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Gorgeous Edited Pictures ( Done by YummyLamingtons)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 10, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 10, 2011

Thanks to YummyLamingtons for making these!


Anonymous said...

Love all these pictures, except for the ones with the extreme lipstick. It's all in the eyes, the windows to the soul. For someone who considered himself ugly, overweight, etc. in high school, just look at him now. Adam Lambert is one talented, articulate, self-confident, smart and sexy man. He is certainly an inspiration for all those who feel outcast, bullied, unhappy with their appearance, different. Things do change and hopefully will become better.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, but we do love the man just the way he is, freckles and all. He could have never been unattractive. It's a shame how we sometimes see ourselves. He is definitely eye candy.

Anonymous said...

In "The Meaning of Adam Lambert" they said that the second to last pic looks like Elizabeth Taylor. It's so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

love pictures3,4,6,7,8,9,10,and 11

Anonymous said...

Some great pics but don't like the one with Sauli abd the lipstick - it was better as it was.
Just read that Adam was in Miami and returned to LA on Wed, but hasn't gone out anywhere public.
Not sure if this is true. I really thought he would visit Finland after London.

Sila said...

Can someone tell me the original picture for PICTURE 9? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

eyeliner is great but heavy lipstick, no

glitzylady said...

@Sila 12:18 PM
I hope someone knows, because that one is my favorite (#9)..and they are all great..although not excited about the last the original tho. I also especially like #1 and #4..

Anonymous said...

Great collection! I'll even take a little fake lipstick just to get back to ADAM himself and not that controversial stuff we've been talking about. Miss you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

This is gross. Why make him even more made up than he already is? The guy's good looking naturally, without this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I do not like these at all. I like the real Adam Sorry. He does not need enhancing. He is just fine being himself. It looks like he had plastic surgury in these pictures. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Adam is very beautiful and does not matter how he is air brush. His eyes always stand out. Yeah, too much lipstick for the last one for both of them.

glitzylady said...

Speaking of Adam as a fashion is an article in a fashion magazine that mentions Adam in a couple of places, and has a picture of him: (always love those pictures, and seeing Adam's name in print..)

Excerpts: Article title: "Gender Bender"

"On streets around the world, a revolution is emerging. This movement has nothing to do with fighting for democracy and everything to do with the freedom to blur traditional gender roles to express personal style. All of our traditionally held beliefs and roles are blurring. Fashion comes out of not just a desire for clothing; fashion always points back to political, economic, social, religious factors. So if society changes, fashion changes, too."

Paragraphs mentioning Adam:

"Male celebrities take the trend even further, borrowing not only fashion from the ladies, but makeup as well: Adam Lambert has become ubiquitously known for his black nail polish and lip gloss, while Johnny Depp keeps his black eyeliner intact even when not in character as Captain Jack."


"We shouldn't be surprised the trend is coming back – everything runs in cycles, and as the saying goes 'everything old is new again'. Lady Gaga is the modern day Bowie, as Adam Lambert could be today's Adam Ant. When Annie Lennox donned the male suit in her music video "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" in 1983, it was seen as a form of cross-dressing and created much controversy. In 2011, when Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen donned on supposedly masculine suits during the 2011 Council of Fashion Designers of America Fashion Awards, they were ranked the best dressed by Teen Vogue."

Anonymous said...

Yuk, Not for me thanks he is naturally beautiful and the enhancement he usually does is lovely this is awful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzy that was a great little read.

Anonymous said...

YummyLambingtons...leave Adam alone!

He doesn't need IMPROVING........he's already

"Just Right".......JAK

Anonymous said...

I really don't like what you did to Adam's photos.. He's great the way he is and does not need improving..

You made a beautiful man less beautiful

Anonymous said...

Nightmare... sorry!

tess4ADAM said...

I think ADAM is 'perfect' whatever way HE chooses to present himself to us and needs no outside help ... I like the pics but I PREFER it when ADAM does his own makeup ... or not ... JMO


Anonymous said...

I don't like these at all. I prefer Adam with less makeup -- hate the lipstick.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for the last picture either but really what is the difference between the other pictures and the cover of FYE?

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...


