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James Durbin Brings Up Adam Lambert Again In New Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From Star 100.7 Radio

"Bubba and Melanie are at the season finale of American Idol in Los Angeles. James Durbin, who many people thought was going to win this thing stopped by. People have compared him to Adam Lambert, don’t think after listening to this interview James really likes that comparison."

Listen to the interview here


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I refuse to give that site a hit and listen to that dude. He´s totally delusional if he thinks that bashing better artists is going to help him in his career.


Anonymous said...

It's like James is obsessed with Adam.....


Anonymous said...

I have to let go this one, no more negativity. Adam is going to rock the stage in Russia more than 50,000 audiences. I hope there will be few shots of Adam on the AI tonight , miss him so much on the big TV.

Anonymous said...

I probably will comment after i vomit!Cocky!!! ;/

Anonymous said...

This guy is incredibly conceited and pompous. I so hope that Adam will just ignore him and continue to concentrate on his next CD, videos and shows! This is the last time I comment on this JD.

Glamitup said...

I am gonna hate myself for this but i semi agree with him in the fact that I think Adam veered so far from his perfomances on idol. People thought they knew who Adam was from Idol and he steered us so far from that with his pop album that I was just kind of left questioning it. I so wanted more rock and roll (how could I not after Whole Lotta Love) and more of Adam's voice that was not covered up with other things.Don't get me wrong!! I do love the album but I feel Adam has so much more to give and i am soooo excited about the 2nd album! There is alot riding on it and I know Adam will get it right! I have always trusted him because he has always been so perfect. On the other hand, James should just take the high road and just congratulate Adam on his success and move on with the interview!! Thanks for listening guys!! Love my daily Adam fix!!

Anonymous said...

For those who don't want to listen: During the interview, James himself go to the topic of Adam, saying that he let his Idol fans down with a promise of a rock album and then delivering techno/electronica. And that he would stay true to what he delivered on Idol. Rah rah.

- James seems to be in delusion that Adam promised a rock album, when he never said anything like that. All the time he had been talking about pop/rock/variety album
- Also it seems like James has never listened Adam's album, because it's not techno/electronica
- I would like to see James try to make that HEavy metal album and "stay true", I'm sure 19 will go along with that...
- Stirring shit and riding Adam's coattails should be the way to get buzz.
- I'm 100% sure that Adam refrains commenting this "feud" in any way.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want Adam to do a cover album with rock classics? He did different kind of music on AI, all covers. He did different kind of music on FYE, original contemporary songs.
This dude says he will stick with metal rock. Good luck, I say. That´s delusional if anything!


Anonymous said...

Won't listen to JD's comments. He disgusts me. No more feeling sorry for him because of his issues. Who the hell does he think he is? He's just an arrogant jerk who has no class at all. He's supposed to perform on AI finale - will refuse to watch him.

Anonymous said...

Actually Adam only did two rock songs on AI never say himself a rocker. It was the press and the media picture him as a rocker.

tess4ADAM said...

I hope ADAM stays true to himself & makes the album(s) with music ala ADAM LAMBERT style ... different .. refreshing ... NOT boring or one dimentional ... I LOVE FYE for just that reason ... each song is ADAM LAMBERT genre ... in ADAM style ... my Fave ... for some reason ADAM seems to know just what I like to hear from him ... wonder how he does that?

James Durbin has a rude awakening awaiting him ... JMO


Anonymous said...

Pop sells bottom line that's just how it is you what to sell and be on the radio you have to do pop, pop rock or r & b. When do you here metal or hard rock on the radio never. Adam did what he had to do to be relevant in the music world. I love Adam's music on the Album better then his idol performance they are younger and more modern.

Anonymous said...

omg I was afraid to read this.Nothing that horrible was said just his opinion.Moving on.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how much of this is due to a lack of filter and deminished social skills (Aspergers) or how much of it is just who James is. I think James is shooting himself in the foot in the recording industry. Who wants to contract someone who is arrogant and cocky with no experience. On Idol he was being coached to do something different and he said no, he knew what HE wanted. He seems to be confused in terms of what is arrogance and what is confidence. That also maybe an Aspergers trait. I don't know. All I can say is good luck James. I hate to see someone's dreams crushed, but I think his attitude may be his downfall.

