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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen on Mothers Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 9, 2011

Posted at : Monday, May 09, 2011



Anonymous said...

both pouting.. :)

Anonymous said...

cute caption, Sauli is pouting too.

Anonymous said...

And Leila was pouting in the other pic too. ha. I think this is Adam's "I am keeping it real and NOT going to smile or do the parade wave" look. LOL

Anonymous said...

Pouting trends!! This pic made my day! I was so pissed off because of the fucking poll. But I'm laughing now aloud. Sauli looks so cute pouting. Mom-day boys acting cool! Ronnie

Anonymous said...


What poll?

Anonymous said...

The direct link to the brackets to vote for the ultimate idol on Q102 is under the last subject( Russian fans)..The idol of the mo. link is also..Please look back & bookmark them if you haven't already.It looks like Adam told Sauli,"Get ready,one,two,three,pout!!" just for the paps-lol!Adam is ahead of David A by a hair..Let's finish off this( even tho it's stupid) poll,cause Adam can't lose to David A...Come on!!If David jumps way ahead again,then power voting is prob being used.The radio station stopped it when Clay's fans were doing,& I guess they can check it out again,if need be.

Anonymous said...

These two are so cute together. As for the "pouting," I think Adam has plenty of smiles left in him!

Anonymous said...

Is this the ticket/VIP pass stuck in his boot? Looks the same as the triangle Sauli has on his jacket. Has Adam got a boot-pocket??

Anonymous said...

@10:18 AM. The Ultimate Idol Poll. If there is such a cheating going on, so the poll does not measure anything really. I have been voting of course several times, but on the same time I'm pissed off. Very. Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Wish there was a poll to vote if we wanted these polls or not. I hate them, but because of Adam I am still voting.Adam's numbers have been dropping and I get frustrated as I have other things to do. So I come back and forth. This picture of Adam and Sauli is really cute.

Anonymous said...

Lady GaGa Monster Ball Tour on tv right now! She cried backstage she's loser. She is a very vulnerable girl actually. I'll return.. Sanni

Anonymous said...

Wow! The beauty of Adam and Sauli is unbelievable!
They seem to have a magical glow about them - Love is definitely in the air. I'm so happy for them both! Love Rules! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

What a lovely picture! Adam and "my guy".:)

Anonymous said...

Keep voting Archie fans are voting like crazy on th Q102 top idol vote. Let's do this for Adam,even though they are silly polls. We all know who the ultimate idol is.

Anonymous said...

This is so funny and cute picture LOL. *Goes back to vote*

Anonymous said...

That's a pout?? Never. Those boys are too cute to pout even when they try.

Anonymous said...

I always remember when Sauli said that he doesn't need camera in US cuz everybody is taking picture of him all the time. :))))

Honey said...

LOL at the vip sticker placement. Adam has his new favotire boots on! I kinda miss the python ones... I loved how Adam called Sauli "my guy" in his tweet.

Anonymous said...

Love their pouting, so cute!

I am pouting too, Gaga just release another new song in the radio. WTH going on this world?

Fan4fun said...

Hahaha!... do you senior fellow ladies remember?

Anonymous said...

You know you have been together awhile when you start to have the same expressions--lets try to think of it not as a pout but on the positive side lets call it a pucker ha ha--steph

Anonymous said...

Well, if this is a mother's day photo, they are wearing the same clothes as the night before at the Prince concert. I doubt if this picture is from yesterday. (maybe after midnight so officially mother's day LOL).

Sauli has to practice his pouting!

Anonymous said...

I could think of another place he could have put his sticker ha ha

Anonymous said...

ALERT! Archie is closing in on the Ultimate Idol Poll!!! Vote! Vote! Vote! It's the last round and Adam's gotta win! Just type "ultimate idol poll" on Google if that's easier for you. BTW, Adam and Sauli are cute as can be. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Yes keep voting Adam's numbers are going down. Just watched gnl performance of Sleepwalker. Can not believe any one can sing like that live. He is a gift to the world. We can give back by voting event though a silly poll, do it anyway.

Anonymous said...

I am sure not only David A. fans voting but the Claymates voting against Adam as well. Finger to the trigger Glamberts.

The Dark Side said...

