New Picture of Adam Lambert and Hans Haveron
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, June 16, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here is a new picture of Adam posing with Hans Haveron, the artist who inspired Adam's key tattoo. He gives a full explanation of what the key means. Read the article on the source link below.
SOURCE: thetribesofart
Thanks Cassie for the tip!
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Love this picture and the explanation of the meaning in the article. With his explanation and how it pertains to Adam, the picture was a perfect addition to Adam's collection.
nice to know the meaning of his tattoo. adam has some amazing friends. props to him.
I think this truly represents the rare human being that Adam is. He inspires us all to look further to seek being kinder and gentler and deeper. There is so much we can learn from this man. And this is so difficult to explain to those that don't understand what it is that draws me to him, because they can't see it. It's more then his voice and charisma and beauty, he just makes you happy to be alive. And from what I have seen Hans has this same kind of depth, he is a fine artist.......................
Love picture, love this tattoo but hate the boots!
I love the meaning behind the tattoo. Just knew it had to have a special deep meaning for Adam.
And Sasha, how cute is she?
I like to lick those boots...hehe
What a lovely way of interpreting and illustrating so many different symbols in a painting. I love this a lot: "The point of the story is that the child holds the key to unlock the wisdom of the universe." Adam bought a great piece of art. WOW to his friend, Hans. What a talented guy.
BTW, I love Adam's boots. They're chic.
Nice thighs! *objectifying*
@ 6:54 You said it perfectly! Adam is truly an inspiration and pure spirit. Hans is very talented as many of Adam's friends are.
I wonder if Hans and his room mate are having anything to do with Adams new leather clothes, that Skingraft is working on.
I like the painting and the symbolism, but I still think the tattoo key is too large!
I've spent a lot of time at our beautiful Salvador Dali museum so this type of art has "grown" on me. Adam knows a wide assortment of interesting people and through him we get introduced to them. Neat!..........JAK
Adam sure must like those boots - he wears them all the time! I actually don't like them either but it is none of my business and they're probably really comfortable.
Hans is cute too.
Thankyou for sharing this amazing photo and the story behind the fantastic painting. Adam's search for love and understanding in the Universe of art and humanity, is truly inspiring. There is a line from an old song by New Order, "True Faith" that talks about "the child I lost, replaced by fear". The song is a mantra of mine and there are parts that have made me think of Adam. So glad to know the intricacy of what the tattoo means - SO beautiful and a link to understanding the seemingly inexplicable light that shines from Adam.
Wow, Adam is so multi-faceted, so many layers to the man, it blows me away. Also Hans a most intellegent and talented artist,these peolple are so drawn to each other,it has opened up a whole new world of learning and observation to me.
Great photo! Love Adam's boots. :D
I originally thought the skeleton key symbolized unlocking the key to the universe, but it's more complex and interesting in how it relates to Adam's ego as an artist, the child in us that inspires creativity and it's death if ego gets in the way.Well worth reading. I was very drawn to Sepias Secret, more so than the first piece that he bought.I can see why Adam was drawn to them. Hans is a brilliant artist and the article was beautifully done with respect to the artist and to Adam. funbunn40
Fantastic picture...dynamic artist look versus flamboyant pop-rocker look, marvellous! The Sepias Secret as the backdrop seals it perfectly. My own earlier interpretation of Adam's key tattoo was the key opened many doors, a couple really solid ones, for himself and for other people.
-Lam my
how can you guys see Adam's boots in that picture? I must need trifocals or something.
Monte is keynote speaker at a graduation?
Sasha mentions the Glam Nation Tour with Adam:
what do we think of adam's RT to message : who the fu*k is bill kaulitz, was it really necessary to RT? does it show little bit of adam's ego and "im better than him" attitude from adam to bill? what do you think?
@ anon 12:49. I just think that Adam is tired of people saying he is copying Bill. I felt like responding the same myself. Who cares about Bill K. I'm not a fan of his nor would I go on his account and ask him why is he copying Adam. This Bill thing should die already.
I cannot critique based on a single tweet. What was said before Adam's response or what happened beforehand is very important, the context that is. Adam had always been very cordial to BK; praised TH. Sounds like he was irked.
