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New Picture of Adam Lambert At the Airport!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 11, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, June 11, 2011

Yellowdove07: "Just met Adam lambert at the airport."

The person who uploaded the picture didn't say which airport this picture was taken.


UPDATE: Adam is in Miami! The background of Adam's picture matched that of this place in Miami. He was in a restaurant in the food court area. (Thanks to jona55 glitzylady)


Anonymous said...

Arhhhh... Adam!!!! Happy and smiling and alive.
Miss him so much. <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Cute!!!! I think it's LA....

Anonymous said...

Yay! Somebody found him! Now, where is it? Great, happy picture!

glitzylady said...

Twitter peeps said it was Miami, domestic terminal..but not sure where from there....Guess we'll see...

Anonymous said...

We already have pic that matches MIAMI airport. LOL :D

glitzylady said...

Oh, and they said he was in a restaurant in the food court area ; ) There were some posts on the previous thread about it too...

Anonymous said...

wow lol. So he's in Miami!?! Why is he there? Enjoying the summer?

Anonymous said...

He was working in Miami for his album. What a lucky girl to meet him! Probably didn't want to give her any info where he was off to next. IDK He's keeping us in the dark. Adam you are very mysterious, part of your allure. Always leaving us wanting more like at your concert!

Anonymous said...

Life goes on peeps! Adam's safe&sound. Those sunglasses are straight from Miami Vice! Ronnie;)

Anonymous said...

At last ADAM!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well, aren't we the detectives. I bet he's going home- maybe he'll tweet us on the airplane.

Anonymous said...

LOL, GOOD WORK, GLAMBERTS !!!!! You truly are something !!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely smiling face! Lucky Adam's cap with the skeleton on it.

Wasn't he working with Ferras in Miami several days ago?

Anonymous said...

I thought I read somewheres that he was going to Cleveland ...Monte and TommyJoe have a gig there??????

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

@3:13 PM
I would be really surprised if he went to Cleveland for Monte and Tommy's gig..But wow would be people going to that "House Party' be exited..I would almost bet money he's not going there, but then he's unpredictable . He rarely goes to those sorts of things, for obvious reasons...I'm guessing LA..but who really knows..

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam, he can't hide from the Glamberts, can he. Guess it is the price of fame. Just think if he was the kind of artist that did not connect to his fans. Face it, Adam has spoiled us. I never followed anyone in my life, until Adam. I even had husband ask " did anyone find him yet?" Now who even has a picture of an empty food court in the Miami airport? I find that very interesting. Maybe we should get all Glamberts go to their airports in diff cities and take pictures so we have them on file. I am only kidding, about the airports. Mind runs overtime.

Anonymous said...

@yellowdove07 has tweeted
I was on a plane and no I'm not going to tell you where he deserves privacy. Just know he is happy and doing what he loves.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:29.... funny, yeah, let's all to our city airports and take pictures to have them on file! Mine is L.A. (pretty big airport) but we know he's gotta come this way sooner or later LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm in Miami!!! I'm going to stalk him this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is really working hard for his album before his Quebec concert on 7/29. Meanwhile this site has collection of great archived videos, pictures, and news since 5/2009. Check them out and enjoy them. I still enjoy watching Russia's videos and looking at pictures.

omg said...

Ha ha ha, you guys are hilarious. Can't believe this. Ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Well!Well! Folks Adam is really busy indeed eh!

That lady was lucky pretty sure she promised him not to say anything. LOL!!!!!

Cheeky but cute and I wish Adam will always take care of his amazing voice for us.

Love u much Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

3:29pm your husband has me laughing with his question!!

tess4ADAM said...

OT ... ADAM is starting to lose his lead at .. to of all people ... Thia Megia ... an also-ran on AI 10 ... one of the first ones voted off. We can't let that happen!! Come on ADAM fans ... go there & VOTE as often as you can ... I'm there EVERY 20 min. all through the day ... PLEASE come & HELP me VOTE for ADAM ... PLEASE ... lets get at least another 200 votes ahead of her!! THANX!!


Anonymous said...

Adam is very adept at tweeting us.. I guess he needs time and privacy right now to get this album done. You know he goes over and over every song until he thinks it's just right.I'm happy to see his happy face. I really think he's not talking much,because he wants to surprise us and if we keep asking him about the songs on his new album, he might slip and give something away.

Anonymous said...

went 2 do not see Adam's name antwhere ...I see Idol of the month but no names?????

Anonymous said...

Was this event actually last month? How did I miss this little interview?

Anonymous said...

3:39 LoL.. I think he might be on his way home atm ..

Anonymous said...

