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In-Studio Reflection Picture of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Adam Lambert's photo In-Studio Reflection
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

Deja vu.......or I should say, deja better vu! JAK

Anonymous said...

this one has Lee cherry's name on it.

Anonymous said...

Click under the picture on WhoSay and then you can enlarge the next one........JAK

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, intense sexy and in deep thought. An artistic genius at work!!!

Anonymous said...

This man is in total control of his career. His focus, drive and passion to produce an amazing CD is evident. He is absolutely as handsome as they come, too!

Anonymous said...

JAK - you're getting pretty good at this computer stuff haha
I can't tell if this is Adam's deep concentration look or the I don't like what I hear look. That looks like one of the yoga poses I can't do lol

Anonymous said...

Very intense and focus! Stunning of Adam! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Adam is so intensely focusing and reflecting on his work to create his dream album. I can't wait to hear it, buy it, gift it, promote it, etc. etc. Lee Cherry truly captures Adam's gorgeous outer look as well as his inner emotions on his pictures. Should we assume that Lee might do Adam's album cover maybe?

glitzylady said...

I would bet money (well, figuratively anyway...) that Lee Cherry will be doing Adam's new album cover. They are such close long time friends and Lee is such a talented portraitist that I couldn't imagine anyone else doing it. He always "captures" Adam so perfectly. This picture is stunning IMO and something similar would be really perfect..although I know they'll know exactly what to do. And the caption Adam placed under the picture "Reflection" is a good start for a title...This is really starting to feel like we're getting close to hearing some new music soon.

Fan4fun said...

@ sweet Adam

Oh, why so serious? Don't worry about me Diamond Boy... I'm alright! I'm going now to the hospital but just for a couple of hours to have an examination and pic up the result of a blood test. I'll be back home on time for lunch. Would you join me and Icon? Hummmm?

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun...I hope everything turns out well!

OT here is part one of an interview of Nikka Costa where Adam is mentioned. (He is supposed to be talked about in part two which Dr Funkenberry promised me would be up yesterday, but still hasn't made it up yet. I'll follow up tomorrow).


Anonymous said...

Focus on the prize looked!!!!! Loved it!!!

Gorgeous man with full of passion and charisma...

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know when the new album is coming out?

Anonymous said...

He's stunning isn't he?!!! This will keep us busy for a day ... and for tomorrow? please, please let there be more pics!!!

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous! I think he might have been giving us a hint when capitalizing the "R" in Reflection. Possibly the album title and or song title?
@4:20 Fall, no set date yet. Could be as early as late Sept or as late as early Dec. I would imagine he would want it out for holiday sales at the latest. Look out for the single about two months before the album drops.

Anonymous said...

There are some more studio pics around - on adamdailyquoteblog site if my memory serves me well.

Can a man getting any better looking!!


Anonymous said...

Cherry is such a good photographer! Adam should put this photo inside his a booklet or on the back. I'm glad the Glam is gone..he looks amazing right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam does get better looking, doesn't he? I liked the glitz, glam and glitter for the GNT tour, but I do like this clean,fresh look better. Will this be his look for the new album cover and for the eventual tour? He is one special individual who is so talented, articulate, self-confident, humble and so sexy. Can't wait for the second album and the early release of the first single from it. In the meantime, have to be satisfied with any pictures, tv interviews, blogs,etc. that come out until then.

Fan4fun said...

@ daydreamin

Hey fellow, I owe you so much good energy... and links!
Left a «thank you» message including you in the thread
Adam Lambert's Twitter Approaching 1,100,000 Followers!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:20 AM
There has been a rumor floating around out there, unsubstantiated, of a date of November 6th or 8th (don't remember the exact one...but probably doesn't matter at this point..) with the new single as early as the beginning of Sept..or slightly earlier, but nothing official yet..Makes sense tho...And hoping its true!

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt say that adam lambert is artistic genius he is one of great singers of this time but his other skills in the music like writing songs has yet not proven

glitzylady said...

So glad to hear you are out of the hospital and back with your hero Glamcat Icon and your other friends. I really hope you can get back to feeling fabulous again and your health returns to good as new. Hoping the blood test result was good and you can enjoy the rest of your day looking at this picture of Adam every once in a while...Its sure to make you feel better for sure.. It certainly does wonders for me! ; )

Anonymous said...

Well that "Cute Guy" from AI is gone, I see a Man now.

Lizard Eyes

glitzylady said...

This is hysterical! And cute at the same time...Just saw it posted on Juneau and Xena's site...