-Lam my
If this is the painting Adam bought, this should be a pic taken in Adam´s house, and if it is, the pics with Adam holding Riff are also in Adam´s house (similar walls and floor). I´m practising my ninja skills :D
Eva, you may have nailed it with your ninja skills. The parquet floor indicates most likely a room setting; a special moisture and dust free art room in his house to display his spectacular paintings. What was the other painting he bought...someone was saying. Maybe it's displayed there too or maybe one painting per room. Wow. Poor fellows, we can only speculate and imagine.
-Lam my
Adam had a crush on Bill and he praised him....
Adam is open with his feelings if he likes them or adores someone. Folks just be nice to each other when u give you opinion please??? We don't wanna ruin the good thing on this site.... Peace to all....
Those boots seem to arouse quite a bit feelings amongst fans here. Adam LOVES them!!!!<3<3 It must the heels, which bring the feminine touch in them. There is SUCH an Alpha in Adam that mascara and those boots&heels just balance his general impression. They are not DRAG on his feet. If that´s the point what perhaps irritates folks. (I would look like my sister on those boots! If you know what I mean! LOL)
So this is in Adams house...NICE!
can I let you into a little secret, I actually don't like the painting...I like the story behind it, and the reason Adam chose the key tattoo, but the actual painting, not so much..the 2 children look like sausages with heads on.
It COULD be Adams house, but it could also be Hans Haverons studio or somewhere else. I went to Adamtopia and discovered the same speculations there. :D It´s nothing much happening right now in Adamland.
@ anon 12:49: For the LOLs. An idiot fan accused Adam of copying Bill, and Adam re-tweeted it because he thought it was both hilarious and annoying. The "Who the fuck is bill?" tweet was his way of saying "Who the fuck cares?"
All tweets shouldn't be taken as serious press releases, you know. Actually, none of them shouldn't.
P.S. Love the boots! Love their provocative androgynity.
well adam did take that girls tweet pretty serious, do we think that he should have been ignored that tweet completly instead or giving it attention..?
Adam is a deep thinker no wonder most of his songs has double meaning. One on shallow side and the other perceive deeper thought. A very touchy meaning for his key tattoo.
On my shallow side, who the f**k is BK? Lol
He loves those boots. I bought some the week
before Adam and I love them just as much.
The Bill stuff is so old now.
To the person who asked about Adam's fashion and the Skingraft connection. He does still wear a lot of Skingraft design. As far as pieces from Roxy? She is her own label, not affiliated with SG. Adam may include some of her pieces in his wardrobe.
Also, Sepia's Secret is part of "The Keyhole Series". You can view the other works on the Hans Haveron Studios links I included in the piece.
Thank you all for visiting The Tribes of Art. I will be posting some older interviews with Cassidy and Joshua over the weekend. And watch for more new ones. :)
Mamakath I loved your article and thanks for posting the picture of Adam and Hans, I will be looking for other articles by you.I may just get some culture in me afterall. lol
Does anyone ever wonder about who created the universe?
Hans Haverson is like Adam in one way, he is in a league of his own, very deep and tied in with not so deep.
IMO, Hans studied Eastern literatures and poems and he incorporated the concept of trinity with his understanding of Eastern writings. Hence, this painting. He has the world of God as the universe. The Holy Spirit as the Goddess. The world of humanity as the child.
He is not a follower of any organized religion and makes his own understanding of greater power by reading and studying different writings.
I take it he probably studied Rumi's poems as Rumi used a lot of symbolism in his poems.
7:06pm just read your comment about Sasha and she is very cute. Those reality shows are nerve racking, of course she had to be in the last group of dancers to learn their fate about the bottom three. I enjoyed the article in the examiner about her. During the program Nigel said someone from AI had a stroke ,did anyone catch the name? My father was talking too much for me to hear. thanks.
@ 8:37
It was saxaphonist Clemons, who played on AI finale with Lady GaGa.
Clarence Clemons has played with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band for about 40 years.......he's mainly responsible for their distinctive "sound". Over the years he's played on many artists albums. I hope he recovers from this stroke, he would be missed......he was unusually talented........................
Now, about "the boots"..........the only thing I don't like about them is the way they make Adam walk. His body position is changed as ours is when we wear high heels.