Monday and let it hang out day. Also hate all these friggin polls. Also wonder why Gaga releases so many videos so close together. Public can barely absorb one then another one slams you in the face. Think that might be called over exposure, or being very smart. Her videos are very creative and OTT.

Anonymous said...

New poll seems this one would be important. Billboard.comfanfavoriteawards. Adam is not listed, but check other and type in his name.You can vote as many times as you like and it's up to fans.

Anonymous said...

That third person ...really checking out Adam.....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think Adam looks super, super young here? Or is it just me?

Is it the hair?


Anonymous said...

Q102 the heck dids David A. beat out Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson..this is strange...must be Beiber fans who think David is cute??????

Anonymous said...

Adam looks that "love glow" going....

Anonymous said...

if you get a minute vote for Adam on Hot 100 at AfterElton. You can only vote once so that is good.You just have to pick ten hot men and submit.A lot of the guys have their head to pubic bone shot going for them so please vote for Adam.

Anonymous said...


Yes, it's the hair....this style maybe 25

Hair up......maybe 35. Lovely either way but I

definitely like this style best (betterer)! JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes hair adorbs when styled like this. Pulled back much older.

Gaga is a sick pup. And I mean sick in a negative way. She is going to burn out. I'm already tired of her. Katy Perry is overtaking.

Also so over those polls. They mean sh*t but drive us nuts because we feel compelled to vote. Really, if DA wins, do you really think he will get more airplay. No way. And no way he beats JH. It's just a fanatic fan thing. Almost think it's better if Adam loses. He doesn't need this stupid stuff. It's basically who has the most OCD fans.

Anonymous said...

ABOUT STUPID POLLS ON THE WEB, WHY DO PEOPLE BOTHER? Some major artists never win these polls but keep charting on top and winning major awards (i.e. Eminem, Arcade Fire, etc.). Fans can support Adam by talking about him on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and his official website Adam Official as well as buying his music on Itunes and in stores, attending his shows, etc. A lot more important than winning internet polls.

Q102 themselves said on twitter that the 'ultimate poll' brings nothing to the artist, that's it's just for fans to have fun with it.

Anonymous said...

I say "pucker power" instead of pouting - these guys are having soo much fun together!!

You know Sauli is SOOOO respectful of Adam and this extends over to Adam's mom and Adam's close friends and family. He just FITS like a glove!!

Sauli loves family you can just tell!! Sauli lets Adam and his MOM dance and rock the stage together cuz it was MOTHER's Day!!

Sauli - keep letting your hair grow out and get longer!! Would love to see Sauli rock out a hair style like this one Adam has now !!!

It is soo great to see them showing off their YOUNG and handsome look in these pics!!

Hope that Adam also gets to meet Sauli's family really soon -- that would be the icing on the cake!

Betcha Lelia loves Sauli too!!! What a great Mother's Day party with Prince!!


Anonymous said...

I so agree with the last two posts. I wish that Adam will lose this poll (bad publicity to win a "fanatic" poll).

Anonymous said...

Haha to 1 01 pm Too funny! Loved that comment

Anonymous said...

Sauli is funny trying to do a pout - looks more like his kissy kissy face, so cute.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, I agree. Adam looking great with hair down and Sauli hopefully growing in his sides, looks better

Anonymous said...

Can we please for at least one day stop comparing Adam to other artists.
This crazy competing between fans is nuts, Look at Adam, he is not competing, he is having the time of his Life and surrounding himself with what matters most to him,his Family, his Friends and his Love. He is one smart dude!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

The thing is Sauli has naturally curly hair. And I think he got tired of straightening it, that's why he cut it really short last summer. He could let it grow slightly and still avoid the curls though. Here's a good picture of Sauli with short hair.

Anonymous said...

Those are definitely the clothes Adam and Sauli wore to the Prince concert Saturday nite. I think it's a mistake and not a Mothers Day Photo.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Adam with his hair down like this was startling. I do like him with his hair swept back, but he does look much younger with it down.

@Anonymous 2:38PM "That third person ...really checking out Adam....."

I noticed that too in other photos of the scene that night. LOL

Anonymous said...

