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VH1 Behind The Music Commercial (featuring Adam Lambert)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Anonymous said...

man 24/7 I'd like to go to bed sometime tonight but you have to keep me awake with all this interesting stuff.

Anonymous said...

That Adam episode can't come quickly enough!

LP said...

Does anyone know if Adam is doing a glam nation concert in Canada or will it be like the Moscow one? I really liked the Moscow one, more like Adam being true to himself.

Anonymous said...


Glam nation is I assume it will be more like Moscow. Hope so anyway. Glam nation group have scattered, so just Adam and band! JAK
Happy Day just a month away!

Hk fan said...

I know a lot of people are hoping for maybe a preview of a new song or two too.
Just saw that He's supposed to be on some VH1 awards show on Aug 18th.

tess4ADAM said...

@HK fan ...
I saw the same thing on adamquotedaily ...

Aug.18th VH1 The Do Something Awards ... I don't have a clue what they are all about ... says to stay 'tuned' for more info coming later ... so now it's Aug. 10th .. AND Aug. 18th on VH1 .... two weeks in a row ... can't WAIT!!


Fan4fun said...

Well then, I suppose all categories will go to the very sweet Adam, this Diamond Boy! The man never ever stops working!!!!! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope we get the right dates. I have august 10th marked. Don't want to miss anything adam.

Adamluv said...

@Fan4fun, so happy to hear you are out of the hospital and home again. I bet Mr. Icon is one relieved cat! ... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Well I tune in any time I get an Adam sighting, hint or even a maybe. Will also watch all of these episodes since I appreciate that VH1 is giving Adam a shot.

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv

Icon has been so excited about my coming back home that he couldn't sleep or let me sleep for the first two whole nights (or part of afternoons)! Every 10-15 minutes he was UNDER my blankets or ON me, literally walking all the bed long UNDER my blankets or ON me, smelling me, scratching me, digging me, purrrrring and meaowing in my ears, licking me, lightly biting me, chewing my hair... you name it! Now, finally he seems to believe I AM BACK... and alive.
Thank you for your concern during my 24 days in hospital. I felt the good energy from my fellow Glamberts in Paradise, every single day!

Rebecca said...

can't wait to watch some of these especially adam's

Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun - 24 DAYS in the hospital?? My god - glad you are ok! No wonder/of course Icon is celebrating your return...gosh.

Take care of yourself!! Been thinking good thoughts for you...

- Adam Fix

Fan4fun said...

@ Adam Fix

Thank you fellow for your nice words and good thoughts! Yep,this salted die-hard glambitch here had a serious and extremely painful moment: I had a pleural effusion followed by a pericardic(?) effusion, and doctors said my heart is larger than it supposed to be, but I refuse to send Sauli away...Let my heart full at the most!!! Connected with loooooooove...

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, I hope I speak for us all, but I think all Glamberts' hearts are bigger than most. We 'get it' and our hearts are filled with it. You are completely normal here. Speedy recovery.
