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Adam Lambert Praises Haley Reinhart

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 05, 2011

Interestingly, Haley is also a Glambert!


Anonymous said...

'House of the Rising Sun' was no doubt awesome

Anonymous said...

Well, Haley certainly has an avid supporter in Adam Lambert. This is interesting for a girl who was in the bottom three not too long ago. She has improved and was awesome last night. It's going to be down to the wire as far as predicting the winner this season. At least it is not as dull as last season's finale. I think Jacob will go home tonight; he was all over the place with his songs and it is time for him to go. I don't think he knows what path he wants to take as an artist.

Anonymous said...

Haley killed that song, sang it beautifully. I like the bluesy grit in her voice and some of her move make her sexy. Just find out Gaga sing You and I on Oprah, is the same song that Haley sang as well. Is AI promote GaGa? Why don't they let someone sing sleepwalker, just saying.

Anonymous said...

Cont'd to @:46PM

Or songs of Time of Miracle, Cant let you GO, big song that American audiences would love to hear.

Anonymous said...

2:51 would love for someone to sing one of Adam's songs but what contestant could stand the pressure. I think Adam's fans ruined it for him in that department.Poor Paul had the nerve to sing a song Adam sang two years ago and he is still hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

She wasn't a glambert till Adam gave her kudos.
I think that she is very talented but i'm not feelin' it from her. She seems fake and too into herself. Just a feeling.

Can't help it. Someone either gets to you or they don't. She doesnt.

ADAM got me the first minute I saw him and is the most amazing performer on the planet.
Fan forever!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Lady Gaga just sang You and I on Oprah today.Haha Randy you told Haley you didn't like the song choice and now it will be a huge song. Why do they never give Haley the praise she deserves. James was so pitchy and his worst two performances but never say anything negative to him. Maybe Haley should cry lol I love so that she is so talented and a strong young woman. Go Haley and win it!!!

Anonymous said...

Lost faith in Randy Jackson a long time ago with his comments....and doing the same this time. Get the feeling the US are going to be out of depth with Haley. Go Haley!

Anonymous said...

Love Haley! Totally agree with Adam's praise for her. LOVED 'House of the Rising Sun'! Both James and Jacob were not good, but James is probably safe, no matter what. The judges are always critical of Haley - I just don't get it. She's such a talent. But then I think the judges are worthless this year. Where's Simon when you need him??

Anonymous said...

For whatever reason the judges, especially Randy, seem to be pushing James for the win this year. He is pitchy. I went to youtube to listen to him...and didn't watch...just listened. He isn't bad, but he sure goes sharp or flat alot. The kids like him cause he is a "rocker". They don't care if he can hit all the notes. He just turns me off. Just a little to cocky for my liking.

I am really tired of the AI format...and have really come to enjoy The Voice. It seems like they have really good singers overall that have been selected. I look forward to seeing how they move forward in format and mentor the singers.

And, yes, Adam seems to like Haley. I loved how she performed House of the Rising Sun, but I have a hard time connecting with her...not sure why.

Anonymous said...

I thought Haley blew it out of the water with House of the Rising Sun. The best I've heard her sing. In the beginning The jazz genre didn't get me excited, but she's proven herself to be a real contender. Think it's Jacob's time to go. Think his genre is really gospel and he's not yet ready. Scotty will be just fine in C&W. I don't see him winning Idol, but he will have a great career. L. Alaina also blew it out of the water for me. She's young, but can be every bit a star as Carrie Underwood and can sing pop as well as country. J.Durbin, emotional as it was, didn't hit the notes and think the song was just too much for him. First song was fine. Think the Aspergers came into play. I think he and Sheryl Crowe could do a dynamite duet. Couldn't help imagining what Adam could do with Harry Neilsen's "Without You". The passion and soaring vocals would be outstanding. Wish he would do a cover of it. Think it would really suit him. These kids are so much better than last season. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think if Haley sang an Adam song, and nailed it, us fan of the man would only have love for her. She loves Adam, Adam loves her. It's win-win.