The ultimate idol poll is important because the fact of the matter is Adam is still a rising star. He has not completely got there yet and he needs all the profiling he can get i say. also do not see why we should let anyone else win ultimate idol title. so i say vote vote!!


LP said...

There are lots of pics with Sauli with long straight hair. I think at one point he had a perm. He also has hilights in it now. Looks great to me. His fashion sense is copied from Adam, I would be most surprised if he hasn't been following Adam for the last 2 years, just like the rest of us.That song "Iloved you before I met you", was written for someone like him. I love them both and it's always a nice surprise as to how they will dress for an evening. I hope Leila isn't a tiny bit jealous of Sauli, for having to share Adam's heart with her.Adam is all about LOVE, and I think he has room enough in his heart for all.

Anonymous said...

Yes I say keep voting for Adam even if the poll is silly. Adam has the best most devoted fans and he is the ultimate idol!

Anonymous said...

The whole world needs to 'pout'!
Keep pouting and voting for ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Adam and his 'guy'. So great to see him happy. Can't have enough admiration for him because he is so real. Love him!

Anonymous said...

forget about that none sense polls!!!!!

Adam is above among those previous contestants!!!!

He's known around the world already and people won't forget the name ADAM LAMBERT BECAUSE HE IS THE FIRST CELEBRITY TO SHAKE THE SMALL MINDED AND IDIOTIC PEOPLE IN AMERICA....



Anonymous said...

Iread a post that the Finnish word for my guy is my husband!

Anonymous said...

I was going to vote for Adam on the Billboard poll but his name isn't even on the list of at least 100 people.Why should he be a write in? no more polls for me. that's it.

Anonymous said...

May 7:46 PM; I think it's more like "my man", not yet husband. They are cute! And this picture is from Saturday night, not Sunday (Mothers Day). There are some other new pics of that night where they look as adorable.

Anonymous said...

OT: tomorrow at 12pmPST Adam's fan club site will have exclusive new limited amount of merch availble and not just tee shirts either it said.I'll be already in case I see something that catches my eye.

Anonymous said...

re: stage pass on his boot>>>I"m adam f*king lambert bitches, and i'll wear this pass anywhere i want!!!

Honey said...

"Iread a post that the Finnish word for my guy is my husband!"

"my guy" doesn't translate as "my husband" in Finnish.

"my guy" would be more like "kundini", meaning a boyfriend, in Finnish. If Adam would have said "my man" (=mieheni) that would have translated as "my husband".

And please stop harassing people with the freaking polls already! Winning them does nothing for Adam, on the contrary, at this point they show who has the most Crazies as fans.

And we don't want push Adam's reputation as the one with the crazy fans, do we? We don't want the Clay Aiken treatment for Adam, where radio stations dropped Clay because the fans were harassing and nasty towards others.

Anonymous said...

sometimes a poll is very good for Adam to win.Look at the OAWARD. The video they made to announce the F**K YEAH award was priceless alone and his Aftermath remix got more views on utube after Billboard won his award.Most polls are dumb but a few are important and you are not going to know it until after it's over.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that Adam's face and name were not mentioned for the Billboard Awards on a commercial. On a good note, I saw Adam on the tv commercial for the Google Chrome promo where they used the youtube vid of the It Get's Better Campaign!! Woot Woot! What a hugely nice surprise to see that so unexpectedly!!

On another OT note I spoke to a friend I hadn't spoken to in awhile and found out she is another Adam fan. Wants to go with me to next concert...YAY!


Anonymous said...

this is old Sauli´s blog.

Mulla meni eilen hermot mun tukkaan ja ajoin sen kokonaan pois! Tein vähän niin kuin Britneyt ;) Nyt on ihana uusi kesätukka, jota ei tarvitse joka päivä sukia ja suoristaa. Ihanaa, että voi käydä suihkussa pukea päälle ja lähteä ja tukka näyttää hyvältä! Nyt kesästä tulee paljon helpompi ja Maltan matkallakaan ei tarvitse stressata siitä hamppukasasta! :)

I lost my patience with my hair, so i shaved it off completely. I did just like Britney and now i have lovely summer hair, which does not need to be brushed and straigtened every day. Its wonderful you can now take a shower, put your clothes on and get out and hair looks always good. Summer will be easier now and i don´t need to stress about that messyhair on my trip to Malta.