Anonymous said...

Do not want that JD name on this site ever again TNX

Anonymous said...

ot but I have to know if anyone knows what version of WWFM Adam is singing in the Dutch Dance Show two threads down from this one? Just have to know. I am a recent fan and have to get it.Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to give the interview more hits but I'm glad some posters here summarized what was said about Adam. I agree that JD's attitude seems cocky and arrogant. I did from the beginning of the season. I also would like to know how it is that JD gets to perform on the finale? Who made that decision? I will not watch him. I'm only watching the finale to catch a glimpse of Adam somewhere.


Anonymous said...

all the contestants get to perform they always do.

Anonymous said...

Screw him.

Anonymous said...

to glamitup :
if you follow adam since beginning of AI, he said he liked his album to have electronics sound (they interviewed the 10 finalists about what kind of album they wanted to make). adam loves rock n roll more to his life style, but he goes for pop rock, glam rock.the judges want him to do rock music. adam is very talented, he's so nailed it in every genre, specially rock night, because he's able to sing his fave rock song of all times : whole lotta love by led zeppelin. now the music industry's changed so's difficult to be catagorized anymore, even adam's friend, kris allen goes to pop rock, blues, but is his music really a pop? rock? it's hard to tell nowadays, just like adam said. what is james problem about adam ? he even copying adam during his performances.

Anonymous said...

James needs to slow down and get grounded. He need to wait until he has or if he has Adam's career before he should speak on it. Adam has had a good career it speaks for its self.

Anonymous said...

First, Adam was ASKED about the last few contestants and gave his opinion of all of them, NOT just of James. He answered honestly. When the crap hit the fan, Adam actually APOLOGIZED and said it was not his intent to cause a problem. He was classy. James wasn't even asked about Adam at this interview, but he shot off his mouth anyway (with inaccuracies, BTW), causing further bad feelings. Will he APOLOGIZE LIKE ADAM DID? Probably not. I intended to enjoy seeing Adam tonight on AI and I will watch for that reason, but I will skip JD's performance out of principle. I really wish his name would not come up again.

Anonymous said...

James will do anything to get attention.. and Adam is so news worthy.

We should ignore this upstart with little talent.

Anonymous said...


It is from Adam's EP Acoustic Live CD. You can purchase online for just $5 for the whole CD on itunes . The physical copy is not for sale in store, you may get it from if it is still available.

Anonymous said...

Gotta ignore Durbin. His attitude will be the end of him before he even gets a record deal. Adam has the ability to work as a team player when recording, taking advise while having his own input. Everyone who has worked with Adam always has positive things to say about him. James is shooting himself in the foot. Very cocky and to me very off pitch a lot of times. Let this be the end of JD on this site and focus on Adam's upcoming album and Russia concert.

Anonymous said...

Poor James.......................JAK

Anonymous said...

12;00pm thanks for the info. I am headed to to check it out. I like this site and just join the fan club and like that also. thanks again.He is quite the person to follow.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:19 Glad you are joining us. Following Adam is one of the most exciting things of my life. P.S. Don't have a boring life either! The acoustic CD is beautiful. Hope you got his Glamnation live CD/DVD. The best concert I have ever been to.

Anonymous said...

Hate saying this but James is a sick obsessed pup. Adam always takes the high road. His gratious acceptance of Kris' Idol victory is a model for everyone to follow. James is so braggy, and he was the one who called attention to Adam two years ago during Season 8 when, on utube, he bragged his note was higher than Adam's. Well James my lad, it takes more than a high note.

Anonymous said...

Why is JD wearing his hair like Adam's now? Maybe that was before I don't know. All I know is it's a sad thing to see someone being mean before they even make it in the business. He certainly won't with his bad attitude!

Anonymous said...

