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Adam Lambert's Vocal Showcase (Note by Note, Studio and Live)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

As if I needed reminding....all these performances and notes are filed away in my heart and brain......not to mention that I listen to them on my cd's almost daily!!!!!!!

But I welcome re-visiting...happy,happy,happy JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam's notes and voice never stop blowing me away no matter how many times I listen. It makes me very happy to listen often and look too !

Adamluv said...

Never tire, nor ever will of hearing these performances from Idol! Adam is one in a million and we are so lucky to be apart of his journey to the top of mega stardom! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam has never hit a wrong note ever. Even his so-called screams are spot-on perfect notes. The depth, the heart, the perfection, is beyond great. What a fabulous collection of moments!

LP said...

I wonder if his voice has been put under house arrest for a year to rest. The tour was very grueling, and he was also lowering his range, suggested by his voice coach. What some people miss is that it's not how high you can go, but what control you have. Adam has great control, and his voice goes right where he wants it to go . He has a God given gift, and I am so happy that I have been given the privilage of hearing him. Way to go, Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Pat Ryder about "What makes an artist".


Anonymous said...

I have this already saved because I simply can't hear enough of his amazing voice. I keep trying to explain to friends and family that his voice 'touches my soul' - there's just no other way to put it. And I've never ever felt this way about ANY other singer. Love him, his soul, and his absolutely stunning voice. LL

Anonymous said...

There is another one of these YouTube videos entitled

Adam Lambert Bb2 Bb5 Vocal Range posted by moesalim88 (whom I suspect is a singer himself)

I have it saved to my favorites and check in on it from time to time, because people are CONSTANTLY posting comments on it. Most recent post was 1 week ago and it has 46,738 viewings.

What is especially fun about the moesalim88 YouTube is that male singers get on there and argue about whether Adam is singing from chest, head, mixed voice, etc. and how good he is--often admitting they themselves can't sing how Adam does. Have learned a lot about male singing voices from some of their remarks.

@LP I was reading something by a vocal coach who said singers, like athletes, need to keep vocal chords in shape by singing & exercising them DAILY. Thus, Adam's singing voice was probably in great shape during his tour. I also think his touring routine may have served him well to keep himself in shape in general. Resting up should have been accomplished a long time ago. People can actually become disorganzied and easily out of shape with too much time on their hands or a sloppy, irregular schedule.

I am hoping Adam is doing that--working that voice on a daily basis (and other things, like not drinking so much--which can apparently dry out the vocal chords--and getting plenty of sleep)to keep it and himself in shape. I consider Adam's voice an international treasure. I have often wondered if he has it insured with Lloyds of London :).

Kentucky Fan

The Dark Side said...

Great reminders of why we fell in love with this guy and that voice. Mega star!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam I can't really wait for your next tour indeed......

I'm saving my money for 2 tickets, one for me and my daughter and this time I want to make sure that we are on the front ha!ha!ha! and many more to come........


Anonymous said...

What can I say about his voice that hasn't been said already. I loved his from the start, not just the voice, but all of him. I love him even more today for who he is.


Anonymous said...

Adam/Sauli video. Very cute Adam, indeed.


Anonymous said...

I thought Adam his one of his highest notes when singing "My Conviction" in the musical "HAIR", but I have no idea what note it is.

Fan4fun said...

Again, here I go and let me tell you fellows, tomorrow (April 16) is the

***** «World VOICE Day»!!! *****

Please «twit» sweet Adam a «Happy World Voice Day!!!», would you, any Glambertwitter ??? ... Please ???... Oh, thank you so much!

Would you be kind and please see my 2 posts in the thread «The Cutest Glambert»??? Many thanks again!

Anonymous said...

@3:22 PM You have got to be right. I think My Conviction is still my all time favorite singing performance by Adam.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan

I always like to read your comments and this time in described me perfectly!

"People can become disorganized and easily out of shape with too much time on their hands or a sloppy, irregular schedule."

This an accurate description of my lifestyle. lol

I agree about Lloyds of London---only please not just the voice....the whole body!.........JAK

Anonymous said...


Heck, I'm describing myself LOL! (Schedule is 1st thing I work on with all my psych clients :). You are SO right: the entire Adam body needs to be insured--right down to those gorgeous toes. Wouldn't you just love to see how that policy is worded?!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Love to hear Adam sing my conviction from Hair. I had my sister listen to it and we laughed and were amazed. always amazed by Adam in every way! His voice does something I can't describe to my soul and other things. lol

Anonymous said...

Your soul huh? S-U-R-E..........NOSY

Anonymous said...

He is the most unique and talented artist in so many years. Like a lifetime! Amazing in every way so that puts him in his own category. Absolutely! There is not,and has never been, anyone like Adam Lambert. Period!

Anonymous said...

i thought i was at peace that he didn't win idol but this just makes me shake my head all over again. okay...I'm at peace again. :)

Anonymous said...

I understand@5:31, but it was probably better in the long run. His goal was to just stay on the show as long as he could so people could hear his voice. He is a superstar no matter if he won or not, and will go on to be iconic, like Paula said.
I feel worse that he did not get the grammy he so deserved. Well next year.

Anonymous said...

Memory Lane.. that was A thrill. I wish those Idol performances would be packaged (Adam's) and sold in a DVD format. I lost all of them due to a trojan on my hard drive. I use to watch them all the time, the quality from iTunes versions is much better than anything on the web.

Anonymous said...

Read this article, this is amazing

Anonymous said...

6:37 am

I've fought it and fought it......but simply must inquire......."A trojan on my hard drive."

tess4ADAM said...

Please expain ... "a trojan on my hard drive" .... so afraid my ADAM "treasures" will get lost or ruined ... buying flash drives to preserve all my ADAM performances .... not taking any chances ...


Anonymous said...

And don't forget this one of Adam at a fundraiser in San Francisco...wait till the end for audience reaction to hearing Adam sing...