Anonymous said...

Haley is very good, and did fine job last night.

Scotty will have a career in country. He is mighty good, and I am not a country music lover.

Mr. Lusk can sing. I think he is a "Thou Art"
religious singer.

Lauren sang one song that sounded very good. I missed her other one.

Durbin is all over the place in vocals and drama. I do think they at Idol are rooting for him. Maybe heavy metal is for him, cause it is a lot of screaming. I never liked heavy metal, so I am bias. I think Randy wants to sign James.

Anonymous said...

Haley may have a good voice but she's pushing too hard. As a performer she doesn't reach me. Kinda over the sexy hair tossing thing. Maybe radio but not live.

Anonymous said...

Idol just isn't being played fair this year. If someone like James has a pitchy performance it should he should be called out on it as anyone of them are. I have lost my faith in idol this year because the judging is bias. Let's just crown James now and not let the others suffer is what it seems like. I love Haley, the most talented and current.I hope she wins. All the reviews agree James wasn't so good last night but not to worry, he will be safe. Fingers crossed Jacop is leaving, not Haley.

Anonymous said...

If James fell apart last night how will he handle the AI tour unless his girlfriend and son are with him. Then if he goes beyond there is a ton of pressure like Adam has said, hard work way beyond what idol is. His disability may become a factor. I don't know, just speculating. Anyway to me he is a mediocre singer who's niche would be metal. I love Haley, she reminds me of Adele.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think there could be anything that could make me like James less. But WAIT! He cried. Now I DO like him even less. Even if his crying was sincere, which is probably was, it just made my skin crawl. He's so icky to me. Off pitch. Dramatic in such a fakey way. I am furious at all the judges who refuse to criticize him and then treat like he's already the winner. Gimme a break.

Anonymous said...

Scotty could win. Either way, he'll be a total teenage dream country star and will have a brilliant career.

James is very good and will be signed as a heavy metal rocker as there really are not any right now and there always seems to be an audience.

Lauren is too young but will have a great career as she is super talented.

Mr Lusk will also have a great RB career but I don't think he will win.

Haley is super talented but I think the judges are not as into her for the same reason i'm not. She doesn't connect. Doesn't do a thing for me even though she is talented.
She will probably win but I would never go see her or buy one of her records.

They are all good enough to win. I don't vote and wish them all luck.

I have my winner with Adam Lambert!!! and I IDOLIZE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG just saw james durbin do a muse song wearing AL's clothes!! His singing was not the best and he is a copy cat - no respect!! Those judges are also crap this year.

I have this theory that the likes of JL and ST are threatened by AL cos he is a true idol and could be as big as Elvis and Michael Jackson etc which would cramp their style.


tess4ADAM said...

James has emotional disabilities & in this dog-eat-dog music industry (look how they treat ADAM) James will get chewed up & spit out. He won't be able to handle the rigor of being an Idol ... can anyone say SuBo? Look how she falls apart under stress ... James is NOT the one who should WIN ... Haley looks like a real WINNER to me ... I think she'd make a GREAT AI!! GO HALEY!!! The KING of GLAM ROCK thinks you should WIN ... and so do I!!


Anonymous said...

A cordial greeting to the creative Fan4fun, wishing peace, love and health from the
accompanying family together.

Anonymous said...

Adam thinks she's sexy! admit it BB!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very very good judge of talent, voice, singing, style and skill. He picked Haley way before many of us, including the judges, did. I did not see it too but in my subconscious, I tell myself... Adam knows and he is right again. Haley gave an electrifying rendition of House of the Rising Sun. I read a few minutes ago on another site, a fan claims it is the best performance ever on Idol... my answer to that is a resounding no but comes very close to Adam's A Change Is Gonna Come or Mad World or If I Can't Have you, Born To Be Wild, a couple more. You see this is Haley's first outstanding performance; Adam did this week after week after week.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

The Idol show has made up it's mind. They have done a back story on James and Photo shoot. I don't see others getting this attention. But being in the top four, all of them have a good chance at success. I agree it will be hard on James with the stress. But he will have his buddy with him, he was in the top 11, so he will be touring. Really bad judging this year, I can't stand all the sweetness. Give me Simon.