I agree, that statement is the epitome of inane, petty picky-ness! I have too much time on my hands!..................!
Love the painting ... article ... ADAM's tatoo ... boots ... deep feeling for everything Beautiful .... All is LOVE!! Love ADAM most of all ... AND ... WHO CARES 'WHO' Bill Kaulitz is ... NOT I ... Love 'n Light
@ Anon. 5:10 AM ... I went back to ADAM's twitter & re-read all the nonsense about Bill K. I thought ADAM's response to the original tweet was quite good & also non committal ... ADAM's response to the tweet in question from someone else & NOT ADAM was ... HAHA AAANYWAAY ... Then ADAM went on to talk about Bruno Mars which was his way of CHANGING the subject ... I thought ... I saw no annoyance nor sarcasm in his responses ... don't know about RT ... but I saw nothing there by ADAM ... could be I'm wrong but I saw NO animosity on ADAM's part ... ADAM has always spoken favorably about Bill K. in the past ... JMO
9;47 you are correct so why don't we move on.
Dear 8:17, it feels to me the universe is not created; no start time or beginning, no end either...unfathomable, eternal. Does it make any sense?
I think God is the universe more so than God created the universe.
Scientists explain it with the Big Bang theory.
Now I really need Adam's key to unlock the wisdom of the universe. :)
-Lam my
The common denominator of this blog 24 / 7, is the sincere love and admiration for Adam Lambert. Track your career, enabling the congregation of people from different countries in the world with different culture, language, race, sex, religion, education, but all with one thing in common, musical sensitivity, to the vocal talent and charismatic, an artist who has begotten us again (including me like, you, funbunn40) taste of new music for the new center and have a wonderful life experience and say, beautifully Bing: "Love by ADAM."
Everyone has the right through this blog, to express our ideas and thoughts freely, but we have to follow rules of conduct to ensure mutual respect between us.
Accepting and respecting individual differences in 24 / 7, allow us to better relationships and continuity of this important blog for us.
Discover and enter 24 / 7, provided me, incredible pages, translated into Spanish Wow! read and understand the interviews through feedback from fans, able to speak directly to thrill! feel the warmth of the peers have translation Fan4fun wonderful generous, grateful for their time and cooperation, the kind words, comforting stories of fans, fans dedicated to the research, giving constant information of events within our Superstar. In a recent thread where they had nourished glitzylady links and comments, I liken the efficient and passionate reporter, Lois Lane's Daily Planet, in 24 / 7 there are many, excellent reporters from Adam. THANKS!
Funbunn40're right in saying that we belong to a very special community. It's beautiful daily share our emotions, relying to travel together, the luminous path of music, captivated by the magic of artistic and human Adam Lambert.
PAS que all your good wishes, you will come true in this new year of life!
Best wishes to all!
funbunn40, thank you very much!
Sorry for the length and translation errors.
As much as this painting is gorgeous and has so many different meanings but there is no way for this painting to be able to understand the painter, Hans. Same analogy goes for the world of God. God is our creator but there is no way we will be able to understand God the creator of this physical world. Another example would be the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms won't be able to understand the world of humanity. Humanity discovered why the birds fly, why Eagles can see fish under the ocean from miles away. What chemical ingredients are in snakes poison. Etc. But animals have no capability of understanding why humans speak so many different languages or how humans think, study, sing, write musics, etc. etc. Humanity doesn't have the grasp of finding who/what God is. We might get a glimps of it through the holy spirit. Holy spirit is like a sun that shone in different time intervals through, Budha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, The Bab, and Bahaullah. The manifestation of holy spirit like a sun through the body of these messengers for the past milleniums gave us a glimps of God. But there is no way we will be able to understand God. He is an unknowable essence.
It's a beautiful painting with a beautiful story with two beautiful people(although one out of this world beautiful)seen by beautiful people. What a beautiful world we live in ! With love, Mwah!! K
Two brothers, raised by same parents, I wonder how Neil would look at this picture, and what he would interpret it as.