Anonymous said...

I'll stick with my gun when I said no more polls for me.....

Adam is the World Wide Star and fans around the world will not be trick again with this nonsense about idols polls or what ever......

We love Adam and we will stay until the end period!!!

Anonymous said...

It's mixed feelings with the poll because Adam is the 'Ultimate' Idol a billion times over.
Plus Idol is in the past, and was a great stepping stone for not only US wide but also for international exposure for Adam!
These polls are rather like kids play, especially when Adam far exceeds everyone on that list...but at the same time the feeling of support for him still liveth on with whatever we can do to promote him. Not to forget all the amazing fans who support and love this man like crazy. Adam is a bloody superstar, and I'm not some starstruck loonball, I love this guy and promote him everywhere I go 24/7 because I know he is a genius entertainer and one hell of a intelligent beautiful guy.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam Lambert is an international superstar.

Anonymous said...

Prehaps it would work betterer if everyone gave a copy of the album out this week to promote adam and forgot the polls even.

Bing said...

Ok i finally got to see the picture just now because the file wouldn't open since it was posted here. LOL that was a BIG POUT! Sauli looks like a very attractive young man and i admire the way he carries himself. He seems to be mindful of his moves and knows his place in the sun.

I get excited when i see them together and this is definitely a charming couple :)

Well when it comes to Adam's hair, i believe it all depends on the attire. And since he loves changing it up, so does the hair. He will still look fabulous any which way he pleases to wear it.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunataley Adam is not yet a world known star. Many people I come across have no idea who he is so he has not reached superstar status. He deserves to be a superstar and get more recognition. Some of these polls are good in helping to raise his profile and they are not by crazies - just people who are committed to helping him.


Anonymous said...

All the superstars seem to know Adam. Every time Adam tweets to one, half a million (my guess) come back surfing in Adam's twitter sites. Twitter rocks! It's a growing snowball. Ronnie

Fan4fun... (and Icon) said...

@ Ronnie

You are so right and so right again, fellow! God bless sweet Adam twitting the right thing about the right one at the right moment, and doing it under the right mood. Thanks God I'm not famous... because I've always trusted my opinions but have NEVER EVER trusted my mood.... lol!

PS: Icon loves your comments and he is asking me to ask you if you accept to be his «uncle» in 24/7 Paradise. And sends a loving «MEAW!» to you (in a good mood).

Anonymous said...

@Icon-little-cat-fella! Sure, I can be your uncle! It's an honour! Tell your sweet mom that I love her always so humorous opinions and lick her hand for me (you know the thing gentlemen do to ladie's hands in the movies). Ronnie

Anonymous said...

What are you doing Sauli LOL. It looks more like kiss kiss than pouting. Practise, practise!

Icon said...

@ uncle Ronnie

Meaw-ha! Meaw-ha-ha! I got another glambertuncle for my collection!
Licks-licks, thank-thanks, U*N*C*L*E Ronnie!!!!!
Now everybody please excuse us, but WE GENTLEMEN are going to stop the bad guys at Uganda!!! Right now! Right uncle?

Anonymous said...

I say Sauli's is a kissy face and I'd love to see him with a mop of curls!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Pukka pouting ..... I love it ..... great pic!

Of course there are Clay Aiken fans power voting againt Adam. It wouldn't matter who was up against Adam, they would do their best and are doing their best to prevent Adam from winning any poll. I'd say they're extremely angry that Adam defeated them in the previous poll and are determined to chew up any votes Adam has in this final round. I know what Aiken's fans are like .... I've come across them before and to put it politely, they're the scum of the earth. I realize that sounds harsh but that's the way they are. Of course not all of them are like that to be sure, but the ones who vote are evil.

Anonymous said...

I've seen photos of Sauli where his hair is curly. Maybe that's the reason he keeps his hair so short - so the curls aren't obvious.

Blond beauty. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure that 3rd guy appears in the FYE music video.

Anonymous said...

Another pic of Sauli from summer 2010 in Malta.

Anonymous said...

Yes we´ll go to Uganda to fight for the precious gay-folk there!
You must wear boots like Adam and a black vest!
And there we go!