Yellowdove07 Thank You so much for posting that pic !! Glamberts got the information they wanted :)))

Anonymous said...

Tess4ADAM, please post the link to vote.
greeting. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

YES Yellowdove.. thanks we needed that!!

Anonymous said...

Tess4ADAM, I've been voting on Tweeter/Faxo Idol of the Month every 20 min. or so and I'll keep on!


Anonymous said...

Every time you ask us as to vote, please give the link (always).

Anonymous said...

THE link is below..just now,Adam had 2681 & Thia M. had 2556,so she'll catch up, prob very soon tonight.It's up to all of you. http://tweeter.faxo/com.american_idol_the_month/2011/06

glitzylady said...

This isn't new, in fact its from Adam's senior year in High School (March 2000), and a production that he was in. Its cute and hilarious! The video quality is not great (we didn't have Suz526 filming Adam in those days) but its just fun to see. He could saaang and dance and bust some moves even then, and again, he was the star of the show! I'm not sure if this has been posted here before..if so, here it is again!

Mount Carmel (San Diego CA) High School Air Band "Raid", with Adam singing and dancing to "War" a pretty crazy outfit...(well, that's nothing new..come to think of it!). Actually, he and the rest of the dancers are bedbugs, and at some point out comes a giant can of Raid..hence the name of the song..

Anonymous said...

I POSTED THIA wrong,folks!!She is @ 2262 & Adam is @ 2686,NOT what I posted..If she does get THAT CLOSE,SHE WOULD CATCH UP FOR SURE.TO vote for Adam,click on "Idol of the mo",which will take you to the voting page.

Anonymous said...

I had to leave the house a while today,& have been voting again for Adam for AIOTM..Let's don't give up yep,ok?Please bookmark the url.THANKS.

Anonymous said...

So the plan is to cover the airports.....this is sounding a little Mission Impossible-ish. I'm willing to do my part. I live 10 minutes from Tampa International Airport and it's quite nice, cool and comfy, cosy lounges and really well run.

The only drawback is "Why would Adam want to come to Tampa?" As far as I know we have no famous music producers or writers.

But if necessary I could take a book and my camera and stake out a possible west coast of Florida sighting!........

Anything for the CAUSE!.................JAK

tess4ADAM said...

First ... I read somewhere online that Sutan/RAJA was somewhere in FL ... not sure what city ... maybe ADAM went there to see him. I picked it up while Googling ... nice article about Sutan.

Now re: Am. Idol of the month ... ADAM is in the lead ... I checked back all the way to Jan. 2011 and as far as I could tell ... ADAM has WON every month since then. However ... some LOUDMOUTH posted some nasty stuff about ADAM & Bucky C. so NOW it has become a matter of Principle that ADAM 'WINS' ... this month especially ... so come on everyone ... lets put up a UNITED front for our Glam Rock King & VOTE out A$$ES OFF!!!! Here's the link ...


tess4ADAM ('scuse the expletive)

laurieb said...

This thread put a smile on my face..mission impossible...INDEED!!!

glitzylady said...

I think Adam has BEEN in Miami for awhile, or at least somewhere in South Florida since he came back from London...someone had spotted him there getting off the plane in Miami, but no sightings since then..and I am assuming that he has moved on to somewhere else now, since he was sitting in a restaurant at the airport..waiting to depart...My understanding is that several music writers/producers were in Miami at the same time he was there, including his good friend and Aftermath co-writer if he was indeed there the whole time, I would venture a guess that he was working diligently on his music and didn't venture out much. His last stay in Miami was a little crazy, so he probably kept it very low key, for all sorts of reasons...No paparazzi pics for him..which I is perfectly fine and wise..He was probably staying at a fabulous hotel with lots of security..So now we just see where he emerges next!

tess4ADAM said...

Here's the url for the article about Sutan/RAJA ... nice read ...

The article said the interview with Sutan who was in Orlando FL where he was appearing for a gig ... wonder if ADAM read it ... he is mentioned in the article too ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM .... VOTE 4 ADAM

laurieb said...

OT: This may be old news to some, but I hadnt seen this interview before. from AIS10 for Fox All Access.. Adam explains a little more of what the album may contain..i.e. lyrics if this is a repeat sorry

That Raid routine was great.. Adam looked "FIERCE"

laurieb said...

opps! heres the link for the above interview:,AAAAAFwZDSA~,QCyT69E3fdfpPYJ1H3QqGLH_cT52qKsi&bctid=963620880001

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be in the LA/San Diego area for Fathers Day, Sunday, June 19.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady....thanks for the link to Mt Carmel Highschool performance of the Raid routine. Absolutely LOVED Adam, his look, his dance moves, his powerful voice! OMG! He was so good at age 18....definitely destined for stardom! WOW!