Anonymous said...

The judging this year is an absolute disgrace because there is no judging at all! It's all how wonderful James is. Well, he certainly knows how to turn on the waterworks when he wants to. In any event, if the judges have their way and they may well do, James will win this thing for sure.

There should be a completely new set of judges next year. Go away Randy - you're contributing zero. Let's hope there are indeed new judges and one or more who call a spade a spade instead of all this pussy-footing. Judges are paid a helluva lot of $$$$ it would appear simply to be entertained.

By the way, Adam is losing major league on The Ultimate Idol poll. Clay Aiken's fans are so desperate and jealous that they're autovoting. The autovoting was supposed to be fixed but obviously Aiken fans have found another way around it. I voted years ago on polls that included Clay Aiken and I tell you they were positively lethal in their comments.

Anonymous said...

On the surface it does appear to be bad judging but I think basing on previous winners of S8, S9, these judges are going for someone who can sell cds and paying less attention to musical abilty; so talent suffers, money first. I am sure the judges could hear James was off-key, off-pitch in his last two performances.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Yes, her voice reminds of Adele's voice. It's best for jazz music. For pop music the voice should be more melodious.

Anonymous said...

My dh has watched AI from the first season and after Wednesday's show, he turned it off and said, "I'm done. I just can't stand the way they are trying so hard to manipulate. I mean seriously? Praising JACOB as one of the best singers ever? Not criticizing that crappy performance by James? Is James this year's Gokey?"

To which, dd and I said, "YES." Oh yes, James is this year's Gokey-- a singer with a sob story.Who screams instead of sings. Who sobs. In his case, on air. And the judges just pat them on the back and give them an A for effort. Clearly because TPTB believe they can sell the guy. I have a strong suspicion that James will do about as well as Gokey in the sales department because it's my bet that metal will not welcome an AI contestant.

That said, I do think Haley is the best singer on the show, but I also don't know what type of music she'll sing off the show. One of the major problems of the show is that with its heavy emphasis on OLD music, the contestants don't get enough time and opportunity to figure out for themselves, let alone show the audience, what they will do in the real music world of TODAY.

tess4ADAM said...

Talent doesn't mean a thing to be crowned American Idol ... if that were true BOTH ADAM & Crystal would have won! OH! NO! The winners are pre-determined by TPTB early in the competition no matter how Talented the others are. America just THINKS they are picking the winner but they are NOT ... VOTES can be manipulated by auto-voting like what is going on at the Ultimate Idol Bracket poll between ADAM & Aiken ... I don't even believe in political Voting anymore ... What A Shame!! I HOPE HALEY WINS ... SHE DESERVES TO ... JMO


Anonymous said...

I think Adam was actually talking about himself!
After than Haley fits the bill.

Anonymous said...

Yep, no one could ever be sexier than Mr Adam Lambert on AI. Noone. But saying that, way to go Haley.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I haven't voted on Idol since Adam. I know everyone can vote for whoever they want, but if the Glamberts voted for Haley, at least she'd have a fighting chance against James. Again, vote for who you want, or don't vote at all. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I just voted on the Ultimate Idol poll and Adam is still ahead. Clay has closed in a little, though. Keep voting! Adam can win this!

Anonymous said...

Idol needs to keep the drama out of a singing contest. Someone said David Cook cried, he did and it was at the end when he won. His brother was sick and incouraged David to go on Idol, and his bro died shortly after David won.

Gokey took every chance he got to tell about his faith and how his wife helps him get through each day. To much, I felt bad he lost his wife, but we all lose people we love.

Adam never said a word about the bad times in his life, and he had plenty of termoil growing up and after getting to Hollywood with the rejection, because he was gay. He just sang for us, and did he ever, but the cheating votes and PH letting the kissing pics out cost him the title.