"Mimi the Elephant Loves Adam Lambert" (animated...)

glitzylady said...

Just watched and enjoyed this old clip from MTV while Adam was in the midst of American Idol..with Lee and Scarlett Cherry and Carmit Bachar, talking about his time on the Zodiac Show. There are two other related videos as well, talking about his "Theatrical Upbringing" and the Upright Carbaret...just fun to re-visit.

Seems like yesterday in some ways, but as @Lizard Eyes said above: Adam has gone from being the cute guy on Idol, and is now SUCH a Man! He has learned so much in the last couple of years and I expect this new album to be just perfect. What a journey...from "Apple Pie" strawberry blond Adam (Scarlett Cherry's words..) to gorgeous sexy and amazingly talented grown man and all around beautiful human being...

LP said...

Beautiful man indeed, and clever too. I was wondering if he is putting out these pics every so often, so that we will think he is in LA. I think he and Sauli will show up soon, with smiles on their faces, that you can't wipe off.

Anonymous said...

...well ok! new desk top picture :)

glitzylady said...

Ohhhhh! You are going to LOVE this one! Adam in Germany when he was 21 and working in Hair! on the street somewhere...Very cute blonde Adam..and looking good then too! From the Fan Club Facebook page..I hope admins post this one..its that good!

Anonymous said...

thanks glitzlady - That is one gorgeous pic - extremely good looking guy! It almost deserves it's own thread..
Looking very buff, I guess for the nude scene. Also, one the few times I've seen him without a necklace. How did that guy stay under the radar from age 21 to 28?? He could have been modelling even back then..

Anonymous said...

LP I hope you're right. I'm a bit worried because Sauli has not tweeted anything after 18th of June and there's been odd silence (no pics, not anything) for over two weeks when he told that he was going to be back in LA soon. About the studio picture: What a manly man! Lovely focused look.

Anonymous said...

LP - Just saw in AO that Adam has been in studio (on Tuesday?) with Greg Wells and others, so he must be in LA(?). And Sauli has disappeared somewhere.(: Well, of course I'm glad Adam concentrates on the most important thing in his life, music, but I somehow miss those boys walking together to Adam's car.:)

Anonymous said...

This picture is beautiful! Since Adam's spending so much time in the studio, it's no wonder Sauli hasn't been seen in the US yet. And about the Twitter silence, I think Sauli will be using it for more like work purposes than personal messages. I bet they've had a lot of private messages between them. And Sauli has been commenting fan messages on his Facebook page recently, so some public activity there. Of course it would be nice to get some pics of them together, but I think work is a priority now for a while.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you all have encountered this....but some pics of our handsome man, you can't tear your eyes away from him..... and if you do manage it, you come back to stare again and again. This is one of those pictures for me. He just looks so......natural and unbelievable handsome. It makes you want to...............


Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

Yeah, we know!...................JAK

Anonymous said...

Here's one opinion about the whole "lack of Sauli info" stuff: Maybe Sauli and Adam have decided to keep their relationship a little more quiet than before. I know, I know, they've been seen in public already and Adam has posted pictures of himself and Sauli, but still, maybe one of them or both have decided to be a little more private.

glitzylady said...

Part of the lack of Sauli info, at least some speculation, is that he may have been bombarded with all sorts of rather inappropriate stuff from fans of Adam and he just decided to not tweet for awhile..or he may have just been busy, and enjoying his time in Finland..

Either way, the question is moot, because he just tweeted that he is back in the silence on Sauli's part has ended...for now.. : ) and he sounds very very happy to be back! Who wouldn't be, with Adam to meet him! I hope he continues to tweet, because he is so sweet and I love the pictures/vids he sends out. I enjoy him for himself, not just because he is Adam's boyfriend. It's fine if he doesn't even mention Adam. And vice versa. As it should be.

The Dark Side said...

Read somewhere else that Sauli was back and Adam busy working toward that new album. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

I seriously can't wait for the 2nd album.
Literally. And we might get new single from it already in few months !! :-) \o/
It's gonna build a whole new level of awesome..

Love him so much & his beautiful bf also <3

Anonymous said...

A total reflection in every way!

Anonymous said...

Great picture. I think it was taken as a reflection and so beautifully done. Adam having his own photographer, and such a brilliant one,
is a great boost for him.

Ronnie said...

@P.A.S. Yes, this is one of THOSE pics you do not forget. So very beautiful. Thank you Lee! And especially thank you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is back in LA. He's been there already a couple of days. Today he tweeted about it.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady 9:11 AM

The picture you linked to is NOT from Germany. It is in front of the Promenadenhof in Linz, Austria.