I find this particular piece of art remonstrant of the surge of impressionist art so popular in the 70's. Hans is a particularly talented guy. In the source story very interesting that Adam, Hans Skincraft, etc. are all part and partial of the underground of youth and art in Hollywood. Fantastic to see so many of them, all creative genius, finding themselves and an audience for their work.
Sligo lambert ^____^cute:
woow adam so cute
He did say he had it hanging in his house so I think its safe to say it IS his house...
Dark Side - This is why the blog is The Tribes of Art. These tribes exist all over the world. In Southern California they are a bit more prominent and very dynamic. They are breeding grounds for amazing arts of all kinds and encourage the mixing of those arts in whole new ways. I started identifying these tribes and their members about two years ago. Although I do keep a music and a socio-political blog along with writing for, the Tribes are my real passion. I hope that you will continue to follow the blog to meet more people and learn more about the tribes.
Thank you for your article on Hans Haveron, and giving to us the story and meaning behind Adam's tattoo and the painting it was inspired by. Hans' art is beautiful and fascinating. I'm so happy for Adam that he is finally in a position to furnish his home with pieces that not only decorate but have meaning to him. What a difference two years makes!
Who knew that the key had this meaning to him:
"The point of the story is that the child holds the key to unlock the wisdom of the universe. Therefore all of us but especially artists of all types must always make sure the child is present. The most difficult part of being an artist is the battle against the ego to let the child prevail so the art can be made. The child is the creator. If the ego gets too big, the child dies and so will your art. It was after Adam learned this story that he chose the key for his growing collection of body art."
Those who don't follow Adam and have only seen the Adam that the news media sometimes chooses to show might be amazed to know what a kind, gentle, and "deep" soul he possesses, and how much thought and heart he puts into his artistry. The key tattoo is there as a constant reminder for him to stay humble and listen to his inner child for inspiration for his music, and perhaps his life in general, and not to become too jaded and cynical and full of himself. Good advice for all of us.
LP, LOL at your comment. It would be very interesting indeed.
I just spent a few minutes checking out Google..
Hans Haveron Art. If you click on Hans Haveron Photo Album you can see 41 of his paintings. Very impressive, I'm wondering what the symbolism of bees, fish, moths and boats represents..............the paintings look like illustrations from a futuristic fairytale book!
I like 'em!!! Oh, the only two priced were in the $2000-3000 range.
I happen to love all the lengths which Adam possesses. His hair, his legs, his boots, his body, his eyelashes, his gloved fingers AND his key. I could go on, but I'd need a cold shower.
Hey 5:44, I was fixated on the key tattoo from the get go, the minute he showed it. Still don't know why...just a key. Now we have a name for it; Adam's key...simple yet deep.
-Lam my
I really love the story why Adam chose his latest tattoo. It is things like this that endears him more to me each day. Adam is one highly respectable human being and his humility is so admirable.
@HH - mi querida amiga, that was a very passionate and beautiful post and i absolutely agree with everything you said. What Adam was able to do by himself, connecting people across the globe with his magnificent voice, fascinating artistry and ultra charming personality, is also beyond me.
I understand that you like it when i write 'LOVE THRU ADAM' which is by the way not originally from me. I'm a lurker at MJ's Blog and Ceddies is one of those who would leave comments there. The moment Ceddies learned that 8Jean8 (another commenter) ruined her one and only RS Mag when she attended one of the GNTs, Ceddies immediately offered her extra copy and she gave her email add so that 8Jean8 can give her mailing address. I was so touched with her kindness that there was that urge for me to thank her for her good deed. So i decided to send her a friendly email just to tell her how i did appreciate what she has done for someone she has never met before and had only known in that site. And of course i also had to share how Adam has completely changed my life for the better. She was so happy with what i did and at the end of her email, she wrote LOVE THRU ADAM. I fell in love with those meaningful words right away and i'm sure she wouldn't mind if i use them once in a while. In fact, I know that she wouldn't mind it at all should others feel like writing them. I'd be a hypocrite if i don't admit that i would have wanted that extra copy for myself but i felt the happiest that it went to 8Jean8. Adam has this ability to bring out the best in people and i'm just so proud of him and too proud to be a enamored fan forever :D
What I see in this picture at the first glance is a moth or butterfly-like shape, penis, penis and a key that looks like a skull. A true artistic masterpiece...
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