encountered and I've encountered some great ones in my lifetime! As much as I loved Elvis and thought he was the best ever, have to say Adam beats him for me. He just has the best of everything. Looks, brains, talent, loyalty, sense of humour, honesty and he's just so genuine. When he hugs those he knows and favors, he wraps his arms completely around them. There's a pic of him hugging Allison Iraheta with his eyes closed, so into it and affectionate. Ellen got a super hug that almost melted my eyeballs! He is so loving and Sauli must be totally hypnotized and mesmerised. Can you imagine how it would be to be the object of Adam's affection? I don't know how a mortal could survive the heat! Better stop before I totally sound like a blithering idiot! Oh to be in my 20s again! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Oh I have the green eye that you met him. I feel the same about the elvis thing. elvis is a hero of mine but adam is taking over!


Anonymous said...

Adam is a great hugger and so much fun to be around.

Anonymous said...

The only thing is missing for me is the physical contact indeed.......

Someday, someday, someday and soon hopefully!!!!!

I know some of you guys had the experienced to touch him in a respected way!!!!???? Ha!Ha!Ha!

I'm just gonna wait for my turn???? Ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

That's my post


Anonymous said...


I would have fought you for Howard Keel...since I was and am still 5'11" I claimed him for my own. A TALL singer! As I lie here in my room, computer on chest I am within reaching distance of VHS tapes...Kiss Me Kate..Calamity Jane..Show Boat..Annie Get Your Gun..even Pagan Love Song and Kismet. I have film festivals all by myself!

Anonymous said...


Don't worry about it, we are all blithering idiots when it comes to Adam. Since we were bewitched and the mass hypnosis overtook us there is no desire to escape.........JAK

Anonymous said...

he is so sweetheart !

glitzylady said...

I just have to say that I so envy all who have met Adam for even a minute or two..and have experienced one of his big hugs, and have exchanged a few words..and have looked into his eyes...........One would think after attending 9 live concerts that it would have happened, at least maybe...Many of my close Adam friends (and I thankfully have many! Sooo grateful for that!) have met him and I feel a little left out, but hoping someday.....In spite of all of my Adam flailing, I'm still waiting, rather impatiently now, for that moment. Some close encounters, but no Meet and Greet opportunity yet. (He did touch my hand during a concert, which is pretty darn special...I still remember the feel of his hand on mine...Flailing again here...You'd think in all my "maturity" I'd be beyond that sort of goofiness...But nope!!!) Almost had one in Hawaii, but due to some sort of computer glitch when trying online through the fan club, it was THERE in front of me, and then it didn't go through (arrgghhh!) and it didn't happen. Still sad, but still hoping for one in the future! Okay I feel better now..........Back to waiting....LOL!!! And joining the rest of the "blithering idiots"! At least we are all in such good company!

Anonymous said...



tess4ADAM said...

My sorrow is that day will NEVER come for me .... but I live 'vicariously' through all of your posts here on 24/7 and other fan sites ... so keep reporting in 'detail' PLEASE of any CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the ADAM KIND (LOL) ... Love 'n Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide .....


Anonymous said...

I think we need to organise an Adam Lambert convention for the die hard fans. I remember the days when I used to go to David Bowie's annual convention. Then we could ask Adam to turn up and we could all get a hug from him - hee hee!!


Anonymous said...

Funbunn40 Thanks for sharing your glorious encounter with ADAM, I was excited about his detailed description and congratulate her on this experience to be unforgettable.
Glitzylady, What a wonderful time to be in her concert, which Adam is touched her hand, but also played his heart, is lucky, I hope to soon have a hug from him, in their upcoming concerts.
Sorry for the translation.

glitzylady said...

@HH 6:30 PM
Thank you for reminding me that I am so fortunate indeed to have been close enough to reach up and feel the touch of Adam's hand on mine..I really should not be complaining at all! So very fortunate to even have had the opportunity to see Adam live in concert. That is a blessing in itself knowing that there are many who have not been able to do that yet, and to be that close is more than special. Loved every second of it! (But still hoping for a Meet and Greet someday!).

Anonymous said...

Many of the venues have wheelchair access and I hope that those that are compromised can find a way to see him live. The GNT DVD/CD is as close as you can get without being there and I'm glad so many can see all of the videos too. There is always a sense of unrequited love no matter how many times you see Adam, live or not. He is all consuming like a powerful drug. I've been in the presence of many celebs and had admiration for them, but never followed them, belonged to a fan club or would have let myself take up so much time salivating over every little tidbit of their lives. This is such insanity, but I've never had such longlasting fun or felt so connected to strangers from every corner of the earth. GL, I'm sure your turn will come! You're way overdue! I've even taken an Amtrack train to see Adam [31/2 hrs away from home]because I no longer drive on the interstate, just locally. One of my daughters flew to Raleigh, NC from Fl. and we spent the weekend meeting the greatest people and having such an adventure. We even went for a ride in a Humvee limo with 12 strangers, but that's another story, got hugged and kissed by 2 wonderful gay guys from Virginia, saw Gene Simmons' Kiss bus and can't wait to see what will happen at the next tour, if I'm still upright! It sure beats crocheting, complaining of aches and pains! Smelling Adam's cologne and a hug is my mission, but I'm supremely grateful just to have looked into his beautiful eyes and had seen his warm smile. That's my wish for every fan. A weekly tv show is my ultimate wish, but totally unrealistic, just an excuse to see and hear our BB. @ Jak, Gordon McCrae, Howard Keel were high on my lists and I've seen their musicals more times than I can count. I also had a mad crush on Mario Lanza and still have an LP of his greatest hits! Adam still beats them all, great as they were! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The girl in the above pic on Adam's right looks like his dancer, Brooke Wendle. They were in Wicked together for anyone that hasn't heard. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that's Scarlett Cherry, there are other photos of them at that same occasion with her looking straight into camera. JM