Durbin does not deserve the title. I think he over does on the disability factors. His vocals are not that good and he is a copycat, only it is not of his Idol favorite, David Cook, but of our Idol favorite, Adam Lambert.

I will not watch Idol any longer, will go see Simon and Paula on X-Factor. It is in the works for Ryan to go to NBC and do a talent show in a couple of years. This will have all the major people leaving Idol, except Randy. These judges don't have a mind of their own, they are Nygal's ass kissers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what up with James, he is AWFUL and they just all keep giving him major props! It is infuriating. I don't know why Nigel thinks that Durbin will sell albums. With that voice, once he leaves Idol, he will fall flat entirely, or have to be auto-tuned beyond reason. Who the heck are his so-called fans, anyway? He is an Adam wannabe, but without the talent.

This is the weirdest season of Idol ever. The only reason to watch is that Steven Tyler is still so pretty (frankly, I think he's even prettier than J-Lo, although the whole show this year seems to be a platform for everyone to constantly ooh and ahh over her as "the most beautiful woman in the world" while she preens...)

Would have loved to have seen Adam on "The Voice," because let's face it, he would have BLOWN every single contestant out of the water on every single one of these shows, but of course he doesn't need any of that any more.

All I want to know is, when is the second album coming out, and when can I buy concert tickets to his next tour.

Anonymous said...


Please don't give up political voting, this country NEEDS sane voters, we are swamped with crazies.........Adam needs you to vote he has an uncertain future as things are now!.......JAK

Anonymous said...


I don't want to get polical, but there are crazies on both sides.

HK fan said...

The judging has been non existant this year, and especially weird on wednesday. Hayleys been my favourite for a few weeks now and she sang the best after the first songs, and they only gave negative feedback after prasing James which was awful, and Jacob which was even worse than awful, you could see she was pissed off.
I quite like James but cannot see me following after the show at all. I find him hard to fathom though, as socially he seems to be doing very well, making great friends with all the others, showing lots of emotion, hugs etc. I read a book about someone with aspergers that really tried to describe what it was like for them and how they view the world and people in it, and not being emotionally connected or showing emotions, or thinking about other people and how situations would effect them seems to be a big thing. Maybe that side of it improves with age as you learn to interact more.
See Gagas going to be the mentor next week....for a show that had done away with the mentors they seem to be having a lot of them..
TPTB definitely want a James/Lauren final.Hopefully Hayley can put a spanner in the works.

Anonymous said...

What I'd like to see one day is for Adam to be re-crowned as American Idol; it will give a closure to all Glamberts. Not that it is really so serious or important but Adam was literally robbed and to return the AI crown to him is just the right thing to do. Maybe this Ultimate Idol title can be bestowed on Adam properly. I vote for him every day on this Ultimate Idol poll. Adam has so graciously said he owes AI his success. The more we watch Season 10, the more we see how professional Adam had been in terms of his outstanding performances and attitude on AI.
-lam my

Anonymous said...

Hayley is very good , but I don`t think she will have a good connection with a audience or fans. She don`t seem like a peoples person like Adam is. And who ever said Simon should come back, he was not very nice to Adam if we recall.Simon is a very touchy subject when it comes to Adam. At this point now, all four will be winners.

Anonymous said...

People have said Season 9 was the weakest, now I think Season 10 is the queerest; not helping, with judges giving on-the-fence critiques most of the time. This season will not bode well for the vote-for-the-worst campaigners because they can't really pinpoint who. Season 8 is the best!
-lam my

Anonymous said...

omg- I've been gone for awhile out of town and tivo'ed AI like adam- Haley ALL the way-love her!

Anonymous said...

Well I just commented, but THE Voice is awesome, I've been a die-heart AI fan since day 1- but the voice is winning me over, great new show!!! watch it, only 2nd week for those that missed it.

Anonymous said...

The few songs I've heard Haley sing all sounded the same to me.

Anonymous said...

Our whole country is full of crazies the question is how do we keep them from voting??