You amaze me with the info you find on Adam! Thank you! Interesting read.

And I have to agree with @Jadam @JAK @tess4ADAM and several Anons...Adam is so perfect as he is, why the need to play with perfection?

Although, I must say that the second to last one is absolutely stunning.


Anonymous said...

good fun post!! YAY.

Anonymous said...

In the long ago when I called my daughters and ordered them to watch Season 8 and raved about Adam, they asked " What does he look like?"

I said "the grandchild of Elvis and Elizabeth Taylor"....not too far off! Next to last would be strong support of that opinion! JAK

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_______^cute:
woow i like all pic

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert :
adam cute

Adamluv said...

Absolutely lovvvvvvvvve these images! Very artistic and out there! Not meant to be realistic! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I love #2, #3, and second pic. from the bottom. The rest look too fake.

Adamluv said...

#3 4 5 are all heart stopping in their beauty!

Anonymous said...

I really don't like your photo enhancements and hope that the originals are

Anonymous said...

come on guys, I thought most of them were STUNNING- Those eyes- OMG- I didn't like the lipstick one with sauli and the few side view shots, but the rest were just beautiful and went right into my faviorites, to be put on my desk-top! There are so many bad weird pictures of adam on the internet- they need to get these out-but most of us know how sexy and georgeous he his.

Anonymous said...

I agree w/most..I like Adam looking as natural as possible..a little guyliner maybe, but NOT that awful lipstick-yuk!!Let Sutan look like that if he's in drag,but NOT Adam.THANKS to all who have been voting for Adam for IOTM.He's doing well here:

Anonymous said...

some pictures I liked some I didn't but all all very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Where Adam's lips are enhanced, she missed the mark by a mile. Anyone of us knows the shape of those luscious smackers in the dark. Not good.

Anonymous said...

who is "sligo", and is that all he/she can say?

Betti B

Anonymous said...

I don't care for the ones with heavy lip stick and making him look like a female. I like Adam's version of Adam better. Some of the ones where you enhance his eye or ring color are good though.

Anonymous said...

I like #1&#11!
Adam does have a beautiful man's face w/o makeup. But Adam says he wears his makeup, especially his eye makeup , cuz he thinks his eyes look pretty, the makeup brings out the feature more. Adam has gorgeous eyes, I don't why, but as I was going all cray over Adam at his show in Dallas, being front row too , he did make eye contact with me. & at that moment , time stood still, I promise it really did, & I know he thought I was nuts, but he did see me! & I know this sounds weird but as soon as he saw me , he paused for a second, & he quickly turned to his left. I think so that I wouldn't distract him, especially when he was performing DTRH! That was one magical night with Adam Lambert! & the night just got better & better cuz Adam did WLL for the first time after the shows where he did not.
& the rest ?, I have bits & pieces, but I watched his feet & just tried to take all of him in. Do ya blame me? !!Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the listick distracts from Adam's beautiful lips and doesn't flatter Sauli's picture either. Hope other sites won't post it as being real.For me, it's really unflattering, if that's possible. Adam is a work of art that needs no improvement other than what he personally wants to enhance. I really dislike the last one. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

We are having a party on Adam Lambert "For Your Entertainment" video thread.
Fan fiction and poetry, come join us.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys noticed that his right eye's pupil is larger than the left, aka Bowie?

Anonymous said...

Quit putting lipstick on Adam. His lips are breathtakingly beautiful without it. Plus Adam has made it clear that he doesn't do drag.

Urethra_Franklin said...

that last one is totally creepy. #notprettyatall

Anonymous said...

I was just going to post about the last picture but you beat me to it Urethra. yuck.

Anonymous said...

Bette B. Sligo Lambert said cute: woow i like all pics @2:34pm. just thought it a cute fyi.I don't know who he/she is tho.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw Sligo on a comment I asked if they were Irish.....I was hoping we might have an Irish Glambert. There is a County Sligo in Ireland......just wondering, but of course no one has to share anything they don't want to.

Anonymous said...

The top pic just takes my breath away, and the one of him in bed checking out his.... you know. Well, that one really puts me in a mood.

Anonymous said...