Anonymous said...

So if he was in Miami--where is Sauli?? I read that Sauli was going back to LA. Haven't heard a peep from either one lately--need some news about them!!!!!!! Love them both!!!!!

Robin (

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

My life is lived in 20 minute intervals - LOL. Seriously, it's what I do for Adam to support him in whatever way I can.

I don't know what's going on with Thia Megia's fans - maybe they're BOT voting - I read somewhere that it's possible to override the BOT system but I've no idea how the BOT system works. In any event, if she's so popular, why didn't she progress a lot further in the actual AI 10 competition.

Here's the voting link again in case people want to vote for Adam ....

Anonymous said...

PLEASE...our Adam was not a bedbug...(shudder)

He was .....THE EXTERMINATOR !!!! with an army

of female assistants (that figures!) He, with

their help and a can of RAID finished off the

bedbugs! Once again...our hero!......JAK...:-)

glitzylady said...

oops! sorry..should have watched it more than once.(was in a hurry..real life you know! LOL!!!)..

My punishment: Twenty lashes (strokes??) from the exterminator (please..........)

Anonymous said...

Only if you promise to be good after your punishment........I'm trying not to picture that!.....X-rated for sure!.........^o^ JAK

Anonymous said...

I am positive Adam has had his head down working focusing on his music and so be it! Maybe he is now going to take some time in Finland!! If he was going back to LA why would this be kept a secret??


glitzylady said...

No promises ; ) And no comment! [she says innocently..] LOL!!!

Anonymous said...


I have no room to be judgemental.....I've spent the last hour with my other love...that's right, I've been unfaithful and enjoyed it immensely!

I am probably Adam's only fan that finds it immaterial that he's gay. No fantasies of reclaiming my youth and running away with him....
those fantasies I reserve for my "not so secret love" James Blunt!!!!!I've been listening to the songs on his new album.....which I intend to buy

Once again, I've let the time zip by...on my side of the U.S. it's 3:10 a.m.!!!!!Time to tuck myself in........and dream away!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Regarding the RAID video from MCHS (thanks glitzy) did any of you also see this Adam singing jazz vid? I wish his HS productions friends would comment on this site regarding the "old" days with Adam.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:34 AM
I saw that too but it was so bad, except for Adam, literally that I didn't post it..the sound quality was terrible,and they undoubtedly sounded much better than the video would lead us to believe, but Adam as a solo sounded good. My husband and I both said "Ouch!' when we listened to it...definitely worth a look tho! Thanks for posting the link!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that they're all lip syncing in the "Raid" video...even Adam...'cause I'm sure that's not the next girl's voice, and Adam's isn't that deep.

Hilarious to watch, tho, and NIIIIICE moves!! :-P

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

8:39 Sauli is in Finland. Radio Aalto summer party is today !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It´s still darn hot here in Finland. the temp. in Helskinki is about 25.2 °C / 77.36 °F.

here where I live it´s 27.9 °C / 82.22 °F

Thank God next week it will be much more colder, the temp. will drop like 10 degrees !!

Anonymous said...

If Adam doesn't visit Finland this summer he is a poor boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how to vote on that tweeter faxo page....I don't see any names 2 vote 4????

Anonymous said...

Link to June.

tess4ADAM said...

I've been busy at the THREE polls most of the time plus Googling for news about ADAM so if I repeat anything please excuse me ... for anyone who needs the url for these polls here they are ....

http://// ... 5 votes per day only

The last url is already posted above Anon. 6:30AM so I won't post it again ...

That second one has been usurped by Clay's fans but I still vote ... that Megia girl is way up on that one too ... she has some very DELUSIONAL fans ... IMO ... only 15 yo. & they think SHE is an IDOL?? ..WTH ... oh well ... I'm back to VOTING so I'll ttyl ... THANX!! Glamberts ... Love 'n Light to you ALL WORLDWIDE


glitzylady said...

I posted this on the "Fox All-Access" Thread, but might as well finish up the "Where In The World Is Adam Lambert ?" question here with this: He's in LA and apparently was at LA Pride last night: This person is with LA Weekly and was at LA Pride..which was established in another tweet:

L_in_A Lina Lecaro
@adamlambert Thanks for the picture tonight! I can see why your fans luv u! Yr Sweet. It'll be in @LAweekly Monday. :)
6 hours ago

Bing said...

@Yellowdove07 - you are one lucky girl. Thanks for sharing this and for respecting Adam's privacy. Adam looks so relaxed here and you look good yourself. Thanks again @Yellowdove07 :D