Stop it everyone! What a waste of energy buying into this bullshit. Come ON!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:21 Are you saying all the contestants get to perform as individuals at the finale? Perhaps in group numbers, I believe, but I don't think as solos?

Anonymous said...

f**k you james durbin nobodys better then the one and only adam lambert!!!

The Dark Side said...

Not reading the post that JD said about Adam, and not responding in a negative way. He's very young and will learn as he goes along, hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I got to add final words for this young man who is inexperienced, young , dumb, & full of .......! , but I actually think he had a plan to divert Adam's stardom!!!! Its not going to work!!!
Would love to look for Adam on AI but if nothing else is on tv I might dvr it & just zoom thru it to see Adam. Maybe an interview with Ryan will show.
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Glamberts fans, as obsessively defensive as usual. I like both guys. It's the fans I can't stand.

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamberts, I truley love you!

choons said...

James is now trying out Adam-type hair style and wearing Steven Tyler print scarf? He's inexperienced in this business and still has a lot to learn - he should acknowledge that and cut the self-promo until he has something solid to promote. A great voice is not enough. Sorry James.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to deny myself the pleasure of seeing Adam on TV (even briefly) just because some punk with an attitude has jealousy issues. They will most likely just stay away from each other tonight. But Adam will get to see Haley live! I wouldn't care, but that's just me. Can't wait for the August 10th "Behind the Music" show, and of couse Moscow concert videos.


glitzylady said...

I actually just responded to this article. (Shhh..) Saw it yesterday, and just sort of blew it off, as sour grapes and misinformation, but I went back this a.m. and finally left a comment, responding not to James's comments so much, but to one other commenter (and a few others in general), who was sadly off base about a thing or two. I rarely if ever respond to those types of things, but I finally had to. I personally think James was misinformed and fed a lot of crap by some of his fans' hate toward Adam, and their deluded idea that James and Adam are somehow in competition with each other, which is a bunch of baloney. I didn't join the fight about "Adam versus James", but left my own opinions about some things, in response to a poster. My tone was matter of fact and respectful.

I generally agree that paying any attention to BS such as this is a waste of time and just stoops to the level of the rest of the bashers but in this case I felt the need to say a couple of things. Sometimes silence is not golden. I am not a promoter of fan wars at all, and find them ridiculous, juvenile, and sometimes dangerous, but at the same time, I feel the urge to have a say once in awhile. (You've probably noticed..). My first time commenting here on 24/7 was in reference to a stupid and snarky so-called music reviewer's article about Adam 's announced appearance in Tampa Bay last year after a Devil Rays game, at the very beginning of GNT. I commented there, and was subsequently quoted in his blog after the comments section of the article was shut down by the editor of the paper after many nasty [homophobic] comments were posted there in response to this guy's snarky article. Apparently the tone of his article encouraged that. I had actually sent him an email so as not to make my remarks (which were reasonably calm, respectful, and matter of fact compared to the other ones he got..) public and he went ahead and published them anyway. He seemed quite amused by the whole thing. Who knows if it did any good. I fully expect to be bashed by some commenters in the above article. It happens.

I am not encouraging anyone else to go to that website. The actual comments James made aren't really worth getting riled up about..Much... As I said, he seems misinformed and it would help if he actually had real knowledge about which he speaks. I liked James during his time on Idol..He is talented in his own way for sure. The sooner he stops talking about Adam, the better, IMHO. Just gets him into hot water. He would do well to focus on what he will do next, and also needs someone to give him a little guidance in interviews. I am fully aware of his Aspergers and have a family member who also has it, so not having a filter is familiar to me. But being that he is in the public eye, he needs a little help with that.

Anonymous said...

@1:47 PM

You are good! except I don't think James has great voice, it's only sounding a "noise" for me I am sorry, his singing does not touch my heart.

Anonymous said...

James just has no filter. He is also very naive about showbiz. Being negative will bite him in the ass.

Anonymous said...

You should have voted more, so you wouldn't have to be bitter now, that your favorite didn't win. Watched the videos of James and Haley getting eliminated. Haley looked über confident that she was going to the final.

glitzylady said...