OT I've been listening to FYE, needed my Adam fix, and still cannot understand why EVERY song was not a major hit and why the CD did not sell through the sky ... BTW m fav pic is the one next to last, #9, Adam is a beautiful soul and deserves all the wonderful things that are happening and all the wonderful things yet to come!!!!! I LOVE ME SOME ADAM!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes are enrapturous; it's the nose that tells me the most...nostrils neatly hidden, high firm well-contoured bridge and just the right amount of muscle/flesh...this is a nose of prosperity and power. A beautiful balanced face overall; no wonder we are all so smitten.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

For God Sake, who was such an idiot and put so much lipstick on Adam's lips?!!!!!
If you are Adam's fan for real, you have to know that Adam put a lot of makeup on his face, body, but he never used of lipstick.
These photos of Adam would be perfect if some idiot woudn't use photoshop!

Bing said...

Pictures #5 and #11 are my favorites and the only one i didn't like was the last because it was poorly done. Those captivating eyes are to die for and i could stare at them all day long.

Adam you are one fascinating work of art and what enhances it is your gentle soul. I will forever be in awe of this beauty inside and out. Hope you are having a great time working on your album wherever you may be.

Anonymous said...

No more please

Anonymous said...

Okay, not digging the weird dark lipstick tinkering with Photoshop. It just looks bizarre-o, and Adam has better taste than to wear red lipstick. Yuck.

Someone has a bit too much obsessive fan time on their hands, seriously. I mean I looooove Adam as much as the next adoring fan-girl, and a couple of the shots are well-manipulated, but a couple of these are just plain awkward.

Anonymous said...

Photos 2, 4 and 5 are DIVINE!!! Love love love them. <3

Yummy Lamingtons is a devoted, diehard fan of Adam and I think she's done an excellent job on the photos I love. She's probably done a good job on the other photos but those are the ones I prefer.

My fave looks of Adam are his Idol 2009 look and the look this year when he sang Aftermath on Idol .... all as natural as Adam chose them to be, I imagine.

Cheril said...

Loved most of the pictures. Great job. I, like some others here, don't like the dark lipstick ones. But, that is art isn't it? Some you will like and some you won't. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Prefer Adam with less makeup. And definitely not the pump up lips!

Anonymous said...

Lovely to look at delightful to see! Artful joyful boysterous!

Hk fan said...

Like 1, don't like 2, the eyes in 3, omg....4 beautiful, 5 the eyes look odd like they have holes in. 6 lovely side view, 8 not goog,9 nice, 10 hot..., 11 stunning, 12 awful.

Anonymous said...

Cassie, I was thinking more like Liza Minelli ha!

Anonymous said...

I am with you Besse I question that everyday. Your one of the few who comment on his music. That is what I like not these creepy altered pictures. No doubt Adam is a beutiful human being but it is his music and inner star I am attracted to the most.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:11 AM
I am sure we are all interested in Adam's music and his inner star..(Heaven knows I am..) but this just a little diversion. ; )

I too think/wish there could have been more singles released from FYE because I love each and every song from his album, but I guess we aren't getting any more..I really don't get why Sleepwalker wasn't released as a single here, and I think Fever would have been a hit, in spite of the "he", and maybe Pick U Up , Music Again, but Adam and his management must have a plan, based on what they think will work best for Adam..I've heard all sorts of explanations "Why": one was stated by RCA Ed on Adam Official that they want his next single to be a giant number one hit and they didn't feel it would happen with any of the songs remaining on the first album.. And I want that here we are! I am SOOOO excited to hear his new music and I know this will be the year (and next..) for Adam to shine like the bright shining (super)star that he is.

I also agree that some of the pictures aren't my favorites, I do think some/most of them are quite beautiful..The only one I truly and completely dislike is the last one..I much prefer the original picture..It was stunning and needs no embellishment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The #1 is like young Tony Curtis! Love it!! The last one is.. hideous! Sorry. Thanks to Yummy Lamington anyway.


Anonymous said...

Bu resimleri çirkin düzenlenmiş edilmiştir. aslı güzel


Yummy said...

Thanks to those of you who liked the edits. Sorry for those who didn't.