Anonymous said...

I want to find the difference between fans and fanatics.
What do you think about this, ladies?

Anonymous said...

In some pics Adam looks like Elvis Presley ... to me, this is one of them ... DAMMMMMMM HE'S GORGEOUS!!! I wonder if he tires of hearing all the accolades!! Oh well, here goes: talented beyond belief ~ beautiful inside and out ~ Adam makes me feel better than good!!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:30am Sooooooooo, in your opinion, Hemmingway was not an artistic genius because, after all, he only wrote. What about Van Gogh who only painted. And DeNiro who only acts while Barisnikov only dances. Come on. Do you really want Adam to take up the harp so he can accompany himself and be that artistic genius you say he currently isn't???

Anonymous said...

Lucky chair

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:50 PM
Thanks for letting us know where the picture of Adam is from..all I had heard was that it was from his Hair Tour in 2003, which was best known to be in Germany, so most made that assumption. Its good to have an exact location.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture! His look is so intense. His smile is awesome but sometimes it's nice to have pics like this. And I like black and white -pics a lot. Now it seems that everything is fine in Adamland (Adam working hard, looking better than ever and Sauli around), so let's wait the new music.:) Do I imagine, but doesn't SAD AL come here very often when there are mentions about Adam's boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

In honor of Adam and Sauli reuniting...

Can You Feel the Love, Adam and Sauli


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that fabulistic old clip from MTV, Glitzy. Somehow I had not seen that one before. It was great!

Anonymous said...

The home of the Azores is Glambert Party, with the return of Fan4fun, with love and care for your family and friends, under the courageous leadership of Icon. You my friend,keep vibrating with positive energy, taking the time necessary to take care, follow medical advice, consintiendote spiritually and always with the beloved musical love Adam Lambert and the good wishes of 24 / 7. Peace, love and health to you!

Anonymous said...

YAY! So happy Sauli's back! Hope he keeps tweeting. They're the cutest couple ever. I hope Sauli goes to Canada with Adam, because I don't think Sauli has ever seen Adam sing live on stage. Maybe Adam sings to him at home though... ;)

Fan4fun said...

@ Glitzylady
@ HH

Thank you so much for your welcome messages and good advices. I'm trying my best and feeling very lucky for count on truly friends&fellows in 24/7 Paradise. Once again ist's proved: the «Universal Power of Adam Lambert» is really sweet and heals all wounds...

Anonymous said...

Sure looks like a true reflection to me.

Anonymous said...

I heard that this picture has been taken 14th on June. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

So hard to put my feelings into words when I look at this picture. I keep returning to look at it again and again. No one captures the soul of Adam like Lee Cherry. The intensity of this black and white picture is mesmerizing. Adam is no doubt listening to playback and you can see in his eyes the steely determination to make it the best song ever. There are so many sides to Adam and we've enjoyed looking at all of them as we share the journey of this remarkable man. I know he feels the pressure of making his sophomore album unforgettabl, and I see that in this picture; you know his critics are waiting with rapiers to skewer him if the album has the slightest flaw in it. I trust Adam's judgment implicitly and will patiently wait for the new album. I am in awe of him in so many ways and bless the day that he came into my life. To me, this photo says it all. Sexy, focused, intense, reflective, and gloriously handsome all at the same time.
Aquarian Glitz

Anonymous said...

Aquarian Glitz: Will you marry me? We have so much in common. You took the garbled words out of my mouth and arranged them to show exactly what I feel. Thanks...

Aquarian Glam

glitzylady said...

@Aquarian Glitz
You said it all so well, and it's so true that the naysayers and critics are often at the ready to jump on Adam with their negativity and unwarranted criticism. Others simply ignore him. In some ways, I feel that he has to work so much harder than most musical artists to even get noticed. Those who truly listen to him sing and hear his voice, both his singing AND the "voice" of his beautiful soul that is so evident in his actions: his kindness, his generosity , his loyalty to his friends and family, his respect and support for other artists, his appreciation and love for his fans, know that he is so very talented and a lovely human being as well.

I really hope and pray he will knock everyone, and in particular the critics, on their cumulative as**s this next time around with his new album, and just blow everyone away with his beautiful voice, until they are just speechless and in awe of him, just like we are here. He is deserving of his success and his potential is limitless. I really have faith too that he will do all of that with this new music that he is working so intently on, apparently almost every day. We wouldn't all be here if he wasn't something pretty special. And he is just beautiful on the outside too, a definite bonus!. : )