Oh rats! its happened again!..My post disappeared into the spam-world..Maybe will see it again later. Was longer so went the way that longer posts sometimes go...It was here for a little while tho..Won't repeat it..

Anonymous said...

Haley is a diva already. I like Mariah Carey kind of diva, because I can listen to her music. I don't like Haley, because I can't stand the growling.

Anonymous said...

There are many wonderful metal group and singers, has James never heard of or noticed them as they are still very much alive and kicking?

LP said...

The only thing I can ask of Adam, is why is he making silly faces to the camera? I wish he would stop that, unless its a wild party and lots of drinking. Then may be might be acceptable. Love him any how, but just prefer his beautiful face not in a grimace.glad they are not showing the one with jD, where Adam is making a face.

Anonymous said...

Why the hate for Haley? She's a talented gal. You may not like her style, but she's not a diva. Didn't you see her dad. He's totally laid back and she's like that as well. She doesn't get all girlie and excited. Just her nature. She used her wonderful growl a little much on that one song, but I love it used properly.

And why the negative towards Adam. He's a funny young man. He can make any face he wants to. If you don't like it, just don't look. Didn't you ever clown around when you were young. Oh that's right. Adam has to uphold a higher standard for a bunch of picky old ladies. Hell, just be glad he doesn't have Steven Tyler's face.

Anonymous said...

1:49 Knowing how Adam acts with people (not really as I really don't know) bet he makes a friendly approach towards James, shakes his hand and says some kind words. Don't know about James, but I just know Adam will do his part.

Not once, not ever once did Adam brag during or after Idol. He is always excited, thrilled but never braggy. That's a total turn-off. Doesn't James know that? Guess not. Too bad he's not as good as he thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

Not hating Haley. Just saying that her singing style is annoying me. But she isn't ready yet, so she can fix it.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:49PM
About Haley: I like her a lot, and my husband has a big crush on her, along with Pia, which I think is very cute (after all, I have just a bit of a crush on Adam..we're all really 13 yrs old in there somewhere!) but some like her and some don' each his own.

Let's be nice about the "picky old ladies"..."pickiness" comes in all ages, shapes, and genders...not just in old people..and if someone prefers to see Adam's beautiful face with a nice smile, or a sexy pout, what's wrong with that?? ; ) (BTW, I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't mentioned the picky old ladies......) Besides, they obviously have VERY good taste in men....

Hk fan said...

Pretty sure Adam never promised a rock album or said he was a rock singer, the judges put that label on him and told him to make a rock album.As to James, never really did anything for me on Idol, he'll go the same way as most other Idol contestants to me, just a name you hear every now and then. Won;t listen to the interview though, just not interested. Hopefully he'll learn better media techniques as he goes along. Unfortunately I don't find him as good as he thinks he is..Now Haley, I liked many of her performances, might just buy her album, probably the only one out of this season.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!!!!! What is going on here????????

Adam, Adam only please!!!!!!!!!

I can't for Adam to rock Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still thinking if I'm gonna watch tonight??/
Hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe or maybe night ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

Shock I forgot the word wait ha!ha!ha!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Sounds like Durbo has his panties in a twist. I hope Ad sets him straight tonight at the after party.

Anonymous said...

Hey LP!! Being not able to view pics of Adam or his crazy facial gestures, he's not doing what I think he's doing.? Is he making facial jokes towards jd? Cmon now I'm only reading a pic of what's going on here. I know Adam wouldn't do that , would he? Mwah!! K

Urethra_Franklin said...

dear god thats how bullshit starts. facial jokes? are you fucking drunk? there is no such crap anywhere...

Anonymous said...

This is futile, cheer yourself up, read JAK's
Adam poem on Bits of Information - Russia thread.

Anonymous said...

James needs to get his facts right. Adam has not let his fans down - what is he talking about. The best thing about Adam is that he plays with all music genres and styles and is not boxing himself in. That is why we love him. James you are jealous and I think actually a little obsessed with our boy.
